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December 02, 1922 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-02

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11((as many reproductions could be made
mJ~JatI. f romt the original as desired.
Now is' the time to inaugurate suchi
WEILNEW:1'jAjElt 4)F VIE a plan, The University is undergoing
r 'zt'E 4 OF113'iiGA.N drastic changes. It will be a different
rWllt~t i r ver'y rmg exceplt Monday Alma Mater We s hall find when we
dUriuw ;Iii t~nversit yvear by the Ihoard in return in a few years. To the senior.
C,-,troiref Studce fPublrcattons, class the immediate adoption of this
Menitw r " Western Co~iterence l~ditorial p'an means the most. No doubt the
A..s 'Ciit'inclass the immediate adoption of this
The Associated Press is exclusively, en- morial by which it will be remem
titled to the use for republication of all bered. What could be a- more ad- i
news dispatches credited to it or not +other=vnaelSm orltotmroeI
wise credited in tnis paper and the localvatgosm orltoheron
news published therein. more lasting, than the inauguration1
En~reJat he ostfbc atAnnArbr f this moving picture, record plan.
Michigan, as second class matter.Thyae ,ogotfrm heUi
Sub~ciption by car rier or m~ail,- $3 g0. ; versity at a time of great changes, and
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- te huddsr eodo h
niad Street. Ite huddsr eodo h
Phoncs: LEditorial, 2414 and 176M; Busi-I present campus, as well' as a recordl
Ok'5, (O .of their own activities as a class.
Commiunicatios not to exceed jnoo words" But to secure those records necessi.-"t
if igned, the signature not necessarily to tates immediate action. The plan is
appear in prinlt, but as an eviden~ce olf faith,
and3 .otices of events Hill be published in" a worthy one, and deserves the iZ7n
The Darcy at the discretion of the Editor, meiaecosdeaio'o nyg to
kit a uto rnaed to The Daily office. Uni- meitcosdrinofaygr
signed eoitiiuunicatlons will receive. no ion- that is willing to put it through.
simerat ion . No manuscript will be returned
unles- the writer encloses postage., The I )aily-
cxpre .,cd in the communications.
___________________________ It was somewhat' surprising when
IIUil s"' AFF Smythe broke forth again the other
night, so soon after his characteristic-:
'I'#~w~ 111 udfly ironic tirade directed against the!
,_- rNG EDTOR e owho shater magazines broad,.
iwAR1EON B. ST'AHJ. ca t over the tables' of the periodical
____ room of, the Library. Smythe is!











Our Own AraMal NJghts
Edwin, was a humid Benjamin. 'R1e
strode down the Diag, and turned off;
to admire the workings of Alfred the:

(Chicago Daily 'Tribune)
One of the bills which ought to be
passed by congress is the Britten-Ladd
bill, which provides for a gradual
adoption of the metric system in the
United States. The measure has been

0- 0AT

stea shvel.It eeme tohim hatwell considered ane is conservative in


Alfred moved in a mysterious way
his wonders to performu (although lie
could not himself have expressed it in
the rich 'Jacobean idiom). He re-
marked to the Grimy One, who was
resting among his levers between
trucks: "What makes it go mister?"
"I do," re-lied the Grimy one suc-'
"Why?" asked Edwin.
"Nunayerdamblzness I" retorted the
Emperor, jerking a lever.
Edwin went away.
Peregrin9 Pickled

its. provisions. It provdes for a. tram~
sition period of '10 years in merchan-{
dising, leaving manudfacturers. to adopt
the new measures as they p~lease. It
is certain that if given a footing
metric standardization will approve it-
self and the existing measures will be
abandoned without serious disar-
rangements or expenditures within u~
comparatively short time.
Th'de metric system is now used by
most modern advanced peoples, ou!-
selves and the British being the im-
portant exceptions. It gives easier and.;
in practice more accurate measure
than the Anglo-American traditionalk
units of measure, as many an Ameri-
c~n sold'er discovered during the war.
But ever if it were not more scientific,
.its adopAtion would be advisable for u:
1Ulcau~e it is tbea standard in use in

. -.-
_. ._.__

winds in another-so
campus heating system.
ate zone, apparently, is

varies the
The temper-


, ..v

Ann Arbor and Jackscn
(FEastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express .Cars-
6:00 a.mn., 7':0o am., 8 :uoa~m., .9.eL5
a.mi. and hourly to 9:0O5 p.m.
Jackson Express Cars tlocal stops s
west of A\nti, rbor)-)~:47 a.r.i., and
every two hurs to 9:47 p.m0.
Local Cars East buund-7 :o;a.
and every two hurs to 9 :00oE,. In.,
it :oo p.nm. To Ypsilanti cd4-1ia:4
p.m., i :1t5 a.mnt.
To Saline-Change. at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bt {and-7 :5o a.tn,,
12 : t 1i .
To Jackson and KaiarnaUOo-^-Tim-
ited cats',8:47, i0:47 a.1M4,t a :47, z4 J7,
4:47 Fs~,.
'To Jackson and Lansing-Lil-sited at
8:47 pmi

Making them.


Effulgent Mazda-iilt-
Divine creative urge-

aind idite

NTL Patent leathe
more by men
as dancing.
auS ankle fit of
AT pF&

News Editor... .........Paul Watzel usually dormant for rather long inter-1 For Toasted Rolls my splurge.,ne hogot h ol. O~
Luy l*~oitor...... .....James IB. 'onghp
AssistattCity Edito.........,.Marion Kerr .vals between eruptions pent sstemisaghbt antiawolhandr-
I~itorial Board, Chairman ...... E. R. Miss iAs usual, Smythe had been at the o htI vr d preetssemi usanilhn
Night; Eitors - Library. He ( %ne into the. Upper(0thtIwra wizard, sage; p, cap for our foreign trade, in South'
J 1iIavpsonyer.sJ aXry tu hal :lioey at, o h ad Possessed 1alchemic charm, on p0- America for example. Differences in,
L. J. Hershdorfe.r R, C. Moriarty tn eb
H. A. Donahue istopped on the way, in to look over Thatswredocausegthgcapacitaccapt
Spodrt agin Editor ......FC.1lark corridor.dIsAnd bookstimy humblerr' zrIr!weight are annoying to our customle'
Sunrs da ait..........F. H, e lak. fthedrednstar books In- the !and a deterrent to. the purchase or
Womex's ;dit: ..Marin l-cii He asked for the text he needed,- se-
Humor Editor .............Donald' Conty cured it, and, looked for a seat. .Atj American goods.
('onferene Editor. ....... 1.rundy Amid the brilliant, scintillating,
Pictorial editor ...............Robert "Tar the first table there. were seats for Inportn tedvlmntrl
Music kdiiot ....,........%. H. Ailr'scew twelve. Four of them were occupiedfoegtrdissenalooupo-
n re s A ssistants G il n h u cb s u e t , f u f t e y p l s o O f poem s, p ara g al-h s, e cet., ad C o e g
3hlm A.lnrw Jcon Wa~trlin~hbooks, four of them by overcoats. lib ,' international standard becomes urg-'
'Dor(,thy Penn!etts Porti;, Goulde: I Smythe shot a glance at the next table, I hr irsoi ieO w ent. Thlis is important in.'pea c?. Iin
_alr I m ;FakiD.HilunIy Rsrefomycnrb* R. A. P'illiniton \inona A. Hibbard and was surprised at the similarity eeveIo m otrb* case of war it is even more important.,cn+' .Bte dadoelJ lbis le e' h.,w.H eie na'iI h a ue ay er~s fna-
I .. ;. Btle;ewacr 1 igns btve m w.ledeie naAlas within the bounds of Time andIntelecofctorsse o m-
A. li. connablo~ Samuel Moore tour of the room. Saostcltoerop
L'.nadlettc Cote' M. . I Prvo' Smythe wasted five minutes looking Space, inl e. ect:vs cooperation and cx
]~etyi; L Coughlimi W. B. Rafierty J IOne dread my mind controls: cag fiaucswt u lis
Wt ajacc F. Eioatti. Robe-:,,.R 'scy for a chair, but the books and wraps Ta hl etm rncidfchaIngeofaec, men lie len.iPlles-
Joseph, 'epstein J. NV, Ruv.'telTai hllme ybanCidfc
Mawl edW f tnmn were too many for him. Eventually lie Icne et~,7 e iete.Pr
Isabe! F1ishe;1Fiederic G. Tei oi Tad to ask a freshman buried in study ' o fceurge adortion of the metric
'.'. ;Fiske I1'. ..Wagner i ewul1aeromfrhi mn In Monday's Toasted Rolls! adrY.I fc, der ,scetit
A' he Weouinkmakeroomforhim________ JAYBEEI
hlis_ books. But by that time Smythe IIethuc~ tons , mcnUlfact irers, and corn-
BUSIiNESS STAFF ba n mn frsud.It eneit ercial men of the highest standing
Telepadnomidonestuy.Itseme)t *Ours is Ermyntrude Corona. t h m:tcavctso nc
!him that he was in a; wilderness I yu"M.Reuc rh fpsi avcts ~itr
BUIESMNGRjwhere the tree trunks were chair- M oco~!~M Ee ien aton~al standardIzation upon U" '
BUSINESS MANAGERop~c ' eEeetrcbss ltterfr s o
ALBERT Jr. PARKER ; backs, th " leaves clothes, "and' themercbs.Buthrfomi'f
---- fruit textbooks. He left.: impcrtance to all, of us in proport~ior
Advertising . ':John J. 1flame[, Jr. Smyth says he is 'not Superhuman, 55a we are all affected, directly or in-
Advertising'...............Edward F. Conlin OUR OlWN HEILPFUL JIEMINI)EIIdietlby teexpaso n lil
Advertising...........Walter K. Scherer# and he wtears as many. clothes and drcl, te _.aso n f l
Accounts ..........Laurence 13.'IFavrotcaie as miany'books as anyone. But I-' envy of our trade, both domestic and
Circulation..........David 3. Al. Park ca-msY
Puiblication......... ,... L. Beaumont Parks he is economical of ,space, and' usually DIAYS frin
sAssistants puts his books beneath the 'table any?'. TO I' The reformn has been on the way to,)
Townsend H., Wolfe Alfrcd M.:White ; hangs his coat over' the hack of .hic #1 long. 0Oun foregn .Commerce cannot
Ktenneth,. Seick Win. DI. Roesser "
George Rockwood Allan S. Mortor& chair. Smythe says if his clothes were afford any handicap of which it can
Perry Mv. l~layden James A. Dryer i ~ uhqaiythtHlauioumi '-- rid it ef. It wvill take time to put the
Eugene ,.' Dunne W. ".."ood Atl I vs eni in operation "afli1and ~ e the
Win. G-aulich, Jr. Clyde L. H-agerman h rdl large enough' forda o mtes's,
John C. Haskin A. llartwell, Jr.' necessary dutm ~adi stee
Jhre E. Reed ,, ,J Blumenthal ' rack,.he wouldn't wear them." He
C. L. Putnam Howard" Hayden woldsave ;them for. Friday evenin^ fore' bad poi:cy to postp mce actie :Ii
E. D). Armantrout" W. K. Kiddcr __________ oigr
H. W. Cooper henry Freud! 1gr
VW.allace Flower 'Herbert' P Bost wick C1PE~NAYPRS-----'-__
Edw. 'B. Riedle L. Pierce CMLMNAY--- -
Harold, L. Hale i Classical education seems to have' it HH)#N IGIlT lr UI~)
outlived the'hey-sly of its popularity. ; I' n (Cornell Daily Sutn)

per is worn mnore and-
1- -for street as well
Men like the ;snug
this Walk - Over.


1 2

?f1a b-P.e

3 4 ,5 4; 7 8 )
10) 11 12 13 14 15 14
17 1S 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 '28 27 2S 20: 34O
Stalrt Right' Witht a Good Hat!
We do all kinds of 1-UG0H
CLASS Cleaning and Reblockijig
of hats at low prices for GOOD
We also make and sell P'OP-
YOUR HEAD and save you a
dollar or more on ;a hat.
617 P'ackard Street Phlone 1792
(Where D)..R. Stops.
at State Street)

! 1


Schedule in Effect October t8, x922
Central Tin'.e (Slow Tinme)
D X. X D
3 :45 7:*45... Adrian 1.. 2:45 814~5
} :30' 8:30 .. Clintull . ... 12 :oo 8 :oo
5:15 4:15 .. Saline ..11i:15 7:15
5:,,S 9:45 Ar~nn ArborLv. 10:45 0:=45
(Court House Square) A, M.
D--Daily. X'-Daily extcept Sundays
lwF Tholidays. l'rW..ay and Saturday special
taus for students lea ves Adriani 1:45,laves
\nn Arbo0r 4 :45.
J.AXI S 11. ELLIOTT, Proprietor
l'hor.z 026-M Adrian, Mich.
Get Ymuli
439 Thoiups.(n 1°28,J


Not that there are no students who
a.-e interested in the past achievements,
SATURDAY, DECEMB3ER 2, 1922 Eof the human race in literature, art,
- - ____-- anid the scien'ces.. The number of these I
NihEid-J .DASNsJ. in' all p robabilities' as large as it
ever was, yet the tendency in modern .
A LIVlfiING RCORI) education seems, to, be toward the
The inestim.able value 'of a moavnig utilitarian, and away from the purel, 1I
picture record of campus events can-;Cultural.
not be doubted. Aside from tihe effect- Tobsnenitrthclsca o
To b sur, nethe theclasicalnt'
ivsees of the records at alumnai' gate,- the utilitarian conceptions of educa-;
erings, meetings of graduate clubs in ta saoei tergt si
distant cities, and the, use of the usually the case, the truth lies be.
pictures durng campaigns, the rec-j tweem these two extremes. A utl tar-
ords would soon form for the Univer- Iaedcto isawlwhhsus
sity di precioas lPst .of historical docu-' out the world of the bast, just as a
nients, 'a lrary bearing a vivid ac-; c'assical one closes off the world of
count of Michigan's activities and p-'. the present. The ideal education i'
petua.ting h ter progress. oewiheals h tdn oi
The ez&--,,se of such a project hat iotepwhichenalesen nth studet oftof! ,
been found upon investigation to 'I epe h peeti hvlgto h
past. If a college career fails to do
entirely within the feasibility of the;tii al optfr hti
sc;hemxe. Indeed,' so low would be the; siders to be one of its prime functions,
cost that it hardly is a factor in theta fgvigtesudnp ra
conideatin o a ~h.n s oe~efu~aoutlook on life. A man can be just as
and necessary to the University. I. narrow-minded after going to colIc's
qualified student could do the photo-a ewsbfrifh al ose t:
graphing The, cost of the, camera Jto ie o h wrd
would be about sip hundred dollars tsie l s h ol.
jic , life would be longer than a genera- ird adte eltaueo :
tion. The price of raw film is six beuaini ohl n no
life to the fullest extent. in the mentalt
cents per foot; the cost of develop-f as well as in the physical sense. 'a
ig and printing is about fifteen cent college man who has so shut outi Vrc
a foot,-making a total expense oa present that he lives entirely in the
twenty one cents per foot of finished i3. .
film Abot 25 fee woud beco I past of classicism is just as narrowea
sumed in the recording of such ar nhsve fraiya l anwh N
event as the Senior Swing-Out parade. suisteuiiainpeett h
The cost of that recording, aside from exlso;o heps.l7 ooe h
the original investment.. the camera. man of today realizes that the classi-I!
woul be~pproxiatey ffty-wo 101 cal and the utilitarian are but comnple- ,
lars. Then there would be necessary mnayprso h aetig b
sub-titling, a cost of, roughly, twenty soe ileuain civ tste'
dollars.' 'IThis brings a total of, sev-4 end.;n
enty-two 'dollars and fifty cents, 'th' -_______
cost of instituting a permanent living While Clemnenceau was in New York, t
record of this phase of the graduatinp he was greeted with only one threat '
exercises of a senior class, or, divided of assassination,' which in no way
by the nubers of members in. thi., ruff led the Tiger's peace of mind. Now.
year's senior class, about five cents he is in Chicago-perhaps time Windy'
per member. Itis estimated that fivej City can show the hero of France
thousand feet of film would record all{ some ne~v hair-raising stunts. A T

, sr
.. / ' r
/F ' J jYy

At midnightA many receive their most
en,(oyable experiences in college life.
Ta' is the time when the fate of the
,World is d6ecided, when college poll-
t! CS are'eve'their.airing, with religion,
hitrand the present social sys-
tem gaining full eonsiderallon. No
I assroom discussion could lpossilly,
take the place of these gatherings of
Sunoergre luates in a room~ fil.led wvit'
tobacco smoke and philosophy.



Dr. Caligula:
Charlie seems to be in the plight o,'
the hipporotanms. A fanner looked
at him and told himself that there
weren't no such animule. The timers
Saw Paddock run 175 vards in 15 se°-
onds and said it couildn't be done.

December Vcor Records Out. Tod'ay!
An wwaxcelle Christmasi List- Von '1 fall to hzear totem !

DEAR CAL: I notic that Alfred is
an inveterate smoker.
Dear brother Rolls:p,, ray of light
):_erces the gloom. No longer~need the
female students of thlis here univer-
sity gnie'.e. o'er the (devasting news
hlat the Moid Women's League build-
ing site is to be the new home of West
hall when the latter becomes the fort.-
tress of the R. 0. T. '2. Prompt work
by a. special joint conimitte of Mimes
and the Players' club has' cut the
Gordian knot! Already the walls of
anew landl even nobler League biiild-'
ng are mounting.. skyward on the
'(Thiese invitations, if taken o. the
0ear. of Women may oar may not be
xchanged for an invitation to tea,
ithi the attenadance committee.

Do not count the tmie lost in these
r mblings oven the inf~electual field
Some of the haTrest monments 'in stu-
dent life are experienced as the lialiap:
of the lanai clock, set for seveni, slowly
pass the midnight hour.' Starting with
but two or three students the discp'
sion will draw into its net many more
w thin a short time. It, is the 1ti-n'e
when a ma-n forgets his enibarras..
ment c~ndl reticence and gives full1
sw;ay to his imipracticahle impulses;
starts a.(discussion in which friendl-
ship is tested, in which the ;lmnit '
tolerance and oven-mnadedness is, the
sky. Man meets man on common
ground mninus the superficial magsk of
manner and- custom. 'That is the time
w'-en friends are made which, last
throughout life.
As the pipes burn out and conveys"1-
tion lags. the gathering br-.aks u tp
with a lack of po-.teness which undle,
any other circums tances woulel hove,
been resented. Without any attenmp' j
being made to arrange the furniture
after removng their feet from it, or'
cleaning up timehur-nt out cigarettes or
"dead" miatches the conclave is um:-
ceremoniously adjourned. Tiee Utol)-
ian schemes, heated political debates,
and philosopbitcal discussions are 1',
to blow out the window wtth th, t'o-
bacco- smoke and stale air.
Thus, at the midnight hour, free
from the limitations of the classr~xom.
students acquire that maythical edua-
cation gleaned from hiea'-t-to -lcar-;
talks with their follows. Greatest c"
all is the sympathetic fellowship, thit
contact with human feeling of- a type
which can be bred throe gh no other
means. Count not the time lost, when
with text books, laid by for the mo-
row, an hour is occasiona'ly spornt is'
gathering together for such discus-
sions which can best be associiatedl


&75 li
4 "fT
[[ I

Boris Godounow-In the Town of Kazan
Star of th- North-Prayer an(I Barcarollc,
Ser'enade (Rinmpianto) In Italmian
I ell her I Love Htr So
Go IFretty Romse I
On the Road to Mand'alay,
Doni Cesar de Pazan-Srvilana nIniFrc"'ci'
Foe,. RecollectiCns Violin Salmo
Nocturne (Gsrieg) 1"111o Solo
Secret of Suzanne-Overture
Salut D'Ar'ir t Love's G'roetinmg) Violini
TiungarauiFa1:tasie-fart I
Huongariani Fantasie-Part II
Hungarian Fantaie-Part III
Hungarian Fan.asi-Part IV
A41q;,- P11itc....'verture, Part TI
M~jgic Flute-Overture, Part II
C'.!;ie'. of Liberty March
C' r tir-W~tl' VrC're Clad
r'ijarh-Hear Ye I-'rail
C ristians, A'Wal'i, Sal to the U1_pry I'orn
'~ a -chmav,i'e t+ 1'Us of t ise Ni~ht
Satr " s'Te'L, of ?Jo,her Goo-'e Land-Part I
S. ti: Claus Tells of Moth~er Coc'se Land-Part II

I ~

Fcodoor Chaliapn
Beniamumo Gigli
Orville tHarrold
L.ouise n 1Boner-Louise 1H. Stires
Rehiald 'Werre-nrathi
Nellie Melba
Mischa' Elman
Olga Samaroff
Roscanini and La Scala Orch.
Etrem Zimbalist
Arthur de Greef and
Royal Albert 1Hall Orch.
Arthur de' Greef -arid
Royal Albert' Hall 'Orch
Victor Symphony Orch.
Victor Symphony Orch.
The Goldman Band
The Goldman Band
Lucy Isabelle NMarsh"
Lucy Isabelle,Marsh
Trrinity Maie Choir
Trinity Male Choir
Gilbert Girard
GilbJert Girard
Henry Burr
Edna Brown-Elliott Shaw
1 American Quartet'
IHf.ery Burr.
Billy _Murtray--Ed Sma ll-
American Quartet
Lewis Jatnes-.ENiott Sha~w
-Lewis; James -.
,MN ks Patricnla
Miss PAtricola

'Dear Cal-e-goola:
iext thing c.-e know
ontest to determine
riots friend Alfred
ceepihorcl is to get


I, suppiose .the
there will b e a
how our Plus-
the gergaricus
out of his hole.

z 39

?Wary Pe^"-
'"~~ i'v ' r'Ro'l By
''G P T' - -4Mp '^f MyMoit~cr
Yarkce. Dccdle Fues
Trail to' Long Age
Wh.Ain You Long for a Pal
Al! For the Lovt cf Mike
Too', Toot, Tcootre! (;-oodbye)-Fo%:~ rot
Dr, 1?-Fox 'i'ron
Blowing Bubbles All Day Long-Fox Trot
Yitas Long as. You Have Me-Fox Trot'
T+omorrow-F ox Trot
Yc" ,G""- Me Your Heart-Fox Trot
I Wish I Conld Shimmy Like My.Sister Kate-Fox Trot
Ge-! But I Hate to Go Home Alone-Fox Trct
C'grolina in the Morning-Fox Trot
Cow Bells--Fox Trot
Homnesick-Fox Trot
All Over Nothing At All-Fox Trot
Lovely Lucerne-Waltz (Yodel Chorus)
Romnany Love-Fox Trot

b. :


Penscn Orob. of Chicago
Tle'mson Orcii. of Chicago
Whitemani and Orchestra.
N 'hite'nan and Orchestra
Great White Way "'rchestra
Great White Way Orchestra
The Virginians
The V~rginians
Paul Whiteman a"nd Orchestra
Zez Co-f"ey and EHie Ojelestra
Paul Whiteman and Orchestra
Great White Way Orchestra
Great White Way Orchestra
Paul Whiteman and Orchestra

Wc -13 oTban T17af forane
l'bat n ouster digs our campus up,
;ur soil hie puts to rout;
'l-e thing that has mue guessing somle,
f& lic«xv flv'll et it out.

of a year's important activities. The
cost of completely finishing five thous-
and feet of film, including the pni~e
of the raw. film, and including sub-
titling, would be a.bout'fourteen hun-
dred dollars. Divided by the number
of students, in the University, the cost;

Jail-delivery or- a gang
interest the visitor.

fight nighit


The Chicago Tribune, in a " dream"
story, relates in glowing, terms the{ LONG FELIIOW
story of time victory of Michigan ovei' HL public opnion demands it, .ye:.
Prnmceton in time. Thanksgiving game.' I the intrists of science insist uipon it

A splendid gift for the Victrola owner-some of these new Victor
Records. Select them here or purchase a Gift Certificate (for any
1mount) and let the recipient select them.

11 W99.



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