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October 25, 1922 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-10-25

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3AN,, DXi LY

A A L,.

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strident., wc1
Finl oranenln 5 1'ui h o+'ab
t! Veteranls o ocWr ociy.
This Iund iS ov s its "Iin~n
J1 . ton thI yj h}Ov y llgiven . lst'
t}oine tinim ,h tWS'ii0V2
t C''in', ny 151been gvnto
in Mmoral cmmiteeto aid in Coe
f isig fth lirratthe I;n-
an d t p! ,)' i '~t' e privil, of F ? fti;(e
-!! eof the mneyat ) ,n 7tiune ii POl
the pvsaa~oV three months' lno-
l e.i\vx-r i i s E 2d n o te cliPr
f; b oCtiety th I t tit wasCunne '>" v
d) hvc thOi fwOlidy ly'iin leUotun li
s. :1 a 4,ce~s the *Uio(n will be
r-adly to. Cit 1for the imrchas lzg; of,
aI fl' fease tor the Library.
. igy withthe Rocgent , an lthLsloan
f _und ltlIibd The fund at jpre sent
Ct,2nsist 'of I o lihundred slid y dollars,
Ime entireprit from theip Military
ball of lastsphg The money hats
beenli placed in the Treasurer's office
a..d there blanks are available upon
which all ea-servic e n~e- may file
the ir ap~plication s to be allowed to
b -~ov un the fund. These appli-
cations are to be submitted to Major
1T11obert' Arthur, who will pass upon

All ~oft~ 1:00 iiiu ~i 50c! 1ulld-
of thsfud "ew a o ipl the
aucdta e ae Or"')li Iset
..fitmon toe h' P 1Y.0) purpoi-e
~iiiga icn''saTi oiunnider
Tei c liv w~s- aben ap-
})ili' 2 0 ata-Irste F this fo adI
(O2t : s 1 4..f~ ' to)erlt AI'tiln', Dr.
})£ria"n, ano ( G1'cm mitderCarl :1!i111.
Thefun isto be knoitwn as the R h
a.( Nl. I hall No. 422 V. I+. W. loan
!'.n , nd it i ,anIiuipated by officers
, ' so, eyht it will grow and-
cucm nernaent fund foir thef use
of v .,er.>mlithen'sons and daughterrs.
..1d thos;.en iiwho are servinghi
"C'.Giriy wime in college as mebers3
of t~) i 0. "P. E N
~ I i~ ATLAII~i 'MPLs

Members of thje -Mathematics Club day in the main dining roam of the
will he served luncheon at 12.15 t- Mcij ni


QM [ ? ta.e 2--3:2-

1 f
1 .t'. s ' t

Adu'4s --35c
Kiddies - Doc

Rememb'ler 44;i for the IHuron St

1 a A, u 'e Sareand Pat7O' X aey


LarySemon, in "GOLF"

IX. h
4 '

\ ,
i ,






(lo'cd tddi.U('Cliikl the open-
ing n. ih o the lair givsen by the Cath-
cl. suats of the lln'_vrsitv aithei~
j1/rtnillatnight. The fairI i' hedm1
~r whch v.11 e erected soon. At
leah Ien eots asoon the floor, andl
C( .i1C,{'5 imy 'be obtitined on anything
from fancy goods to Fords. Every ar-
ticle raffled has been donated and it
is eXpected that, the profits resultingJ
from this fair will go a. long wary to
holIn:buildthe (dormitory.
'Te ha ii'vl last through Saturday
,,i 1hlrthn a chicken dinner will be
55e( or fiifiy cents a, Plate.
Catholic Students' Fair Oct. 24 to 28
inclusive. Buy your fancy work' and
linit goodsl. for Christmas piresents at
an exceptionally low price at the Fair, .
Labo r Temple, 310 S. Main St.-IAdv.
°Micld',ramDaily acid C1: yns for $450.

Di rece by Albert P a'lre. Adclaptecd flkoma
w .William Gillette's surge play P.ou"Id#Joon
Sir Conan Do~yle's Stories

Menbisi 'ttz -,,llihe P,I 4J_ cy amdhua fle9 imav ;zgay
Th-e uessc' businesat the nat!cinal convention of the American
ion in(7 _New Olensculdn't keep t'heo dele'-ates from enjoying themselves
j,?y :tag =ig ;lit < lMrdli Gras of thei-r own. The Rtobert E Bentley Pest
of' Cinch~z~nati, 0-, started it.

r.Fle maximum amount to be loaned"
to any student is fifty dollars, uponl
which he is required to pay no inter-
est, and which he is expected to re-
turn w itln two years. Theo only
stipulation placeds upon prospective
borrowers is that. he be an ex-service
M~ichigan it.(0. '1'. C.



Whimsi~es stnkI
More 'a '"yb r F rs

LII IVIaULs IJ U A1 WrT Opportunity u il h,,,offered those
, MAI wishing to subscribe to 'Wimsies,
Details of the-, design of scenery for literary magazine, to sign °up.
"The -Knig h t of The Bunrning Pestle,'" today 'at several pllaces on tlhe came-
Miasques-a nnu al lay -:, to be lpresentedi pus from 9, to 5 o'clock. In con-
Nov. _22in ill auditorium , Nill beI
wokdctAtra.M.0 .DvsI trast to the plan us:ed last year of
andi lr. I I Cornell wh aredo having a campus :gale of the magazine
in iiaw~ioi tam scneyW il b for one day only, this year a x effort
lu h or_ o te ,ce er. wll b will be made to secure !a large nunm-
in An Aror t tht tiileto tkeber of subscriptions at the bein nin g
mauent of thle stage, of the year and thus lput the publica-
Rehersas o th ply hve eention 'on a° more sound fnancial foot-E
InI progr;e s for two weeks. During ing than it has enjoyed in the past.
t~i~t~ll thecasthas orke fro ables ~5will be Iplaced in 1Tniversity
--. eI' ar a da. 1Professor hall and in the main enitrance cori'r-
<son, ,.ns t have he fmthend or of the Library between the above
-h. Irs mentioned hours, and in addition drop
of~t next1week.11e.Marsas forthe ecastj1boxes will be located in the iEngineer--
will ) de lid at night nex t week. jigbli~ h cnmc ulig
Grops oringincoljuntin wthandl in Tappan hall. Th.e subscrip-
tion price will be omie dollar. for the
111' iI3y, ?Ow~e, wll claiati met-year, including four issues5. The niag-
aug n te ateroon azine will appear on tihe (iliPSin
i1ecc:fu- c;, teCsbgnr November, January, March .aid May.
wor)Hkd tIsis tudy ing, in detail the Charnles T. Andrews, '23, is in charge
dress of lizbta*as Costumes
of plans for the drive.
for fiftyacorF hl e provided by
thle committee.!ii Iait ,N 1TOill
Dancing w}hich ,,is n mlportant feat- p .,. (y
linrof tile pl1ay is.ude the direction___
of Miss liabthSeon, teacher of iMrs., Marion L. Burt~on and Dean
ae sthetic da -ncingr h the department Jean Hamilton will receive the second;
of pyslial eucaton. roup of freslian women this aifter-
The ,,chorusgas beena organized aind noon at a tea to be given at 4 o,-
ha begun theopactice of Elizabethan?! clock at P'rcsidlent Burtoni's home.
song. lIemersof the orchestra will Thmose women who i-el invited to the
counene orknet wek tea last Wednesday an were una le
---jto attend are invte his aftrnon
~o n.-hiik n ior1Vixn~i,-Av.icbi 'an ' I =<.ACim es for k8-1.)


i "

"'H .7,Ify e Your usband a nd my'
Greatest Triend, but-

_ ,

.1 anotGie im .ack To You!",



'F -r -


Ti.mh drama of Are nan who stood be-
tween a wanckf-nc wife and a husband
who was just a broken promise.
A great ._o'y-- dramia tic thrill, and
and the thrill of a night-riders' rajd.

_ _ _ . _

4 IN

Just What the Screen. -H0 GDive!y

f T } ' K.. , f r) i'' ' . y- U



o, :1T ..R. ....fi i. C .d' R ., .




Line arrymore in

showing the new 2,000,000 dollar stadium MICHIGA ',dedicated. The vast, surging throng,
- the stadium empty - and filled - the Michigan Band and' Delegation Parading-The Ded-
ication - Michigan Yelling - Close-Ups of Cheer Leaders;- Kipke Making First Touch-
down after Sensational Run- Etc.




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