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January 18, 1923 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-18

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.tIAftY 18, 1J23




erably more about machinery," he Roland W. Boyden, unofficial observer
O RDIN SIrN PUNS declares. "Then, in the course of a few for the United States.
years agricultural machinery will ap-
pear in that country. Hundreds of Representative Thomas, Democrat,
"O f i - " I E IEbushels of grain will be produced Kentucky, a member of the house ju-
Wunwrnv viSCOPE
where only a few were grown before. diciary cummittee, declared in a mi-
In many foreign countries the far- nority renort that the committee failed
AUTO MANUFACT'RER WOULD ; mers know nothing of machinery, to investigate impartially the Keller
PREVENT WAR BY )IAhlNG Probably they will not know it until impeachment charges against Atror-

l .
. .

' 4

E WORLD PROSPEROUS they have learned to use automobiles.
Detroit, Jan. 17.-Henry Ford's in-
dustrial expansion program is world- YESTER D AYIN
wide, not national, in scope, and has:I
been undertaken with the underlying WA SHINGTON I
motive of educating the world to such
a degree and making them so prosper-
ous "that wars will be ended forev- Representative Bourke Cockran,
er". Democrat, New York, declared in the
This was disclosed today as the house that, regardless of any effort
motive back of the Detroit manufac- the government might make, the
turer's desire to extend his operations eighteenth amendment could not be
into every part of the world. Ienforced in certain 'sections of the
Mr. Ford believes that "a busy, I country.
prosperous people do not stop work!--
to make war;! they go to war only Admingt.ration officials continued
when it is necessary to protect their to insist that the American govern-
homes or their ideals when these are ment was entirely disassociated from
menaced by some more Idle nation". the reparations suggestion placed be- F
"When the time comes that every- fore the reparations commission by
one, everywhere, has a job, and last- Lost Something? Let a "Daily sass
ing prosperity has been created as a ified ad find it tor you.--Adv.
result, the people of any nation willi
be too busy and too happy to even __
_ur, L war," the manufacturer SLEEP ANYWHERE, BUT
says. Therefore, it is pointed out by d E AXS
those in close touch with him, he is i 4d4 ' I
convinced that world industrial ex- THE CLUB LUNCH
pansion bringing with it prosperity 712 Arbor Street
for all peoples in all lands, automatic- -- State and Packard Streets
ally will make war impossible. ------
The manufacturer is known to be-
lieve that the automobile is the agent
that will usher In the millenium of THE SCIIOOL
world peace. P E IR
"When the people of any country HALSEY'S DANCE STUDIOS
get to understand automobiles and WIuerth Arcade
use them daily, they will know consid-

noy-General Daugherty.




View of S. S. St. Nihiel at dock and itg:oup of officers of hile shin. L
Third Officer A. Kirshen, Secow:l Officer L. C. Fordy ce, Chief
The American doughboys just ordered home from Germany w
port, which brought back many of the'troops at the close of the wa
of War Weeks. It has recently been in the Panama canal and San
mands the vessel.

;, ..

_. _. t

bankrupted the treasury c
his own intervention," Mr.
"he executiv-e anad legislaiv
mnents are equally re ponisF
WASHI NGTON, SAYS GOXtariff law that is condemned
community, as a menace to o
ets, a subsidy to campaigr
EX-G-VRNOR FLAYS ADMINIS, butors and the certain forer
TUATION IN INTERNATIONAL. industrial troubles.
FINANCIAL POLICIES w "More lamentable is the f
international affairs. Never
Lancaster, 0., Jan. 17.-(By A.P.)- dawn of civilization have th
The present public indictment is that men been so plagued with c

eft to right: Chief Officer B. C. Toining,
Yoeian It. I}. hoyt and Second Stewart J. De l
will return on the S. S. St. Mihiel. This trans- SA( CA JBh'11
r was assigned to this new task by Secretary,
Francisco service. Capt. W. T. Oliver com-
xce , of Afin Lands Conservation Here f
Co Lrch i -..n r T. Judd, state game warden F
e (i rt o ,l Dakota, stated that he was
le ;' ig ivy impressed by the advances
ii every which were being made by the Uni-
ur mark- versity, in conservation work. He be- 215 E.HURON PHONE 214-F]
n contri lieved iit to be the best carried on 2 1 4 -Fl31311 n awE m , IEEEZ MCEEEEE7 5 N71 E'. ig M R '_Ohgaru n r o ! n ny s te i t e U i n
'unner of in any state in the Union.
Mr. Judd was here in conference
failure n with. University authorities concern-
ing the survey of North Dakota to be
since the conducted by the biological depart-
e sons of ment.-
duals and Mrs. Bentan Sister of Chicago Head
existence Prof. Ernest Burton, who has been
ons havi
ster is so appointed president of Chicago uni-
at piece- versity, is a brother of Mrs. W. W.
evidence fBeman, of this city, and has man
r. mersonal acquaintances here.
Professor Burton has been connect-
sified in ed with Chicago university for more AML
oi-j--Adv 'Ian 20 years.

general incompetence is enthroned at
Washington, declared former Govern-
or James M. Cox, of Ohio,.and Dem-
ocratic candidate for president in
1920, in an address here tonight on
the occasion of a Jacksonion observ--
"We have the President's own offic-
ial statement that the congress ha,
passed two measures that would have

that bring disaster to indivi
uncertainty as to the very
of nations. Its awful reacti
spared no nation. The disas
widespread that any attempt
meal repair is but a pathetic
of national cr racial endeavo
Lose something? A clas
classified ad will sell it for v

,a -


Whether you know it or

not it's.

a fact that clean

capacious surroundings in
an eting establishment ac-
tually aid your digestion!

That's not the only factor to be
sure. Foods of the finest qualities,
properly- cooked, are necessary be-
foie everything else.
But even the most excellent foods
eaten under unpleasant conditions

do not digest as they should.


may or may not be conscious that
something is wrong, but sooner or
later it will show in your general
health. It's a subconscious protest
against the insanitary.

WErVE made The Michigan spacious; we've
made it follow every new rule of sanitary
practice - and it is kept spotlessly clean!
But more. You'll find here foods equalled no-
where else, for they're prepared by the most


Real Service Must Be Engineered
Many of the men whose names are writ large The design engineer, in the Westinghouse
in engineering history are design engineers; men plan, is responsible for the performance of the
like Westinghouse, Lamme, Stanley, Hodgkin- finished product. He cannot possibly have the
son, Tesla, Shallenberger. Their inventions proper understanding of operation unless he oper-
have the quality of usefulness, of reliability, of ates and tests, unless he spends time and thought
productability; which is an involved way, per- in investigation and study, not in the laboratory
haps, of saying that they have the primary or drawing room, but right on the operating
requisite of all really great inventions: job. Here, most of- his ideas will develop; and
Serviceability. here he will see and prepare for all the different
engineering history abounds in instances of things which the product will later have to
Engineinthtryodudnodsencounter. Then when he comes to put his
near-genius that produced no product, and of creations on paper, his calculations will be
great developments that never reached comple- necessary and helpful to check the conclusions
tion;.and most of these instances are explained " ncsayadhlflt hc h ocuin
t; adkmostofethese instanesstareexploftaiwhich he has reached, and this right use of them
by the lack, somewhere in the system, of that requires training and a high degree of under-
ability to give real Service.
standing. This proper balance of the physical
Service, in a machine or a system, or wherever and mathematical conception of things is what
you find it, is not there by accident but because constitutes engineering judgement.
it was incorporated by men who understood It should be thoroughly understood that the
what was required and knew how to provide it. primary function of the design engineer is the
Much more is required of the designer than conception and the production of new or im-
facility in calculation and mastery of theory. proved apparatus, and familiarity with the
He must have first hand and thorough familiarity practical is essential to the proper discharge of
with manufacturing operations and with com- this duty.
mercial and operating conditions. Ittakes more It is this view of designing that makes this
than mere ingenuity and inventiveness to design branch of Westinghouse engineering so impor-
apparatus that will be really serviceable and tant, so effective, and so productive of real
will "stay put." developments.

skilled cooks.

Served in generous portions from

white topped counters - before your own eyes.

Best of all,

it's economical to eat here,


prices are the lowest in town!

Mieh i n

CnfPtpri a

7 f' fAn C





6 u w~ I


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