Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Centtl of Stude:t Publications.
Member )of Western Conference ,ditorial
- The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all
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wise credited in this paper and the local
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Enterje at the.postnflce at Ann Arbor,
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Subscription by carrier or mail, $3 so.
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Phones: .Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi-
vess, o6ho.
Communications not to exceed Soo words
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Telephones 2414 and 176-111
News Editor.................Paul Watzel
City Eyditor......... ,.. James B. Young
Absistant City Editor....... . Marion Kerr
Editorial Board Chairman.......E. R. Meiss
Night Editors-
. Ralph Byers harry Hoey
L. J. llcrshdorfer R. C. Moriarty
H.- A. Donahue J. E. MackI
Sports Editor.................F. H. McPike
s Women's Editor...............Marion Koch
Conference Editor............H. B. Grundy
Yictorial Editor................Robert Tarr
Music Editor...................E. H. Ailes
Editorial Board
Lowell Kerr Maurice Berman
Eugene Carmichael
Thelma Andrews Portia Goulder
. A. Bacon Ronald Halgrim
Stanley M. Baxter Franklin D Hepburn
Doothy Benneitts Winona A. Hibbard
Sidney Bielfield Fidward J. Higg~ns
R. A. Billington Elizabeth Liebermann
l'elen Brown John McGinnis
I, C. Clark Samuel Moore
A. 4. Connable M. fi. Pr.or
Bernadette Cote W. B. Raferty
Evelyn I. Coughlin Robert G. Ramsa t
Wallace F. Elliott Campbell Robertson
oseplh Epstein J. W. Ruwitch
la\well Head Soil J. Schnitz
T. 1;. Fiske W. 11. Stoneman
A. P. Webbink Frederic G.. Telmos
John Garlinghouse P'hiliv M. Wagner I
Walter S. Goodspeed
Telephone $60
year ,and the members will have the
advantage of learning to know each
other and forming intimate associa -ER
tions together. Then, to bring thelI
groups into contact with each other,
inter-group competitions will be ar- WINTER IS HERE
ranged. A basketball tournament be-N ®
tween teams picked from and rep-
resenting the respective groups will B R R ! B t tt
start shorty after the beginning of A communication:
the second semester, and later it is Having felt in my soul a long sup-
hoped to have more athletic events pressed desire to say something about
between the groups in the class. anything, I now take the occasion toj
The plan is an excellent one, but impose upon your innocence by tak-
its success depends upon the support ing my pen in hand to complainI
of the freshmen themselves. An un- against this the Lastest abuse which
usual amount of enjoyment, the form- hap come among us. I refer, as yot
ing of worth while friendships, and may have guessed, to the weather.
the developing of a real interest in With what diabolical steath, yet with
the class of '26 and the University will what almost unbeievaible quickness
be the benefits derived by first year does it change from bad to worse t,
men from the Union's plan. It is bad to worse to bad to worse and
up to the freshmen to be there at 7:30 back to bad again. It arouses despair
tonight when the matter is explained ( in one's soul. It pierces the very coc-
and the groups organized kles of one's heart with mental shafts
of pain a~t the very thought of it. Can
THE GRAND MARCH nothing be done to suppress this mois-
Last year some justifiable criticism strous evil? Can no measures be tak-
was made of the J-Hop because of the 1 en toward reducing this sort of thing?
fact the grand march was such a long helen
and tiresome affair, lasting more than f* * *
an hour in its entirety. This caused THE ENGINEER
the dancers unnecessary fatigue, and The Engineer's a'
it is hoped that the present committee handy man
will take pains to shorten the march To have around the
in the into -ast of all concerned. ti. Toue
While the grand march may be a He understands a
necessary accompaniment to the for- lot of things
mality of the occasion, it has little And makes an ideal
place as a spectacle. Spectators are spouse.
not permitted to crowd the aisles. The
dancers may be assembled together t-When electric lights
for the customary picture in scarcely go on the bumr
more than fifteen minutes. That the 1 Or theres trouble with the sinke
majority of those who attend the Hop He fixes them with expert touch
ate not in favor of a long grand Much quicker than you'd think.
march which comes as a prelude to
the main activities of the evening and He never flirts, he shuns the skirts,
dampens their enthusiasm for them And walks the narrow path,
was ascertained by the adverse com- nd b1e the weather fair or shine
Iment on this feature of the dance last He takes his weekly bates.
Fifteen or twenty minutes allotted Hes fond of bridge or solitaire
to the grand march would be ideal as And poker tempts him not,
an attempted time limit, and would He likes to dine, but not on wine,
give the participants ample energy to Theyy his lips are hot
fully enjoy the 'Hop itself. Will this I
year's committee profit by the mistake He's fond of Kipling, Poe and Keats
made in years past? But knocks him cold.
Editor, The Michigan Daily:a
One assumes that a student paper IG
like yours is particularly open to the
appeal of justice. Mr. John Francis
Glynn, the "prison poet" ,says that
someone from Ann Arbor sent him
a copy of an editorial in The Daily of
lcwt Ju'y sometime, at the time he
was arrested in Chicago on the charge
of burglary, commenting on the read-
iness of churches and sentimental
.people to give a heating to such char- _----_
acters. I did not happen to see the
editorial or to know of its existence. seashore -of no-accomplishment, si-
Of course your files will show what lent clock,, rusty and dusty, useless
A N S 0 N G B
.-. A T
there was of this nature and you can
realize the sensitiveness of men in
his position.
Glynn was freed on Dec. 23 after
the jury had been out twelve min-
utes and he send; us the following
quotation from the Chicago American,
which we pass along to you: "John
Francis Glynn is free today after
spending six months in the Cookj
county jail. He was charged withE
burglary, assault, and attempt to kill.
He was vindicated by a jury after
twelve minutes, one ballot having
been taken. Glynn is now prepared
to deliver a series of lectures which
in the attic of phlegmatic indiffer-
What little they do absorb in the
way of learning, is to them a hoku-
matical hodge-podge of verbal hash,
uncorrelated and disconnected. All
the unmasticated information to
which they have been exposed be-
comes the unwound works of a hu-
man clock-filled with possible po-
tentialities--nothing more.-O. H.
Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv.
Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars--
6:oo a.m., 7:oo a.m., 8:0o a.m., 9:cN
a.m. and hourly to 9:0 5P.m.
Jackson Express Cars (local stops
west of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a.m., and
every two hours to 9:47 p.m.
Local Cars East Bound-7:oo a.m.
and every two hours to 9.0y p.m.,
I i1 :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only--1I:4
p.m., i:1 a.m.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-7:5o a.m.,
S 12: 1 ap.m.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo--Lim-
ited cars 8:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47,
To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at
8:47 p.m.
Schedule in iflect October xe, 192:
Central Time (Slow Time)
P.1'0 A.M. P.M. P.M.
3:45 7:45 ... Adrian ... 12:45 8:45
4:15 $:15 ... 'Tecumseh ... 1z:1s 8:15
4:30 8:30 ... . Cintn .... 12 :oo 8:oo
:5 9:15 . Saline .. 11;15 715
5:45 9:45 Ar nn Arbor[,v. 10:45 0:45
(Court lHo.e SqIuare) A. M.
D-Daily. X-Daily except Sundays
ad Holidays. Friday and Saturday special
ous for students leaves Adrian 1:45. eaves
-nn Arbor 4:45.
JAMES H. LLLIOTT, Proprietor
Phone 926-M Arian, Mich.
he was conducting when his arrest
halted him. Chicago owes Mr. Glynn
more than a decent hearing. Out-
side of a few drinks taken in a mo-
1 ment of discouragement, Glynn comes
from his trying ordeal with a clean
sheet." Also this from the Chicago
Journal: "The charges were shown to
be without foundation."
Editor, The Michigan Daily:
Conference competition along men-
tal lines hei3 been restricted. A num-
ber of us are hoping that conference
chess may be developed. Chicago and
Illinois have chess clubs. Our club
is about to have its second match with
the faculty club.
I should like to hear from any of
your fellow students who are inter-
Pres. of Illinois Chess & Checker
. {
60o E. Liberty
Hlave your noon
lunch at
"The Grey Shop"
Hoct Specials elvey Noon
He reads the best and leaves the
Until he's pretty old.
Was that a
tornado or
A 'T N1O
.. .
Kentucky Egg and Lump
West Va. Egg and Lump
A feature story appearing in a re~
Advertising......... John J. Hamel; Jr
Advertising.............dward F. Conli cent issue of The Daily picturesquely He likes to play around the house
Advertising ...........Walter K. sherer described the joys of the care-free stu- And never stays out late,
Copywriting..........David J. M. Carte
Accounts...............1awrence II. Favrot dent .who .had migrated to Detroit for He. seldom smokes the vicious weed
('ircuation..............Towr end Ii. Wol the week-end. Thia story calls to Or talks without abate.
Pulcto... . .... .... BeaumontPrk
Assistants mind the statement of a Detroiter.
Kenneth Seick Allan S. Morton who, when asked if the University of He never snores or puts his feet
Perr o M. Hayden Jme h Good Michigan was in Detroit replied, "Yes, Upon the mantel-piece,
Rugene .r.nne Clie 1,. Hagerman most of the time." From dy to day and year to year
reJohn C. Iaskin Herbert P.Bostick It is doubtful if the proximity of His virtues never cease.
C.' L. Piitnanj, D.r. L. Pierce
E. D. Armantrout Clayton Purdy Ann Arbor to Detroit is of value to the
Ilerbert W. Cooper ..Sanenbacher student body as a whole. Many stu- So if you think that you should wed
Wallace Flower Clifford Mitts
WilliM. , . Reid. Jr. Ralph .#wright dents have come to Michigan in pref- Just pick an Engineer
Wi .HRaleoPhilip ewal erence to attending institutions such And married life will hold no strife,
as Columbia or the University of Chica- You'll never shed a tear.
go, because Ann Arbor is located in a
small community where the who'.esale How these grimy shop hands ha
.attractions of a large city do not con- themselves.
THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1923 flict with the student's studying ten- CONN. YANKE.
dencies. But when Michigan students * * *
Night Editor-ROBT. C. MORIARTY avail themselves of the excellent rail- .Contribitiions., contribntlons
day and interurban service to take * * *
POST THE MARKS them regularly each week into De- iPLAZA EL TORO
With the 'approach of finals it troit they are losing the advantage of Personages of the cast
might be apropos to resurrect an old attending college in a small town. SHE, only a simple sophomore,
controversy and attack again the Diversion has its '~ace in the life of But not yet confined
system of giving out grades in the every student. Detroit, to be sure, To the Moron Maupoleom*
literary college whereby the student lures the student with attractions not Which is maintained not
does not know his marks for the first to be found in Ann Arbor, and sti- ; So very far east of
semester until after the second se- dents who yearn for th~e no'se and Our thriving metropolis.
mester has started. This makes it commotion of a great city, the theaters
difficult for a student to make out his and ballrooms, have but to ride an lHE, a synical senior
program of studies, and necessitates hour on the railway and they are in the With a terrible reputation
many changes which ostensibly could midst of metropolitan life. Thus, in- I!As a champion cowboy popist
be easily avoided' under a more work- dividuals who go into Detroit occa-
able system. Isionally for diversion cannot be cen- She had just been introduced to
What is proposed is that professors sored for so doing. He, and shyly crossing her -
post in a place previously decided up- The habit, however, of making Eyes, she demurely gurgled,
on the grades of students in their weekly visits to Detroit is one the "Oh, He. I am so thrilled to meet yo
classes as soon as they are compil- value of which is highly doubtful. Now, (dawggone yuh)
ed. Thus the student would not have I Such a practice can be easily over- Thro out the line and,
to wait until the required amount of done, and it is not unlikely that a con- Let's have a look".
rip- wo k hewn nerformned in siderable share of the students with
(Ne~w York Tlimes)
It is significant of the wider edii-
cational use of the printed word thatJ
} Columbia ,university is not content to
stand.i0s the ancient impersonation of
Wisdom, "in the top of high =places,"
crying her knowledge to those coming
in at her doors. The annual report of
the Director of University Extension
states that this university, with num-
te hers probably the largest in the world,
and constantly increased through ex-
tension courses given by teachers in
nearly two thousand extramural cen-
ters, is not satisfied to reach only
f those within sound of the spoken
word. Undoubtedly the range of such
extension work will soon be vastly
increased by the use of the radio the
teacher being heard but not seen.
But Columbia desires to go further
and offer opportunities for home
study, insisting, however, upon a plan
"consistent with the traditions of
the university."
"Fabulous sums," .it is said in this
report, are made by institutionp or-
ganized on a purefy business basis,
because of the eagerness of American
youth for higher education. This
eagerness is not generally, however,
for pure instruction. It is known
iu. that, for the most part, the desire
is for something that will be immedi-
ately iseUI; and even when it does
look toward something beyond the
ultilitarian, it is toward credit for an
ell academic degree. In other wordis,
there appears to be very little home
study work which has for its object
simply adding to general knowledge.
The problem is to make all such
correspondence and courses at home
primarily educational carrying the
"culturad" and the practical along to-
gether, and giving some recognition
through examinations to those who
complete such studies. A beginning
at has been made in a series of busi-
ness courses, which may be made
educational as well as practically val-
er. uable, if only taught in the right
way. But however highly developed
the instruction becomes and what-
ever its content and scope, there is
no royal road for the student. He
must himself study. The voice of the
teacher may b$ extended far beyond
university walls without his leaving
his desk or his laboratory table. But
the student wA still have to pore
over the printed word. Together, the
extension of the teacher's voice and
home study may solve some of the
problems of the overcrowding of uni-
as- versities and colleges.
Reservat ons, Tickets, Tours, Cruises
G01 East Ruron Phone 1384-J
Pocahontas and Coke
PHONES $1-F1 and 2207
Office - Cornwell Block.
the Registrars office before getting
his grades. In most cases he would
probably know the results 'of his
work the first semester before begin-
ning the new term.
Even the good student about whose
previous work thlere can be little
question willt be guided in his elec-
tives if he has the exact record of
his scholastic endeavors before him.
The engineer by a somewhat similar
method to the one proposed is given
this privilege. Why not the literary
poor grades are among those who like
to "get out of this o.d burg" too many
The Hop will be decorated with smi-
lax, wisteria, greens, and plume flow-
ers. Here's hoping that the botany
. department will have them labelled so
we don't comment *pon the beautiful
smilax -hi!,e pointing to the wisteria.
The Purdue Exponent advocates fra-
ternities and sororities having open
house once a week,. But students at
*'Member Psych .7 wheret
you all about morons?
** Artist at throwing a line
they t
l. T.
* * *
Michigan seem to be content with at-
TO HELP FIRST YEAR MEN I'tending the open houses that the
The entire freshman class has been deans conduct daily.
urged by the Union to be its guests
at a meeting there this evening when While campup philosophers are de-
a new llan for the fostering of closer bating the question, "Is Michigan
associations between the first year over-organized," Michigan is adding to
men will be laid before them. Coach its list of fraternities, sororitiea, and
Yost will address the gathering as clubs at the rate of about two per
well as several other speakers, and month.
entertainment features swill be of-1
fered. The season for borrowing tux's is
For some- time now the Board of now here. The friend indeed, is the
Directors of the Union has felt that one who will not tell you that his
the great majority of men in their wouldn't fit you anyway.
first year of residence at Miciigan -.
mds the advantages and broaden- Ann Arborites can always indulge in,
Kampus Karakters
Nell hurried to the li-bra-ree
On study doubtleps bent;
One admires her earnest mien
So thought ful, so intent.
One gladly moves his books and h
That she may study better,
And then her inspiratioir comes,
Wherewith - she writes a lett
But later on you look again -
She's, buried deep in books;
At last she's at her lessons sure
One tells it by her looks.
She's taking notc; of wise import
Preparing recitation; ,
You peep to see what book it is-
MORE letters for his elation.
Can't English profs here get a cue
To "motivate" stil" better
The themes required, and just a
For written work - a letter?
comes af
Published inEnies
the interest of Elec. Engineer
trical Development by whatever
an Institution that will
same evei
he helped by wvhat. to become
ever helps the organizati
Industry. big oppor
1 DN d