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November 29, 1922 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-29

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THE MICHIGAN DAtY _____ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

,. _


ports concerning this few. They - ... ,.. i#-°---'
1 tthiizi 1IIJ nw thlat lawlessness. and the do- ________
---_- - --- 'struction of property are no more exc-
t#FF1C1A IA E1'i1'AII1 h#F lIE curable in college students than ln ..... /..
OriusriwF lICIIG.A anuy other individuals in the land. GET THE %1LU.
iubli~hed evr nrning except Monday Because they realize all this, the1)NIS( OiANlI
during the I. nivrstvynear by the Board i members of the football squad hate. OWN FOR
Cotoo td tPbictos pledged themselves to do all in ther T IIANkt4VINGNo
Memnber of wester;) Codereue dtua power to maintain the fair name c. HFERE IS A pertinent qeto in tksi
Association.i Michigan. Should any more be asked pqeto, tksi
'th AsocitedPreh i clwet ~ f tesemenwhohav gien o mchcampus etiquette which has no doubt the rein
titled to the use for repalalicati,,ri'of ati! already, than of all the vast group o, confronted YOU, dear reader, as wellnepa
news disp~atches credited to it or nrA other- ohe tuetso teca'us s e Spos ou ae rssn
wise credited in this paper and the lacalotestdnsothcapsas e.S pseyu re rsigcto.
news published therein. vr man who has his University from Mason hall to State street, ntmth
gn~reiat he ostflie a An Aror at heart should raise his own hand the general direction of the "arcade. Hno
Enchiganas te oclassamatter, Aror and take that pledge with the foot to-}o
Subscription by carrier or trad, $3 30, ball squad. Suppose further you decide to. crossE licity gi
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-__ the moat at the southwest corner of! has goac
nard Street~. 1.Cl
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and i'76 f1; usi 'EItheNO LNTR' vz~ l
n Q6 PRSIDeTNOThEeTORawr Bldg by means of the tht
Commnicaionsnotto eceed300When, first the rumor arose that; plank, the narrow plank. Suppose (and, jo. fn
Comuniatins otto exced 00wards President Marion L. Burton would bejo id
if signed, the signature not niecessarily to this is the last time), you me :et a Co- ni ever cc
appear in print, but as an evide'~cc of faith, offered the appointment to the senate ed in the middle of the said plank. light" ti
and notices of events will be published in lf aatb h einto fTu
The Daily at the discretion of ,the Editor, if Wleftdvacantdby thep resignationiofcTtuon.
kt t o or mailed to The Daily office. U11- eman H. Newberry, the President stat- Wa oyudSe sd.adI ain
signed communie'ations will receive- no -'on- ference
sideration. No transoript will be returned ed that he would. consider nothing her pass ? Go into reverse? Do any on
unless the writer 'encloses postage. rThe 1l)aiiy Cihwol n:nDailenisen,.o heefcor nerit tecn
does not necessarily endorse the sentiments whc*wud na y yatrhscn fteefcosetrit h o of a big
expressed in the comnmunications. nections with the University. sideration: (a) color of eyes, (b) b -n aI
'Yesterday he announced finally that ~oun
EITORIA0 L , STAFF he would not accent the appointment.cmlxin d u ot
i.t* * * k' a.'d rn
Tc~ea,1uoues, I an 171- from Governor Groesbeck, should it put into
-to tendered to him. Although, as has: Lea: u a New Word t'Day
MANAGING EDITOR been stated before, the University Perhaps "colonet"
MARION B. STAHL body 'has been extremely gratified at Should rime with Roget, lows:
the prospect of the honor of a Sena- Jstlietethstorwe;r
&hewt editor.................Paul Viatze osi oig.iseecuies11 And yet I dare sayThyo
t_ ty Eitor ......... .. ...Jaines ii. trhpXoig ois xctie t'1f# h
Assistant City Ed'to...... ..Marion Kerrg it realizes that a great work is yet toi It should rime with Roget {
Edtra or nina.... .Misbe performed in, the expansion of the e pay-day sogynt;.nee
Night Editors- I atiMebenobu i M
Ralph Byers Hai:y ilocy (University, and. that all the tremeii- Mbb)nt, utitMA!
j, P Dason Jr. I. i. ackdons energy of the President will be VRE. i;cg
LI: 1Eklrshilrier kC. 'Moriarty I#*#*#* , _ht' as
H['. A. Dona~hue! needed to conduct through to the fin- ?end bra
Sports Editor .. ......... H. lacPifte ,ish this, program which he is so large- k RACE BEFORE 1EAT err
Sunday Magazine Eaditor ..Delbert Clark1 er7'
Woine i's Editor........Marion Koch I1y responsible for initiating. 1 i
HuoC ionfer...eDoadnory f: hiditor.............H,. B. G;runldy I That President Burton decided to ' G//N Bf' (o des
Pictorial K, iitor ..........obies t Tar cast aside the fevent of such an honor EI/0/7, FOR ~Jt rs
Music ELdi.r...........I.Ale in order to better fulfill, his mission I "HVU1VNOf a
Assistants at Michigan'i7- TtYR.EGONNA . I think
'l'~lrna;\ndew~ ohn ia annghisea source of atiRfica'(V -r~t
3. A. Ba con. Water S Goocisedr tion to all those connected with the l 7VIFRT//G olg
D orothy Pennietts Port',-,Goulde: University.ege
ZMauricen Bernman Franklin 1). ltepbi'n Unvesiy.hand."
}. A. Pj"lling7tov. Winiona A. Hibbard .
W,.l;. Butlc, I'dward 5. IBiggins 3 {English
I). C. C!"arl: Low ell EKer. ~ REGISTERING INDIGNATIONTrya
A. ;-3.Connable SAmue! Moore th~nga
Biernadette Cote M. . ii. =y. A,. B. See, a New York capitalist, thasgs
l veli1. Coughlin W. B. Rafferty little faith in the A. 'I3. C.'s of educi 1aint



(Daily Iowan)
a rd thenu, an occasional ass
tinto his head to break into
it columns of American daily
pers by roundly condemnuing
and all forms of higher edu-}
Of late, this outspoklen con-,
as reached nea:'iy the propor.
an epidemic. The great pub-1
iven to statements of Edison
idd on an army of lesser stars;
amor for a hearing. Hardly
t xception, the ones who en-.
ing fault with college=:, have
some closer to "sweetness and
.an ail± elementary school edu-
Tbhht seems to make litt'e dif-
with them.
.s now one Alonzo B. See, headi
T elevator company, who wvouldl
ill woren's colleiges to the
ondl nut all college. girls at
manual labor for a. year "to
o their heads some V'ttle trace
:e." Mr. See's statement fol-




:i '." AT


Asymposium review of Henry L.
Alencken's "Prejudices: Third Series",
in The Sunday Magazine for Decem-
ber 3.- Adv.


Aimn Arbor and JIackson
(E astern Standard Tlime)
Dettoat Limited and Express Cars-
6 :oo am,7 :00a.mt., 8:00 4i-fl-, 9: 5
a.m. and hourly to 9 :o5 pan.
Jackson Express Cars. (local stops
west of Ann Arbor}-9:47 a.m., and
every two hours to 9;47 P.M.
Local Cars East B;ound-7:oo a.m.
and every two hurs to g :oo p. mi.,
i i:0o p.,ni. To Ypsilanei o aly- 1 :40
p.n , i :1j5 a.tui. ..
To Saline--Change at Yps ilanti.
Local. Cars West Botind---7 :5oIa.rn.,
10To Jackson and Kalaniazoo--L~m-
ited cars 8.47, i0:47 a~dm.."A2:47, t2:47,
4:.;7 p.m.
To Jackson and Lansing--Limiited, at
8:47' P.m.

Good Corsages~ for

has my way I would burn all
amen collcges in the country.
ring women of our country do
d to be educated, but the ecru-I
they need is to..leave off snok-
;arettc"-, sto-i using .plan-, stop
,waggeying, give vp their, bold
-zeit mannor, their paint andj
owder, and their lipsticks and
sigh-heeled shoes and to cease
E11 the fool things in the world
cthe college for wiomen is tae
When they graduate from the
+they cannot write a decen-
They know nothing abow;t tl-'^
li anguag-e. They cri'not spell.
re thoroughly ignorant of th,
they should 'know, andl theyI
heir brains tw:.steil by studying5
logy, logic and philosophy an
of other stuff not only utterly
abit absolutely harmfula lot'
lfwhich Could have been con-j
only in the diseased brains o%
men used to be highly honored'
,riected by the men. But that
largely ppssfig away, and this'
}more, perhaps, to 'the effect.;
ie colleges are having on the
women than aniythi,.ng else.
Lugcould be bctter for the
h t are now in the colleges than
to k;eni out of the colleges and
hard WanuMa labor for at leaes
or so that there might be put;
leir heads some little; trace of

and formal parties
$2.50 and up






' V T
1 w2
7 8 9
14 15i 16
21 22 23
OQ On on



Franklin 6Dcl an
Wtallace F . 1Elliott
Joiieph 1,pstmnl
Maxwell IFend
Isabel fisher
T. ,I.,Fiske

T. W. Ituwitch
1t. Hi. Stonemani
A. 7' \Vehhin

Telephone 9631j
1 verti~ring .........John J. Hlamel, Jr.
hidvertisinlg..........Edard F. Conlin
Advertising .........Walter K. Scherer
Accounts..........,.....aurenice 41 I-a;rot
Circuirion...... ...aid3.' A. Park
P-iblicationi ...... ...Beaumont Parks

'TuwnIend 14. Wolfe
Kennerh Seick
Perry M. Hayden
Eugene L. Dunne
Winm. Graulich, Jr.
John C.,IBaskin
Harvey, E. .Reed
E. 10,Arimantrout
H1. W. Cooper
"a .1,iv ~ er
EhdwN. f3 licdle

Alfred 'M:.\Wite
Wnf' 1). Roe~xser
AIIlan S.'Morton
fames A. Dryer
Win. 14. Good,
Clyde tL. lagerman
A. Hartwell, Jr.
3. Blumenthal
Howard Hayden
1V, K. Kiddcr
Henry ,Freud
i Herbert P 'Bostwick
L. Pierce

Lion. In a vituperative leatter printed psychcl
in the' New York Times, he denounces.alo
scathingly all higher institutions of :ueless
learning,-,for' women, proposing that-ofsf
they be burned to the 'ground and iicce
their inmates be, sentenced to indefi- oee
nite periods of labor, preferably of the ; /."o
1manual,,variety. He ponouinces -with' __ r %andre
an air of finality that all. philosophy, .cly
science, and iiteratiure. -are conducive I sd
to' evil. After a' careful scrutiny ofji that tl
thre contents of the, letter, the, logic
displayed by Mr. See seems simp' "Not
enlough to; be convincing to anyone. '- '.--,-,------~ rls tl
For example, consider the pitiful I**to bey
plight of the poor, unfortunate girl T 11i IiTNEY: SUNDAYL put, to
'at an eastern finish)ing. school. Her j a year
mind is befogged by such buncombe, ouh blatant and sen i-holF;-fui.J into ti
as one findjs in the w~ritings of Shake- Crying children. Co-eds valiantly at- sense.
spteare, Keats, Racine, or Protagoras. 'tempting to keep their sophistica ted
A victinm of evil* surroundings, she'ucnen unm~e ad teCM
gradualfly follows the. way of the storng of the Bastile! Chicago .,
tranisgressor, quaffing at gold tipped stcyrs; oomtvcaho
1 cgarettes, sipping, champagne and, glass, splintering of wood, a mad w ildt Ther
cocktails, and holding occasional tote rs ovctr!i e
a tetes with' one of the opposite sex. It nsd for' o
Ho0w wholesome it would be could
such a girl be transplanted from her "Coats!" Angry clamor of tickets 'ti'yld
iholders. "les.,Hail, Hail" "No show 'til de~ta;
present surroundings and brought in-E~~,
to contact with the inspiring influenceI you leave." We won't go home until instill
morning.. Chorus grls peeping out at the sta
of the office worker. The latter wouldI the collech boys from behind the cur- love fc
never think of smoking gold tip cig-I tain. Yost killed by kindness. Speech-' ideals
arettos when she could get ho'cd of aes Copmi.Thrlevdcsfse.
iPiedmonut, and is known to shun e.Cmrms.Terlee OSihs
at the door. pcriime
champagne for synthetic gin. zATCPNSCINS.4byh
Or better yet, in the words of Al- * * the pa:
So-, the college girl mlight be brought Theihng efarie
to P. farm among stronger sisters whotne
b.rentbecotmntdbed-I Of the cursed gearted,
ba~e nt ben ontmintedby 'du f That makes the moil andl ruck: second
cation, and who have no false no-' The bluebooks blue-4'11. fle
Lions' as to the position of women ini The murderous fie- market
our modern society. There she might And the . tedfast eyes of Smuick. til atL
learn to be content to labor endlessly ,**'pli
so that her husband could lead a li:E : TrBIII)N cr
of iroace and ease. PRLOGRAM The
If we could only stamp out the I)ear Brother Roll: Controverting iasat
evils of hWgher education and sentence
ouryoug wmento ave ofhar la kpopular rumor that the excavation be-; limited
tween the engineering and medical m nanly
borthe al oftheglry f ;nedeva- branches of this institution, frequent-' Univer
is~m would be regained and all would! ly alluded to as the Physics builing' carabl
be right with America.,'1 rpupr.ie tb-it of a nr !i idinn f~or : ar1,,n


n~rt Rig-It Witb a Good !nA I
We do all kinds of HIGH.
CL/ASS Cleaning and Reblocklug
of hats at low prices -for GOOD
We also make and sell POP-
YOUR HEAD and save you a.
dollar or more on :a hat.
617 Packard Street Phone 1792
(Where IXR. Stops
a~t State Street)



Sciiedu ea 4n fect October t8, 1922
Central Tir:e (SlownTimle)'
D X]l A. M.P. .M
2:55 6:5Iv, M~nrenci ,Ar. (oe) 1:35 9=35
3:45 7:45... Adrian .... 12:~45 8:45
~;5 8:T5. .Tlecumseh . .. 12:15 8:25
4 :3o 8:3o ...Cliniton ... , 12 :oo 8 :oo
;:r54:T5 ...Saline .... I:15. 7:15
r :45 9:45 Ar Ann Arbor Iv. 10:45 6:45
(Court House Square) A. M.
D--Daily. X-Daily except Sundays
Iand [holidays. Friday and Saiturday special
Ibits for students leaves Adrian i :4g, leives
1.1 r- 11 F.TTOTT ,Proprietor
T'ho0~ti 26-MAdinMch

f j"~
_.. - '..

Blu Maize Blobsso'm Shop

r ,

Night Editor--ROBT. C. MORI ARTY
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. In ac-
cordjance with the usual cus om of 4
public proclamations by public-spir-
ited citizens and organizations, we of-
for the following:
We are thankful for the many bolts
that the da.r affords.3
We are thankful for the long Christ-
mas vacation which is approaching.
We are- thankful to Wisconsin for
holding Chicago to a scoreless tie.
We give thanks to, the 'Ensian be-
cause it only appears once a year.j
We are thankful to the professor
who, makes no assignments for Fri-!
We are thankful for the snow, be-'
cause it gives the women their an-!
nual opportunity of strutting forth ini
their galoshes.
We are thankful, too, because j-- n
bl1ue-b)ooks can le returned tomor-

(Tine Pennsylvanian)
re- has arisen at Pennsylvania
cent years a very~ definite need
ogle sort of assemb~lage which
dbring together as .many stu-
as possible, and which wouid j
in them a sense of the unity of
adent body, a greater and deeper:
for their. Univorsity and for the
and traditions which she cher-
To meet this demand the ex-
:nt of the All-University Assem-
as been tried at various times in
ast. The first of a series of All-"
xsity Assemblies were well at-
d, (lecidedly successful. The
d. generally showed a dimnnution
e nmber present, the third, a
et decline. Thus it would go fu
last it became evident that comi-
)n was necessary in ordler to s(c--
the desired i:tendanec.
system to b, followed th's year
far. adivanced as Pennsylvania's
rci facilities will permit. ti~efore
years have passed, however, the!
rsity will possess an auditorium
le of holdIing the entire under-
!ate body. Then will our prob-
is solved, but at the present mo-
we must be content with a~-,
ices by class.
?n this is a giant stride forward.
nger must Peninsylvania rely
chance or the }unsatisfactory vol-
,y assemb.y in order to inculcate
students of the University of
sylvania spirit which is born not
of athletic triumphs but of ven-
an folr and pide~i in their Almna
"great andl gratnd."
dance at those assemblies, while
ulsory should be complied with
irit of gratitude towards the

H J C NIG V Pip.Ilats. Tues:,Thure.
OPPOelte Cadillac K too Main 7790f
THE 811iEL O
In Sheridan',s B8Oliant Comedy
"The SchtoII for Scandal"
A Ploay of M j4nfer4, Romance at d;Sutire
Its*111C T hanksgltving' $J.5d;
itst Seats.....
Nights W~ to $ Y.50 tSnt. Mat. 50C to $2.00
Leo Dit richsthin!
In Pen Hecht's ilarious Com'edy Ifiti
' 4ndtr FVse PrcnscsP

Do you suppose Motlher would like, some New Curtain~s or
Draperies for
c b r stmas
if so,, drop into our store and-order them now !

N tl

. ...






An auto truck is running about
Ann Arbor bearing. the slogan "There!
s onlv one Ann Arbor.' If someone,
wlio ;i interested in securing the
ruth will" ask the truck owner to;
verify that statement, we can accept

At the suggestion of Coach Yost at

th:e deTnartment of anthropology. l
have discovered upon good authority'
emanating from no less a person than
an ]ntimaf o acousiutance of a mn--
ber' of true family of a gentleman etrn- '
p~loyed not far front the admiinistrative
offices of the univers'ty, the altruistict
ideal which prompted( the displace-
ment of so much soil. The excavation,
is not to be used as a military dun-
geon for the R. 0. T. C., but as aTO

the football banquet. Monday night,a it as final.
the members of the squad, as a parting' --______
expression of supremie loyalty to their Sometimes it. looks as if the truck;
Alma4 Matter, pledged themselves drivers who drive across the campus
u.na~inmously to aid President Marion I are trying to. play tag with the stu-
l,. Burton in attempting to suppress dents who must use the campus walks.
outhrcaks such as occurred Sunday They have horns on their trucks,' but
nlight, which work to the extrenie are exceedingly loathe to using .then..
dectrimient of the University in its
reputation throughout the state and.' Those who have pondered over the
nation. ="ddle 'of' the Sphinx in 'vain, might
That this cx-r-ession, has conic from turn their attentions to the, steam
thie football mien should 'be parti c- shov-el working on the campus. Its
ularly significa.nt t~o those who hatve operation seems just as much a mys-
in the past beens responsible f.,r a-tory.
tions which tend to blot Michigan , ~ -____
good namec. it is these athletes whr j The girls in the BetsyBorbour havt-
sa crif ce every, da,,who undergo rigid - something to give thanks for. They
training rule:;, who 'give up entertain.; will have West Hall removed fron-
nient, and v ho devote all, their ener-; their midst before another Thanks-i
gicsr to 'bring Michigan to a high and" giving comes around.
honored lace in intercollegiate atn- ----------. -
letics, in~ a field whichi will contribute! To change the saying a bit, "Th-
to the welfare of Nlichig-in's .reputa- mHan worth. while is the man wh'
-tion, and whiich will give her a name' can smile when lie has three blue1


No to
upon I
1 ' th]e
era.t io
in saz]

Hart Schaffner.

& Marx

(Further scandals niay be. aired un-
less censored.)
01.,r - (en1 enaalily St eamn Shovel
SIR: Since most, of the excavation
in America has be-en lone by Ireland,
Italy, and Sweden, I take pleasure in
submitting for the cte'an shovel thef
N. Trencbf r.
S Every once mn so often something
happens that makes us feel all is not
!For instance, we have discovered an
excuse for the leddy's BOO0TS.

U nivers ity , uthorities w ho have made.
thema possible rather than displeas-I
uire because of the time they demand.
Such assemblies will become eventual-
ily an essential ' and a valuable part
fo" the University's curricula. They
will exert great influence for a better
Pennsylvania spirit.
Perhaps the best test of self con-
trol is to try to keel. from thinking
,)bout Christmas vacation when it is
scarcely more than two weeks off.
T'he jokesters are not running true'
Sto form. Last year we heard twice as
many jokes about galoshes.j

Gener-al utility and sports coats from.
this' firm need no introduction to; women
of good taste who have found that they
are the only thing for school wear. We
would like to show you our stock of
Hart Schafliner and M11arx coats they
next time you are down town.


!. y

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