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January 07, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-07

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LBBY FORECSTS Critics Praise
I fl twqsapers in Cities Visited by "In A
niiring Scenery,31u,
I Press notices which the seyenteenth
annual opera, "In and Out", received
in its tour during the Christmas va-.
cation, show the widely varied feat-
DECLARES NATIONS DRIFT INTO ures which appealed to the audienceF,
INEVITABLE, BITTER in the different cities. While one news
WAR critic lauded the beauty of the cos-
tumes and settings of the "Maid of,
WORLD ORGANIZATION the Mill" chorus, another passes this
ONLY PEACE SOLUTION chorus with slight mention, giving
his main attention to some other
phase of the production.
Says No Civilization Is Eternal When The work of C. J. Dresbach, '24, in
Harboring Seeds of Own the role of "Kate", however, received
Destruction almost universal applause, although
the differences in interpreting the
Swing the seeds of hate in the part were in some cases amusing
present manner of France, the de- While the part is intended as a take-
velopm9nt of the airplane, and the off on the' broad-minded and blase
use of the deadly Lewisite gas fore- type of woman. The Detroit News
cast the coming of a new war which calls her a "skittish spinster" and
will end western civilization, if un- other papers fallow suit in calling
averted, was the declaration of Fred- "Kate" an old maid.
erick J. Libby, executive secretary of In 1)th Louisville and Pittsburgh
the National 0stci fo tthe reviews of the production praised
tienof adilto eventhe work of the entire cast indiscrim-
Te peker wh was brought here inately. This was the first time the
by the Liberal .club, emphasized a Union opera had played in either of
conversation with Thomas Alva Edi-
son recently in which the latter was TIf
"Is it true that practically the en- lUll
tire population of London could be!
killed by gas within seven and a half
"It is not true" he replied. "Te T
thing could be done within threeC
hours. There is in. existence no Ismet Pasha Declares Burden Lies on
means of preventing an airplane fio- Allies to Solve Problems at.
tilla from flying over London tomor- Lausanne
row and spreading over the millions^
of Londoners a gas which would as- SESSIONS DURING MORNING
phyxiate those millions in a relative- ! END WHEN HE WALKS OT
ly short time..H

;?Union Opera DRIGSDSR
nd Out" on Tour Unanimous in Ad-
Sic, and Danein
these cith's and the reviews admit-
ted that both cities were taken quite
by :'urprise in the "excellent finish of
all departments of the production".
I Of course Lionel Ames, '24, came FESS, SPOKESMAN OF IDMINIS
In for a large share of approval in all TRATION, ASKS FOR ECO.
the reviews, one paper sponsoring P NOMIC CONFERENCE
him as the "most beautiful 'girl' in
America" even against the present REPUBLICAN MEETING
holder of that title Miss Mary Camp- IS SCENE OF ADDRES
bell, of Columbus, O.FS
While praising the pert'ction of its3
costuming and cenic effects the De- Possibility of Intervention in Present
troit Times is disappointed-in the lack Reparations Crisis Grows More
of "that elusive brand of campus Remote
wit". This seemed to be the chief
,riticisnin all the reviews, although New York, Jan. 6.-President Har-
the work -of Buckley Robbins, '23, any
Sherwood Judson, '25, as Pell and ding is deeply concerned over tho
Mell and John Grylls, '25, as Anias grave turn of events in Europe re-
phasia were highly praised in all the suiting from the collapse of the con-
newspaper write-ups. The Detroit ference of premiers in Paris, Senator-
Times, however, says that "it is in elect Simon D. Fess, of Ohio, told the
dancing that Michigan -operas always National Republican club today t a
attain their highest success and this discussion of the president's foreign
year's production is no exception to policies.
the general !'ule." y His address was interpreted by
In summing up the reviews, it is I many as a revelation of the adminis-
difficult to select any one part as hav- f tration's position in the critical per-
ing made an outstanding impression. iod, particularly an assertion that
The music and dancing, together with "we should foster the calling of an
the scenic effects, were universally economic conference".
declared splendid, some papers were "We thought a commission of ex-
satisfied with the comedy of the perts to pass on the facts in relation
piece, others were not, but all the re- to reparations mignt be welcome," hej
views declared "In and Out" to be the said, "but the suggestion was not wel-
best staged and most elaborate col- comed, and it seems to me the door isI
lege production that has ever played now closed. Therefore what we may1
in their cities. now do is not very encouraging." I
Speaking as a Democrat, Mr. Mor-
genthau termed the proposed non-
official reparations commission "a
. deliberate attempt by the republican
administration to pass the buck. on
invrnr this critical period in the world's af-
fairs to the business men of Ameri-
FOOTBALL PRIZE DUSTINCTIVE , Mr. Morgenthau spoke frankly in
OF MICHIGAN IS defense of former President Wilson's
PRESENTED policy. He predicted his party
would return to power in two years
Michigan alumni in Seattle, Wash- and would find a way to participate
ington, have taken steps that will es- actively in European affairs.
"The republican party," he said, "is
tablish them as one of the most ac- attempting to poison the minds of the
tive alumni chapters by the presen- Aeia epeaantteLau
tation of a trophy for the champion-- ofm'ricfs and the peace treaty in
ship high school football team of that 1918, until both become a football ofI
city. This is the first time that the politics to an extent that has tied the
Seattle school directors have permit-hds an eet thation."
ted the giving of such a trophy in that iands and feet of the nation."

4 whom t
ports o
- safety (
The cod
by whi
may be
In the
t country

ski Receives Copy From Be-
partment of Commerce
ded in the list of the eminent
utical experts in the country to
he Department of Commerce isjTO CN I N
pr reliminarv drafts an~ d H U C N I[


isIIC1111a y 1s . n re-
'f the proposed aeronautical
codes is Prof. F. W. Pawlowski,
or of aeronautical engineering.
des will deal with safety devices
ch aerial traffic in the future
e preparation of the codes, the
ment of Commerce sends to the
along this line throughout the
proposed codes and they are!
ed to criticism, comments and
proposals for improvment.

Opponents Fail to Give Anticipated
Competition in Opener of
Michigan's Varsity basketball team
opened its Big Ten season last night
by winning from the Illinois court
ave by the decisive score of 30-13.
The Wolverines broke the jinx
which has been with them for three
years and won their opening Confer-
ence contest for the first time since
1919. Coach .Mather's team displayed

Ignace Jan P derewski
Polish master pianist, who returns
to Ann Arbor" after a long absence,
S S Rplaying on the Choral nion concer
Support for Spring Sport to series at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in
Ile Urged Tuesday Hill auditorium.




"No civilization is eternal when itV
has within it the seeds of its own
destruction,' continued Mr. Libby.
"We are drifting into war, but there
is a way out."
The solution of the problem of per-?
manent peace, in the belief of the
speaker, lies in the step by step meth-
od of forming a world organization,
for the promotion of peace, means fory
accomplishing a w.orld wide reduction
of armaments to' police status, and
education for peace 'and better inter-
national understanding through ev-
ery known channel used in educating
for war.
Mr. Libby in -speaking of the
League of Nations declared this phase
of international organization is a far,
advanced idea, and that other steps
would undoubtedly precede before it
would be successful in its proposed
world form. "We must not .sink into
the mire of partisan politics when the
life of our civilization is at stake,"
warend Mr._ Libby when referring to
the attitude of, our political paties to-
'ward the League of Nations. A hope-
ful step in this direction, he indicat-
ed, is the Pan-American conferencet
which is to be held in Santiago, Chile,{
next March, and the recognition of a'
world court at The Hague.

(By Associated Press)
Lausanne, Jan. 6.-Peace or war,
was the grave issue placed squarely
before the near eastern conference to-
day. Ismet Pasha for Turkey brought
this issue concisely before the dele-
gates when, after refusing all allied
!suggestions concerning special courts
for foreigners in Turkey he declared
solemnly: "Gentlemen, the key to
peace lies in your hands."
The discussion took place before
the full commission on capitulations,
which adjourned without reaching any
accord on the most vital question and
without fixing a date for the next
The debate on capitulation was dig-
nified throughout and marked by no
evidence of ill feeling. In this re-
spect it differed greatly from the
morning session which took 'up the'
problem of providing a national.
'home for Armenians.
Angry at the allies' attempt event
to bring the Armenian question into
the official discussion, Riza Nur Bey,
the second Turkish delegate, delivered
a short but violent attack on the 'al-
lies, then marched out of the meeting



The trophy is especially distinctive Washington, Jan. 5.-The possibil-
of Michigan consisting of statuary ity of any development abroad to
bronze on an ebony shield 40 inches change the policy of France and grant
in height. A chevron in the center American aid into the reparations
bears the words "Michigan Trophy" breech in Europe appeared tonight to
and is bordered with the Michigan be fading hour by hour.
colors. There is :reason to believe that the
The trophy this year was presented Washington government not :only
{ to the Franklin High School, Bruce fears no further opportunity at- thi%
Shorts, 'OIL, making the presenta- timesto suggest a way to Franco-
tion before the Franklin student body.IBritish reconciliation -but' lacks also
Other members of the alumni who any intimation that its good offices
have been active in the work on the will be sought from across the Atlan-
trophy have been Arrigo Young, '07E tic, at least in advance of an actual
designer, and Isaac Coe, '08E, who test of the French theories on repara-
did the greater part of the work in tion.
the making. Emerson Smith, '15D, and But there is no doubt that Ameri-
Edward McClain, '03L, have been ac- can official opinion is gravely con-
tive in financing the project. cerned less political chaos and a com-
The alumni body of Seattle alsc plete economic breakdown come in
has a committee consisting of 32 mein- Germany. .
bers of the association who devote
their time in extension work among'11,| ] | RIjT #
the city high schools. Ai l I | R|fl]l.i HIIRFR

With the purpose of arousing en-
I thusiasm in the student body for the uuV
track season that is about to start, a
1 "track enthusiasm" meeting will be Famous Pianist )leie in Third of
held at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night in Choral UnIon Concert
Natural Science auditorium. Speak- Series
ers who will present every phase of
the situation have been secured. iRC 1LL A UDITRUWILL U
It is hoped by those who have ;___
charge of the meeting that not only
those interested in track will attend, ed pianist, willhe thi nuw-
give the third num,
but also those who care for any of ber of the Choral Union concert serf
the phases of athletics. With the en- I ies at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in
thusiasm that is expected to prevail Hill auditorium. A limited number
and with the speakers who will tell of standing room tickets will be sold
of Michigan track hopes, they expect'a th room tal ets welond
that a maximum turnout will be pres- at the door as all seats were long
ent. . ago taken. 1
Prof. Ralph NY. Aigler, chairman of The following program is announc-
the Board' in' Control of Athletics, I ed:
will speak at the meeting on the sub- I Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue-Bach.
ject of "Ineligibility of Athletes" and Sonata in C minor, Op. 111-Beethov-
Prof. Harry C. Carver, of the depart- en.
ment of mathematics and insurance, Allegro con brio ed appassionata
will talk on a subject that has not yet Adagio molto semplice e cantabile
been announced. Coach Steve Far- Sonata in F sharp, Op. 11-Schumann..
rell, Burt S. Burke, '23E, and Coach Allegro vivace
George Little have also been an- Scherzo e intermezzo
nounced as speakers, taking as their Allegro un poco maestoso
subjects that phase of the track work Second Ballade in F major, Op. 38-
of which they have control. Lawrence Chopin.
W. Snell, .Jr., '23, manager of the FNocturne in B major, Op. 26-Chopin.
team, will preside. , Etudes Nos. 3, 7, 12, Opt. 10-Chopin.
It is the purpose of this meeting, !-Mazurka, Op. 59, No. 3-Chopin.
according to Coach Farrell, to give Valse in A flat major, Op. 42-Chopin:.
the University a general interest in Nocturne in B flat, Op. 16-Paderew-'
the, track. team that will enter com- ski.
petition soon. 'We* have a team ths sungarian Rhapsody-Liszt.
year;"'he stated, "that promises to Hungaran _ha _dy-L__.
rank with every competitor in the Big
The importance of a larger turn- A
ot for the track team is emphTasTzeD
by Coach Little in a statement made Rhetoric Professors Read Papers at
yesterday. He points out that there et Philadelphia Meetlns;
is an opportunity for every man withde
experience in the sport to gain a po- Members of the faculty of the rhet
sition on the team that will be form- eprte o te he
ed. "With a school the size of Mich-r
igan," he said, "there should be a meeting of the Modern Language ash
much larger number of men out for sociation held in Philadelphia during
the track team .than there ever has I the Christmas holidays were Prof. F.
been in its history." N. Scott, A. R. Morris, and F. W.
Peterson. Mr. Morris read a paper on
Y(ST TO SPEAK AS the technique of verse before the sec-t
tion on metrics.
MOVIES ARE SHOWN Professor Scott presided over thq
section on problems in general aes-
Novel Entertainment Provided For thetics He was made a member ofi
. ethe commission on metrics to devise
Chamber. of Commerce B3anqutet some method of indicating the struc-
A new feature 'in the field of foot' ture of English verse for use in
ball entertainment will be provided schools. ' /
at the Chamber of Commerce banquet o
that will be held in the Chamber off Studentg HTo ere
Commerce Inn at 12:10 o'clock Tues- T s
day, when Coach Fielding H. Yost will Poet This.Eveningl
deliver an address in conjunction with I
the showing of slow motion pictures Edgar A. Guest, well known De-
of a game. troit poet, will b" the speaker at the
The. film to be shown will be of a fourth Wesleyan Guild lecture of the
regular game, and as it is shown the year at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the
coach will explain each play in de- Methodist church.
tail,. telling the rules that govern that' Last year the auditorium of the
phase of the action. He will also stop Methodist church was filled to ca-



much better basketball than wad,
shown against M. A. C. earlier in thq
week and completely demonstrated
their superiority over the Illini.
Start Off Well
The Varsity started off with an
offensive that entirely overwhelmed
the visitors and for the first 10 min-
utes of the opening period Illinois
did not score a solitary point. Miller
I drew first blood for Michigan when
a personal foul was called on Hell-
strom and the Varsity forward caged
the free throw. Haggerty followed
with a nice shot from the floor and
then added another. Miller again
made free throw and Haggerty du-j
plicated his previous feat by adding
two more baskets.
Potter then made the only Illinois
basket of the period on a long shot
from the center of the floor. He then
made a free throw as the first half
ended with the Wolverines on the long
.end of an 11-3 score.
Haggerty opened the second per-
iod with a pretty shot and Miler came
through with two and a successful
free throw. Illinois- appeared to come
to life for a while in the second per-
iod and scored three baskets but
Michigan soon stopped the spurt and
again started increasing her total. Elj
and Cappon both caged baskets, Miller
made a couple of free throws and Kip-
ke who was substituted for Paper late
in the game brought two more bas-
kets for the Wolverines.
Play Good
The play of the Varsity both oi of-
fensive and defensive was decidedly
good. Illinois presented some diffi-
culty to the Michigan forwards early
in the first half but Michigan soon
solved the Sucker defence and wert)
able to carry the b.ll down under
their basket repeatedly. On the other
hand Michigan's five man defence was
practically impregnable and Illinois
was compelled throughout the game
to shoot from the middle of the floor,
and the Illini players did not show
great accuracy. However the Varsity
defence was so good that only one of
the five Illinois field goals was made
close to the basket. Illinois appeared
to have an off night on shooting as
most of their shots went clear over
the backboard.
Haggerty, the Wolverine forward,
was easily the star of the game. He
was able to make his shots from all
angles of the court and ran up a to-
tal of six field goals for a total of 12
of his team's 30 points. However,
the entire Michigan team put up a
wonderful game. Cappon and Paper
were on their toes at all times and
were the two main cogs in the Maize
and Blue defence. Time after time
Paper intercepted passes which led
to a Michigan field goal. Miller play-
ed his usual heady game and Captain
Ely while good on defence and team-
work, which characterized the entire
play of the Varsity, appeared to have.
an off night at, caging his shots.

HOOVER YR EFUSES fMinisters Approve Belgian Attitude
Brussels, Jan. 6.-The council of
NEW APPOINTMENT ministers today unanimously approv-
'ed the Belgian delegation's attitude
(By Associated Press) at the Paris conference. The council
Washington Jan. G.-An offer by discussed also measures for the exe-
President Harding to transfer Secre- cution of the French claims agreed
tary Hoover from the commerce de-' upon at Paris.
partment to the interior departemnt'

1imm111.uuwumuI U ut.1 IIIUUI..11

was declined by Mr. Hoover today be-
cause as he said in a public state-
ment, he had undertaken a depart-.
mental reor anization and "the Job) *s

Bishop Encounters Dr. Coue

Professor Entertained in
Cities by Graduates




not yet complete." University Librarian, Returning from European Tour, Gives Impressions of Di'. Carl Hubei, professor of an-
The commerce secretary said he Widely Advertised Frencli Hygienist atomy, was entertained at a series
had been "highly complimented by the of luncheons and banquets by Michi-j
offer of the interior portfolio which 'gafi alumni of the western cities of
Secretary Fail is to give up on March; Librarian W. W. Bishop of the Mr. Bishop went on to say that the the United States when he was on f
4 but felt he could be of greater serv- University Library, and Mrs. Bishop gist of M. Cone's talks was almost trip to Portland to address the Acad-
ice by completing the work he al- I returned yesterday morning from identical with that of the belief of any emy of Medicine, from which he has
ready has undertaken. He added that France, where Mr. Bishop was sent practical exponent of physical hy- just returned,
the President entirely agreed with for the purpose of inspecting and giepe, that he urged on his patients At Tacoma, Wash., he was the
him. purchasing the well known Vignaud the practicing of a simple well reg- speaker at a luncheon on Dec., 16,
library of American histofy. They ulated every day life. He said that addressing 35 doctors of that city,
EVIDENCE REVEALS were gone for nine weeks, having i Cone urged the drinking of plenty of while in the evening he was the guest
left this country in the early part of water, plenty of sleep, plain nourish- at a banquet at which he spoke to a
DEATH BY TORTURE November. Mr. Bishop expressed ing food, and all those other things gathering of Michigan alumni on the
himself as well satisfied with the re- that are necessary to the living of a development of Michigan. .
Bastrop, La., Jan. 6.-Watt 'Daniel sults of his trip, saying the material healthy life. And throughout his talk He was also the guest and enter-#
and Fletcher Richards were put to in the collection was even better than he emphasized his doctrine of "Every tainer at a luncheon given Dec. 19 in
death on a raft of torches, the vic he had dared hope. day in, every way I am getting better I Seattle by that chapter of the alum-
tims of a black hooded mob last Av- In telling of his trip Mr. Bishop and better." "He preaches, in short, ni organization.1
gust, according to testimony put into said that perhaps his most interest- the doctrine of clean living," Mr.:
the record today in the state's inves- ing experience was his meeting with Bishop stated. He added that while Sinn Fein Clubs Attempt Peace
tigation into masked band outlawry Emile Cone, the great French expon- coming off the boat, he was mistaken Dublin, Jan. 6.--County and city=
in Morehouse parish. ent of auto-suggestion. It happened by many for Coue. 'Sinn Fein clubs will meet Sunday in
Exhibiting broken bones as evi- that Mr. Bishop came home aboard Telling of his impression of condi- attempt to reconvene the Ard Fheis
deice Dr. Charles Duval an d Dr. John the steamer Majestic, on which M. tions in Europe at the present time, and also to work for peace.
Langford testified that examination of Cone was making his trip to this Mr. Bishop said that there is no se-.?
the bodies of the two men showed country and so had several opportune- rloue unemployment in either France .- '. WAYS
they had been tortured on a device ties of hearing the famous healer or England, but' that in Scotland TWO
"specially constructed for inflicting talk. Mr. Bishop declares that he conditions were considerably worse.i
punishment". was greatly impressed by the man's' He also said that the financial sit- ABOUT IT !
_ sincerity modesty and common sense. nation in England. is better than it
P'Coue declared," said Mr. Bishop, has been at any time since the war
Wasnt y Ja 6.Amri "at the beginning of every one of his and that as a result prices have fallen A Daily classified will bring
m ship in t .-Aerioal talks, that he was not himself a slightly. home the bacon. Our classi ed
memaership in te intenational healer. He said that it was through With regard to the political situa- column has tripled during 'the
posed in a resoluongrtoday by sen-the minds of the patients themselves tion, Mr. Bishop said that there last month, due to beneficial re-
othat any physical or mental improve- seemed to be decided signs of unrest sults obtained by those who


Roettger played the best game for
the Suckers making two of his team's
five baskets and was outstanding in
his passing. Hellstrom also showed
up well for Illinois.

occasionally to explain some of the pacity to hear Mr. Guest and many; Summary
action in full.1 were unable to secure entrance. The; Michigan Illinois
Those who desire to secure re- program which he will give will be Miller.........RF... .Hellstrom
served seats for the banquet may do! similar to those of past years, consist- Haggerty ... . ...LF ..... ... ..Potter
so by calling the Chamber of Com- ing of an intermixture of his poems I Ely...... . ..... . .C ..... Roettger
noerce, phone 36, or W. Hackley But- and a connecting speech, with all the Paper.........RG .........Popken
ler, phone 401-M. material new. Cappon.........LG ............Lipe
All Wesleyan Guild lectures are Substitutions: Michigan, Kipke for
MUSIC FEDERATION free to the public. In order that mem- Paper; Illinois, Stilwell for Roettger,
bers of the Wesleyan Guild may at- Roettger for Hellstrom, Hollopeter for
MEETS TOMORROW tend the lecture the regular meeting Lipe, H{ellstrom for Stilwell, Lipe for
will be held at 6 o'clock instead of Hollopeter, Hollopeter for Lipe.
Members of the state board of di- 6:30 o'clock. Baskets: Michigan, Miller 2, Hag-
rectors of the Michigan Federation of gerty 6, Ely 1, Cappon 1, Kipke 2;
Music, will meet at the Union to-- Stefansson to End Exploring I Illinois, Potter 1, Roettger 2, Lipe 1,
morrow noon for luncheon. The New York, Jan. 6.-Vilhjanur Stef- Popken 1. Free throws: Miller 6 out
luncheon will be followed in the aft- ansson, arctic explorer, today an- of 11. Potter 3 out of 5.


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