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November 24, 1922 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-24

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Camp's First Western Trip time thaut lhe saw the men of the west,
Walter Camp chose an All-Ameni- pla-y in important games.
can guiard from Yost's squad back !,,t
1909 when Benbrook was chosen from Twe' ve Y cars Ago
the Michigan team and was one of Football of old teas often 3lled
the two western men honored focr with cancel lations. In 19110 Nos ie
Camp's team that year. Dame inf isted con using two of hecr
Camp made a special trip to the piayers whlo the bo:ard of cont rol-of
west anid was, impressed writh tthe eal-1 the western conferene',ad declared
ibre of the men. '.his was the firstj ineligible. As this was a break in the

contract the Michigan game Was czin~
Our coffe is th'e'best; we hanvc a
arietly of 1111frit, ll knds -Ot
srolls also a coo 'te~l cerecal. and o-
coa, at a minl7imum pric. Why .not
taeyouir breakfJast liere? Y. W. C. A. i
LC Mfetz s fu, around the cornea from

fountain pe







livc Slar:, of th, O eIIlteamu. Above, left to rigli :
19wl : half~aick Vu roll, left, 1nd Tacle Fss

}I: ;, _ Pli olt, 'Facic i a1,al a


. .(B3y Normiiu IX B1rowni) with HE-iarvarda. T1heir c onte,,si whhSy- jX\ 1h Syracuse or sonic. of the strong-
Interscctioi~al collegiate footb~all racuse pat 7volonireal laatsezC~Oionwast1 e cveleOvenlsneed nlot le;-A ;lIled of
gamnes, which came into p~opular favor first ce. stag , since the mtodern game = i sltiNg.

a few years ago, are now becoming al- ICamne in, however.
most commonplace. They are now at! Last Ycar Syracuse, 011i it2Canadian
least an accepted part of the average I nva ,ion, nose"! out a 13 to 0 victory.
college's schedule. 'is year the MacCill team, inviading
The move on the part of these pion- the United States for thLe firs t te,
eering colleges proved so popular that 4uffered t.decisive defeat at the htands
it may extend to international propor- of the Aiericen college.82 to 0. Thle
tio=~. game procduced some interesting foot-
Two colleges on .the American con- I all, how ever, and gave the real foot-
tinent now have international football ball followers a goodl chance to con-
relations. They are McGill university ;pare the relative merits of the styles
of Canada and Syracuse. The Cana- ;c., play adopted.
dian team, defeated in the two games While the membhers of the eleven are
played to date, has returned to its4 Canadians the coach is a graduate of
Montreal campus from Syracuse d~e- : otre Dame, Frank "Shag" Shaugh-
termined to partly even the slate nexrt1 nessy. Out of squad oif nmen, manyj
a fseason.; of whom wero star., at she soccer game
McGill officials introduced intern a- but fow o, whom l ntw much of the}
tional football (American style) 20 !'A erican ram, "Slhag" developed a
years ago when they arranged a gaine teamn that wvhile it does not compare

SThe teamll's .biggest star is Captain

Ambridige, a tackle.
ing members of th~e
.pclt and Carroll, at
Walsh, at tackle.

Other scintillat-
eleveni are Phiil-
the halves, and

Intramural Items
Phi Gamma Delta won undisputed
right to the championship of :the fra-
ternity speedball league by defeat-
ing their lone contesting' foe, Nu Sig1
ma Nu, 6.3. It hadI been decided that.
Alpha.Sigma Phi and Phi Gamma Del-
ta would play for .the championship,I
which they did, Phi G1amma Delta win-
ning 'in a walkaway. Through an, ov-
ersight Nu Sigma. Nui had been side-1
tracked and the mistake necessitat-
ing an additional game, was not dis-
covered until -the latter' part of this
The winners used the passing game
to advantage, carrying the ball from
one end of the field to the other. 'The
kicking of its backfield was outstand-
ing, surpassing that" displayed
throughout 'the earlier part of the
The losers also played a hard gaine.
but were handicapped as -many of
their men were unaware of the fun-,
damentals of the game. The linemen
pr-oved the best men in the kickingj
department and many. of their "at-
tempts 'Missed the goals by inches.
Although both teams resorted to the }

overhead game a .considerable numberI
of times, neither wvas able to use it
with much effectiveness for a score,
the slippery ball being hard to holy.
PBoth teams missed many good oppor-
tunities to scor'e in both periods, par-
ticularly the .last one.
Cherry, Perrin Carter, Scott and
Joyner carried the brunut of th4 battle;
fo Phi Gamm Aa Delta. with Hoffman,
Van 'and Campbell. starring for' Nu
Sigmla Nu.
It is important that all men who
wrill participate in the interfraternity
cross-country run be at Waterman
gymnasium at 4 o'clock this' after-f
noon so that all preliminary matters
which might interfere with the race
mnay be disposed of and the runners
Isent away promptly at 4:15 o'clock,
the scheduled time for the meet.
A considerable number of men have
signed up for 'the All-camipus cross-
country meet that will be held atI
4:15 o'clock, Monday afternoon.
Coach Sullivan, cross-country train-;
fen, wishes that as many freshmen
as possible enter this race. The 'fall
games prevented many of the fresh- I
} (Continued on Page Eight) I

Tt r. our catalog with
Rl L6..theiprivilege ofE
lug he frst ixRmntoshouldo
at ny imedecde onbuay Tertype
w:itr O yYca ucn small
main you select o
ttviila b e ri ieed o fo
on ten(hvs'free edial.ing yomr
th ptLMAKESpic Ta enurphie ofual
ing he irs simatsmolUder-u
at any tmithdec.erby mahe tise
wit ect cr ondicain-rbuiltnbymoll
FRE luiv YounyImachesyoandebace
byouriencla' gua rantee. you are
nsatified f our mneasorefuaded.r
you cii it ack a e ou fromns o.
AL on AhoSe Takeu yoiu rcite f lth
I uet sletelatstolsinUAmer-
wooditf-stourtilnsRinatcto, Slowt
exie Yut oes and coackendtrm
youngooeyortypewriter fo.h
25 West Lake St, Dept. 476, Chicago


Honey back if anythig 's ,wrong

Big, luxurious O'coats



In nelvest plain colors and overplaids

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H ERE are overcoats you'll be proud
to wear' Thanksgiving Day --or
any other time, They're made of the
finest woolens obtainable, in styles that
;are distinctly smart. You'll like every-
thing about them, including their low

Classified Rates. Two Cents per word a dtay, paid in advance. Min.-
tmum charge for Arst' day, 26c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Three
cents per word per day if charged. White spa~ce charged for .,t rate
of_6c per agate line. Classified, charged only to those having phones.
ier ]Rates: Twelve cents per line, without contract, paid In advance.

Wednesday,, N ovember 22, at 3:45 p.
in, thiere were replies at the *Business
office of Thie Michigan Daily for the
followinlg boxes: A.D., F.A.C., L.C., C.,
U. M., Ui. Advertisers can obtain these

FOR SALE-Snappy four passenger
closed car. Excellent mechanical
condition, fine finish. A bargain.
Call Eddy, 1909-R. 52-31

Beating Old Mani
Noah Webstcr becan e
famous when he wrote
70,000 words
carries in its magazine
15 double length leads
with a writing mil:eage
of 540,000 words.
It requires a new lead
only once for every
36,000 written words
and is so simply con-
structed that it always
works. Willi not clog
at the point.
The GIFT-shown here-
of Rolled Gold $3.00. In
Rolled Silver $1.00.

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Crombie Greatcoats, finest madte..$75


by calling at the office. FOR SALE-C melody Buescher Saxo-f
phone. > Call 1643-J. 52-31
LOBT-Small. black leather hand-
bokcontaining Chemistry I note:,. ANNOUNCEMENT-Do you know that,
okFriday afternoon. Finder call 1612--1 Ridler's 200 drop capacity Master-
W. Vannort. 5- pen is the. most popular pen on the
campus? There is a reason. Call
LOST-Will the person who pick~ed uap at"I'Rider's Pen Shop. 2t
note boks in Engineering 1luild- ~ WI DEei
ing Tuesday, please call 13x1], 617.1~ audv.$5gaate.$ o




II ain Street at Washington I



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