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November 24, 1922 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-24

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I" 1V11L


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M rv Norkwestrn Faces Iona I
NorthwesternJune to Iowa City! Gopher Team Ends Preparation
( 'to ~~~~meet the I-awkeyes, the third tn-4 T fE F RC
wstern is also on the rise'and Coach! ____ _____
' Tistlewite has proven that, given
- turn out an eleven that can throw a! Minneapolis, Nov. 23.-With a sna- cause of the spectacular perform ance
Two Changes In Lile-up FrmMn U tage over the lighter and less ex-; scare into anl football camp. He will j]y rclessinwchtosvr jfhrsarac.-assig drll took
Who Opened. Contest Against perienced Wolverine forwards. An in- I leave no stone unturned in order topyratc eio whhtokvr~ofersrbc.I
Yiseorr I~t 1teresting combat may he looked foi; winl the Iowa clash. If his men play dcepartmnent of the game into consid- up quite a bit of time aid from fhe
Wwbetween Jack fllott, Wolverine cen-~lk hyddVtcHwegm at eration, the Gopher football tea, appearances of things it -would not
ter, and Captain Aas, veteran Mnne- yaHoadJoeIil ae odcommneced finishing off its last two be much of a surprise to see the Go-
WOLERIES AN ) WI'IED eek ofgridiron drill this atr- pi ers hand the Wolverines a bit of
BY CONDITION OF FIELD sota pivot man. Blott has outplayed! cause to worry. noon.Eeymni"npre'cn heronmdcn.Mrieni
______~~~ every opponent thus far this season,I Illinois and Ohio State will firnish"1 dition for the game and Coach Saul-~ forward pse fecltoa blt
despte the fact that his previous x-,pseofecpinlaiit
Coyalredooters apMichiaelvny a-prln10a0en0elgilan h an interesting struggle at Urbana.! ding announced this. afternoon, that and Grose, the quarterback is not far'
loya rooers ichian'selevn, a- ithe team would put in its best exhbi-! beind him. Either one of te aien
plrant for Confegnce gridiron' hon- Ism a esi o h ohrca-Bt upeadWlewr ad C-ton of the season Saturday afternoon., is also adept at receiving the other's
errs, left yesterday afternoon for the tm ihte motn ecpinpdb ako aeilti esnbtIn, the drill today ie coaches gave! offerings. The two ends are only fair
lair ~ of the Minnesota Gophers, the ththji lw lyng hs third year they have made the most of the stua- r te men :their final directions about !'n the passing gae and with Goe elf
lon obtale n te athof hesped-of Conference coinpetition. ?Mott, !lion and a real game should result. the method of attack to be used ant and Kirk opposed to them it is a jues-
verdntWioexerieneyes.red Purdue vnd Indian-: cross swords at! how to stop the famous Wolverine tion whether they will be abe to
Dn Weiesfc ht rtc ao one of the reallygracnts of the "Lafayette in their annual contest. A- Ia soktoavnae
Dhespaitee fc ht tc avor BlueTenoillwpntuphthegreate t ntough neither team has won a Confer- Martineau, Minnesota's candidate} IHve Soited icigi
theMazean Bue o ow te a-te of his brief career against the b'us- nce victory, the game always attractsi for All-American, who has : been1 Every important game of the W1ol-
'roonuray" Gol ac h ealothscronk Maonnd olvern and theme a lot of interest in the Hoosier state. training his toe for the last two Weeks ;Brines this sason, has b e scoutel
haehatry rCoach ot dhien crowds 'will watch the combat with This gane completes the Big Ten card was doing some fine punting. 1-is by the Northmen and during the en
ess fthi opponents and are go- Theedyich anrlevntaris i for Saturday and also winds p the hoots averagedl ai"'und fifty yards.Itre training p, ot Coach SIaudig'
itng into the comblat expectant of a.#Mneplsa 1ocokti on list of Conference games for the 1922I hardly the equal of Harry Kipke's and Coach Frank have been instract-
fierce. battle. Mneplsa iocokti on season, a season that contained more work at its best, but enough to off-! ing their men in the intricacies of
With their team struggling oan the luig and will go at once to the Cur- upsets and more terrific struggles thanj set the great advantage, which Mich- the Maize and Blue system of attacks
Ulyo otrp il d ~ ts hotel. The Wolverines will en- in any other year. -- -
.&nn Arbor students are expected to ga hr oroto o~rpp1 Of the other -ames that will be play-______ ____
pack 11111 Auditorium for the play by field this afternoon and will get in 1' ed in the Middle \'Vest, the Anms-lie-aa
.gocd ight's rest before the closing ' rasle, contest at Lincoln vwill un-__________________________________________
play result ht ilbe wro gmeothsasn 4fethgaedutdyrveobeohihqlt.
rectfromthe ceneof ation Tc'~ h az n Blue will be feted byThOioW 'lynDnsngaet
will witness, on the hu go gridlgraph, the Alumni asoiaiosef t:Pal G aille yr-eaiodmetia;
the fulillmnent or death of the Michi-ad naoiatin fS.wPu+rnill Iae and the Massachuetts Ag- 1
gan- title hopes. Aidnnapois ndwlllav orlge-Michigan Aggie encounter at Eata
Yost States Ltwlmip ___i______Lnsing will also, be good drawing
Before entraining yesterday Coach - card:,,
Yost gave out Fdefinitely the lineup K111I l p j f The University of Detroit-Washing-A
that will face tle Gophers at the off- I on and Jefferson contest at Detroit isa
earlyof nthe wil . e eare will toe Ofti P edPto LenwitnepsedIby 20,lay Ya-
chanages in the tentative list reported 1 '1r ie. "u
it halfback in plate' of Steger, whoVI 0 U11rVII New Haven will be the scene of thei
was slightly injured, when his foot " ' Yale-I-arvard encounter tomorrow and
game in pontact wiJth a rusty naillbut,1 great interest is always atachied to A
though he is-Ctir ught to bie in -Perfect (C C test', Tomooi row Should 3Decide l this game. A capacity crowd has o-' i
condition, will ~be held out for a part I Cbjaiupnsl jis Severl itaned seats in the huege bowl and an
of the gamne. " lob1}y, who was expect- esoron influx of 100,000 people is beginninga
ed to start at {end'in" place of Goebel,I--l to 8ill the New England town.
Js replaced k19y N fsch, indicating that JIARVFAI)Y7AIJE NORE D4I~F Army and 'Navy, meets at Philadel-
Doug may ,beg used' at ,guard or half TECH. AIRM"YNiY AMO~NG BESTi hia in theirinifteresting annual strug-!y-
before the 111 1 whisle sounds. Goebel, - -" gle and this game along with the paeyi;bighldouunl lrI rw-atm tradte
gamre is well-nnd.3er, way so tha't there Wt the close of the 1922 football TehNteDaegmsItelte
will be no risk of injulry "to the Mch . sao otfrof atra' rdto be played at 'Pittsburgh, will help
igan leadier b.efore a barrage of for- I adi elt ihgmsta i feature the grid gaines in the East.o
Ward passe-, ine cae it is necessary, is h'ave, direct and sigificanit bearing :oi Centre Coflege meets Tlane uni-j
" atemted ° oab Yst istakng ie everal sectional and Conference vestatDniladGoja wl
chances in osingvtrsitydlat-DcnvitelpsandhGlo sgia will
,tet e o d ot staig ocampionships hiesoegaeplay Alabama at Montgomery m meyin the Sc
canssin olerong t n d eadlcc . e ill not be of much importance from 'ileading games in the South tomorrow."
-EFor the rest, thae lineup stesm a chamnpionship standpoint, neverthe- istesm Coach Andy Smith has - "again
That started, against - Wiscon sin. Muir- less, they -rill attract great attentionI brought his California Bears to, ,the {°
heast and Rosatti lls he at the tackle1 from the fact tat they are being play-1 front onl the Pacie coast and their 11l,
positions, Steele and 'oughter at led to settle old rivalries.- clash with the strong- Stanford aggre- 3 * aix h"'
er1Ini the Big Ten perhraps the game gtnisocinng great attentlcynI a T o,, ow er prices l
guardsr, K B iot a ridter, terit at. that 'will draw the largest crowd, ex, ,in' far-western sorting circles. Topr c s
qurtrKi~: a bll ad a on htiding the Michigan-M1"innesota bat- balance off the day on the coast, thea
Field I1iandicapi Wolverin1es "tle, is the Chicago-Wisconsin gamne Oegorn Aggies meet Washington State Iyis a s rly aig h
Michigan may be expected to be to be played at Chicago. This is d- in what promises to be a hard fought Ii s u e l i h
ireatly handicapped by 'they natural cidedly the crucial points for the contes.b it""py 7
condition of Northrup field. With on- Maroons as they have not lost agamean fIv /G % A
ly an occasional blade of grass the this year and it is felt that the Baeg v ti t. mr v mn
Gopher playing arena is an ,expanse ers will prove the stumbling block in HILL AiIITORWM gi f
of clay, made almost into' muck -by the chrmpionship march of the iMid- E .cLR cA Lac i v m h s
the inclement weather conditions thatI wayites if Coach Richards has su-ELECTiA c i v m e t h s
have prevailed for the past week In seeded in building up a better pass SCOREBOARD Ia
the Northland. The authiorities ,of defense than was in evidence in the -NOtVEMB3ER 25TH
the Gopher institution have caused a Michigan game last Saturday.an spr c a e of r d 1
blanket of straw to be laid over the 1a

"he trainers and the n erg themisel res, ipkelc, Nar tineau to FeatuWre
realize that in order to win this game One fea.ture of the game is being
looked forward to by everybody, Wolv-
every weakness on the part of the oii)- u and Gophers. Kipke and Mar-
ponenits must be mad~we the most of. crleu poigbckbt fwo
The licliigfin forward wall has been tnaopsn akbt fwo
(°a~eti l ciared ~ithehop ta tre making strong bids for' Walter
tliero may be somte spot for Martineau apnytia lee il rsn
and McCreery to crash through. At Ian exhibition of two of the most dan-.
,:l? rsme time every tr:<ck play th- I gerous men in the counitry. Kipke will
have the advantage of superb inter-
the~~~~~~~ ~~ viieue zeue ti esnboc hile thae "Flying French-
has been explained to the men andma'"wlbe edorbitfth
u~sed by the scr-ub;, in the scrimm~n?,ge. grwound is wiet' the Minnesota halt
The condition of he ield was very
unprmisig tis aternon.The rid will be in his. natural environment. In
iron has been covered.' with six inches'ti icosngmeMriea"a
shade on Williams by reason of his
;f straw in the hope) of s'oftening up abtilityt lwtruhtoice
the ,ground before Saturday but if the of mud.lroig to nce
topf three inches thaw alut the field ofmd
E wil1 be even worse than i it is niow.
The ground underneath x-111 be froz-I Upton Sinclair's sensational book
en matking it impossible' for the Michi- "They Call Me Carpenter", reviewed
i van m ud cleats to work, wxvile the in The Sunday Magazine for Nov. 26,
Gopher, without _md cleats, will be -Adv.
at an equal disadvantage. If snow or
Vain conme before the game it will I
mrake in )ossilile the spectacuruT - ;I ]HLL A1JIDITO.RIWMI
g~ame wv iich has been pred icted. Pass-..g - - , -rrT
inug and flashy end ruffs will be al- 1!a t
mnost out of the qnuestlon. and the; SCOREBOARD
gaaue will probably resolve itself in- NOTT: Ii; II tHt ots. srih otal
mantinn qult
,inm TolweIrie
in quality is. a distinct
this season in




ground, out tnis will offer but minor
protection to the elements. Unless a
-warm sun puts in 'appearance and
continues to thine it may be expected
that the game willresolve itself into
a mud battle.
Kipke will find himself even more
handicapped than he was by the damp-
ness of Ferry field against the Bad-
gers, and Keefer, and Steger, will
suffer in a like manner. The mud
will not be so great- a detriment to
the plunging of Cappon and Roby.
Martineau, the famed Minnesota half7l
back, while 'he will be handicapped
in a way, has accustomed 1himsef to
the adverse conditions prevailing one
his native lot and will not labor un-
der such difficulties as mnay face tho,
Gophier Lin~ Heavier
A damp field will also Abe an aid
to tlhe Gopher line whose superior
weight will give it A. distinct advan-
* Mental stli mlus is born*
of comtpetitiont. YOU 111ay
* id yourself lacking the
S "pep" to carry on in the *
a afternoon wvhen the mdorn-
11 ing has beeni trying. Get
* renewled energy which
* conies with aigame of Bil
® "We try to tr.eat you ri at~


Tioday's mlenus. include:
'Whitefish 'with
Tartar Sauce,2c

M~fEMORIES o f delightful
IIfishing- and camping
trips will *comne back to you
when you eat the fresh white-
fish we're serving to-day.
Fried, then covered 'with a
tasty 'Tartar sauce. Featured
for luncheon and dinner at

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*service and satisfaction- I you like,'to wearX
*1 goo d clothes, if you like- to make ever dol-
. ar of the purchase price get the limit In
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*suits and, overcoats shownhestr now..
. k
sU ~ t: -







612 East Liberty


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