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June 03, 1923 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-06-03

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SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1923



"What is the first business of him "It is a poular error to inagne
who philosophizes? To throw away that man s misfortunes are the result
self conceit. For it is impossible for of his imnotely and iniquity. On the
a man to begin to learn that which contrary, his wickedness is the conse-
he thinks that he knows." quence of hisi misfortunes."
-Epictetus. - Leopa r di.

Edited by Scogan
...... trailing voice
"'You know that os is older than Cronus, and mightier too. -Do
you feel this silent glos about us? Eros! -Do you hear how the cricket
is chirping? Eros!' At this moment two lizards, chasing each other, darted
like a flash across him as he lay there. He repeated, 'Eros, Eros!' And as
if he had given the command for it, two strong bucks now arose and at-
tacked each other with their curved horns. He let them go, although the
combat grew morg and more heated. The clash of the blows rang louder,
and their number kept increasing. And again he said, 'Eros, Eros!'
"And now there came to the ears of the visitor, for the first time, words
that made him particularly attentive, because they shed or at least seemed
to shed some light on the question as to why Ludovico was called the
Heretic by the people. 'I had rather,' he said, 'worship a live he-goat or a
live bull than a hanged man on a gallows. I do not live in an age that doess
that. I hate, I abhor it. Jupitor Ammon was represented with ram's horns.
Pan has the legs of a goat, Bacchus the horns of a bull. I mean the Bacchus
Tauriformis or Tauricornis of the Romans. Hithra, the sun-god, is repre-
sented as a'bult. All peoples used to revere the bull, the he-goat, the ram,
and to sited their sacred blood in sacrifices. That I can understand-for
the procreative power is the creative power, procreation and creation are
the same thing. To be-sure, the cult of that power is no cool whimpering of
monks and nuns. Once I dreamt of Sita, the wife of Vishnu, who assumed
human form under the name of Rama. The priests died in her embrace.
Then I knew for a moment something of all sorts of mysteries. Of the
mystery of the black procreation in the green grass; of lust, colored mother
of pearl; of ecstasies and torpors; of the secret of the yellow maize-kernels;
of all fruits, all swellings, all colours of every kind. I could have bellowed
in a frenzy of pain when I caught sight of the pitiless, all powerful Sita. I
thought I should, die of desire.'"
From "The Heretic of Soana." by Gerhart Hanptmann.
"I have already referred to my old illustrated Bible, and to the terres-
trial paradise which I admired in my wise and tender childhood, * * The.
fields, beautifully drained, were divided by lines of old willows. The tree
of knowledge was a mossy apple-tree.
"This delighted me. But I could not understand why God had for-
hidden the good Flemish Eve to taste the fruit of the tree which gave under-
standing. I know now, and i am near believing that the God of my old
Bible was right. That good old man, fond of gardens, doubtless said to
himself: 'knowledge does not bring happiness, and when men know a lot
ef history and geography they will become sad.' He was right. If, by anyw
chance he is still alive, he must congratulate himself on his prescience. We
have eaten of the fruits of the tree of knowledge,.and the taste of ashes
is left in our mouths.*'* Whathave we done? We have tried to estimate
the immemorial age of the earth, even the age of the sun, and we now
reckon human life by comparison with geological periods and cosmic ages;
and by this standard it is ridiculously short. Drowned in the ocean of time
and space, we have realized that we are nothing, and this has depressed
s. I our prile we have sought to keep silence, but we have blenched.:
The greatest evil-and undoubtedly the old gardener with the long white
beard in my -Bible had foreseen it-is that faith has disappeared with our
happy ignorance
"We have no longer any hopes, and we no longer believe in the thingsa
that used to console our forefathers. This Is the most painful thing of al.
It was pleasant tobelieve, even in bell."
From "Why Are We Sad" In "On Life and Letters; Third Series,"
by Anatole France.
.Together with faith and hope we have lost charity; the three
vrtu"e whic. like three vessels bearing at the prow the image of a celes-
tial virgin, carrying poor souls across the world's ocean, have foundered
in the same storm."
From "Why Are We Sad" by Anatole France.
"Four apples nark the four great epochs of human history-the apple
of Eve (the Biblieal c!och); the apple of Paris (the Hellenic epoch);.the
apple of Tell (the mediaeval eonch); the apple of Newton (the scientific.
From- "Testimoniane," by Giovanni Papsni.
When Jerks Chrisf osaid. "Bsed .are they that hunger, for they shall
be fMte*d!" Jesus Christ was gambling on probabilities.
Charles Henri Badelare.
Conceived by a desire of the editors and born of a virgin min; edited
under on'ciots effort; this column. was cut, copied and written; and after
five weeks it arose again from the earth; and now sitfeth in the memories
of but a few, from whence It shall come against me at the judgment of, the !
quick and the dead. -

Spring Means
Light Lunches
Dainty salads
n Cooling drinks
Pleasant surround ngs
Tuttles Lunch Room
338 Maynrd St. South of Mtj estic
E &t
Liberal Allowance For
Your Old Watch
Jr E will give you a liberal allowance on your old watch.
Trade in your old timepiece toward a new one that
keepa time.
We have ladies' or gerflemn's styles in Hamilton, El-
gin, Waltham orillinois models.
114 ,Sssth Hati Street
a We wish you
successful examinations
a pleasant summer
and hop"e for-
a renewal of your pat-
ronage next year

Gross & Dietzel

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