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January 09, 1923 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-09

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Coach JBarss Drives Men Hard
As Wisconsin Series Nars:
Coach Bars is 'rapidly shaping a rang-cnaoents will be made for the home
formidable Varsity hockey team to gmsti sao.i wsfudb
meetWisonsn a theColseu inI the University athletic authorities
wetWichenanteCliem n they tool.ve the Coliseum for
the two game series which wilI'b(, itrsotsta eealCiVfj
played Friday and Saturday nights ences had to 'be arranged for in order
The new mnentor found plenty of mra- thar~t the most efieicy could b)0Ade-;
'terial with which to work and the re I rived tr~oma the activtihes. Coachla it-
Dsults h~ave been satisfactory so far itie lhas been takin , care of these(de-3
but nothing definite can, be said Ufl-Itails and in addition t o the seats hec
P1l after the tussles with 'the Bad;;er ,. iundeI'tlIu , to ii oe tiholei yht-
'puck chasers. ing of ile ring bor ngtuse.
Latngttecahanucdvjcut in the squad and will have lef t
17 nen which will coimpose the Var- m i r u aliems
sity squad until somec time after the
season has been started. This squad
,contains men enough to furnish real! Intramural baskt ,>.' o1oened its
opposition to most of the Big Ten I season last, nig~ht. whten i ore thanl
° gchools and the coach fells cecrtain .half of the fraternity teamns battled
that with the advent of the sea:;onI each other in the first. romw( of the
Some of the menr will develop into scheduled pilay. Eve ry house turned
,in aggregation that will be fit to ta~kv out in splendid numbelrs and support-
ai reputable place in the Western In- ed their .teams to the last. whiistle. The_
kercollegiate hockey league, results of la8t night's lplay will be
Only Three )foxt M Workoits published nhl tomnorrow's Doaily.
There remains b~ut three. more Tonight the following tef will
nig;hts oif practice andt beginning with have the courts for their. first round
last night the coach has been (levis-i play: At 6 o-'clock: court 1, Delta1

Intramural boxing tournamnent the
dlate of which will be announced at 4
later time, should report to Coach
Sullivan imm~ediately and begin to
Coach botcher will assume his du-
ties as *wrestling coach today at 3 o'-
clock and all men that are contemplat-
ing competing in the Intramural

ganize teams and enter the Independ--'
ent" league in order that play can be
started in the near future.
Men that are playing- On the fresh-
men basketball squad aire hereby noti-
lied that they forfeit reir right toj
continue with that squ ad if they p~lay
{with their fraternity in the comning
game s.


1'rYc 1 S

elug systematic teain work and hay l Chi vs. Theta.Clhi; court 2, Ph1i Del-
heen using several of the men in var- 1ta Kappa vs. Phi Peta 1;elta; court
foes positions with the intent of find- 3. Sigma Nu vs. Delt<a A110-:; LI)5j1ton
iwug the best ;combination. Several of 1court 4, Plhi Ups :ilon v. Pi i at.
thie new men have -been showfing up 6 :30 o'clock: court 1:, IPi CEamma:< Del-
Wvell and with the veterans sh ouildc1to vs. 1Pi Kappa Al phia; court 2, 'ran
form a nucleus around which the , Eps~ilon Ili vs. P'hi l ta Theta; court
coach may be able to build a winning 3, Cygnus vs. lpsha Rho (hi; c-ourt 4,
team: Howelver, with the late start IDelta Tiaul Delta v. VA: 'Sima ;
'this season too much cannot be ex- 7 o'clock: court 1, P'hi 1:I;,: Eps.ilon
~pected 'of t1he outfit. 'vs. Thetn Delta (_.i; count. 2, Dlta,
SOne drawback which faced the m-en- Kapp3);a iEpsilon vs. Z ta Bleta T "u;
tor when 'he ,ook hold of- the work',court >8, DlaSgnia ke, ~.Delta
,bas "the' absence of men for the or Theta Phi; couirt 4,. l -Upilon vs.
ward line positions. But wvith the in- Ph'ii Rhto Sigma 1; ,it !) ::'.o 'eick':: court
crna,,e(Iinterest in the sport '.whiich 1,:.fguruAjlphu i 1), .) vs. Ph?)0ta
has evidenced itself i-n the past two J(Chii court 2, setorlitw. ixs ir lits;
wteeks, these positions are being filled' court 3, upper (jettvs. laws ; court
and ~some of the. candidates are fitting 4, juznior 111is vs. ph u -rs;t
into the combinations with remark- T0 o'clock: court I, ho111i s. ha-
,Jdbe adeptness, Among these men are inics; court 2, sop11h iysig snior eng,-
='intbloom,' Anderson, McPike, 1'utnt ,Hneers; ,co)urt 3, gzlae vs. upper
and Campbell. Although these men !.architects; court 4, lower medics7 vs.
have not hadl Var,,ity experience they soph dents.
have all played inl prep- competition The schedule for the first round of
fand at least two have, played -onl the' play will be completed toi norrowv nighlt'
clas.( teamns. 4 when .the following teazas will opiM):
rWill Provide Se ts4 each other: at 6i o'clockc, court .1, lip-
Coiach Little,' in charge of minor per medlics vs. lower are'isects ; court
,sports, has been. working on plans 2 fresh its vs. fre.s1 enginoer:.;.
or providing facilities for spectators--
In tis verY likely thaat suitable ar- Men that arec intending to enter the


wrestling matches should see him at;,t i ie o c o..lr il e a
WGat.rmnan gyminasium from 3to 5
o'clock( every Tuesday and Friday af-
ternoon until further notice. Practice sessions for the class teams
that' are entered in the interc lass
OIwinig to the closeness of the scores hockey tournament began at Wine-
that were madIei the qaiyn berg's coliseum last night when the
roun of he nteinassqbalifyingur-fresh lits andl junior fits took(the ice
rndeof the Intamrcl owcilngavtour and indulged in two snappy practices.
ueidenttoheInramreloffici tals have victor H-. Method, '23, has taken over
decidedanaoehavepnine ofetheateamscroy
" again tonight at the Uion alleys inh aaerhpo h cashee
order that the four best teams may be tournament for the Intramural dlepat-
uncovered.mcnt and will be in charge of aill
'sphe score that is made tonight by a Iuractice anti games until further no-
ttmaddt h n aei ~ ic' If anyone of the players de-wietohenemdinheI'
firs rond wll onsttut th t tea sires any information relative to the
firt run( wll onsitue hattea'qtournament or equipment that is to 1)e
sc-ore for the qualifying round. The. issued to the team, he shouild call
cfuni, 1.est teams will compete in the j Method at;: 783.
elitninatioli rounds .which will startI The remaining scheduled practices
tomorrow night at the Union. Tli( for the class teams are a follows:
,time will be announced tomzorrowv ini Turesday, 5:30 to 6 o'clock, junior lit;;,
The tamsthtyav.ee slete erner, 355;G6to 6 :30 o'clock, soph
rolle aain tadthaereetimelfbowlI engineers. .Tones, 1484; \Vednesday,
to rolaanadtertm fbw.I:30 to 6 o'clock, fresh engineers,
ink; are listed below: at 7 o'clock, senl IVose-, 3056-J; 6 to 6:20 o'clock, senlior'
iar engineers, senior fits, soph it~s,' its, Mudd, 1121-11; Thursday, 5:30 to
jjunior engineers, and fresh engineers. 6 o'cloc°k, all-medics, Kerli, 609, 6 to
IAt 9 o'clock the following teams will 16:30 o'clock, senior engineers, mail-
nave the alleys: soph. engineers, sent ager and telephone number to be ani-
br lws, rchiect, frsh lws. nounced in tomorrow's Daily; Frida,
'In comparing the scores that have 5:30 to 6 o'clo-ck, soaph ]its, Blur'wick1,
'been turned 'in to dhate it is found 2908-MV; 6 to 6:30 o'clock, lawiis, Storz,
!.h-t senior lits-,are leading 1tle race 2999; Saturday, denits and other t eam-,
wtilth a total team score of 2396, "and i il practice, time to be announcedi
that I-langi is leading the individual alaf-e'
'poit etters with 548 to his credit. Thle only equipment, that will be is-
suedl to the members of the hockey
Two, more days. are left in whicli I teams will 1)e shin guards andl stick,,
fraternities may enter the Western l, for the goal tenders, and pucks for the
Conference bowling tournament, the games. Tho' other members of the
entries of which must b)e in the handIs, team mus t furnish their own Sticks
of Klie Ir~ntrmral officials by January 4ndl other necessary equipment.
10. Members. of the winning" team and
S The score that is made by each fra-I the runners-up will. receive their class
ternity in the Conferenice tournament Inuimerals for their work;. All teams
will go as that fraternity's score for r are urgedI to get in as mutch p~ractice
the qualifying round of the Intraniur- as nossible, for the tournament will 1)e
l b)owling tournament which will be of high calibre this yeair and is ex-
held at a later date, b~ut failure to roll h peted. to surpass all others that have
in the Conference tournamient will not been held heretofore.
ai' a fraternity fronm comp~eting in the
Intramural tournament.
All basketball teams should appear THE SCHOOL
on the floor at the time specified in PR MIR
the schedule or they will, be (denlied JtALSET'$ PALACE STUJDIOS
their p~ractice .period, which is eight Wue th Arcade
mutes in length. Each game will _______________________
Ihave two 12 .minute halves with a five-, _________________________
npnue inermssio. ' Fresh Shipment of
Entries. for Indeperident, Chiurch Ima
and Society basketball leagues have l Ayres. Smith
been sloe in arriving at the Intramur-
al office. Athletic managers of the CAPS
Society and Church teamls are request-
ed to organize and send in their teams '00 STI l
as- quickly as possible. Independents
that play basketball are urged to or-



rude !




,rIf a person c ame in your store you would n't th in k
of Teting them stand around~ and not bother
yourself to wait on them. No merchant would.
Yet there are mlerchants in this town; and wer
presume in every town, that let dozens of Pro-
pective buyers stand around just outside, their
doors and dont bother themselv~es to cal themn



:I .








Ann Arbor




AT .3 P.M:


5 I

ClazuiLadasFe,,-a.- Two4JCnter per -word a dayv, paid in advance."-Mmn-.
inmum charge for first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Three
cents per word per day if charged. White space charged for at rate
of 5c per agate line. Classified, charged only to those having phones.
Liner Rates: Twelve cents per line, without contract, paid In advance.

, ,

(LThe students are back and. have b r o u g h- t with
them thousands of dollars worth of buying pow-'
er. More money will be spent by the Istud e nt
body'betennwand the first of February than
duri ng any other similar period of time,.
This is the time for every. merchant to be on his
toes. This is absolutely a month of opportunity
and -the merchant that most fully realiz es that is
the one that Will profit the most.

ANTrD-Musicians for two Chau-
wy auqabaiods for the summer of
'1923. Must be versatile and, cap-
-able. Long season, ideal associa-
-tions, good, compensation and won-
derful ,experience.' State all about.
yourself in first letter.' The Landis
SAttractions, 1513 N. H11gh St., Co-
lumbus, Ohio; 73-7
ANTED- 2 oir 3 light housekeeping
rooms, preferably between campus
aand University 'Eospital Would
like rooms unifurnished or partly so.
Dox E.P.F'.; Diaily. 75-2
VANTD-Sute f rooms by 'gradu-
ate student for second semester. On
north side of campus. Call Ulniver-
sity 92-in or address Box S, Daily.
r 74-3
WANTED-Experlenced window trim-
mer. No dubs need apply. George
Kyer, 721 N. University. Phone
1 593-w,.. 76-4
ANTED-A boarding house that
serves salads and vegetables. Try
644 E. University. 75-3
'ANTED-Either ticket to, or accept-
ed application for a ticket to the J-
"Hop. Call 2813-M.- 76I
SANTED-A Rider Pen which fails 1
to write at touch. Rider's Pen
Shop. 21'
OR SALE-Furniture, new last Au-
ugust: Over-stuffed chair, two mna-
hogany tables, twin beds, eqipped,
chiffonier, dresser, buffet and some
good - second hand clothing. Call{
1393, mornings. I6-2,I

REPLIES 'IOn BOXr,'-K.R., S., P?., W
T.., W.T.v., Kl,(..I.are at th~
:Daily Office.!
POR RENT-Two rooms on 1st floor
for two or three boys, each very (Ie-,
sirable. Steam heat, shower bathi.
5i36 Thompson. I)- 3
FOR RENT--One 'single and two
double rooms at reasonable prices.
944 Greenwood. 71-6,
FOR RENT-A place at Mrs. Water-
man's dining table. 'Try 644 F.
Ujniversity) 74-3





If the - students and to wnspeople only
knew what you and your'
Clerks know!

' I

LOST--Gold Maltese cross mpilitary
watch fob lettered 1st Infty., Il. N.
G-. Finder please return to Secre-
tary's office, University. 76
LOST-Fine Gold Eversharp pencil
between Chemistry building and
Tappan Hasll. Finder call 1311-Wit."
LOST-My pen troubles, at Rider's of
course. 21
ANNOUNCEMENT-Do you k-now that
Rider's 200 drop capacity Master--
pen. is the most popular pen on the
campus? There. is a reason. Call
at Rider's Pen Shop. 2]
E. Normanton Bilbie, teacher of Vi1o-
lin, Piano, Theory. Collection of
old violins selected in Europe. All
p r i c e s , 3 0 7 N . M a i n , 0 1 1 - M . 7 4 - 6)fE C A G D = P i o f e m n e g a
lohsat Union Gdance Saturday
ynight. Will pdfrson who exchanged,
-with med please call 1751-J. 76
Have your MANUJSCRIPTS typewrit-
ten by experienced TYPISTS. Bid.-
(lie's Book Store, 11 Nickels Arcade.

.(You know the values you are offering this month. Blut there" is
economical way of letting the students know -- that is to advertise.

sonly one
You can

Still Continues

Corbeft's Clothing Store on Liberty St.
is still continuing to give

tell 10,090 prospective customers through the medium of this paper the things
that you tell the individual customer when he comes into your store and finally
makes a purchase. 'Don't fail to tell them these things because if every stu-
dent realized what you and your clerks know about the values you are offer-
inj your store couldn't hold the trade. _-- Not. because You are necessarily
offering greater values than your neighbor but because the buying public don't
realize the values. he is offering either.

. I


20% off



on all Suits and C
portunity for the si
Ann Arbor to" st
which are ridicul
carries our persom
of the manufacture


'OR SALE-$3r0 genuine racoon fur
coat at 25 per cent reduction. Write
or phone if interested. L,. U. Oppen-
heim 8c Co, Jackson, Iich., 137 W.


Main St. Bell phone -196, Jackson.7-1
73-3 ' REST ROOMS-WV\arm, quiet, furnish-
:OR SAL:-A few Oliver, Renming- ed, double room 217 S. Fifth Ave'.
ton, Ro~yal, Smnith-Premier typewrit- j -76-21i
ers, at $15 and up. All in first class RUCK('1, ;, T !
running condition. +0. D. -Morrill, 171._______
F; Nickels Arcade. 76-4 Rugs shampooed or (lust cleansed,{
Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaniing Works
FOR SALE-45 val. Colt Automatic,
holster and 10Irrounds of ammuni-I 76-21
tion. Perfect condition. $30.-Phollef FOUNID

Overcoats. It is a 'good op-
tudents andi towns people of
pck up on clothes at prices
lously low. Every garment
ial. guarantee as well as that

We are at Your Service

The thing to do is Advertise ---- not j u s t occasionally but
Every DLay-- Not a Little Cramped, - up Ad but Some-
thingr sufficient to your needs.



The Michigan Daily maintains a Copywriting departmient for the express pur-
pose of helping you prepare your advertisements. It also maintains :a cut
-~service which is always at your disposal. We suggest that you call 960 and
get in touch with the Copywriting Manager. He or one of the staff will be
glad to see you personally and help you prepare Advertising Copy that will


1 11

F l cr r T ''T T' rinn'T

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