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January 07, 1923 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-07

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(a[[[ Christmnas P ° rgra[ItNS[MJTO GET FRESHME~N ! Cop Immigrants
z~ ark oncRADeORTET Coming To U S.
ByC orissodyI lU UKII PNI Frshmap. gymnasium work for the
FAiCJ ; Noml iecio f- rdr-next few weeks will consist 'of wrest- orJn6-IeL m
- RBI.V U).T 'oAU Ple NrmlC lleg ; choir of CRIT!NiFLCK T LAV ing and apparatus work according tarig to scnd another large contingent
SAINlant,' nder the datctonof iieer ; V UW ~IT~a anouncement from Dr George A r ) oth nt~ Sae.Ti
$110,4(1(1BUILDINGTO ickAlexndo' 'aydirMtorLfMIT r1cn gynaiis the opinion of Ftler Antony Oro-
____ aineMuialVonet obegve EAViI i ~um,.Eery attempt will he made to Wa, official chaplain at the immgra-
at 4 o'clock this afternoon in the As- i gttemni odal rudcn to station on Ellis Lanu.
Ann Arbor's postoffice is to be en e lyhiofteUon epr- (By Associated Press)ge the sin oodalond r Acoring to Faher Gsroa l Ire-
larged if Congress heeds the recom-1in- which Professor Alexander will New York, Jan. .-The vast pro- physicalbefraue testndseies of
mnendaton of the postoffice depart-I present 4gs.pevosl een in Ai portions of th exodus of Chrisians given.t z cass o im grnt.Oe
Ynolt and ;passes a bill appropriating I Ypsilanti. Jackson andl Dtrit, each fron the lads now dominate yte Imdaeybfr'h ls fte
hinds fot the enlargement'of PQstc imewt ra ucss iktwi Ibyte Imdaeybeoe h ls f th za l ; thatjuifies chae crinals
P ~iewt getscesTcesmysemester these tests will be givnwt elta utfe h oven-
°lces throughoui, Ltre contry. Thy le obtained at the Union after Turkish Natioal government are be- agiadteporeso h rs-tional qui of the joke-books.
AJln Arbor postoffice is slated for an o'clock at $1 each.i coing daily more evident to American agmen, nthroughe o the yearh-will be-noted
addition which is to cost $150,000. In~ addition 'to the norn-al choir o[ relief worer engaged in the task of Each man will then be told alng I lisl iijnnci Deeaed by DrIuejlwls4
Informationfrom an authoritative aproxiiately 200;voices, 100 Ypsiirin-I succoring the hapless army of home- what lines hie has improvel and ef- ~napoliis, Md., Jan. G.-h Annap-
source regarding the proposed addci-'ti chilren will sing the Bach. chorale, Iless, hcungrsy, half clothd and general- frts wrill be made to produce similar oais midshipmen suffei'ed the first de-
tion is lackhig but it is believed that - Sleepers, Wake" Another feature ly dettute people which has been results in the exercises in which he fcat of the season at basketball today
it wilF be built on the south of thgr of the concert will be the pe'rforn-, rushing bindly for safet, since the is less proficient. at the hands of the Duquesne univer-
,pre ent building. It will be for Lthe ance of Verdi's "Laude Ala Vergine Turk gavethem "permission" to leave I- ~i sity, of Pittsburg, 28 to 2.
pugose of handling the parcel post Mara,; by the Matinee Musica e Coi-1 Turkey. ibb ceue o w ak -- -
busiLess which is at preset overtax- us of 30 sorano and contralto vol- Tmhe latest estimats by relief work- Libby Ssi~liedued forFlun TWO Talkse
in , teapgaity of thle building. Trhe es. This ogranization Is also directed er place the total number invlved at I Ar. Frederick J. Libby, executiv " UIrcd irAliiil('_uou
postal authorities state that the Ann by Professor Alexander. 2,2 50,000. Nearly 1,00,000 of these are' secretary of te National Council for Of the 19 unaccounted for names
Arorpotffcei 1pobby the most The complete program is as f~l- believed ,alreadY to have reached safe-I Prevention of War, will speak a 10:3() n the faculty group of the new
.1congested in the state. -laws:. ty in Greece, and another 1,20,000 are o'clock today in the Congregational iuni cataogute, which is scheduled'
FWhile official announcement of the .Chorale "Sepers, Awake" curc upsdt etyn ogt outofcurch. At noon he will talk at Prof, to leave for the press shortly, nne
plan: of the inten~ded: enlargement is cantata by ach 100 Ypsilanti Turkeybefore the time limit set by the; W. D. endersaon's Sunday ho1 iaeytbntrcd
withhleld untl after the appiropria- children, organ, by .obrt Benfoar, Turkish government. class in the Presbyterian churh. Rmme 4 uo tetTx
lien is mad a, it V, thought that the, violin by Edward Mosher. A great burden has been thrown PatTonize Dailyber'445tlsers.--AdStreet.Taxi
addition will be simAilar in. structure Cherubimi Sng, Russian )Aiturm , poe the Greek government, relief'______________________________
to the present building and that. it;,Nrmal College choir. workers here declare, and the American -
will give the postomeie about dlouleVCredo, the Nicene creed, musical vn- relief agencies by the movement of
the' fronting on Main street that the,1so by Gretchaninoff Nornal Cl these hordes of fear-ridden people, th'e 1f~t°
present office has. lege choir, solor ba Carl ,Lindlegrei. majority of whom are Greeks and Ar- REGULA4.
__________Copod oililodr us nmenians.
hclic music by LvosliY, Norm al The cot of providing food, clothing,
FE " J~ * College choir. shelter, medicines, nursing, and trans-{
RUIRTO ' tiIT HE E A Legend, musc by Tschtaikowsky, portatton for these multitudes is notTO A
FULRO IIS H~ Normal College chir. int knwn. Een rte:r e ffiil
'Ave Verumn, composed by Mozart inTaOolDuesaAifrYuhdeed
Chcago Sport 'Writer Confers With a,191, Normal College choir.' pnth nmbrytgocmeotofT R
"otenFotalLeen t My Prayer Come up music by Turkey. One estimate has placed the
-- Henry Purcell, 160 used at corona-' cost at $12,000,00.
,IhPullerton, sport writer of tthe tion of King Edward VII in 1902, r I 'fi't; ESDAY__"_
staff. of the Chicano Tribune and onc' Normal Collgge ,chir. Ofcr ls aePcue ae
of the foremost experts on all sport1 The Aorton of the Magi, by Phil- All class ofcers must have their'
subjects, was in Ann Arbor yesterda~y Lpp Nicolai in 1599, arranged by pictures taken by Jan. 13 if they areFo a Br d
conferring 'with the Michigan foot- Waorter Danroch, Normal College to appear in this year's Michigannor r a
ball coaches won an article that he Is hrsl by William A. Kerr. } siant. Appointments: with he poog
to write on the Michigan team. The Sleep of the Child Jesus, 01(1 raphers shoud .be made immediately la ,Lu (
-+Fullerto tm has been repaing ar j French Noel, Normal College choir. either in person orbly ]phone. 1la a g
tiles. on the football plants of all off The Shepherd's Farewell to the Holy'______
the leading universities in the cou.n fnl7 n i hor it Corl I& 1efats Chicago $$-2$i3 ~ Y
1FItry.Te has just completed a. tour o. Ritornell. Ciao a.G-Iw.eetdCi
the . ast in which he prepared art!- Laudi A lla Vergina M aria, by Verdi, Ciagoton an.t 6 .Io wa3 d t e fir t C n .ee n h e d n ol g s o h t M t n e M sc l h r s e e c a e o hea teci hi-
section. He is now devoting his at aonfor hevstr h~o
tention to the Conference. Actre.s to Iold It ctal Jan. 1$ mro orr.pe e verifsitr onhte
Aside from writing for the Chia i A recital of inonoges will be gv- floor and better at guarding.
Tribunme the material thiat Fullerton at 8 o'clock in Pattenill auditor- i_________
prepares wil b ued in syn~rca rum by Mrs. Vera Keth-Jopp Barber 'Vanderbilt Has New Assistant Coach j
tht coer the country. an English actress. The task of gv-, Nashville ,Tenn. Jan. G.-Joshm C.. '
T_ =ing monologues is considered the 'Cody, coah of Merer cllege, was # '/
Z rijec# Saves $ ondoni Light Expense~ ads part of an actor's work, and selected by Vanderbilt as full timef
L ondont, Jan. 6 -London's electric: Mrs. Barber is well known as a,clev- assistant coach at Vanderbilt for the
ft, lting bill wy be cut $r5eaerSe0il0icl0einhe football, basketball, and baseball f :
yearly it is beie-ved, when a project program some dialogues in the French tas
naow in course of completion is madeIdfamet or which she is particularly I-~----
ffective. This provides for the unit- lfmu--
____ -Flleecrcl upl opa-*'c,
ing f al eectica suplycoman-Senate F- -orti Withdrawail of Troops
ie n odnadtesbrs o-IWashington, Jan. 6.-A resolution QIIflA
e~ag an area. of 1660 square miles iSaoig~ieit ihrwl c UNDAY ill},
eightffelliong apolatnofclseorthe American forces on the Rhine wasI L-
ehtmlinpol.aopted by the senate today at the - -a
moment witchr administration forces!JIN
13riti 'I ar .Debt t0 be 3 Dn oi M e ~c eeognzn o ih gis
xWashington, Jan. .--Members of anterpsdexrsino e-
antnalpopondregrein ofstheEx
thl Amuerican. Debt Fundingcmis eaa SOUP
sion prepared at a thiree-hor coier" a tioha nio.rgadig h Wilits' Best
ene-t this afternoon for the° -opening I _______ Wafers Celery Olives
of a formal discussion on an arrange-,I Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. '. ---
ment for funding Great Britain's war
time debt to the United States. Their '___________________I PieRbRatBea u
vews, members said, upon leavinga Fricasaeed Chicken With Biscuit r
were in accord on "general policies'. A 'NEW TERMA BEGINS Early June Peas /
___________Mashed Potatoes
D, ~xzie to Speak w :S Fruit Salad
Dr. David, Alexander, of Aron, 0., Hamilton R,01tss. C olloge Rollsr>
"will be the chief speaker at the first State and Willfaiji Stsf esel. Lasky pre2sents
1.923 services of the Jewish Student __________________ DESSERT -
congregation' at 7 o'clock tonight in[- - - -I om-md
Laneo hail auditorum. In addition to __________________
the regular program, the studentsI Apple or Cherry Pie
eaor willrender sever al selections[ Ye~WilArnI oe®adyVanilla Ice CreamI
and the program for the rest of thc e Tea Coffee M11ilk
,rea wllbe a-lzuncd VA L Irt
World Skatting Record Broken a 1to 2 . X. Price $1.00
Lake Placid, N. Y~.F an. G,--Chariser - - #
Jewtraw, of Lake Placid, skating in' ~TTTFt
the amateur races 'here today, broke BOiARD T sT' 1TTh V 1LL1
tile wrld recrd for 100 yards by REDUCED ~ ~ U~I TAE TRE
Skalrg the distance in 9 2-0 seconds 9ay e~ ' A I $i OUT SATES FF

Jewtraw also equalled the ivorld's ' d Vl4) ' c 7 III 9PAOXMI 173
xcorit of 19 seconds for the 220 yard 604- EA$11 VTO
,event. - .
SHOWS AT 2s00 ANA) 33~0AUT. .. ......e
7;00 )AND 8:45 J-(KIDIES.........)cjf
S,~ci~' -Tuesday"





(Continued from Page One)
All1menaho possibly can do, po are' able in their demands. The English,
akdt o report for the last basket-;si r ihp. emdt eiv
1)5 1 pr.a,.tice < t 4:30 o'clock Tuies-'
cl ;y, Jan. 9. The first game will be that the onl1y solution of the repara,-
played Wednesday night, the timre to tions problem,-Was -to- open up Gem'-
be announced in The Daily Tuesday. mjani trad.e. He- said, however, that
Candildates for the bowling team, there seemed to be no signs of Seqi-
shou-Lld be sure and report to the ou§ disturbance or real animosity be-
Unin owlinghilleys Monday night att tween the two countries.
7:130 o'ock. ThsiItelslpsm e further declared that -both
ble chance that we have of qualify- countries seeined irritated with thme
ing .a team in the elirrination rounds a ttitudce of the United States in mnain-
which will start promptly Tuesday or tam ing a policy of aloofness with rYe-
later. Ig'ard to European politics. Ileex
The fresh engineers need a hckey p, lressed ith.e oprinion that the situation
team, report,- to mie cdown at 'Wine- w-as doubtless due -to a, lack of unr
berg's Coliseum early as you can fro..- derstandilng of the American political
day afternoon and in the meanime 5 'steml, and a.,tfazilure to 'coir~prehelmd
call me up 'at 3056-J. A regular p ac-. tae motive, that underlie our policy.-
tiee 'will also be held franc 5:30-61 - -
o'clock Wednesday. evening in thme Underwood, Remington, Smith, Roy-
Coliseum and I expect a good at- -,I, and Remington lPortabic typewrit-
ten dance. ers for sale or rent- Also Underwoocl
J. P.,- VOSE, 3056-J. Portablsfr-11. .A o
--- Room 2, 711 N. niveraity.-A&&

a Dr. Joseph S. Galland of the French( N.Tew 'Tu xedps for rental P111rposes.
oepartment attended the convention Wild and 'Company.--Adiv,
of thie Modern' Language society held ---- -
in Chicago during the Christmas vaca-: 25c rate for students 445 Iiuron
tionl. 'Street -Taxi.-Adv.-




A "C rook" story with not a gun
or teat, in it!-






Rug U,%W 3

a v.~j'U~

-- AND-


An IFnthralling Tale of the
Parisian Underworld


WAR TAX......cl
TOTAL.... ....Mc
Eveniiqgs the Same


coming soon


1:30 -- 3:0- 4:30f
Last Feaiture .Starts 9 P.' 111



log, 11

% . i

w111 Ji-l


i TdaV,





rl, in



i.j.; _-.

ff- In U= ,Ito

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