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January 06, 1923 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-06

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Intam ralItms A few snore basketball referees are '
Intr mur l Itms ems needed by the Intramural department
to help handle the coning basket-
(Contne from -P~age Six) ball gamnes, the first series of which
~ tJ r cntined wil be held next Monday night at"
9 ro~nQ jWaterman gyinnasium' An~y person
for a few giore days that miany of the that is qualifled as a result of puf _
seemingly baghftA players will UP'experience to handle a' basketball'



1 .


pear and nelp~ to material:
tournament an~dimake 'the c
more interesting for Those
already qualified.
Players and ti1obv.- :n cJi
class ,bowling teams that
rolled their first round shot
get to thie union alleys tod
sometime. Monday.
IClassified Rates. TWo
inium charge for first
cents per word per day
Iof 5c per agate line. C l
j{Liner Rtates: Twelve ce3
FOR HENT-Good looking
houise, best neighborhood
new beds and furniture. C
frm camnpus, stores, etc.
club of 20 to '26 men:
WV. W. Forman.

.~yaj te 4Zti ~ L ~li LU1~L II '!t1 1 JRetr l~~thJlzri tered tAnd 1Wi1llt Continued from Page One).
omp'~etlitlo ; Intramural office at once. freirn Ir fleilfely 111Thtse IMte a endiln i e r
that bavo Mte a endiln i e r
Any student that wishes to organ- ___ the points of greatest weakness
3rgc of the Sze and manaige an independent hock- j 4]ruh olgti h ...gm
have no'j ey team should call 2268 somnetim e )1I T O zWV D ! jfrout to :F'elight y. igt, he ootin.game
adtya, within the next few day4. I b4YL A " d !I 1 flTC I hr enslynih,[o n
lay oresjaccuracy andlfailure to, follow ila0
Try a Classified Adl-it pays.-Advcl. (3y Associated Press) ter shooting. Mjany potential points
Ne ok Jn .I tesotwere lost in the Agie gane 1by fain~
worl Fork, Tan' .d--I ut clsport faMcia lyrt eud
woldngheysdo'Icoznledack, butColueon lcianpae ob nel s HShs ilngp teiO1IItl d l} bl he opposing lrtslcet when the balli
whoe pedeicton or deby ha-dropped off the back board after 3
COLUMN ipeau, has Parned hzim the title of "thc e oring attemprt failed: This pha. e
RO~SES man with the iron hat," dlidn t even, go I of the play has always lreen a stropg
p+~~'s~ JG;TaPM away, and s~o he's still in base ball. point wit1r AMather's teamns and the ab-
Coepast hat afte-lrledl~attnight thl Benee of itwas a. surprise ito follow -'
reprt hataftr ~l e hdn' soders of the team. It seems almost cer-i
hi afinter~est in the New 'York aithat 1)Jothi wkeakne (e, will le
1@ ICRIAN .DML American League club as'tie announe~- r~iedeiedi tonight.
Cents per worda day, laid !n advance. 11t - edl he had done, a mornthl ago (luring 1,11nrtj 'Not l'eciiter
dlay, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 24c. Three ;thro joint medetimig of thme two mnajorJ Although I\~athmerr 1has nut given out
if charged. White spacee charged for it rate le'agues here, and i i now seys thata lineup it Jis probable that hie will
assifled, charged only to those having phorts. jlhe 'wflhl citinute In "association with I return thre.live who start d the lwit
,ts per line, without contract, paid jet advance. Co.. Jacob Rtuiporit, with w homn he el-"'game. This wil place Haggerty and
PHIONE 960 evatedi the Yankees from the e~llar to1 Miller at forwards,, Ely at center.
_____ ____ two Amriean League pennants. antd Paperan upn tgar.
-~'7,idi flvel-r Teri o doubt hut that l1 Pkc will1
T (y ~~Te deal,, Lo all' appearan4 S, only1i1)e inserted in the lineup, cer al .for- '
WATDawaited tw o signatures anl * it still 1,:ard or grd oetiedrn h
f IS clainmed, there t; as 'no1 diffrence gamer if notat the start. Henderson
13 room WVANTED-Musicians for two Chau- oe: the, proposed, purchlase price of and R3ice are also available for eerv-
' twe tauqua bands 'for the summner' of $1,2 0,000, -but whast 'Cola' lluston d(I-feie and Birksmaseduy
)no square 1923. Mlust be versatile and cap- scribed a s 'a 'hitl" ch velolied and' Illinois has five veterans to start
Good for able. Long season, idleal associ'a r Piotiatouas ended. Tiero a're reportsi ag'ainst MZihian tonighlt, 1lieltrozm
Cal1226- tions,- good compensation'anid won.that ColIhston may' fuak^ the .el (ICl~tte t owrs, tlwl
Call de'u epenrien'ce tte, ali abouit ~ -a n etgr ttra~s tlwl

Consumer To BudmIAnrini UCONIA SKA TING 'TICKE~T
Direct From Farm~~II~l IJJIIU 4E OTN
"~III.I' U~WIIU ~ Hooks of 40 tickets each to
{< ___ Weinberg Coliseumn rink are still
"L,$ (1~ARA8H~1Iv~~ ~ sale'-vt the Athletic association tic
i "L NSTE I A A(0ST" U il e anid may be purchased there
RI:1A I ASTlong as they. last at %3. Th~eyn
X CHOSEN alIso lbe' obtained at the intraxniu
office, Mloe's;, and at' the Colisei
"Las Cigarra HIirmliges', b: Jacin- single 'adnmission to the rink is
'~' ~ s.~ to D~enavente, latest wtinner of the \ o-;cns
beI prize for literature, has been cizo- Skating at the coliseum is repor
~~ I ~~sen by LaSoiedad 'Hispanica for its b o'ti w~ oeta
' persons being on the ice Tihursi
annual prbdluction. The play was :night. Su~ns announcing condition
yfirst produced at Madrid in 1905 whiere the ice wvill' be placed in the wind(
aiiit met with great success. Accord-] fCli. -lthr'a( isS
,1ng to N orniaft Willey, 'of the 'Span-1 eacelhdd-v.
.irh. depar'tinent, r ho worked in con--___
untion with the 1922 production and Pr ,T~ ~ X~NJ
zwho iss again dcirectiing the lproduic 1~~Q{J'
tion this year, thne play is Nvell adapt-;
edl for amateur theatrical purposes.
The "cast has 'been "at "work sin ce thne l,Jl( er tae direction of Mirs. E
early" part of November, when more ' F. Cress ,Pr'esbyterian students
". i than 40 _candlidates turned' out. 'ay preparing a plaiy, "Tlwe Pill Box,"
=v ^ ° constant rehearsals, this group) har, be given in the Presb~yterian chu
now been rceduced sand tentative cast I at 8 o'clock. Thursday night, Jan.
m !~of 21 charactors has, been 'cho, eni, This, will be a. Orainatization of
I'The cast' Poll'ows:' Marion Wheeler, life of' Dr. Ida S'cudder, a mnission
'2 , ftty;~ ara.etiarbnk, India. All the ia't~s will be tW
E. I3. Haton'13W of ,M., "CanieliL&'; Pearl Jenne, by students. , dnision w ill be
IC.' B. Heaton, director, of- the. .dairy , illi"; Maio- Wlkr,'2-c-t
naarketing departnient of: the 'Amien- F."Dna' Pa'stora7; Esthier Holznmlannl, New TuIxedos for' rental pulrp(
ca~u Farm Bureau yFederation; a "-Teresita"; Tar aret Schinutz 23I , ldaiCopn.Av
lioutnces that the co-'erati've" dairy j 'Hortensfa"; Mi.el Sturtz, '24, 'As-.FWl n o~n.Av
marketing associations of ' Ammerica, inniont"; Kathryn 'ilson, '23, "M~irssI Movie i-A'e____ alltoigh.-
pare' planning to set' urn a nation~l1 Smith", Thelmna en~rsn 25! istress of Slienstonme." Every
g;ales agency for collective 'selling, 'o ,"Camarera"; William Cooley, Jr.,; ecne.Av
buttfer, cheese arid, similrar pitoducts, t ,Iedere"i&' . J. Sinkford, "Augus- wec.Ay
wt naco iii 'all ldrtc centers. to;W Saw er 2,Tooa"
Ttlbel F 1J I skinske2 Sof M, "Gum- New Tuxedos for rentatl puree
I'cohishi Iittupoe+1RP ; e sindo"; I,.P. hlrlenback, '22, "Poly" WladC _ay.Av
I John Clifford, '25, "Churrerito"; Claxr- Ls iehnI casl
Berlin, Jain. "5.---Gernany exported ' nF PetersoD n, '23,"Chico di la Ur- f os qm~tn' 1e
~. ,23,"3 . ;her, J claslfieil iW will sell it for you - .
to the United States' the first nine sula"; H. Dods 2, R er"
mnths in 1922, 1.83,004,06.0 pounds of Robert, Halsey, '.25, :"Isidoro";, Albert.
poctash, compared wit, 22,800;000 inSchmindt,' '23, "Pace";and IR. D.'Jart= t uu ~ us~us
the same~ period of 1921.' ' wel'5,Rihr" 'IU
. special editiol, of "Las Cigarras -
Iyi~nScut wed ter (ieHorngas"is tbeing pt opayed and will
Moscow, Jan. 5.- P'rince Utotnsky . be publishied by Graham late 'in Feb,1'
wa s elt.enced ..to be sh~ot for lWadinxg I uariy. S
revolt In thle Rostoff-oni-ion Gera. '{ is
---- -Ne;w Tuxedos for renital purposes.1f
Try a Classifiedt Ad-it ways-A dv. WI and Coinpany.-"-~Adv.

}' ;


FOR' ENT1 E-For second semester.,
Suite and double room half bock
from campus. Prsent ocupant
entering ,fraternity. Call 643 Tap-
pan atrday or Snday.' 74-2
bOR RENT.--SingeP or double steam
heated 'rooms suitable for men or
boys. 014 S. State. Call or phone
2$01-11 mornings or after 6 ,p.m.
1 74-2
FOR RENT-Hourse suitable for 1. or
18 boys or girls. Furnished or un-
furnished. Writ, 0do Daly, Box D~j
FORZ RENT-One single and' two
cdouibe rooms at, reasonable prices.
944 Greernwood. 71-6
FOR RENT-A place at Mrs. Water-,
man's dining table. Try 644'E.
Uistj FOR RENT-Desirable quiet room.
Private family., Phone 107-M, 520
Cherry$S. ' , 74-2
FOR SALE-$360 genuine racoon fur
coat at 25 per cent reduction. Write
or phone f interested. L. E. Oppen-I
heiri & Co., Jockone Mih, 137'W. I
Main St. Jl elf phone 406; Jackson. 1
FOR SAl E- it'<Ef t.ato ,Saxo-
phone. Slver finish, 'fine 'condi- ,
lion. Call Diel F'yberg, 907-R and
33. 73-3
FOR SALEt-Cheap"rne Brand new C-
meloy Con saxophone in A-i con
d~ip4tm.:. Call 236,. 21
FOR'$ALE-,Complete set, of Leedy
drums. 'Cost $11. Will sel for
$60.: "Box L.B.W. , 73-2
FOR SALE-Dress suit-in good condi-
tion, Call Lefevre, University 191,
evenings: . 73-3
FOR. EA BE--rack sloes, new indoor
and, 61tdoor. Cheap. , Phone 27-
W. 7
FOR SALE-Two good seats 'for 'Pad-
erewsldi Concert. Phone 2276-q,'
FOR Site-.Mchgan Bhanners, Apn-
nants,A.illow tops. Phone 234-M.
1341 Wilmot.' 74-2
FOR SALE-Remington '-Portablel
typewriter. Black, 432 Thompson.
1128-4. 74-2
FOR SALD--Remington 'Pot flto
with' a Sanish key oad, Jlh1ck,
432 Thompson. 1128--' ' 74-2
FOR SAt E--New Corduroy sut '"very
cheap, never used. 739 E. Univer-
sit. 74
FOR.SALBH -Buescher C-M'eody Sax-
ophodne. -Carsoxi,643-J: ' ' 72-
FOR SAL -Buescher C-MelodySxo-
phone; .arson "1643-. 74-
ANNONJCI+CEMNT-Dby you! know that
Rider's 206 drop capacity Master-
pen is the most poular pen on the
campus?- There is a reason. Call
at .Rider's Pen Shop. 21
'through' school. Five lessons given
free wilt .eachm purchase. Cal, Phil-
lips 285{(-.11:' Exclsie Universty
agent for al l larn intruments 74-2
Have your mantisripts typewritten
by eperienced typists. Biddes'
Hook Stre, 11 NIckes Arcade. i
E. Normanton Bilbe, teacher of 'Vio-
lin, piano, T eory, Cllajtio of
old violins selected in Europe. All
prices. 307; N. Main, 611-M. 74-6,

yourself in first letter. The Landis
Attractions, 1513 N. High' St:, Co-'
lumbus, Ohio. 73-7

a, com~plet'Ce. revrsaland b~ uyot 1i1;
'While e, tstill ey 1ctcla ratioany-
Whl i 81 lcu~stit y:one. of integrity with ti c ready moneyl
call buv1 Min -att_ Co, f"'i'mf1rJ*(-,1 J

WANtTJ4,D-University manu wanted to cleclare~a that, im2wll reinafi "indcef n-
:,ell pure silks hosiery i ill's goods:. itely "in' base ball-one, two, three
Imnmedate comnmission. and no 'de- i yas" ,'
liveries. If you will hustle you herewr nneouseorsgv
can make $30 weekly on the side. ! . h xct"ic" nn fte
See William Walker at 2107 Wash-'
tenaw.1 confirmed,; but which include Col. l'u-
____________________________ Iston's objections to a supposed clause
in the 'sales contract by which "liet
IWANTED-Suitc -of. .rooms by gradu- aged orean'f f is ~~i
ate student for second semiester. on New York City: for 10 years and an-
northside f camus. Cll U ir other that there was a difference over
sity J2-ni or address Box S, Daily. , 11biitie, includin g the new Yankee
___________________74_____3__stadiiurii, under con~struction.t
- . - F.-. . ew~s 'Sm'oked, Out"I
WANTED-Boarders at 332 E. 'WIh The, news, wich was as surprising
11am St. Ladies, and Gentlemen.3 as 'wva9tMe' original, anliouncellieut
Home cooking. Small tables.'Phionqs that Col, IIistozf had scild o"ut,. was
257S..W. 74-2 i smkekiout", lpo rters became in-' ,
WVANTED-Boarders, mien [)refer fed.} quisitive when, they found a. telegram
Home-cooked mHeals $6 a wee1j.forr addressed to President Ban Johnson
two mHeals a day. 1213 Willard St.,. i of the American League which wast
or phone 1466-W. .3 signed by both colonels. When, theyi
'asked wvhy Col. Huston lad "signed'
WANTED-One or two tickets to'Padm-'! they were tolo1], '
er~~sk egpcr'.a an prce.Phoe !The telegrjani was -a protest against
2953-W or call 630 11ill Street. 73-3 E possible conflict of_ Sunday, playlig'
WVANTED--Sewing,. dresses, blouse,. at, 'xen teGansad al
and lingerie. Work guarantied; ecs.

at certer, and Popken and Lipe at
j guards. This is .a quilick passing.
tl~ii;tnn fast aggregation that plays
=I much the same type of game as Mich-
j ga. They have been, developinfj
rapidly,'_although they were set lown
by B utler college Wednesday even-
F ing in a-hard fought' game.. As But-!
ler aliso holds wins over Wisconsin
and Chicago the Indians defeat doesn'tI
1mean that they haven't a strong team .
A New Officials
Acapacity crowd will greet the
y teams ,as they take the floor tonighlt'frapoiteyhlofhessn
tickets that include time Illinois game
have been sold and the size will be
'reatly increased by the students who
usually purchase- single admission
IA new force of officials will handle
the conteSt, Kearns, De Paul,. in the
capacity of referee and Molony, Pur-
I due, at umpire.
t--u KTBoth groups of basketball; ticket;
entitling 'thle' holder tea all of the sea-
son ganmes'nmay now ble' purchasedl at'
th thei association ticket office.



.. i n

St art' the. New Year right: by
eating at the 'Y Jnri whereth


Ani hoar o Clay of JPocket,
Uaxotor hreeb-4Insbioin
Billiards' Is fiue for ild
.r lnrdy of eOY MlcJt
gan P"w11


is carefully selected,,


tif icaly prepared and attractive-
ly servea. #4

(Phone 782-J, 418 "3Thomlpson?. 7-u_~ The first rouip, which contained,,th~eYOT10,B StkER
-~ -' - -- YOT ILLBE PEK~RAT i M..A.C. gaiiio, now -'sells for X1.5, a(
WANTED-Comnfortable sinlge Iroom CO NEMRCE CIIAMIiER' BANQ E ' the second set for $2.
for 2nd semester for senior. Box Illinois tickets for the gamze tonight
jK.R., Daily. 74' Coach Fielding H.I Yost .will be theetaare reported to be selling fast.. Thee.!
jWANTED-A Rider Pen which fails principal spfwker; at the next Chain- I -,Ill be 'on sale today at 75 cents -
to rie a tuch Rdersber of Coriunerce banquet whrich W7i) # piece 'at the ticket' office, wl icim will
to witeat tuch Ridr'sPen'
shop. 2; be held in thme, Chamber of Coinmerrc), open at 9 o'clock this morning.
7Inn at 12:10 o'clock on Tuesday, Jane I
WVANTED-A 'boarding house thlat 9.. pow motion pictures of a foot.1, Epel Author 1irom iloior Leatgue
serves salads and vegetables. Try ball game will be shown and1 Coach lais,' Jan. 5.- Official 'atinounce-
64E. Liberty. ' 43 Yot will exJlain 'every play. Thlose ment is made that the next issue o
- who' desire to, se'cure reserved seatr ( the Law Bulletin will chronicle the
LO"at the banquet may do so by c6allingr e ptsion from thle League of Honor
i ~the Chamber of Commerce, phone 36., of. ictor Marguerites, authnor, because j
LOST- Kappa Alpha Theta 'jewelled or ,. flckleyButler, phone 4O1 1M. his novel, "La Garconne," is regarded
pin, nanie on back. Lost Wednes- -- as being imnmoral.
day. Reward. Call 2530-J, after 5. WILLj ' ISTRgIAUT1 PROGUA)IS '
73-3 AT TO\ UGHT'S BAL CA [E } _______
LOST----ILoni black silk tassel 'Wed- FbaigtenmnwA
nesday night ' ' Eat, Watermzan gym_ Prograrns ernth anciom jTR BEI
nasumArcde heaer r o tie hrs and positions of the players an I N UAY T
campus. Finder please call 754-R. the naes of the officials will be dIs-
trzbiit~d a t te Illinois-Michigan bas- .lzIIzllt4It Ry $ 10 5es. Collecge,
ketball'game 'this 'evening' in Wa~ter- State and '111111am Sts.
LOST-Bottomn part of Wahl green- I man gynmnasium. This is thme first _________________
gold fountain pen. Finder please'{ time that a basketball program ha
call 954-R, Adelaide De Dries. Re- been prcpared. for a game in AMnn Ar F
ward, 74-2,; her. The mianagemen't plans to put L M
out similar programs at all, Conufer;LEARN WO IACE
LOST -White Gold Filigree; sweater': ce games to beo played ini'Anni Ar1 HALSEY'
Finder please call 2597Recwardl. ' tus15 -0 etiAcd
74. Trey a Classified Ad11t pays.--Adv.


t ,



LOST-Gold watch with grey ribbon-
"wrist Band. P'hone 831-J. Reward.'
I40ST-4ower part of gold fountain'
pen, marked M.M.;W., '22. Call 452.'
LOST-Bayrel of -Rider Fountain Pen.t
C'all Zin~ 3070-J.. 74-g




LOST--;IIy pen troubles, at 'M der's offI
!course.:. 2
llQARD?--For men students, 1301
]Geddes Ave. 3 meals $7. 74-2'
iiON- ok FOUN~D
FOUD-ooknglike mother's. Try
644 E. Unive rsity. 74-3




HE Greatest College Daily.
Your Own N ewspaper. If
you don't read The. Daily regu-
larly, why notIt. there are nt
enougki papers topgo around, or-
der more today. This is a season
of bargaitns. .', .". Get Yfours

FOUND-Fountain pen Wednesday
mf13orning. Call 1580-Rl 74
D'OMUD'At Rider's Pest Shop. A real
fountain pen for esanis21.
Family and student washings called
for and delivered, G41 1.653W ,14
i "'ter, r ' rT Tn T .

Crved' Tongue
Shdped t .tie Istep
Walk-Oveer has developed the Colonial
tongue so that it retains its shape. Here,
it is a fetching little hood of black ooze
leather inlaid with 'satin. Notice the low
---but Frenchy-heel. One of a number
of interesting Walk-Over originations no~w
being shown.



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