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November 04, 1922 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-04

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Vublishe6i. every morning except Monday
ing the Unversity year by the Board in
ntrol of Student 'Publications..
Uembe.r 'of .Vestern . Conference Iditorial
rhe Associated Press is exclusively en-
ed to the use. for republication of all
ws-lispztcles credited to it or not other-
e credited in thisepaper and the local
vs published therein.
in'ered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
chiigan, as second class matter.
ubscriptioni by . carrier or mail, $3.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
d Street.
Phones:. editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi-
.s. 960. -
ornmunications not to, exceed 300 words
signed, the -signature not necessarily to
>ear in print, lut as an evidence of faith,
d notices of events will be published in
c -Daily at the discretion of the editor, if
t or iailed to The Daily office. Un-
ncd conr lunications will receive no onon-
eration. No manuscript will be returned
ess the writer encloses postage. The Daily
s not necessarily endorse' the sentiments
>ressed in the communications.
Telephonss 2414 and 176-M


News Editor..................Paul Wat el
City Editor ...... ..James B3. Young
Assistant City Editor .. . .Marion Kerr
Editorial Board Chairman......E. R, Meiss
N.ight lEditors---
Ralph Byers Hat1y Hoey
J. P. Dawson, Jr. J. E. Mack
L. T. Hershdorfer R. C. Moriarty
H. A. DornhueH
S>ports 't dior '. ... . H.McPike
Sunda againe' ditor.......Delbert Clark
Wonme?'s Edato ..............Marion Koch
Humor Editor................Donald Coney
Conference Editor...........H. B. Grundy
ctorial ditor................Robe:t Tarr
.Music Fdtor................,. II. Ailes

a rather hackneyed phrase, is the
watchword. Everyone will join in to
make his class an actively functioning
But members are restrained from
participating in class functions un-
less their dues have been paid. This
restriction placed upon delinquent
class members reaches its culmination
when the members who have not paid
their dues are prohibited from that all
important and gratifying class activ-
ity, graduating. The delinquent mem-
ber must pay his accumulated dues
then, so the wiser plan is to pay one's
dues as he goes along, and receive the
current benefit therefrom.
To catch the spirit of class support
Monday is the wisest policy. Pay dues
The University of Texas has formal-
ly prohibited its students from owning
automobiles, branding the motor car
as a detriment to good scholarship and
a badge of class distinction. This a-
tin reiterates a movement started at
Princeton last -sear and which was
favorably received in many other in-
stitutions throughout the nation.
Any such ruling as that made by the
University of Texas appears to be an
unwarranted invasion of the private
life of the student, and to be unpro-
pitious to the end that it seeks to ac-
complish, as the University is sup-
posed to be -a reflection of the life on
the outside in which there is little
room for puritanical narrowness.
One of the cardinal norms which
underlies the working principles of
our American universities is to give
the student as much leeway in his
private life as is compatible with good
scholarship. If a student can possess
an automobile and secure satisfactory
grades, nothing should be said, if not
the authorities should not be hesitant
to expel him from school or to apply
other suitable coercive methods. When
the student graduates he will find no
arbitrary power telling him what he
shall own and what he must give up.
Only in extreme cases when his ac-
tions are such as to be unAvful. and
to constitute a genuine detriment to
the community will the law interfere.
Should not the university seek to be
like life rather than be artificial in its
And as to the argument that- the au-
tomobile in the hands of students is a
detriment to the community in that it
makes for class distinction, the pos-
sessor of a car might, were he so in-
clined, find a hundred and one other
ways to practice snobbery, if this
right were taken awayfrom him.
Of late there has been much criti-
cism of the advertising done by
churches. The general trend of opin-
ion is that if the churches are forced
to advertise in order to attract crows,
it seems as if those who worship with
advertising as a stimulus are far from
sincere in their belief. This argument
may have grounds, but it is not the
whole truth. The entire question of
the church as a social center seems
to be the real issue at stake.
Advertising,'in the minds of the ma-
jority of people, calls up the idea of

so gracefully.
"Times have

changed sadly," he

The Old
neers. The rest

continued to the
Amiable Ectopla s m
as 't h e y strolled
down t h e Main
Drag. "In my day
us young -repro-
bates - after - knowl-
edge used to revel in
sloven 1 y a t t i r e.
Nowadays I see it is
limited to the Engi-
of the campus looks

W, I. Pryor
DorogiyIr tts
Maurice Be man
W. A. Pi1Hngtle
4-1. C. Clark
A. 1,.Goniiable
I veiyn T. Coighlin
Eugene Carmichael
4cevnadctte Cote
Walla'ece V1 ii ,tt_

THE OLD ALUMNUS paid for his
mum without batting an eyelash andI
eased it into his buttonhole. "Thank
you, my dear," he said to the preda-
tory Women's Leaguer who had held
him up. "I have seldom been robbed



Jo~hn Garlitihotise
Isabel Fisher
Ainona A. Hibbard
Samnel Mnore
T. G. MeShane
W. B. Rafferty
\\ . .1Stoneman
Virginia Tryon
P. M. Wagner
A. P. Webbink
Vr~nkiin Dickmian
Joseph Epstein
J. XW. Ruwitch
J. A., Bacon

like Bond street on a spree. It seems
that the object of smart tailors is -to
lend exclusiveness to the masses.
"I haven't seen a football game since
Heston used to bend the goal posts
with his mighty frame. I suppose this
afternoon's exhibition will be a gab-
bling sewing circle in comparison.
Basketball has debased the grand old
game. In my day a young embalming
student was a conventional attache to
the training corps. The game used to
be played in a mud-bath that would
make Carlsbad look pale. Today what
do you have? A pretty front lawn that
any golf club would be proud to own
for a fairway. Well, let's go down
and assist in the obsequies."
* * *
WE saw a lassie fair one day
As she was tripping on her way
Pull out her puff and then begin
To freshen up her nose and chin.
Says We to Her, "You brazen hussy,
You hadn't ought to be so fussy-
What if your nose and chin are pink?
They're not less charming-don't you
Says Her to Us, "I'll thank you, sir,
To mind your own business." We to
"I love a girl with lots of fight-
What are you doing Saturday night?"
THE UNIVERSITY of Washington
has formed a bureau of customs and
traditions for the purpose of seizing
the budding trad and embalming it in
formaldehyde. Traditions forever,
hurray, hurray!
With Stays or Without, We Presume

(Philadelphia Public Ledger)
In declining to take a full and offi-
cial part in the Near East Peace Con-
ference, the United States has followed
the policy of the Harding Administra-
tion and the instinct of this country.
That instinct is to avoid such racial,
religious, territorial and political tan-
gles as this which as been the im-
memorial curse of the Near East.
We will be there as we were at San
Remo when the Treaty of Sevres was
drawn, and as we were at Genoa, The
Hague and others of the long series
of post-war conferences, and we will
content ourselves with "observers"
rather than with formal and partic-'
ipating delegates. , We have great in-
terests in Turkey; but these are in-
dustrial, commercial and educational
rather than political, and the confer-
ence that will gather at Lausanne on
Nov. 13 will be political and military
from its opening to its end.'
With the political and military de-
cisions of the conference we can have
little to do. We were not at war with
the Turks. The Lausanne meeting is
another attempt to clear up the debris
of the'great war in the Near East. The
Greek-Turk war was its afterpiece;
but we had withdrawn from Europe
and made our own peace long before
it ended. t
Our interests in the situation are
summed up in the statements made by
our Department of State. We ask that,
the Straits of the Dardanelles be made1
and kept free to all nations in peace!
and in war. We will insist also that
t0erulers of the Near East shall pro-1
tect religious and political -minorities
from persecution and massacre.
We are not committed to hejping
keep order in the Near East. We re-
fused the Armenian mandate and have
refused to be drawn into this vortex
that has its center at the Dardanelles.'
The American declination to draw
cards at Lausanne is consistent with
our foreign policy in the Near East
since our refusal of the ArmenianI
mandate. We will look over the
shoulders of the seat-holders in the
big game, watch the run of the cards,
see that no gambling is done with or'
against our interests, but we will buy
no chips.



needs confidence to succeed. All the
trials and tribulations that are en-
countered in the fight for a higher ed-
ucation can be made easier to bear If
one has confidence in himself and his
associates. Try to contract that feel-
ing that you are able to do the task,
and stick to anything you undertake.
Practice that feeling when you are inI
school and later on when you are
brought face to face with the world
you will be able to accomplish great
things not because you have a good;
education, but because you have ac-
quired that asset-confidence in your-
self and in your fellowmen.-Contrib-
Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standarh Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-
6:oo a.m., 7:oo a.m., 8:00 a.m., 9:05
a.m. and hourly to 9:05 p.m.
Jackson Express Cars (local stops
west of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a.m., and
every two hours to 9:47 p.m.
Local Cars East Bound-7:oo a.m.
and every two hours to 9 :oo p. in.,
1:oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only- r:40
p.n., i:5 am.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound=7:5o a.m.,
12:10) p.m.-
.To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Lim-
ited cars 8:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47,
4:47 P,.
To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at
8:47 p..

' ;



ING makes an impression on the student either favorably or unfavor-
ably; if the book is put up in a slip-shod manner that is just the
way the student approaches the work.
Why not give your students the best when a neatly mimeo-
graphed book with smooth paper and durable binding costs so little
more and causes so much more favorable impressions.

:-: AT :-:






XI o7


r-x >r.




^r°'i --3

T el hne 96(1
fAdve t ,, . ..John J. Hamel, Jr.
Advertii ...... ward F. Conlin
Advertising........Walter K. Scherer,
Accoints. ....Laurence H' Favrot
Circule i'or ...David J. M. Park
Publication. ......L. Beaumont Parks



3 4 5
10 11 12
17 18 19
24 25 26

6 7
13 14
20 21
27 28


When in need of Foot-
-a wear' stop here first and
be convinced that -we
v b are selling more shoe
value per dollar than
=Y - you can buy elsewhere.
0 & H Shoesare built
to stand that rough, hard wear that young men of today ex-
pect from them. Besides, they're moderately priced from five
to nine dollars.



Townsend I. Wolfe
Kenneth Seick
George Rockwood
Perry AT, Iayden
Eugene L. Duinne
Wm. Craulich Jr.
John C. fRaskin
l aiv ey -(eed
C, L. Putnam
P;. T). 2Arrantropt -
H., W. Cooper
Wallace Fd6wer
. 1. Riedle
TTlarld L. Hale

Alfr d M. White
Win. D, Roesser
Allan S. Morton
.larees A. Dryer
'1m. Il. Good
Clyde L. Hagerman
A. J-Iartwell, Jr.
J. 'Mumenthal
'oward Hayden
1 W: K. Kidder
14enry Freud
I erbert P Bostwick
,. Pierce-

Night Editor-L. J. HERSHDORFER


"FOR SALE-Beautiful eve-
ning gown, size 16 or 34.."


** * * * * * * C
* * *


,n }AU .aA. C.

Michigan today is privileged to be
host to the football team, the student
dnl nnr 01 h P ihci tir fnllour of

Here's to the man who's

tidy and

(Northeastern Tech)
-Modern life is more complex than
most of us realize. Evolution has tak-
en possession of every phase of hu-l
man activity. Industry two genera-
tions ago was largely confined to hard
work. Today practically every article
of commerce is machine made. Cus-
tom work was carried on in the homes
of the workers. In our age, workmen
assemble in great numbers under one;
roof. Division of labor is the result
of necessity. Many industries are too
large for single man management.
-'Labor has found it necessary to or-
ganize for protection, to discuss com-
mon problems, and attempt a solu-
tion. The need for this movement was
not felt until social organization
reached a complex stage. So intricate
has this development become that no -
one man can speak authoritatively on
the entire problem.
Bankers, lawyers, doctors, teachers,
mechanics, engineers, business men
of every description, all feel the ne-
cessity of organization. They are
banding together to study every phase
of human activity. The force of the
old adage, "In unity there is strength,"
is felt more/ keenly than in any pe-
riod in hisitory. To solve our common
problems, we must have evidence'
from every availablesource. Heads'
must be banded together to discuss
and understand 9conomic, commer-
cial, industrial, political and social

Start Right With a Good Hat!
We do all kinds of HIGH
CLASS Cleaning and Reblocking
of hats at low prices for GOOD
We also make and sell POP-
YOUR HEAD and save you a
dollar or pnore on a lat.
=17 Packard Street Phone 1792
(Where D.U.R. Stops -
at State Street)






O'Kane & Herler
X en 335 S. MAIN ST. women
have Your Shoes Fitted by Xay


Who shaves every morning at quarter



oay, and te ennusias ic ioi wers of oegt
commerce, and according to many, to eight.
7Michigan Agricultural college. business and the church can never be But why in the devil (I'd like to sayc
The game today is certain to prove linked, or even be brought into any re- more!)
a real combat if the past may be used I lation that savours of a rapprochment. Must he always lock up the bath-room
as a criterion, But the annual- clash It is certain that the church is not a (loor?r
of these two Michigan schools should commercial institution. Neverthe-i REDDY. {
less social functions, even if admis- * Poetic licentiousness.<
promote a purpose beyond a bit of sion is charged; do not rob the house * * *
temporary tiversiOn. It should be a of God of any of its sanctity or cony NOW that we have seen a photo-j
day for coptemplating the unity of in- vert it into a business establishment, graph of Mr. Alfred Dunhill's new
terests of'licliigaii-and M. A. C. Advertising for such functions can Fifth avenue establishment with the
During olay's game a:spirit o hardly be condemned., s Swiss admiral to open doors and an
friendly rivalry will be manifest. This By far the greater part of the space interior like. Tiffany's we can under-1
rivalry on the gridiron is highly de, which the churches use in.the news- standthe fantistic prices attached toi
sirable, for it serves to heighten inter- papers is for the purpose of announc- his pipes.
est in the game. But betweeen the ing the subjects of the sermons, the * * *
two educational institutions, therehe minister, and STATE STREET NIGHTS
should W nothing but mutual respect the location of e church.nByhmea The depot--flaring lights, sighing;
for each other's accomplishments. ontistranger iownwsere steam, and the roaring of cold motors
In other states this respect and un- anous to tnd relos ser- -the banging of trunks-It's a long:
derstanding)- otre hog h are~ enabled to find the places of wor-1+
loatin t gfosteredthrogh the n p of their denomination, walk up to the room-Up the hill--
location of te agricultural college in oAdvertising by a church neIther Cig'arettes glowing in the dark-A-
the same town as the State Univer- Weary Willie with his eternal green-
sity. In Michigan the Agriculural col- .dnes the ps ofth insin- shaded lamp-Blue books will be com -
leg isove 60mils fom he nivr-nor, does Nit fill the pews with insin- I.
lege is over 6 miles from the Univer- e worshippers ing in deluges soon-Some night I'll
sity and has a vast student body to grab a taxi and go home in style-Why;
itself. But the elehent of separation is it that no pretty girl ever gets tired ,
should be no barrier to a genuine Last week it was particularly no- carrying her bag up this street-and
sense of harmony and co-operation be- ticeable that the final whistle of the ! then I'd happen along-That girl with
tween the two institutions. Let us game had scarcely been blown before the blue sandals and grey cape from
dedicate t]e day of the M: A. C. game the score, had been taken down from my Sociology class for instance--The
to the realization of this ideal. the scoreboard.,People in leaving Fer- steam-clouded window at Bill and
-' -ry ffeld often want a last glimpse of Merts with piles of discouraged
SUPI7ORT YOUR CLASS the results. The score should be left:doughnutshstaring darklysout-All
C u b a rthere at 'least until the crowd has "The Boys" at the back around the
Class dues will be paid under a new
plaa this year. Whereas duesgne shining coffee urn with its little blue
were' paid on dates set at the discre- flame-The Pullman with the odor of
tion of the officials of the various A little less of the competitive cheer- hamburger in the air-The deserted,
classes, the newly inaugurated plan is leading between Michigan leaders Union-The mournful baying of a
-o designate one day for the payment might not be a bad idea. When two young puppy down Madison-That's a.
of dues of all classes. The day so set cheers are'going at once, the effect of great police dog they have at Beta
for this year is next Monday. On that both is lost. Theta Pi-Wonder how my hound Pat
day respective booths of the different is - Packard street - These stairs;
classes will be located at convenient A "Hello Day" is being instituted at creak unearthly creaks at night-Ed-
spots on the campus, and the giving of Illinois to promote acquaintances. die with his thunderous snore-It's a
support to one's class will be the gen- But, as usual, the men are not in- shame such energy can't be harnessed
eral spirit of the day. eluded in the "hello" privileges, up in some way-I'll unpack in the
There can be no class activity worth morning-perhaps-I should have tak-
attending without the necessary funds An advertisement in the Daily Illini I en some books with me over the week
with which to carry it out. Further- reads "$1000 for a woman." Wonder end-I wonder-And so o ed

Snd theQ dNews to Plother
The next time you write back home to MOTHER just tell
her that she needn't expect your laundry this week -.-'that
you have figured it all out and found that it was actually
less expensive to have it done here th a n to pay postage
both ways and have it done at home. Of course, your Moth-
er, true to form, will tell you that that is not necessary but -
way down in her heart she will appreciate your thought-
11 11 1

probl ems.I
No group should be more enthusi,
astic over modern tendencies than
college men. Many of them have come
to a realization of their re'sponsibil-
ity as the future leaders of America.
They are the moulders of future pub-
lic policies, captains of industry and
social organizers. Sincere effort to get
at the truth in these realms through
their extra-collegiate organizations
and curriculum is of strategic impor-~
Every college has an economics
club, a social science organization,
open forum or liberal club. The op-
portunitysof membership in a live
club of such a nature ought not to be
lightly passed over by any student. A
membership campaign for such a club
is to be launched at Northeastern.
Think twice before you turn it down.
Only the mentally dead will not get
behind such a movement and push.
(Carnegie Tartan)
In the French Army they call it
Confidence led to the discovery of
this country, to the victory of United
States in past wars. A feeling of hope
and confidence in the heart of the
football players brought many a vic-

luniiuc. aun u 0 lau, ve ry gau.
The White Swan is equipped to give you quick service. The next time your-
laundry is ready to go just call and in very short order a wagon will call for it.
It will then be washed and carefully ironed and any necessary and reason
able mending done. Then it is sent back. to you with all possible speed.

I -~



{Wnir1E 5WA



'-r L. J7',l/h l, t C111 T'/ RI 7*2 '

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