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October 25, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-10-25

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,IOL- XXXIII. No. 27








Topic For Stone's
Speech Announced
"The School of Journalism" is the
subject announced for the speech to
be delivered by Melville E. Stone,
councilor and former general 'man-
ager of the Associated Press, at the
banquet of state editors to be held inI
the ' assembly hall of the Union at
5:30 o'clock tomorrow evening. Thy
banquet is being given under the au-
spices of Sigma Delta Chi, professional
journalistic fraternity to hoflot Mr.
Coach Fielding H. Yost has also been
secured to speak and has announced
his subject as "The Team with a Pur-
pose." Prof. Fred N. Scott, of the
rhetoric departmift, will act as toast-
master, and Dean John R. Effinger of
the literary college will deliver the
welcome to the visiting editors.
Tickets for the banquet, which will
cost $1.75 each, are now on sale at
Graham's bookstore. They may also
be secured from Robert B. Tarr, '24,
Ralph N.Byers, '24, and Martin A.
Klaver, '23.




Michigan Daily. This extra section is
to be of a pictorial nature similar to
the one published last spring. The size
will be the same as the first one,
measuring 10 1-2 by 15 inches.
A large, staff is already at work col-
hecting the -pictures which will be




Former President's Attitude
Preparedness Shown in

Daily Pictorial || [\l||i
T o Appear Nov. i L LVII i U DIPLAYS|
A 16-page rotogravure section will RARE GENIUS IN
be issued on Saturday, Nov. 18, by The


(By Associated Press)t
Boston, Oct. 24.-A series of history
making letters, describing in detail
the American war cabinet and giving
an intimate picture of Woodrow Wil-
son as he appeared while presiding
over the secret meetings of his official
family, is made public for the first
time today. The letters, written by
the late Franklin K. Lane, secretary
of the interior in the cabinet of Presi-
dent Wilson from 1913 to 1920,.have
yeen collected and , edited by his
widow, Annie Wintermute Lane.
The correspondence reveals, among
other things, how the president fre-
'quently lost patience with the tre-


Journalist Believed
"World's Foremst1

to Be


mend ous problems confronting him "THE CHANGING EAST" WILL I
and how at other times discourage- BE SUBJECT OF LECTURE
ment prompted him to turn bitterly Suhin, with officers and chit
upon his advisers when they failed to Isaac F. Marcosson will speak at day. Arrow points to s
agree with him. IacF acso ilseka
S enorages .Cabinet in Trivialities 8 o'clock tonight at Hili auditorium on Sultan Mabammed VIo
The letters give a description of "The Changing East." Mr. Marcosson with Kemal and his nationali
Mr. Wilson's attitude on preparedness is the third speaker on the program Allah for permanent peace. 1
before America entered the war, tell of the University Oratorical associa-
how he regarded the proposal to arm tion course.
1ierphait ships, hi opposition to any- Mr. Marcosson has won his widest
thing approaching the "code duello' fame in the field' of interviewing, be-
6a im hn teUie .A P A SSAT1
spirit ta:timewh the United ing termed by many authorities as the
States was neutral, and then, when "world's foremost interviewer." Dur-
big questions were pressing for deci- Making its first appearan
sion, how he encouraged his cabinet in the, past 10 year year, the Athleticprogram
every oyearnthe Athletictyprogram
to talk of trivialities, while he went outstanding celebrity af Eu- sold at Ferry Field Saturday
along n his 'own course to solve the rope and America. It Is said that no Michigan-Illinois game. It wv
huge p oblenms facing his administra- American knows Lloyd George in the booklet form, contining 16 p
he.same intimate way that he :does pictures and reading matter
'The president saidhe didn't .wish nows Internotonal Charte"r Varsity teams.
o see eitber side win for both had Among the other great men with The program will be bou
been equally indifferent to the right whoit he 'has had private audience brown cover, bearing a sketc
of" neutrals." Mr. Lane wrote his are King Albert, Clemenceau, Gener- football players in a leadl
brothe'" on Feb. 17 1917. al Smuts, Cardinal Mercier Briand, drawn by James C. house, '
Arned Froes overned by Red Tape 'Winston Spencer Churchill, Lord dividual pictures end details
'monthbsuberethpreprednStates Northcliffe, Earl Haig, Marshal Foch, suad will be included, in t
entered the owar, Mr. Lane quoted Earl Beatty, Gereral Petain, and let as well as the line up .a
.resident 'Wilson as being "not in Marconii. In addition, he knows such of t e . They will sel
sympathy." Writing again to his of the new German leading men as cents apiece.
Presden Ebet Cancllor;With, This year the Athletic prog
Brother, Feb. 16, 1917, Mr. Lane said, President Ebert, Chancellor Wirth, present a book form copy at
"At our dinner to the President last Minister of Reconstruction Rathenau, the home conference games.
night he said he was not in sympathy and Hugo Stinnes, who are playing the y
with any great preparedness, that large' part in the reconstruction of mer years only one large
Europe \ould be mad and money poor Europe. For the last 10 years Marcos- ards withth lineup ao
by the end of the war." Continuing, son has contributed to the leading tails of the immediate gain
r. Lane added a few observations of periodicals of the country, beginning used at the rest of the en'c
his career as a newspaper editor in pl r l dy bde
"The army and navy are so fat and Plans ;arc alrea eing mad
standpat that I am almost hopeless Louisville after he had secured a lish a 56 page booklet for the
"as to moving them to the wise, large public school education. sin game. This will be the la
and wholesome,jobs," he wrote. They During the World War Marcosson er put out.
are governed by red tape worse than earned the title of "America's Fore- --
any union. The chief of staff fell most Reporter" when he didejso. much EIGHT MEN ELECTE) AS
asleep at our meeting today. Mars work' to aid the Allied cause. He was 4IEMBEi1S OF ROUND-U
and Morpheus in one." on all the fronts and has seen, ac-
cording to some, more phases and met Eight men were elected to
more' leaders of the war than any ship at the business meetin
other contemporary writer. '' I Round-Up Club held last nig
Mr. Marcosson has also made a Union. This club has beeni
N careful and authoritative study of the ence for three years as car
German collapse and the world secur- ganization. It is limited in
ity in which he 'points out that Ger- ship to forty men, chosen f
DUTIES OF UNDERCLASS CONDUCT many today. is not only the pivotal junior and senior classes, an
y acountry of Europe, but what is hap- sentative of every college on'
CO1MITTE E WILL ALSO pening there and is likely to happen pus.
BE DECIDED will affect the integrity of the whole It was decided to hold a
world's' economic structure. . Tuesday evening, Oct
Plans for a pep meeting to be held Has Made Study ofEast 'which time the newly elect
oFridaynightimmediately preced- His most recent work ,aid, the sub- bers will be entertained. Ot
on y g ject of his topic in Hill aditorium is for the coming year werec
ing the' Illinois game will probably "The Changing East." Tiss study of Those elected last evening we
be considered at the meeting of the the Far Eastern question .is the re-
student'council that will be held at sult of nearly five months spent in ter Z yck '2, Pur(
7:30 o'clock tonight in room 34 of the China and Japan, where Mr. Marcos- Water Myers, '23, Paul Ca
7son was sent to analyze te economic Warren Williamson, '24E, Jo
Union. It is thought that the council and political consequences of the bley, '25M, William Mayberry,
will take definite action on the mat- Washington Conference. E Donald Van Stone, '24E.
ter, and in all probability such speak- In China he was received by Shu-
ers as Coach Fielding H. Yost and Shih-Chang, .the retiring president, by White to Speak at Church5
Coach George Little will be procured Li Yuan-Hung, the new president, and Lee A. White, '10, formerly n
as well as promninent student and also by Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, until re- editor of the Gargoyle and ti
alumni speakers. cently the president of Southern and at'present a member oft
Another matter that will probably China. of the Detroit News, will be I
be taken up by the council tonight is cipal speaker at the Congr
the Underclass Conduct committee. A Flinig IllInoi4 Ticket Orders Student banquet to be given t
committee from the council appoint- Student orders for tickets for the ing at 6 o'clock in the church
led to investigate the affair will report higan-Illinois game next Satu He will speak on "The Co
on methods of eliminating physical day at Ferry field were being filled and the Newspaper."
punishment from the procedure of the last night and will be sent out either': Other features of the progra
underclass body. Included in the re- today or early tomorrow depending has been prepared for the ba
port of. the committee will be a num- upon when the filling of all the appli- elude songs and special music.
ber of bylaws that will be attached to cations can be completed. It was one is asked to be presentp
the constitution of the Underclass thought last night by H. A. Tillotson at the appointed time in order
Conduct committee if they are of the Athletic office, that by this banquet may be finished int
adopted. 'lmorning all available student tickets the Marcosson lecture.
At this meeting the council will al- -__tga___ldbetke,
so tsprobably be organized te o into the for the game would be taken. ---_ _
.'varos pommityestatnilld tot Seating arrangements for the alum- Daugerty Insists Upoii
through the year. The number of new ni, faculty and others going to the Washington Oct. 24.-Attor
councilmen to be elected from the game have been mjade and the tick-. eral Daugherty announced t
classes this fall will also probablytbe ets sent out. A capacity crowd has would insist upon the house
dArr., A already been assured. committee making an inquiry

efs, prays for peace at the Selamlik, vs:h tak es
of Turkey cares little for territorial aggrandizem
st ambitions. Every Friday at the Selamlik the
Kemal prefers the sword.'
ce, this
for the DOIGPOE
ill be in
pages of Wants otmplete SItTh of Affair
on the Resulting in Students'
nd in aT
hn of two 4QV. I. L. DAVIS 01? QHIO
ock hold AO N
24L. In-
of the
he book- Following an investigation conduct-
md facts ed here by Dean Joseph A. Bursley,l
1 for 20 President Marion L. Burton yesterday
ram will dispatched a letter to Gov. Harry L.'
both 'of DPavis of Ohio, asking for an investi-
In for- gation of the alleged accidental
program shooting of Theodore C. Reissing, '24,
son, pla- by a night watchman in Carey, 0. last
ther de- Saturday night. The letter also made
ie being mention of the clubbing of another
to pub-. student, Phillip H. Goldsmith, '23E,
Wiscon- who, it was said, was beaten about the
rgest ev- head when he resisted arrest by the
Carey authorities.
In his letter to the Ohio governor,
President Burton said: "Report's have
come to me of the unlawful detention
member- of a rather large group of students
g of the who were returning from the game,
it at the at Carey. In fact one of the stu-
in exist- dents was shot'and another severely
mpus or- clubbed over the head by the offi-
rom the cers.
d repre- "I should appreciate very much it
the cam- you could have the situation looked
into very promptly and reported to
smoker me. To be very definite I should like
d31, at to know why the officers took the
d mem-
er plans action that they did. I should like to
outlined. know' what the charges were against
re: Wal- our students and why such violence
dy, '24L, was permitted or was necessary.)
sy, '2L, "The boy who was shot is still in
e T 'om ur hospital."
e Tromn- (Signed) M. L. BURTON.
'24, and President Burton was very emphat-
ic when he stated that the matter
would be probed thoroughly, and that
Supper the Carey authorities will be made to
'arvaging account for the violent methods that
he Daily, were used upon the members of the
the staff returning. band of" Michigan rooters.
the prin- "The University will not tolerate
egational such treatment of its students," he
his even- said, "and I am determined to see
parlors. that the boys are protected.".
mmunity The condition of Reissing was fav-
orable last night, and while Gold-
m which smith is not confined to the hospi-
quet in- tal, he is suffering from cuts and
. Every- bruises about the head.
promptly The blame for the violence which
that the occurred during the altercation is
time for placed upon the Carey officer, by the
students who were members of the
party. The watchman who attempted
Probe to make the arrest of the 20 men in
ney Gen- the party began to lay about with
oday he the barrel of his pistol in an attempt
jday eto subdue his prisoners. It was at this
judiciary point that the gun in the hands of
into the Andrei'w Gre.v the+1'w itc'man a

included in this edition. Views from OLINIST, HOWEVER
all preceeding football games will be' -
particularly auspicious as the issuing HUGE CROWVD FILLS HILL
date will coincide with the Wisconsin
game. The photographs will also in- AUIO I; P T
clude a number of reproductions of
views of general campus interest. LaLo's "Symphlonie Espagnoie" 4ive
The printing' is to be of an excep- Masterly Rendition .hy Russian
tional high cass nature being arrang- ' 'Virtuoso
led on special contract. Special lay-
!uts will be made for each page so as (By Edgar H. Ale)
to make the whole issue well worth After an absence of five yars,
I"xaiu.VMisclha Elman opened the Choral Un-
ion concert 'series in {ill auditorlum
last night before <an autlience so large
THE"L S E - that all' the regulai'seats weeae-.
(( ~hausted, and nearly ' threethn dredw
stage seats bad to be utilized. Un-
fortunately, the reception accorded
the Russian virtuoso was 'iot com-
- mensuriate with the size of the audi-
ence. Althoughd'he gave 'on'e of the
_ ;z ' IDuffield and Steger Will ead '24 finest exhibitions 'of vloln tone and
and ' Iits This techniq.e "eVer heard here, he was
Year given scant applause, miany in the
audience finding it dlfficuqt 'to keep
IFRESH MAN LITS AND DENTS their seats during the 'fn.l 'encore.
WILL INOMINATE SON Hande's Soata in D major opened
Eletins -- the program. The composition is dig-
* Elections in all classes except the 'nified, serene, and thoughtful, like he
freshm.an lits and the freshman dents great choral compositibs o Handel.
lplace in Constantinople every Fri- were held yesterday. The junior lits The four short iovemets were play-
selected the following officers: for Elman is 'so noted it richness and
ent for his emire lie is in disfavor president, Hugh Duffield, for vice sonority being heard to est advan-
sultan,, with his aides, beseeches s nHelen Dbridge; for sec- ,tage in 'the Lar1 "to Haydns Min-
president,Hee ebig;frs- tas 'givee Taa teore.a1S n
retary, Susan Fitch, and for treasurer, uetwas given-as a encore.
"ytporie Epan'le" ven
Robert Mitchell. Perhaps the greatest success of the
OFFER PRIZ 1 S FOR The sophomore'its elected Herbert evening .ias .acehieved in al's
SPEAKING CONTEST Steger president; Jean Briggs, vice 'ymnphonie Espagnole, "a'work rit-
president; secretary, Alice Powell; ten "for violin ard orhestra. The
'The Near East Situation" is an- and for treasurer, Ray Billington. performance obViously suffred from
a hthe lack of an .rorchestra in spite of
nounced as the subject forWhe first Freshman engineers chose William the admirable accoInp'atiment of. Jo-
semester's extemporaneous speaking Colenman for president, Harry McDuff sefBonime. Elman'srendlitin' of the
contest to be held under the auspices
of the Or.torical association on No- for vice president, W. C. Tippy, sec- Andntwas mtherl pl eextreme,
vember 23. The subject has been retary, and treasurer, Robert James. the ones of the vi liha pl1y.Ig over
chosen with a view to timeliness, for The meetings for the nomination of those of the panoforte like a shaft
the position of the peoples of the Near officers fr rthe remainingtwo' classes of golden'sunnlegt,* ur r
East' in Asia Minor, Greece, and Tuim'- will. be held sometime in the near nent of ,eethovetn s uf 1~~,
keyt i aMresntrone efath po rm future, according to the Student coun- and Mlort'sAdagid wer giveni s
key is at present one ,of the problems en
of international consideration. In the jile m vebeen hae off 'iseloection, en snoveltys. ontheytr raz11 as t
speeches, the economic, political, and hkhyhv enhl f hsln n Tenvt ntep~~mwstu
social factors of the 'situation are to order that the members of the classes "MUch Ado About No~i"li' suite f
be treatrsnd the wrbetween Tr- might become better acquainted and Erich Von .Korngold. 'l h1 title ao-
key and Greece, and the part the Al- I that when the nominations were made curately describes the bihavior of
lied nations played in the matter are the majority of the class will have at those who-regard it as, te 'product of
to be studied. least heard of the candidates. great genius.' The work i clevery
tube______________ onstruete'd particlrlyin tie "Gro-
One week before the final contest, I tesued,'aidris heri -
a prelimirary contest is to be held SPFCIAL ILLINOIS tesque Funeral," and is' charming
at which ti th testant ll b throughout,. but is not strikingly orig
atghich s me s the ntesttillRAbNGinal land derived rhon of its.nterest
given some phase of the question, up-, from EIman's rendition.",
on.' which he to speak extemporan CroE in' Pino o.
eously. Five minutes is the time alot-i Assurance of an Ann Arbor special ThepriforAn P of Iiomplns a-er
ted for each of these preliminary train to carry Illinois rooters to the jor Nocturne served tobring t tle
speeches. From this group eight n u h
speeces.artomethsengroupteghMichigan-Illinois football game next fact that Chopin wrote almost entire-
are tobcompete in the final contest Saturday was made by the Illinois ly for the pianoforte ' and that his
works can be heard to best advantage
on Nov. 23. Central railroad when the number of onlyonthat instrutt."Elmans
IrTwo prizes are to be offered-,a reservations necessary to guarantee interpretation was sympathetic and
rst prize of a sver lovng cup, and the running of the train were signed appealing, but necessarilyaeficient in
a second prize, a book. The mater--c fe a w hisinherent
ials for reading upon the subject may tp.heaty ve
be found in the upper study hall at The train will leavd Champaign at in the pianoforte versloi,'Saraate's
the Library. The contest is open to 10 o'clock Friday night arriving in"Jota" was tefnln umer.:I #s
all students of the campus eligible Ann Arbor at 8 o'clock the next about as clever and unIspired 'as all
for participation in student activi-. morning, it is planned. The round trip of this composer's works,: 'but El-
ties. Those interested in taking part'fare is $11.24 or practically half of man's splierb teehniqu invested. the
in this. contest should hand in their, what the trip would ordinarily cost. selection "with unusial interest par-
names with ,year to J. K. Dunn, chair-, Both coaches and Pullmans will be ticularl because of the facilty with
man of the local public speaking con- made up in the speciarl. which he executed the .trills in oc-
tests in room 302 Mason Hall, from 4 It is possible that the Illinois band taves. The inevit'able "Ave Maria" of
to 5 o'clock Friday ;afternoon. will also come to Ann Arbor on the Schubert-a wo'rk whbh should not
same train. A campaign to raise the be scoffed at'even though it is popu-
. necessary funds to 'send the band to lar-biought the 'program to a close.
De Molay To Meet Tonight the game has been launched by the I Greatness' Rests Upon Tone
Members of the Order of De Molay Elman's greatness "ests principal
will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight at students andl is reported to-be meet - C E ,s ranss"~t picpl
ting with success. "Send That Band ly 'upon the almost divipe beauty f
Harris hall, according to Horace Sodt, to Michigan" is the cry of the Il1in in the tone which he'draws fron his in-
'26, master councilor of the order.toMcia"i'hcrofheIlnin.,m sn-
',dswiller seunti o tday tordal raising the money. lpth students and strument. If, as is omnmonly as-
members of the Order who have just business men from Champaign, Ur- serted, he lacks the intellectuality of
entered the University. Plans are bana, and the neighboring towns are Kreislei- or the supeh1uman techni-
enteed he Uivesity Plns ae bin cnvase'cal: proficiency of Heifet, 'at least he
now under way to organize a patrol, being canvassed.
patterned after that of the mother Detroit alumni are also said to be is second to none among the artists of
chapter. putting over ta drive for band funds. this generation i nhis ability as a ton-
_ ____ __.This, together with the money raised alIst, and; after' all 'has been said,
Extra lllinoh Tickets on Sale Today at the university, should be enough beauty 'of tone reniains the preemin-
A limited number of reserved seat to bring the entire band of 100 pieces ent characteristic- of a great violin-
tickets for the Illinois, game will be to Ann Arbor for the game, it is ist.


placed on sale in the Athletic office
at 9 o'clocl1 this morning. An exceed-
ingly small number of tickets remain1
to be sold and students who wish tos
purchase them should be at the officej
as soon as possible after its opening,
according to those in charge of the
Physics Colloquium held Ywst erday
At the Physical Colloquium, held in
the Physics Laboratory yesterday af-
ternoon, L. L. Lockrow addressed the
meeting on the subject, "The Effect
of Hydrogen on the Thermionic Emis-
sion of Platinum." These discourses{
are held at regular periods through-j
out the year (and all those who are in-
terested are invited to attend.

1Mmini Toughened For Michigan Game
(By Associated Press)
Champaign, Oct. 24.-Coach Zuppke
sent his squad through a rough and
tumble scrimmage this afternoon to
toughen the Illinois team for the
Michigan battle at Ann Arbor Sat-
urday. The forward wall has been
playing stalwart football but the
backs are slow. Woodward has not
hit his .stride, Clark is still out, and
Happeny is the only back who prom-
ises to be in fighting trim.
McElwain practiced punting and
passing to Capt. Wilson and Roktmsak.

Chicago, Oct. 24.-Displaying a
termination to overcome any
stacles that may be put in their v
by the Princeton team in the con
jhere Saturday, Coach Stagg's foot)
warriors today continued their
afternoon practice behind clo
gates iat Stagg field until long a
Followers of the Chicago team
that they expect the Maroons to
the forward pass frequently aga
Princeton. However the actual p
of attfack is being held a sec
awaiting the crucial day for its rF

1. F. W. Meet Tonight at Union
A regular meeting of the Veterans




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