SAN DAILY Intam ralItms A few snore basketball referees are ' Intr mur l Itms ems needed by the Intramural department to help handle the coning basket- (Contne from -P~age Six) ball gamnes, the first series of which ~ tJ r cntined wil be held next Monday night at" 9 ro~nQ jWaterman gyinnasium' An~y person for a few giore days that miany of the that is qualifled as a result of puf _ seemingly baghftA players will UP'experience to handle a' basketball' MOSTOR WIlL NOTI DESERT YANKEES VARSITY OPPOSES ILLINO ISPASSERS 1 . i , 3 pear and nelp~ to material: tournament an~dimake 'the c more interesting for Those already qualified. Players and ti1obv.- :n cJi class ,bowling teams that rolled their first round shot get to thie union alleys tod sometime. Monday. TIS SOLUMN . CLOME r AT 3 P.M. VCAI IClassified Rates. TWo inium charge for first cents per word per day Iof 5c per agate line. C l j{Liner Rtates: Twelve ce3 FOR RENT FOR HENT-Good looking houise, best neighborhood new beds and furniture. C frm camnpus, stores, etc. club of 20 to '26 men: WV. W. Forman. .~yaj te 4Zti ~ L ~li LU1~L II '!t1 1 JRetr l~~thJlzri tered tAnd 1Wi1llt Continued from Page One). omp'~etlitlo ; Intramural office at once. freirn Ir fleilfely 111Thtse IMte a endiln i e r that bavo Mte a endiln i e r Any student that wishes to organ- ___ the points of greatest weakness 3rgc of the Sze and manaige an independent hock- j 4]ruh olgti h have no'j ey team should call 2268 somnetim e )1I T O zWV D ! jfrout to :F'elight y. igt, he adtya, within the next few day4. I b4YL A " d !I 1 flTC I hr enslynih,[o n lay oresjaccuracy andlfailure to, follow ila0 Try a Classified Adl-it pays.-Advcl. (3y Associated Press) ter shooting. Mjany potential points Ne ok Jn .I tesotwere lost in the Agie gane 1by fain~ worl Fork, Tan' .d--I ut clsport faMcia lyrt eud woldngheysdo'Icoznledack, butColueon lcianpae ob nel s HShs ilngp teiO1IItl d l} bl he opposing lrtslcet when the balli whoe pedeicton or deby ha-dropped off the back board after 3 COLUMN ipeau, has Parned hzim the title of "thc e oring attemprt failed: This pha. e RO~SES man with the iron hat," dlidn t even, go I of the play has always lreen a stropg p+~~'s~ JG;TaPM away, and s~o he's still in base ball. point wit1r AMather's teamns and the ab- Coepast hat afte-lrledl~attnight thl Benee of itwas a. surprise ito follow -' reprt hataftr ~l e hdn' soders of the team. It seems almost cer-i hi afinter~est in the New 'York aithat 1)Jothi wkeakne (e, will le 1@ ICRIAN .DML American League club as'tie announe~- r~iedeiedi tonight. Cents per worda day, laid !n advance. 11t - edl he had done, a mornthl ago (luring 1,11nrtj 'Not l'eciiter dlay, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 24c. Three ;thro joint medetimig of thme two mnajorJ Although I\~athmerr 1has nut given out if charged. White spacee charged for it rate le'agues here, and i i now seys thata lineup it Jis probable that hie will assifled, charged only to those having phorts. jlhe 'wflhl citinute In "association with I return who start d the lwit ,ts per line, without contract, paid jet advance. Co.. Jacob Rtuiporit, with w homn he el-"'game. This wil place Haggerty and PHIONE 960 evatedi the Yankees from the e~llar to1 Miller at forwards,, Ely at center. _____ ____ two Amriean League pennants. antd Paperan upn tgar. -~'7,idi flvel-r Teri o doubt hut that l1 Pkc will1 T (y ~~Te deal,, Lo all' appearan4 S, only1i1)e inserted in the lineup, cer al .for- ' WATDawaited tw o signatures anl * it still 1,:ard or grd oetiedrn h f IS clainmed, there t; as 'no1 diffrence gamer if notat the start. Henderson 13 room WVANTED-Musicians for two Chau- oe: the, proposed, purchlase price of and R3ice are also available for eerv- ' twe tauqua bands 'for the summner' of $1,2 0,000, -but whast 'Cola' lluston d(I-feie and Birksmaseduy )no square 1923. Mlust be versatile and cap- scribed a s 'a 'hitl" ch velolied and' Illinois has five veterans to start Good for able. Long season, idleal associ'a r Piotiatouas ended. Tiero a're reportsi ag'ainst MZihian tonighlt, 1lieltrozm Cal1226- tions,- good compensation'anid won.that ColIhston may' fuak^ the .el (ICl~tte t owrs, tlwl Call de'u epenrien'ce tte, ali abouit ~ -a n etgr ttra~s tlwl Consumer To BudmIAnrini UCONIA SKA TING 'TICKE~T Direct From Farm~~II~l IJJIIU 4E OTN "~III.I' U~WIIU ~ Hooks of 40 tickets each to {< ___ Weinberg Coliseumn rink are still "L,$ (1~ARA8H~1Iv~~ ~ sale'-vt the Athletic association tic i "L NSTE I A A(0ST" U il e anid may be purchased there RI:1A I ASTlong as they. last at %3. Th~eyn X CHOSEN alIso lbe' obtained at the intraxniu office, Mloe's;, and at' the Colisei "Las Cigarra HIirmliges', b: Jacin- single 'adnmission to the rink is '~' ~ s.~ to D~enavente, latest wtinner of the \ o-;cns beI prize for literature, has been cizo- Skating at the coliseum is repor ~~ I ~~sen by LaSoiedad 'Hispanica for its b o'ti w~ oeta ' persons being on the ice Tihursi annual prbdluction. The play was :night. Su~ns announcing condition yfirst produced at Madrid in 1905 whiere the ice wvill' be placed in the wind( aiiit met with great success. Accord-] fCli. -lthr'a( isS ,1ng to N orniaft Willey, 'of the 'Span-1 eacelhdd-v. .irh. depar'tinent, r ho worked in con--___ untion with the 1922 production and Pr ,T~ ~ X~NJ zwho iss again dcirectiing the lproduic 1~~Q{J' tion this year, thne play is Nvell adapt-; edl for amateur theatrical purposes. The "cast has 'been "at "work sin ce thne l,Jl( er tae direction of Mirs. E early" part of November, when more ' F. Cress ,Pr'esbyterian students ". i than 40 _candlidates turned' out. 'ay preparing a plaiy, "Tlwe Pill Box," =v ^ ° constant rehearsals, this group) har, be given in the Presb~yterian chu now been rceduced sand tentative cast I at 8 o'clock. Thursday night, Jan. m !~of 21 charactors has, been 'cho, eni, This, will be a. Orainatization of I'The cast' Poll'ows:' Marion Wheeler, life of' Dr. Ida S'cudder, a mnission '2 , ftty;~ ara.etiarbnk, India. All the ia't~s will be tW E. I3. Haton'13W of ,M., "CanieliL&'; Pearl Jenne, by students. , dnision w ill be IC.' B. Heaton, director, of- the. .dairy , illi"; Maio- Wlkr,'2-c-t naarketing departnient of: the 'Amien- F."Dna' Pa'stora7; Esthier Holznmlannl, New TuIxedos for' rental pulrp( ca~u Farm Bureau yFederation; a "-Teresita"; Tar aret Schinutz 23I , ldaiCopn.Av lioutnces that the co-'erati've" dairy j 'Hortensfa"; Mi.el Sturtz, '24, 'As-.FWl n o~n.Av marketing associations of ' Ammerica, inniont"; Kathryn 'ilson, '23, "M~irssI Movie i-A'e____ alltoigh.- pare' planning to set' urn a nation~l1 Smith", Thelmna en~rsn 25! istress of Slienstonme." Every g;ales agency for collective 'selling, 'o ,"Camarera"; William Cooley, Jr.,; ecne.Av buttfer, cheese arid, similrar pitoducts, t ,Iedere"i&' . J. Sinkford, "Augus- wec.Ay wt naco iii 'all ldrtc centers. to;W Saw er 2,Tooa" Ttlbel F 1J I skinske2 Sof M, "Gum- New Tuxedos for rentatl puree I'cohishi Iittupoe+1RP ; e sindo"; I,.P. hlrlenback, '22, "Poly" WladC _ay.Av I John Clifford, '25, "Churrerito"; Claxr- Ls iehnI casl Berlin, Jain. "5.---Gernany exported ' nF PetersoD n, '23,"Chico di la Ur- f os qm~tn' 1e ~. ,23,"3 . ;her, J claslfieil iW will sell it for you - . to the United States' the first nine sula"; H. Dods 2, R er" mnths in 1922, 1.83,004,06.0 pounds of Robert, Halsey, '.25, :"Isidoro";, Albert. poctash, compared wit, 22,800;000 inSchmindt,' '23, "Pace";and IR. D.'Jart= t uu ~ us~us the same~ period of 1921.' ' wel'5,Rihr" 'IU . special editiol, of "Las Cigarras - Iyi~nScut wed ter (ieHorngas"is tbeing pt opayed and will Moscow, Jan. 5.- P'rince Utotnsky . be publishied by Graham late 'in Feb,1' wa s elt.enced be sh~ot for lWadinxg I uariy. S revolt In thle Rostoff-oni-ion Gera. '{ is ---- -Ne;w Tuxedos for renital purposes.1f Try a Classifiedt Ad-it ways-A dv. WI and Coinpany.-"-~Adv. }f }' ; .. ,.'.. 1 '44. 73-211 FOR' ENT1 E-For second semester., Suite and double room half bock from campus. Prsent ocupant entering ,fraternity. Call 643 Tap- pan atrday or Snday.' 74-2 bOR RENT.--SingeP or double steam heated 'rooms suitable for men or boys. 014 S. State. Call or phone 2$01-11 mornings or after 6 ,p.m. 1 74-2 FOR RENT-Hourse suitable for 1. or 18 boys or girls. Furnished or un- furnished. Writ, 0do Daly, Box D~j 7, FORZ RENT-One single and' two cdouibe rooms at, reasonable prices. 944 Greernwood. 71-6 FOR RENT-A place at Mrs. Water-, man's dining table. Try 644'E. Uistj FOR RENT-Desirable quiet room. Private family., Phone 107-M, 520 Cherry$S. ' , 74-2 FOR SALE-$360 genuine racoon fur coat at 25 per cent reduction. Write or phone f interested. L. E. Oppen-I heiri & Co., Jockone Mih, 137'W. I Main St. Jl elf phone 406; Jackson. 1 73-4 FOR SAl E- it'