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November 01, 1922 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-01

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Now Commarn
O f Greeki

ail r

I' _ ticitjaae i11 settling of
Ea't4 Qlle.tiOn . Next
NoRI h


S UT EME.' ' N rr ';.

(By ssocIated Press)
wasbing ton, Oct. 30.--The Amnerican.
govermentin totes delivered today
1o the Btritishl, French, and Italiap
amnbas;sado(rs here formially declared tc
decline to )narticipate in the Near East
Peace, conferen ce s.cheduled for next.
month. Late- the staite department'
made public this governmfent's posi-
tion on the goverument as outlined in
the "alemiemorie" which wvas trans-
mnitted yesterdlay to the three govern-'
ments concerned.
Reference to the 'aldememorie"
was in the form of a reply to the a'
lied note inviting participation but
which were not received by the state
department until after the "aldemem-
oie" had been dispatched to the
American rep)resentatives in the three
for'eign caipit;als. The formal reply,
like the invitations, were directly
wordhed and explained that the United
S .tes, would send only observers to _
thie meeting and added that the c:on-
ference .twas primarily a peace ron-
ference to "end a war in which the
tUnitdd States was not a belligerent.

IChrzs t , :Oct. 31. -- Norway ..is,- 4
confronted with an unique problem in
attem~ptin~g to enforce the ProhibitionI
laws of the .cougntry, on account of theS
commzA-erceli treaties )which .are in{
force xwith Frane and Spain. Under
these treaties Norway agrees to im-
port huage quantities of strong wines
Swich -hare annea~d under -the poii
prhb-tion ia ri.'
From Franico the government has!
agreed' to import 400,000 quarts. of
techanical pu~poses, and from Spain
500,000 (fuarts of wine which contain
1 Wore them 14 pcr cent of alcohol. In-
'cluded in this amount are 50,00 0
quarts of cordials which are of no
use medically.
S For medical purposes, according to 1
census figures, there is use for only
100,000 ql.;t ts of the imported goods,
and no rrovision has been made for
thee dispoa:i of the remnainder. The
treaties urovide that these wines mnay
nortt be re-e.:tortedl, and. the alcoholic
con'en't may jot be ,lowered by mixinagf
with water'.
At: rreseat there 'is a misunder-.
standing lbet-. een N orwxray anld ortin- IPrIne AndrewI
igal ot.cr, -Norway's exports of dish to, inag George I1 of Greece, has nano-
Portugali, anzd .as a result Portuguzese ed Prince Andrew commander in chief
- me clh ants have cancelled shipments c h re imnwi al
entailing the loss of ilI"on 14of Iiapidted ta sd. as ai result oif the dis-

N o v. i t 191,9 T o1a IuP Itu
WUIIIJIILUILRI1I'~ I li po'n view tlhe passengerls tofth
E 'S11 Et en", rpeenigmany countries,
111 WOLD LNPUEheld aimeeting and decided to form
flA BY~J~ILO SILNC the Lei giie of Remembrance with
headuarersin America.
Plans for the world wide celebra- - ---
tion of Armistice day are being for-! If youl"ose your:" dog, a daily classi-
multedby he eage o Reem-fied ad will find i for .you.-Adv.
brance, an organization created for __________________
that purpose. It hopes to make "The'
Two Minutes Silence" anl annual, and;
universial observance of the day.
A beginning was made in 1919 when
"The Two Minutes Silence" was sol-
emnly and beautifully observed in
lGreat Britain, also in every British: I1: _ -i¢,i_-TUSA
Dominion and on every vessel flying!I RFRE" WESTVER
the white ensign. Last year Arms-
tice day was, similarly observed I
throughout the United States when, AN
Amerlca's . Unknown Soldier symbol
of the nation's dead, was buried in Ar- F LITTLE SMO Y",
lington cemetery.
The idea of commemorating the sac- EDDIE POLO in
rifice of the dead in the world war
and emphasizing the dusty of the liva- "CAPIN KDD"
li ng to preserve the peace, by tha ~ VRA TRC MD
"Two Minutes Silence", is largely UNVRA STRCIED
American. It was born in mid-ocean'

Wee k-End

Recent photo of thie Duke of V De ~shlre
'The Duke of Devonshire, formerly governor general, of Canada, be-
comes secretary' of the colonies in th e ne* British cabinet formed by Prer-i-

French Raspberry

and Fig Nut

ier Bonar Law.

ii lti1 1 1-°1 1141 . IU~ I I 1"01 i ll 1ii

llll,<9I(1" P IJBJTAIITY ADOCAT - Statements published in The' Daily s
stating that the total campus applc4-
('10AT, CIANATION AL tiohs for absent voters' ballots had t
CONVETIONnumbered only 12 did not include the,
number given out by the Republicani
Chicago, Oct. 31,-Advertising and club, according to statements by the
publicity applied to churches in the officers of this club last night. Over
United States is netessary, to bring (200 applications have been filed with
the proper res-ults for worship accord- this organization. 4
ing to statements made by speakers at A n ppiainscnr acpe
the National ConferenceOion Church af1ter Nov. 4. the boothh 4operated by a
Pbiiyhere todlay. Ehe Republican club will remain openit
"A vwell thought-out and prepared only until Frday aftern~oon. They .t
p ublicity program tihat is constructive D il bie in operation from 2 to 5 oi'-
and consecu.tive is the only one that ;okeeyavtronu~ilta ie~
willbrig rsuls fr -he hurh," Regulations governing the applica-
dleclared- the Rev. Elwood Rowsey, 'ion for voters are established' in
past r o the Firt W stn~nise'I £Public Act No. 203. This act state I
Presbyrterian church at Toledo, C}, that any regularly qualified) voter.,who f
"A, hit-and-miss program will us- ecets to be absent from the wvardl,
wally miss results,'' lie said. "To put rdsrcto i rsdne n*h
one advyertisement in the paper, tol C
sent' out a special hand hill or to ar- dalfeeto sen~ldt oe~
the following way: Al; any time dur-
range one -unique program for a spe-
cialdaywillnot rodue suficint lg the 30 days preceding the election ;
c~il caywil no woucesuficinthe may make application to the town- .
results to justify the expenditure. ship, city, or village clerk,ij person
Constant work i< necessary to produce or by mail for an official ballot.' Such I
Ieult .-"~- - application is to be mrade O : a blank
"Chuch id r iing of oda isform. prescribed by law, which, on re-
competitive anid not cooperative," de- qet ilImdaeyb aldb
dlaredc Herbert I. Smithm, assistant, the cla;rk to any voter who ask for
manager of the Presbyter-ian. lpublic- it.
ity deplartme nt. TeRpbia lbhsbe s
"Churchas of th1is country will nev- h eulcnclbhsbe s
or Io d th god tzeymigt jpecially active in aiding the volers in
obtaining applications. Not only haveI
amoniag th e 1vast armay of non-church they maintained booths on the camiputs
Deirs until in their paid) display but they have furnished free notary
:;pace they adorpt the principles of evcan potg.Frhrif-
church unl_ which leaders of the mration on any 'matters with rtegard
various cdenoi Mtioins have orated) to the votng may be" obtained' at the
up;on times without number," he said. office of the club on the third floor of
"Rccent examination of church the Urion.
p;ages of about 200 newspapers' shows ___-
that more ; th 93pcrceht of all the
churchles advertisie the topics of the I' Iw Fr193Gne
monig ndevnig erics.ThseI(By Associated Press)i
moringandeveingserice., hes ,New Haven, Oct. 31.-Definite an'-
an;nounicemnt s "almfost invariably nounceinent that Yale has invitedj
opsen with the name of the church, Iowa _ o play at the Yale bowl next
-tLereby limiting their appeal to those ________________
,,,ho are interested in the denomina-a
tion or pazrticular ch-urch namied." 0

/crowns to Norwegians. Negotiations I 4ay ntt Trs
for a new treaty have been goi'ng sr«ncmainaans h Trs
season wa.s made here tonight. An! for some timye, but h1ave mrade little
in~rfomtw sexpectedso.hedaa;Prual is .insisting that! A. L,1. E I.:tods Smoker Tonight
aThis invitati on indicates that inter- Nor-way imp ot iat million quarts of3 Electricalz!engineors of all 'classes1
sectional games are not barred by thre! strong wines, p~ort and - Lvleira, year- I ; il gather a,. 7:30 o'clock tonight
so-called 'V4,angular agreement" ly, in return for the fish tradle of Nor- for a "get-acquainted" smoker under
male by Yale, Harvard and Prince- way. Ith~e auspices of the . . le, . in the
on. According to the Norwregian arohri- upper reading room of the Union.
bition law, strong wines may be sold 'Sc A, . I opk~ins, of the engineering
L NSING ,CLLR BANQUET TO I on ly in drug stores on a doctor's pre-I college, twill be the principal speak-.
HONR l'04T)3A~ I{ I'; ';Ia ?scription. Tn this way not more than Ie_. .
HONR FOTB~l4PLAERS150.t00 quarts can be disposed of in Music for the occasion will be fern-
a year. ~~ished by Tang and Tvreag
Three Varsity football players, Har-' Prohibition politicians are favoring; mented by a' seven- piece resrag
ry Kipke, '24, James E. Johns, '23E,j a more lax prescription law, but a ma- wihwl iesvrlpplrnm
and Edward R. Vandervoorst, '24, will ;onity of the present cabinet have ex- 'hers. Jimmie Cooper will sing. Tick-
Ipressed themselves in favor of lift- esma be obtained at the door., h xsso o~ra aqe t a
e h usso oo tabnutig the lid on strong wines. I--
to he glyen by the Lansing club to--_____
night at Willits" cafe. Tlie three atli- A , ,w , (bib F'tsrTonigI
ef'neB are Lac nsing' men. Werster ners' clbub will hol, ts first
Th c ws ranze as p rg ,thglar meceting in Lane hall at 7:30 EVERYq A TO TITS TRADE
with the. purpose of promoting Michi- F o'clock tonight. Important business
gan spirit at Lansing. Under the au-I will be taken up including the elec- WC A3RE PENNIA1KERES
apices of the organization a large M.I tion of officers and plans for a dance. j 1 IlD'.R for PENS
A.. C.-MWchlgan mass meeting was held There will also be some entertain- 35 i~Ycwrs Experien-e
Oct,- 30 ,in JLnsing and the Varsity mnent. All students from west of the , 4
band has been secured' for the last isisiss ppi are eligible to membership °
night of its tour in the spring, .n this club. I"

Try this


Only 64c a quart
at your


w ,.,,.... .


MATINEE 2:0o"-:84



E VENIDN C 6 :00-9.'00
AD)ULTiS 50c

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.All1 overs;eas men will the admitted
free of c ,rte aitlthe soka:r to be
given at 7:30 tonight a ct the Union
by the Riclhard N. il port co the
Vtcerans, of the Foreig-n Wars. Pro-J
fessor lio bb; will sn)eak en "The
PacifistiL and Communistic Propo-
ganda of, ~:,e Schlool and College. Text
Holewill b'h odcc[by P -reqs-
sor M-all, the father of Riclhard N.,
hall f'or whom the clocal branch of
1th0 Veteran. of the Foreign Wars is
Dr. 0G. Carl 11luber, professor of an-
atomy in. the Medical school, w ill
speak before the Portland Academy
of Medicine, at Portland, Oregon, onj
Dec. 14. Dr. Hluber, who became well
known during the war for his ac-
Ponmnlishmen .s ine tlhe work 'of, pen-
phie!al nerve repair, 'will ' probably
speak to. the Portland, physicians UP-
on this subject.
He will be the guest 'of alumni 'of
the Medical school in Seattle, Ta-
coma, and Salt Lake City.

-Aftir graduation, you must bridge
the "years of experience" before you
will be fitted to occupy a posit'ion of
business responsibility and trust:
To men who are eager to shorten
these years, Babson Institute offers
an intensive training course of one
or two years in business practice.
No lectures; no conferences. Nqo
written work; but dictation through
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Babson Institute, an educational in-
stitutioin endowed for the purpose of
fitting men for true executive respon-
sibilities, invites you to send for f
the booklet "Training for Business
Leadership." Write today.
Babson Institute I
10-12 A.M.L;'1 :80. an~d 7-$ w.M.
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is recognized universally as a garment of surpass'
ping excellence., Thew Boyshform Brassiere imparts
that Boy-like, (flat appearance to either: tle slim~ or'
stout figure assuring an indescribale charm unap.
proached in the wearing of other brassieres. By all
means, every. women should wear a - Boyshform"~



Mdi lcal examinations for dentr'
, i-,Jjnts were corn letEdyesterd'ay.
The new plan of examining; student::
o: the colleges having routine wor,
by, ser~lninga certain number each
Cay a their schedules will permit..
has crovn- satisfactory, according to
T).Wairren F. Forsythe. This nmAh--
odwil 1),^ used. -foi- medical stu den~t:
wlhn are the next to be examined.
Other; stu deans wil be mailed, thei
rappointments as soon as t~he Sr itu-
dent directory is published.




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