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January 14, 1923 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-14

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Electric Scoreboard Tried Out
Fall to Reproduce Future
Outside Games.


Purchase of the grid graph appara-
tus for reproducing football games
has been completed by the Alumni
association. The electric scoreboard
which was introduced to Ann Arbor
last fall, at the Vanderbilt, Ohio State
and Minnesota contests will now re-
main at the University to be used in
the future for a. away-from-home
A complete report of the year has
been issued by the Alumni assocatioi:
to show the public the results obtained
in the use of the grid graph. The
board was brought here last fall as an
experiment, to give the students a
chance to see the team action in out of
town contests, and at the same time
to help pay off the debt on Alumni
Memorial hall. The men in charge of
he, venture feel that it was a success
in every way.
Witnessed by 6,000
More than 6,000 people witnessed
the Varsity team in action last fall by
means of the grid graph, the electric
apparatus first being used to repro-
duce the Vanderbilt game. The Var-
sity band and cheerleaders helped in
the demonstration and the board was
pronounced a success..
At the Ohio. State and, Minnesota
contests the litle electric lights again
played the game in Hill Auditorium,
and despite the fact that .during the
former battle more than half the
school was in Columbus, a large crowd
of several thousand turned out to
view the scoreboard.
The board was operated on a fifty-
fifty basis, the contract designating
that one half the proceeds should go
to the owners and the rest to the
Alumni association. An admission
charge of 50 cents was charged, and
as a rasult of the plan the net profits
to the association amounted to $900,
after deducting contributions of $175j
to the Women's league building fund
and $50 to the Varsity- band fund.
Thus campus organizations together
with the Alumni association profited
to the extent of $1,125 as a result or
the display of the scoreboard.
Profits Net $351,'
The profiits made by the association
are to be used to help wipe out the
debt caused by unpaid pledges to the
Alumni Memorial hall building fund.
As the complete apparatus for the
boardcost approximately$550, the
amount available from this source}
for note reduction this year amounts
to the balance from the $900, or $350.
With the board now paid for, the
initial expense has been taken care
of, so that next year a far greater
sum is expected to resutt from this
means. As expressed by Wilfred B.
Shaw, secretary of the Alumni asso-
ciation, and Paul A. Leidy, busincs
manager -of the Alumnus, it is the
hope of the organization to wipe away
this debt in two or three years by
this means, and at the same time to
give an opportunity to the students
to see the team in action in its game
away from Ann Arbor, as well as
those on Ferry field.
Play Production
Class TO Enact
Satire, Drama
"Eugenically Speaking", a light sat-
irical comedy by Edward Goodman,
and "The Perfect Cure", a three act
play by Mtanley Houghton, will be en-
acted at 8 o'clock Tuesday night in
the auditorium of University hall by
the members of the classes in play
production in the public speaking de-
partment. Students in th'4; coursej
have been at work for the greater part
.of the semester on these plays. They
hav3 been 4ind'er the directi'o ofd
Prof. I. D. T. Hollister of the public
speaking department.
For many years plays have been
given by these play production pay-

ers at the end of every semester. The
regular playp for this term will in-F
elude these two plays on Tuesday
night and Shakespeare's "Much Ado
About Nothing" which will be given1
on Thursday.
The cast for "Eugenically Speaking"
wi~l include the following persons:
Janet Murray, '23Ed., Milton R. Landy,
'23. C. Julian Riley, '23, and Carribel
Schmidt, '23. "The Perfect (Cure" willj
be given by Henry D. Goff, '23, Velma
L. Carter, '23, Catherine Greenough,
'23, and James C. Brown, '23.
Scen'ry built and designed by stu-
dents in the classes will be used. Cos-

Kazarinov Declares Cultured
Russians Must Put Education
To Practical use, Or Starve
"The educated modern'Russian must if the young generation, upon which
suit of the Bolshevist movement most depends the future of Russia, is to
training if he wishes to eat," said survive He said tltat the average
Donat K. Kazarinov, formerly of Mos- Russian man working alone without
-cow, instructor of mathematics in the agricultural machinery is able to pro-
ingineerin.g college, yesterday. duce but one thirteenth of the farm
He left his country in 1919 to take products which the American farmer
up his work here and even then, he | is able to get from the same amount
declared, conditions were deplorable. of liand.
It was not until later, however, that Machinery Gone
the higher classes in the cities began ' After his return from the war, the
to suffer. At the eari-er periods the Rushian farmer, found that practically
energetic Bolshevists, when they need- all his machinery, what little he had,
ed grain, took their supplies by force had disappeared. In the same man-
if the peasants did not give volun- ner, his live stock had gone. "Am-
tarily. erica," said Dr. Kasinin, "must not
Russian Tragedy Real' only supply food for Russa., but sh'
He pointed out that before the reign must also distribute seed grains under
'of the Bolsheviki, many of the leisure supervision, that the country may get
classes regarded education as an in- back on its feet. It is useless to send
tellectuial experience and recreation seed now, withoiut guarding the sup-
for the mind rather than a training for plies, for the starving people eat the
some productive operation or benefi- seeds."
cial profession in life. At the present Dr. Kasanin further emphasized the
time, he said, the one constructive re- fact that the Russian famine is not
sult of the Bolshevisat movement must over, contrary to some rumors which
to be noticed is the effect upon educa- have gained credence, and that, if
tion. Now education is used to fit the anything, this winter and spring may
individual for his productive place in prove to be the most gruelling of all.
society. Instead of having education Those in charge of the efforts in
for education's sake, as 'art for art's Ann Arbor in behalf of the starving
sake," the modern schooled Russian Russians are members of the Ann
finds that he niust give his culture a Arbor Committee for the Relief of
practical application if he is to have Russian Children. This committee
anything to eat. has sent out appeals to more than
Dr. Jacob Kasanin, a native of Rus- 3,500 Ann Arbor Citizens for pledges.
sia, now teaching in the Medical. School, These pledges may be mailed to Carl
recently pointed out in an interview Braun, treasurer, Ann Arbor Savings
on the famine, that Russia looked to Bank, 707 North University Avenue,
America for the help that must come City.

French Enter Dusseldorf Again As
First Move In Ruhr Valley Invasion








Inmmnel, Blanshard, and Carson, '23L
Chosen As Speakers.

Sass BTs-.AJ -l Adelphi House of Representatives
CONVENTION will hold their seventy-sixth annual
banquet at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday night
Prof. Ray Nelson, of the botany de- in the banquet room of Willett's Cafe.
partment, announced a discovery of The committee which has had
the cause of mosaic disease in the charge of the arrangements for this
various crop plants at the recent meet- event announce that the following
ing of the Botanical society of Am- have been secured for speakers: Prof.
erica which was held in Cambridge. Ray K. lmnmel, of the public speaking ,c.t .v
The mosaic diseases have long been department; Prof. P. Brand Blanshad,
a puzzle to scientists and Prof. Nei- of the philosophy department, -o French troops marchg
son's discovery is hailed as a remark- was a former member of Adelphi; a.d
neof the frt nvso
able advancement in research work in Ralph M. Carson, '23L, ex-speaker of ene of the frces Inetheir
that field. Mr. Nelson showed in his Adel'phi and formerly president of the se i t ric ruh ae
papers, which he read to the society, Oxford Union. The toastmaster for a.. .c zv* trloopsscross the
that the diseases are due to the pre- the evening will be Andrew C. Beam,
sence of one-celled animals of the '23Ed., present speaker of the House.
trypansome group, other members of All members who have not as yet College .aysJust
which cause serious diseases of men secured tickets are urged to get inI
and anima's. His work was done at touch with L. B. Wilson, '23, chair-
Michigan Agricultural college prior man of the committee, at3015; Ray After Another, Eh l
to his coming to Ann. Arbor, and is( Alexander, '24 at 1554M" or J. C. De-___
now being continued here. Long, '24, at .3015
Other members of the botany de- -"What would college be without
partment who attended the .meetingweek-ends in the city, now and then?"
at Cambridge are: Profs. B. M. Davis, With this justification y. faith you
H. H. Bartlett, H. F. Bergman, W. W.!II15 IL strive to soothe your conscience which
Tupper, and Dr. Felix Gustafson. In .nwhispers to you that you should stay
addition to the report by Professor :in Ann Arbor over Saturday and Sun-
Nelson, . papers were given by Pro- day and cram for the approaching fin-
ressor Davis and Dr. Gustafson. Mem- alc.
bers of the Botanical society elected DR. A. G. RUTIIVEN BACKS PUR- Friday noon and you are packing
Professor Bartlett chairman of the CHASE AS BENEFIT TO '.he little brown bag with the spare
Board of Control of botanical ab- STATE Aandkerchief and the extra back col-
stracts. lar button. "Study my French on the
"Isle Royale should become a fed- train," you tell yourself and the be-
Spelling Bee To eral reserve", is the manner in which thumbed, written-between-the-kines
Daudet is thrown in with the hand-
Test Experiment Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, director kerchief and the collar button where
of the museum of zoology; expressed it reposes undisturbed for the trip.
Preliminary arrangemen have been himself yesterday. He gave as his You take the little brown bag to
conpleted for a spelling examination reason for this assertion that not only your two o'clock, intending to make
to be given for those students who at the present but in the future as well, a dash for the 3:45 as soon as class
have been taking the special course in the island will be uised by Minnesota is dismissed, acquiring a shave on the
spling which has been given by the and Canadian people quite as much as run. The nrof holds forth till 3:06 or-
School of Education during the past by ourselves. ating on the isness of the whyfor, and
semester. The examination will be He went onto say, "I do not believe, you haven't time for a shave.
held at seven o'clock Friday evening however, that the state ought to allow j The usual scramble for seats takes
in room 105 Tappan Hall, and will the island to be cleared or touched place when the M. C. pulls in. You
cons t of a "spelling-bee" in which in any way which might destroy the win but have to relinquish the prize
all the guests will take part. n'atuira, conditions which ,exist there, to the cute young thing, also Detroit
The spelling course was begun early pending federal action. If Isle Royale bound, who comes and stands so
in the semester, when students in the can be purchased for a reasonable naively, by your esat. Oh, well, she
rhetoric courses who showed inability sum, all well and good. The state plays catch for your conversational
to rpe'l were sent to the Educational should then set it aside as a reserve curves for the.50 minute ride.
school to be tested. Here they were or for recreational purposes at least Michigan Central depot. Red caps.
given tests the regular in intelligence, until such a time that it is deemed Cops. Traveling salesmen. The us-
as well as a number of special tests best to turn it over to the federal ual gang on the line of exit searching
designed to grade the subject accord- government." the throng for the expected friends or
ing to the excellence of their sight, In 1908 something like 86,000 scres relatives. Scramble for seats in Cou-
pronunciation, and their ability to were purchaseable for approximately zen's Accommodation Line vehicle.
read and write. $150.000. In the opinion of Dr Rw - City hall ston. Business of trans-

oVe'r'line bridgeinto Dusseldorf and bivouacing in heart of city.
SRhine from the Franco-Belgian time .vo years ago when settle.
r sector. of the occupied area into ment of peace and reparatiodi
Dusseldorf. The city dwad tatea terms neared the brea point
over by allied i2 ops at anothe. terporarily ~
ADI S O Broad Field Open
To Graduates In
N LECTUREaTMORRO Landscape Design

The results of these tests showed
the basic reasons for the student's
weakness in spelling. In the spelling
course which is afterward given the
student, the work is so arranged as
to give the most practice in the branch
in which the tests showed him to be
It is expected that the results of
the course will be apparent at the
spelling bee. In this conteart, the
students who have been studying
spelling all semester will compete
with those who were shown by thel
preliminary tests to be good spellers.
Eng'and Has Bumper Potato Crop,

.Y .Ll V . '" L ' 111 1 ~
ven this was not a unreasonable price
and that, at the present evaluation of
real estate, the state shouild not con-
sider buying for more than $2.00 an
acre. An exorbitant price would be
an imposition upon the people of the
state and should not be payed no mat-
ter how alluring an object the isle
may seem.
London, Jan. 13.-Sharks lately have
been causing havoc to fishing nets and
lin- belonging to fishermen in the
Firth of Forth. In three days the

hop right to the phone and call the Moscow, Jan. 13.-Strenuous efforts
sweetie. "Hello honey, . . . . . yeh, to eliminate red tape and bureaucracy
eight o'clock-" -and the rest of it. from Soviet government affaires are
Date ends with a fight. 'being made by Moscow officials, chief
Saturday you fare forth on a lone of those interested being Premier Le-
wolf venture to Detroit's five billion nine himself.
ruble dance hall. All the side-burned "The most important task £or: some
Harolds and bobbed haired Beatrices years to come," Lenine wrote recently
are on hand. You breeze up to a I-am- in reply to greetings from the fourth
.tranaktrnnfer demoistte.andas- o an rtgsoftl o viaaent emnt-nvP

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