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November 08, 1922 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-08

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____________ THE MICHI1GAN DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _

;night in Hill auditorium. Everyone, tainment, and other things. He will

Taffy ill1 P l they representation in the Intersoclety

Q $connected with te play is requireto } jprobably return i in aweek.Ia , WW W A- - -
I ~1 rciattend. , - -K d ies' tockingsl
J I An important meeting of Mumnmers' A T T HE THE- FA T E E s
-;will be held at 3 o'clock tomorrow af-: Old fashioned taffy-pulls are to be
Tryouts for the Freshmen Girls' ternoon in the parlors of 'i3arhour I a feature of the Y. W. C. A. Chzristla~s
Glee club will be held fromi 4 to 5 0'- gymnasium:. .I s t-- d~ywor~kshop as soon as the kitelm at
clock Friday afternoon in room 204 of " 'Newberryhlma ee lcdi
the School of Music, for girls whoNW DIRECTOR APPOINTED FOR'I Arcade-Betty Complsoii in "To I'rainss hellhaobjeofenafyin
were unable to be present at the first' FRES IIMfANGIRLS' GLEE CEL:131 Have and to Holdl;" Al St. } #pulls is to make candy with which to
tryouts. ____ Join in his latest comedy. fill the small. tarleton stockings which
TeFehaGil'Glee club will Maeti ThIas Miga} the girls are now busily engaged ins.
AllMwmenshoiwuldTlkemas " eMFrehmanGirl'inmaking. All girls who are in;terested ,
All women who *xrotild like s iil lae ~~~~~~~~directed this year by Esther Io]= "h S nLh abTmr n hspaeo h okwl egv
Ting instruction are requested to sig n lands, '21, 'of the School of Mu1sic, "h a h SwTr i hspae ftewr~wl egv
ternames on the bulletin boata in! who has bee appointed by Mis.' N ora row;" Ambassador 'orchestra en an opportunity to assist.
their 01 cen j ~~~and comedy .~1.he Haunted I Qieanme fgrsrpre
Barbour gymnasium.} Hunt, director, as her assist nt. Mis. ut ubro grsrpre
Hollands has had a gratdel1f d ouse. - for work yesterday afternoon, and it
The venng ifleshotin ~iss fr w1l ishoped that more will turn out thi;
Thperevncng infgleeooclubt workfoand rplieum"Perils of the West;"' I 1afternoon, inasmuch as there are still
wowzen will meet from,7 to 9 'clock prvecfogeatassstnceto isews. ~
this~ evening in room 330 of the gi- in the direction of the club,.oeyadnw.Ilreamut fwr ob oe
Chitafarln nssrndn ScraD-books, puzzle pictures, flannel
gineering building,.urt D . rfft's"r animals and Christmas stockings were
Iare among the activities planned t0ourh-D . rfihs"r
the lub.Othe Oportuitie fo phans of the Storm" with IA- among the toys made ysedy
AnnArbr Uivesiy wmenwil th gee lubgirs t asis ncamusI Tian and Dorothy Gish; coin-} special appeal for magazines con-
meet at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon ini activities are being arranged. 1 edy and news.} I raining colored pictures, has been
Barbour ,gymnasium. 1 } made. Other donations of this kind
_______ ~Although 'a large number of girls ~~ ehlfl
Aferoo eharas or " Hsave already tried out for the club# ISurge-Th'is ,epk I wi1 Thewokhp il be openpever
Aftenoonrehersal for Th'there are still vacancies to be filled,
Knight Of The Burning Pestle" will and "any freshman girl who is iter I(ITuesday and Wednesday afternoon
be held in the west parlor of HarbourI ested is urged to be present from 4 Garrick (Detroit)--vWilliani Hod- from now until Christmas, and the
gymnasium, the evening rehearsals an to 5 o'clock Friday afternoon, in room:I ge in "For All of Us." services of girls, even for a 'short
Newberry. hall today.. The schedule is 1204 of the School of Music for the time, on these afternoons will be ap-E
as follows: 3 o'clock, Act III, scenesi final tryout. i Shubert - Michigan (Detroit)- predated.
1, 5, Act I, scenes 1, 2, Act II, scenes 1, 1 onstelle company in Jelhn - ..-
4, 5; 4 o'clock, Act III, scene, 2, Act ;Ileaiji to Make Opera AragmetI Gals-worthy's "Justice." 3) ince, Athletic Programs Comnpleted
IIsee 2, 3, G, 7,38 7 o'clock, Act Roe Heath. eea ay
Iscenes 1, 2omt I, general , ,' manager of I ___________1 ________ Members of the Mount Clemens club
Ins.12,AtIsee1,47,the Union, -left Ann Arbor yesterday mnet last evening in the Union. The
Act~ III, scenes 1, Act IV, scenes 1, 4. to visit' some of the larger towns in!'Got a room to rent'; A Daily b'assi zmeeting was of a business nature.
which the Union opera will play this fled ad will fine a roomer.-Adv. Plans were completed for the club's
A. complete rehearsal of the play' year, for the purpose of making ar- - - dance to be held in the near future,
will be held at 7 o'clock tomorrow' rangementis for advertising, enter- Michigan Daily and Cimaes for $4.50. and final arrangements were made for

athletic contests.
Class games in women's hocke3l'
will begin this afternoon when the
junior team meets the freshman team
at 4:15 o'clock at Palmer field. At
4:30 oclock while the junior, and
freshman teams are resting between
halves, the senior. and sophomore I
teams will take the field. The remain-
der of the games will be played or'
Thursday and Friday afternoons. The
seniors will play the freshmen at 4:15
o'clock on Thursday, the juniors and.
sophomores 'playing at,4:_30 o'clock:
On Friday afternoon the sophomores.
will meet the freshmen at 4.:15 o'clock,
the seniors and juniors :meeting at
4:30 o'clock.
All women are urged to come out to
support their teams.
SO Double Sheets i
I Envelopes I 1~
to match
Your name and address printed in
blue or black ink. Fine bond paper,
exceptional offer. Send check or
money order to






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