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January 14, 1923 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-14

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hie Woman Cornqu(
erine Mac~oitald, i
,ction of the week.
screened amid 'tl
icrn Canadla, and rns
hewo~n of that pictin

74 "TER 'ldution, "Salvation :Nell," which conmes
here Wednesday and Thursday. Paul-
Eine Starke has the leading role, which
E ~Mrs. FYiskl^ erlae fonmous on the speak -
.era," starring ' n g tage. bhe is seen as the forlorn
is the opening little N-312', Who, because of her love
The picture for the stalwart,' but hard drinking
lie snows of Jinx Platt, becomes a saloon scrub-
iany fine views, woman. Then. the Salvation Ar-my
resque wilder- claim her and her, truie character
triumphs. The dramatic moment

Nina LeConipte, portrayed by Miss Ecome,, 5whenk sheA (i1Lct the salaionaLU
:1aCD91nal.-, is introduced as "a young ;of JPImT. Joe King of 3rial faine, plays
social leader of New York who is 0opwi.'03 Miss Starke.
thoroughly bored by the frivolities of A mixture of the drauixtic. the coin-
ber friends. When here uncle dies, lec and the quaint is in "They Like 'Em
slie seize.. the chance to go to Far1 Rough ." Vi':; Lana's recent pro u-
North to takle direct charge of the fur j tLio~n which is to be shown Fridley and
interests whhich she inherits. There' Saturday. Miss Dania ulays the role
she enters into the adventure with a, of a wilful society girl who involves
spirit quite surprising to those who herseltini amig coniup.1ations When
have seen the stately Katherine pose she IA y a lnbeijack to 'mary her
Lwfor~e the screen in most of her withiout realizing hat lhe might, insist
offerings. Opposition is furnished by! upon beig her husb, nd.
the brutal Laczar,. played by. Mitchell
Levis. Otheri in ;.li cast are. Bryan t
W;,;hbuirn, Jurne Flvldge andl Clarissa i 't
Selwnie. "Monte 'Cri;,,o," a sereeii version of
i'lrills, siispense swift action, a Alexandre D-iui:is' rnducis tale, opens
--plauiible story, and manny "shots"' of i 5-day 'engtageinetit there today. This
beautiful scenery go to mnake the tbrillin dxa-mi, in Which JAi"~s09'-
screen versioni of Peter B. Kyne's I Neill sta.,rred for miany ye ars, follows
story, "The Pride' of Palomar," begin-- cloay thie dramnatic sequences of
nhg la ;)-cay enj geinent here Wed-'Duma s's cla7ssic fromi the time Edmond
nesday ; one of th6 worthwhile storiesj Danut; - was dragg'ed from lWs wedding
of thiseoon The plot deals with i feast until be finally triumphs over
the figh' - of a returned olhier for the of~d 1 his enemiies.
possaqsion of the fainily ranch, which Join Gibert interprets the role of
W11s lieavily mortgaged when the1,Sdmnond Danites;. the counut, and Est~lile'
fatiher died. nteoeofKt Tayor takes the part' of Alrcedes
tarjorie Daw, interl'fKt most del ightily. Robert McKizn,
P'arker, shmvws that she is not always! Virginia FirGeor~ge Slegianu and
the fragile flower, but a real heroine Spottiswood Aitkin head the support-1
apno;t afraid of even her own father luig cast."
a1)d tl~e :<ciealing Oriental who pan "The M~n 1From los6it River,, a pow-
to steal her lover's. ranch. Forrest erful phot-,drama of" conflicting love
Stanley is seen in the role of the re- interests, is the azttraction5 for Toriday
Sturned soldier, a part whlich gives himi and Sai.turdayV. The storyvlpictuwres the'
plenty of opportunity, for wild riding I trials "of 1. lioWrrful, lultieit lumiber
..2,,1 jow.erful acting. canult forelan i "standing by"'th
girl h<~ lobes while a weak nephiew of
MA4JFSTW a millionaire' marries hier, neglocts
her, and' eventually pr'ov'e~shis utter
"TiligWomen," Rex Ingrain's I 'inworthhiess.
1:11 %s;, Wrlm to be shown here 'foj' f ive P tt'I itr m 3,n ...lii

Mr. Scanlan has an entire new soi> New One Alan Bloc
progamincluding "Puff 0' My Pi'pe,
Mother's Paisley Shawl," "I Was" Seen hi on '
Pilgrim In Lovelond," "My Lady Fa. "r;'
"Somey," V}i"Myself," and Jl
RtachElors,' which he gives during the
action of the play. The names of the
players anear in the cast: Walter *-~
Scanaa, Betty Brown, Bennett R.
lginn, Lucille Lennon, Nlay Gferaa, :k
Patrick Raffer y, and Daniel Kelly.,
"To Love," a trarnslatli of Patul
GrrO, 's Frenchi play "Aimer" wbh hT ¢
begin: a week's engagement here to-
night, is a triangle play With but thre
characeter;, Grace George, NWorn..an
Trevor ahdRobert Wai Wick. There'
is "not eveni one befrilled mtaid to dust 'h
the -furiturie. Not once dloes anyone
ssy voila; mon cher, shrug the shoul- ; r
dler or make a suggestive gesture. But
;the greatest novelty of all} perias, se
is that "To Love," which in Fi-ance"
wmon the gold medal of 1921 in the
_French Academiy, nianages to remain
siintple and human and avoids the 3t
fails of so-called high-browisni.
Geraldy represent3q the new 1 rance,
-the France of at keen, high thinking
eolpl c. lls characters are all" that,
I selisitive. highly imt .lligeit womfan,
'her husxind -whom clie love:, and the
idventurotus' rotbantic lover w h os
":'lgts a wlindow in the dusk" ., to
eckon hler widler, more intereridng
rife. Sciator "Jim' Cftes.

+ I

rFys begining Suday, is a story
ithin a story-. To point a moral to
his ple .sure-loving ,. frivolous dauigh-'
ter Nvho has been ignoringa devoted
lay, her father, n author, reads to
her the m=iawiscript of his new novel,
the ;t ory of Zaredla, the Crystal Gazer,
w\hol lin ureae on by her beauty. He
rcounts the; woman's fascination'
vwhich lJ1.cds father and son ,to enter
co,,m potit oiit for her favors, and ; riends
to conspire against each other for her
Ra~tnon 'Novarr'o, the handsome
young ,Spaniard who gave such an im-j;
l'eA4sie pei ormance in "The Pris-'
onner of Zenda",Barbara La Marr,
Lewis Ste'ne, edward Connelly and
others who also played in the same
?;:c tuie, have important parts in this
Shirley Mason ha"scdone some ex-
cepftionally good work in her latest
starring vehicle, "Shirley of the Cir-
cms," thie attraction for Friday anti
Satudft. Tis is a modern story of.
life under the "big top" in which the 1
little star provides some real thrills I
throughr her startling feats of horse-'
iman ship_ A hovelfendI hazardous
:'Word dlance is a'so demonstrated by,
thec stir as a specia feature on thel


fpne perfori-m-nce .of the'ofile role,
Pize iuoteith glWhca-not see whor-e'her true lcovaeesi, and
!Allan Forrest is a polished, cu.ItV'Itted
weklng -

Mtte'.ld~a:1;, 1humor and .entinic~lt
ire chi-verly com!ine d in thn Clare
K~ummer pay "Tfr.eMouintain M."
whic is given its first D~etroit pe-'-
'entation tis 'week-:1 the Bonatellek
Civillation, the mountaltus and the
veneer of polite society ratl eater into{
hsinteresting stor'y. in the long
1go the lie'of the W interfield estate
aad taken his betrayed sister' to the °
'nountains. Years aft(:- leer son A~iron
Winterfitld, mll)tnt~ain born mnd lbred,'
liheits th.e vast acres and, aassumes
h116 position in swA(',ty. Aaron cb eit-i
ualy fal) ;Rn love with antd marries 'a
,lunarnifng' girl Whio h-as been eduicat-
3d in a P AeiiOChconvent. l owvver, 1he
Ind,; that* she 11 is an attac~hmentafurI
i French arlist and unceremoiniosv
'ave4 her, gcing off' to war. On hi1.
reta:r11 he finds that an eude~vor has-i
.icen 1T1,{1 to b~indi him an iller~ltiim-"
tec childc. 1He goes baL,&t o tht', nirln
balnY to h "ingforth piot f Ub is birth;
lie also finid-1 that his FYrench wiife,
instead Of seeking thie gayeit of' Paim,
lmo, remaied in Am erics and worked
hones;tly and 'sinc -roty to redeem hter-
self, doingr good that she amight bl
OrorthY of' her "man" who Nwas so will-
'ng to lay dlown his life.
Con Miier e' CIA, Meets lnda
Membn ers' of the 'University Chatmber
of Commnerce' wll hlold a'special meet-
ins at 7:30 o'clock Wednes~day ey'en-
ing, Jan. 17, ins room1 302 of the UVnion.

There's'a }one=- Ian blpc" com-.
ing' to the Unite'd States' s.3ate jiE
Washington in the 'per~son. of "Jim.
Couzens, millionaire mayor of Ike-
troit' for. several years. He has"
'just beoen ap pointed to fill the vac-
aney fromh Mcichligfin caused by, the-I
kresig abort of Seniator Trumman:
Newberry.' Couzensa hlas been dub-. i
bedl the "one-Inane bl&" because he
is one + nr whom neither *-he dema-
crats, the republicans nor the, pro-
grvssives can depend for,.suppo't
as a constant quantity in Legislative
ptrqgrarns.. '
1Lhi4mAehc~~r~PIlys t:: B11.01
Th e :liiclhi~ai union erches tra o"
elghteen pieces furnished tEle: music
tofr the SeKir' b ball that was held ini
the ier ,aliropin in Detroit, Friday
nighit. P411l Wilson, '23, actad ,Is con-
dulctotr. Over 2,000 P1eople were at the
F ch -hipnt of

(Continued from Page Nine)
thae direction of HI. C. Coffman. Mr. !t
J. S.' Rlash who has been recently
ortainze:1 'Will speak at 7:30 o'clock{
this evening.
There will he Holy Communion at
3:00 o'clock this morning at St. An-'I
lrc-w's church. Morning prayer and a
sernmon by the rector will be given at
10:30 o'clock, and evening prayer and
:ddress at 5:00 o'clock. Mr. Charles
L. Dibble of Kalamazoo will speak :at
the Student supper at Harris hall at
6:00 o'clock on, "Religion an d
Science". The I-ob- art Guild will hold
:heir regular meeting at 7:30 o'clock
for election of officers.
The First Presbyterian church will.
hiold comimunion service at 10:30
o 'C ock this morning. Prof. W. D.
Hlenderson will begin a. Seric, on,
"Human Nature and the Bible at the
noon class. At the Christian Endea-
vor meeting at 6:30 o'clock "CampusI
Pr-oblein " will be discussed.
Cream of, Asparagus
Wafers Olives Celery
Roast; Sirloini Beef Brown Gravy
Rocast Young Chicken
with Dressing
Ilubbard Mashed
Squash Potatoes
! omre-mnade Apple or Mvince Pie
Chocolate Ice Creami.
Tca Coffee Milk
12 to 21P. 11. Price $1.00


T EVT.. WA$I1N(; .!fA(INES
FlAA,1. $SW!11"EVR$



Services in German will be held at Villages" is the pastor's suabject for
't. Paul's Lutheran church at 9:310 the service at 10:30 o'clock,
'clock this mornling, a nd iun English; -Requirements for a profitable use of
t 11:30 o'clock. "'There isi a division ;the Lord's Sutpper" will be the theme
mi ong the1? people b>ecauose of Chbri t" of the sermon at the morning service
Is the sermon topic. There w;ill be of the Zion Lsutheran church. The stu-
ao evening service. (ldent Forum will meet at 5:30 o'clock
Bible school will meet at 9:30 o'cloc'k to discuss, "Why a. Divided Christian-
this morning at, the Trinity Lutheran 'ty?" There will be a. service at. 7:30
church. "The Smoke of 'a Thousand o'clock: this evening on, "Conflicting

308-10-12 SOUTH


The Stage

"M aythnllcin' Er in,"wh1ich' cornesto'
the Whittiy, ThmttsdlayJanuarjr 25,
is :=mod to 'be the betst comedy dramxa
in which W17alter Scanlan heis evet' ap-
pC ir(d. T!,,e'play is from the pen of
the ?Anericawn author, Edwar d 9. Rose
and is pi estritedl In three acts -with
the .:;enes laid in Bahlybiine, County
Kilkenny;, I.'miftud. Romance, lo've,
youth, laughter and sunshine form its
principal ingreianits, witi a charm-
ing love story rufining through, the
entire three acts.


"Universal" Electric Applian ces comprise a complete line of
time and labor-sav;ing difevices, each one of which will enable
yout to d6 some househl,0d t .:A in n Ceasier and better way,

":°° , ° _ -te ^ .- - _,'
S +.t,=,. ie ^s+ w..-w" .m. .. w. ,
326E.At. So~
T. 0.


This Sparc Bd~ngs to the

Fuil'l Lfie for Party and

(?2circu progi'am21. Typica.l French scen1es
in the early' part of the picture show,
Iis Mason as aperformner with a- ,*y C e=...aw
group of Frienchl troupers. nu r l a an e S l
Davidl lutler opens this wee'k's pro- I -3PHOTO3FRAME
grain with hris 'latest comedy-drama',:,
",The ilk 7iiy Way," which shows in a 'M E 1T.U1(U
st rikit nn 1113e1 the huimorous side of ,2
a in~lin~an' dutics and troubles.
O ut of'the D epths of N ew York's , ec m a s r en s or-ffas
c~ntin' carcte an ~ ea- Nickels Arcade Acrosstfom Arcade Po ' Office, S
I iy a~atradstiigra- -
.n., It is the Whlitml-an Bennett pi-o- 36446E1tt~ It t!!~11 11~~~11E.llilit fi l1w








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T hsreY n n A r b o r P rn e s s l . d a
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delilvered in person to u friend
and customersHI imipossible
to get-the importantimfor ation
used ginthi dale dar util Ja-
iary eachyerothte Calen-
dar starts with Fbarand
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