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September 30, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-09-30

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1Iarnum.'s famous 'Sucker' Theory
Proved 'y 'Brighest Of '26 Aen



Asserts Medical Professio'n s\ Not
Bound to Protect Public
From "Quacks"
That the theory proposed by Dr.
Albert Abrams of San Francisco em-'
bodying a "blood test" to determine
the parentage of a child, or other
physical characteristics is absolutely
"ire bunk" is the opinion of Dean
Hugh sabot of the medical school.
Dr. Abrams recently identified him-
self with the famous Tiernan-Poulin
paternity case at Notre Dame, Ind.,
with an offer to establish the paternity
of a A-months-old child, by making
a blood test.
Ras No Solid Proof
"Abrams theory," said Dr. Cabot
yesterday, "is based, if it may be said
to have a basis, purely upon asser-t
tions, instead of demonstration . and1
"His claim that he can establish the7
paternity of a child by a blood test'
is purebunk. His theory as based onE
the false assumption that every dropt
of blood in the human body is at
replica of the entire body. With the1
alsity of his first assumption proved
it must follow that his entire theory.
is false.''
Dr. Cabot expressed the view thatt
the evident concern demonstrated by
members of the medical profession
over Dr. Abrams' so-called "revela-i
tions" is'unnecessary. -
Defends Medical Ment
"It is not the duty of the medicalt
profession to protec't the publicz
against 'quacks'." he continued.t
"Fraudulent oil wells, gold miges andt
other devices have been used to de-
ceive the gullible public and there is1
no reason for the wedical profession
to array itSelf. against such practices
if the public is willing to be duped."i
Dr. Cabot concluded, by saying that
Abrams' theory is full of vague electri-
cal terms, which serve as a cloak oft
mysticism to deceive the average lay-i
man who is not trained to understand1
such terms. "As long as there are*
'suckers' there will be schemes to re-
lieve them of their money," said Dr.,
r T
Enigineering Publication Increases
Subscription List; Out Soon
With the membership campaign of
the Engineering Societynearing an
end, indications arethat subscriptions
to the Michigan Technic, official pub-
lication of the College of Engineering
and Architecture, which are secured
in,connection with memberships, will
surpass last year's record.
The first issue of the Michigan Tech-
nic this year will be pubished Nov.
15. Although the magazine is edited
entirely by students in the engineering
college, the publication carries many
non-technical articles written by un-
dergraduates and by leading men in
the field of engineering.I
On account of a, consistent pursuit
of an editorial policy that appeals to
the general campus, the Michigan
Technic is subscribed to by many who
are not engineers.
Members of the staff are limited to
the engineering college and all who
wish to try out for editorial or business
positions shauld apply in the office
of the publication, Room 109, Engi-
neering building, between 3 and 4:30
o'clock in the afternoon.

P. T. Barnum's time-worn phrase,
"there's one born every minute," ob-
viously has some basic connection, in
age, at least, with the proverbial
freshman who falls a victim each year
to the ancient and respected 'wheeze
relative to "campus tickets."
But one subject of the much worn
gag ,has come to light this year. The
usual calm of a prominent State
street haberdashery was unruffled,
save for the usual buzz of trade when
a mild loking youth wearing the in-
signia of the ,first year class blushed
up to the counter. An attentive clerk
bore down upon him.
"Yes, sir, and what'll yours be?"
The yearling stammered a moment.
"Er-ah -can I -'ah - purchase
tickets' to the caimpus buildings in
this establishment?" he queried.

The clerk gulped down a chuckle.
"Who directed you here?" he re-
"Why-ah-a man outside told me
I'd better get mine now to avoid de-
lay and confusion later, and I stop-
ped in here to make inquiries."
"Ah, I see," came the response from
the chap behind the counter. "But
You haven't come to the right place.
Those tickets are all handled by the-
ah-the president of the Student
council. You'll have to see him or
one of his represenatives in order to
secure your tickets."
The clerk smiled obligingly.
The grey cap turned and wended its
way doorward, its wearer in avid and
anxious search. Last reportsdo not
indicate the outcome of the freshman's

General Relief Is Expressed That
Antlher Week Will Fiud the.
Situation Improved

Total registration in the literar
college three days after the regular,
period for registration had closed
showed an increase of 117 over last
year's total after an equal number of
enrollment days had passed. At the
end of the third day of enrollment af-
ter the regular period last year, the
total enrollment was 4,587, this year
it was 4,704.
Enrollment in the Graduate school
will continue all this week and also
as much later as necessary, due to
the fact that a number of instructors
and assistants on the faculty of the
University enroll in courses underG
the direction of the Graduate school'
and theycan not register until after
they have the courses which they are
to teach well under way. The total
registration in the Graduate school at
the end of *8 days registration last
year was 340 with the total this year
practically the same.
Two days, Thursday and yesterday,
were set aside in the literary college
for reclassifying and for correcting
and mistakes in schedule. This peri-,
od ended last night with the close of
the. Registrar's office and all reclassi-
ficatioli or corrections.in classification
beginning today 'will be charged one
dollar for delinquency.
An effort is being made by the lo-
cal Knights Templar organization. to
obtain funds for the building of a
dorimtory for Masonic students at-
tending the University. A committee
headed by Regent Junius E. Beal, and
composed of 'Sidney W. Millard, a
resident, Treasurer R .A. Campbell,
and William Hollands, superintendent
of the University printing plant, have
charge of the drive.
The first move 'will be an attempt
to obtain a portion of the money from
the educational fund of the Grand En-
campment to form a nucleus for the
building fund. This matter was
brought before all the Templar or-
ganizations of the state at the state
conclave held in Detroit last June.
riAT V * I


General Papaulas.
General Papaulas, formef command-
er. on the Smyrna front, has accepted
the post of governor of Thrace on the
condition that he be allowed a free
hand in both military and civil admin-
istrations. Final disposition of Thrace
is not the big difference between the
'allies and \ustapha Kemnal Pasha.
The Turks demand the province now
held by the Greeks.

Yost Stresses Opportunities Open
Reserve Men for Berths
on Varsity


Efforts on the part of Coach Fielding
H. Yost and his staff to secure new
men for the reserve footbal squad
resulted yesterday in the addition of
10 members. Thirty-five men reported
for practice yesterday, a number still
far inadequate to meet the present
demand, according to the coach. So
few men have been reporting that it
has been found necessary to discon-
tinue scrimmage on several occasions.
Coach'Yost pointed out that the re-
serve squad does not necessarily mean
all work and no chance to become-a
first, string player. He declared that
the reserve squad merely acts as a
third team, and that players on it'are
in direct line for promotion asithey
show improvement.
Coach Ray Fisher, who has charge
of the reserves, states that the greatest
difficulty with the team under his
tutelage is its failure to report for
practice regularly. If the entire squad
were to report each day, the problem
of building a team would be partially
Letters have been sent to the fra-
ternities and independent organiza-
tions on the campus with a plea to get
their men out. About 30 appeals were
also seat to football players who have
seen service !with the reserves or
Varsity at some' previous time..

English Writer To Tal.e Place'
Judge Kenyon On Oratorleal
Association Course


Uncertainty as to whether Judge
William S. Kenyon will be able to
appear on the Gratoral. association
lecture course October 17 has caused
the association to .-secure .Sir. Gilbert
Parker, a writer, traveler and publi-
cist of intern .tional reputation; to
come here in 'Judge Kenyons place,
Should Judge Kenyon find it possible
to come on some -other date, his lec-
ture will be added to the course as
an eleventh number.
Sir Gilbert is in this cduntry at the
present time on a special 'trans-con-
tinental tour. He will -return to Eng-
but twice in -Michigan. His subject
land early in November and-will speak
here will be, "The World-Whither
Now?" Sir Gilbert is a prominent
figure in English and world letters
and politics. His years of experience
in parliament and on special commis-
sions during the war, his wide trav-
els, and his outstanding success as a
novelist and publicist. make him fit-
ted to speak on the subject that he
has chosen. Sir Gilbert has written
more than 30 books, including plays,
short stories, poems, histories, and
novels. Among these are "The Right
of Way," "The Weavers," "Northern
Lights," "History of Quebec," and
"The World in the Crucible."
The first lecture on the course will
be on Oct. 6 when Sir Robert Borden
will speak on "Political Development
and Relations Among English-Speak-
ing Peoples."

A survey of- the local housing andt
employment situation at .the close of
the first week of school discloses the
'act that there is a keneal unrest
and uncertainty about the outlook
With a great number of students be-
lteved to be seeking empoyment and
landladies complainig of a large
number of vacant rooms 'about town,
both students and residents seem to
have difficulty in settling down.
The extreme scatcity of classrooms
adds to the general confusion. An-
other week ,however, is "expected to
find the situation much improved.
Figures IUnavaIlable
Few figures relative to the subject
are available this early in the year;
but, according to reports from
the University Employment bureau,
scarcely any more students are in
search of work now than at a cor-
responding time a year ago. The
rooming bureau in Dean 4oseph A.
Bursley's office announces that,
though no exact figures can be given,
it 'is probable that no more landla-
dies. have vacant rooms this year than
in the past. On top of that, the en-
rollment in the entire University, be-
lieved by some to be the key to the
classroom situation, is about the same
as 'last year's.
Something - is obviously wrong
somewhere. ,An alleged lack of em-
ployment and scarcity of classrooms
does not go arm in arm with a huge
surplus of unrented rooms. One Im-
-le on 'the'.surface 'an increase :in
students; the other rather points to-
vards a decise. What 'statistical
,eports are available indicate that
everything is normal and that no ex--'
planation is there found for avtything
out of the ordinary.
McLaughlin Exp1alis
Prof. William A. McLaighlin, of the
French department, offers A sugges-
tion - with regard to th'e s~Tidtion by
saying that "formerly suites wer' oc-
cupied by two boys in most cases,
now the dormitory plan has iut ree
and' four boys in the same' suites."
Prof.° Wilbur R. Humphreys, asststant
dean of the College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts, gives tis infor-
mation; "Rents have gone up in town
lately, and people who have not rent-
ed rooms before are renting one
room. The cost of living Is higher;
and, having to make both ends mneet,
they choose this means of taking in.a
few extra dollars."
Whatever the explanation may be,
from a college town that formerly
charged rather high rents, Ann Arbor
has changed to a city where rooms
can be procured for next to nothing.
Last year at this time single rooms
were bringing $5 a week, while $9
was being charged for double rooms
and suites. Today some of the best
rooms on the campus are vacant at a
maximum rental of $3 or $3.50, while
the finest double rooms cannot com-
mand $6.50 to $7. It is merely a case
of the old principle, supply and de-
mand. Ann Arbor is flooded with
rooms, and almost the entire demand
has already been satisfactorily met.
On this subject Joseph A. Bursley,
Dean of Students, says, "I do not be-
lieve that the rooming situation Is so
much worse than it has always been
at this time of year. There are al-
ways vacant rooms on the campus.
Still the utilizing of many single
rooms for two boys may account for
some of the difficulty."
Landladies Claim Room Surplus
Yet yesterday a lady managing a
rooming house located near the cam-
pus announced that although she had
room for 14 boys she had only 1
roomer. Shortly after, a boarding-
house keeper complained that only 8
girls were in her house while she
had accommodations for 16.
In attemlpting to throw light upon
the rooming house question some have
suggested that the addition of sev-
eral fraternities and fraternity house
has had something to do with the
difficulty. The great number of ma-
chines seen in town this fall has caus-
ed. others to attribute the abundance
of .rooms near the campus to the .fac
that students no longer are so anxiou

to procure quarters within easy walk
ing distance, of the diagonal. And b
some cases double rooms and suite
have been converted..-into single room
in a last frantic attempt to. find oc
, rnnants

Charles C. Webb, for the past four
years student pastor of the Episcopal
church in Ann Arbor, was recently
chosen as chief of staff of the Student
Christian association, to succeed L.
C. Reiman, '16. Mr. Webb was gradu-
ated from Harvard university in 1913. B
The policy of the S. C. A. this year
will be, according to Mr. Webb, to
act as a clearing house between the
churches of Ann Arbor and the stu-
dents. It is thought that by following
this plan of co-operation closely, much
more will be accompished than if the
S. C. A. and the churches acted more S
independently of each other. Aside
from this, no changes of any note are
planned for the S. C. A. program for
the year, except that an edeavor will
be made to bring the students more
closely in touch with the churches
through an increased number of social Y
gatherings.- d
Government Will Support Harington s
In Efforts to End Turk
Occupation . s
- (By Associated Press) b
London; Sept. 2l. - The events of s
the next few days -probably will be
largely influenced by the outcome of t
the meeting which M. Franklin Boil- Y
Ion, the French envoy sent by the v
Paris government to Asiatic TurkeyI g
has just had with Mustapha Kemal P
Pasha, the Turkish nationalist leader.
The policy that the British author- a
ities have pursued in the face of con- 0
tinned opposition by the Kemalists in C
the vicinity of Chanak is believed in L
London to have been due partly to the t
absence of definite information as to s
how far Great Britain could depend a
upon French .and Italian support in 1
the event of hostilities with the Kem- A
alists. An, agreement with the Angora a
government concluded some time ago t
'by M. Franklin Bouillon included a 6
clause under which France undertook c
not to engage in military operations A
against the Turks in Asia Minor. s
Reports Vary at
Reports from Constantinople are to
the effect that Mustapha Kemal is in
favor of peace, but on the other hand c
the Associated Press correspondent B
asserts that the French and Italian a
generals in the Turkish capitalB x-
pressed the opinion that the British g
ought to withdraw from Chanak andf
confine themselves to the European
side of the Gallipoli peninsula. p
It is expected that the meeting be- t
tween Franklin Bouillon and Musta- a
pha Kemal will make the situation s
clearer. The situation as revealedb
bOre today following an importanta
cabinet meeting appeared to be that r
the British government had arrived
nearly at the end of its patience.
Turks Must Leave i
What is said to have been virtually t
an ultimatum demanding that thea
Turkish troops quit the Chanak zonea
has been sent to Mustapha Kemal, I
and after the cabinet meeting it wasI
said that Brigadier General Haring-
ton had been informed that he wouldI
have the full support of the govern- r
inent in taking whatever step he con-1
sidered advisable t bring the Turk-<
ish occupation of the forbidden zone -
to an end.l
It was added that the British gov-
ernment no longer would be satisfied
with Kemal's promise that his troopst
would advance no farther, but would1
require the actual withdrawal of the1
nationalist forces. t.

-Compilation of the names, address-
es, and telephone numbers of mem-
L bers of the University to be published
*in the Student Directory, will be com-
Spleted today. Students who have
changed their addressessince thehday
they registered are asked to notify
ithe office of the Student Directory in
the Press building tonight.
- Fraternities, sororities, and house
s clubs are requested to send in a com-
e plete list of their members at once.
- New organizations on the campus
" should ahnd in cards with their
e names, addresses, telephone ,numbers,
t and a list of members.
n Eight Students Win 'Plane Rides
s Eight students were among the 10
s lucky persons to ,Win free aeroplane
- rides given by the Majestic theater
]noti.4oht V'rnn TP miierv '92

everal New Faculty Appointnlents
Made; Will Enforce Campus
* Traffic Rules ,
Decision to tear down West hall at
he, close of the current University
ear, ratification ofnames of candi-
ates for various University degrees,
nnouneement of recent donations to
he University and appointment of sev-
ral men to positions on the faculty
ere the principal accomplishments
f the Board of Regents at their
monthly meeting held yesterday. .
Ancient Structure to Go
West hall, which was formerly
wned by the Ann Arbor public school
ystem was purcahsed by the Univer-
ity about 20 years ago and since that
ime has been used by the rhetoric
epartment. Without announcing any
lans for the future housing of the
hetoric department, the Regents pass-
d a resolution decreeing that the
wilding be removed at the end of
chool in June.
Announcement was also made that
he offices of Miss Hamilton, Dean of
Vomen, will be enlarged and that the
eranda at the west end of Barbour
ymnasium will be Tsed for this pur-
Among the gifts to the University
cknowledged by the Regents was one
f $6,000 "given by Emma Lowrey of
)wosso, to be known as the Henry R.
owrey Loan Fund. The income from
his fund is to be loaned to worthy
tudents in the literary college who
re in need of financial assistance
vhile working for their first 'degree.
Lcknowledgement was also made of
gift of $300 from the King's Db ugh-
ers. This sum is to pay the salary
f a teacher for the sick -and crippled
hlidren in the University hospital.
Another gift announced was that of -
ome very valuable Japanese code.
nd legal commentaries translated in-
o English and several European lan-
uages. These commentaries were se-
ured through the efforts of Charles
. Warren of Detroit, the American
mbassador to the island empire. The
Regents also received With thanks the
sift of $300 for the la school-loan
funds, from H. H. Servis of Detroit.;
Traffic congestion at the various -
arking places on the campus was
aken up by the Regents with the re--
ult that the secretary'of the Univer-
ity and the superintendent of the
building and grounds committe were
authorized to make and enforce traffic
Many Degrees Granted
By act of the Regents, the follow-
ng students in the College of LItera-
ture, Science and the Arts were
awarded the degree of bachelor of
arts: Clayton P. Armitage, Robert
F. Barie, Jr., George E. Bigge, Francis
Russell Blakeslee, Edith M. Boice,
Venner E. Brace, Edward J. Burkhard,
Loren L. Butler, Harry J. Byrne, Nor-
man C. Damon, Victor F. Diehl, Phil-
ip Diamond, George Duffield, Murnah
C. English, Robert D. Eno, Albert L.'
Ferdeman, Ellen L. Finley, Clifford H.
Folz, Leland L. Galt, Jane Gartland,
James M. Glatz, Maryland E. Hartloff,
Clayton E. Holcomb, Nathan Kaplan,
Earle C. Kneale, Buelah L. Kollar,
Etha M. Lamb, Floyd L. Larkin, Wil-
liam J. Lauder, Meyer M. Levin, Har-
ry L. Lurie, Herman G. Lustfield,

James I. McCormick, Floyd L. Mat-
tice, Gertrude (C. McGrain, Esther
Mercer, Helen G. Mitchell, Cecile W.
Moon, Lillian H. K. Morris, Maynard
A. Newton, Rose B. Phelps, Harold J.
Potter, Oscar A. Potts, Martha E.
Ratliff, James L. Reed, Maurice P.
Rhodes, Frederick N. Ropkey, Edward
H. Russell, Harold K. Schillinger,
James S. Schoff, Matthew M. Schulte,
John H. Smith, Rita F. Snyder, Aerial
E. Stranahan, Allan B. 'Sunderland,
Florence L. Thieme, Marion True,
Donald H. Van Horn, Jeptha Wade
Van Valkenburg, Ralph M. Waldhorn,
Sara M. Waller, Frederick L. Warfel,
Buelah L. Warner, Genevieve Whal-
ley, Darcy B. Wilkinson, Brainard M.
Wilson, Esther L. Wright. The degree
of bachelor of science in medicine
was granted John M. Barnes, Robert
S. Breakey, J. D. Miller, Alton E. Pul-
lon, Frederic L. Robinson, and Wal-
ter M. Simpson. The degree of bahc-
elor of science in forestry was given
to Gerald H. Tsai. Dominic T. Del-
met, Nellie I. Richmond, and Margaret
R. Stoen were granted the bachelor


Men desiring to try out for the
business staff of The Michigan j
Daily are requested to report at
the office of the business man-
ager this morning at 10 o'clock.
First semester freshmen are in- -
1 eligible.

(B Associated Press)
Athens, Sept. 29.-Several high per-
sonages connected with the former
Greek government have been arrested,
the allegation being made that they
were responsible for the campaign in
Asia Minor and for political acts
against the interests of Greece. The
officials now in power say these per-
sons will be tried n the regular courts
on a charge of treasion.
The foregn diplomats, including the
representatives of Great Britain,
France, Sweden, and Holland, as a
body, received the revolutionary com-
mfittee- today and expressed satisfac-
tion that rumors to the effect that
these personages were to be executed
yesterday after a summary military
trial had proved untrue. The diplo-
mats were assured that the prisoners
would have regular trials.
The morning newspapers report
that ex-King Constantine will leave
Athens on a vessel to be provided by
the government, and that all conven-
iences will be arranged for the for-
mer royal family.



Reserve Squad
Reaches Forty
Forty men turned out for reserve
football practice on Ferry field
Friday afternoon - the largest,
squad in 10 years, according to
Coach Fielding H. Yost.
"The Reserves are to the Varsity
what the reserves are to the army,"
declared- Coach Yost- Friday eve.
ning. Four men; Carter, Rankin,
Nurrey and Hen'erson, . Coach
Yost said, have been transferred
from the reserves to the Varsity,
and any others showing ability
will likewise be advance. The
dvision and grouping given by-
the reserves, stated the coach, is
essential for the development of
the nmen..
Cantor M. Schwartz, of Detroit, will
conduct the Jewish services in Ann
Arbor on the Day of Atonement, which
begins at sunset Sunday, Oct. 1, and
ends at sunset Monday, Oct. 2. The
services will be. held in the building
formerly occupied by the Ladies' Li-,
brary on the south side of East Huron
St., between Fifth Ave. - and Division
St. There will, be 24 hours of fasting.
The Day of Atonement, which in
Tbhrew is caled - "Yam Kipunr," is

Excavation for the new Physics
building made available valuable data!
concerning the Glacier period, it was
announced yesterday by Frank Lev-
erett, geologist of the United States
Geological Survey and lecturer in the
University geological department.
"The theory of the formation of
this district first outlined by Prof.
Alexander i tchell, head of the
geology department at Michigantin
1880, is now adequately substantiat-
ed," said Mr. Leverett.
"The wall of the excavation now

sity of Michigan is situated was thus ALPHAW1 OPENS SEASON
The northeast corner of the cam- WITH 1NFORMAL MEETING
pus is 10 feet higher than the south-
west corner because the flow. of the Alpha Nu debating society held its
little streams from the ice block was first meeting of the year last night.
directly across the campus from The meeting largely was a get-to-
where the Homoeopathic hospital gether of the old and new men. About
building is now situated to what is 75 men were out, many of these being
now the Memorial building." yfreshmen.
An impression persists on the cam- Tryouts for the mid-west debates
pus that the Physics building excava- in December were invited. Another
tion is being made more than 'usual- 1Meeting was announced for next Fri-
ly deep in order to reach a solid rock day, night, when a debate will be held
strata "Thisis uite untrue,"s ad on: "Resolved, That Turkey be
strata. "This i ut tusa ntun npii ..nan-innn ,

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