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June 03, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-06-03

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Before Dawn
An Essay in Appreciation of Radicals
The knights who earned their glory LEWIS STONEMAN ectly well that such victories and
yesterday now ride _black horses li E I T N M Nfcl wl htsu itre n
y karestr ,o d e ack ores in penetrations are impossible. Victories
back -arneas, and their armor isD it y os "resut only from war, and penetra-
black. Even their floating plumes are Draing by Gordon ie enti both vitoriea nd defets
of a midnight hue, and their faces areot
dark with scowls. Now a man may not so much as
The knights who will ride tomor- raise an arm without cffort, and every
row, who need never prove their val- m"be throu ct wr lor
cur, are all arrayed in white. They'Jus oeachrustibe.oTebar-
ride white chargers with manes like igs f machines nust be oIled a ti-
sea-froth, and their armor is dazzling. ficially, but the beart" en which the
Their plumes are small, streaming, 5world Spins are lutroated naturally.
Spring clouds plucked from blue skies,' A Whlite knig o tureal lubricant.
an1vnter ae r a n hdt ngtorseei a Black one,
and even their faces are ple and will admit that this is the truth, but
As it happens, I am writing Ogeonly the Red knight beleve it.
Asith hpes, m r g Men are horn of an effosion of blood
and suckle at the breasts of their
The knights I write of are the Red mothers with blood. Men winfame
knights, those who belong neither to rnd build monuments to the fame the
yesterday nor tomorrow. They are
the cruel riders of the dawn who bave iave won, with their own blood, and
never been seen except by those odd finally wither and are blown sway by
persns wo say al niht:the Wetward blowing wind because
persons who stay up all night. they have spent all their blood.
As I have intimated, the Red knights At dawn, even a peaceful world
mst appear, rons afar off, like no-n
ride ever before the dawn-gallop for- Men wvill grow otd, and only foolish world of morning in an instant. No, tgs but a drop f od, wen
iously Westward around and around old m'en like red neck-ties, the blck mst be washed over with nli oftat a but a rie ar bledin
the world. Many a time I have seen } he planet's ves ae bleeding
them come rushing madly out of the. I have heard of cases where it was red before it can be made to appear into seas that look crimson.
blazing sunrise, their mounts frothing the other way around, where a young white and clean and fresh and beau- This appearance of the world at
claret foam and bleeding bright, scar- man rode a stately black charger, and tiful. dawn aan be accredited only to the
let beads from spur wounds; the where an old man, not entirely a fool, Neither can the White knights be Red knights. And did our world ap-
young fierce knights leaning forward was strongly attracted by the bloody expected to charge suddenly into the pear otherwise at dawn it could not
in their saddles, sweeping their great color of the garments the Red knights ranks of the Black host. Preposter- shine at noon like an emerald, nor
swords from one side to the other, wear. But such cases are exceptions ous. It would ruffle their gradeur hang in the heavens at night like a
their eyes flaming hatred and their and must not be regarded seriously, and soil their purity. It is not rea- huge, black diamond. Were it not
cruel mouths moving with the grim any more than Lord Bernie himself, sonable to expect the White knights for the Red knights our planet would
chant they always shout as they ride. who is in all things an exception, is to actually engage in battle. White ever appear like a dead cinder float-
Being soiled on the tips and edges, to be taken seriously, livery is too expensive to be drenched ing through space.
the plumes of the Red knights appear, Now it is time for me to state that in that horrible filth. And so we cannot be too grateful to
s they stream behind the riders in the Red knights are, all the foregoing Nor could you- expect the White Now while I haveeen writing down
the dim light of day-break, like so notwithstanding, very important to knights to be other than merciful tote ouhtso ie beentire dost
many hungry torches, and even above the progress of our world. Indeed I the old gallants on the black carg- these thoughts of mine the entire host
the thundering of hoofs can be heard I think they are much more important ers. And merciful knights win no bat- of the Order of Black knights has lop-
the sickening whistling of the swing- than either the White knights or the tes. ed by under my window, and the three
she wordsg ' Black knights, .jebottles I set here beside me at mid-
ing swords. Red knights , ~~White knights and Black knighits ngtaeepy aefrtels
Indeed the aspect of the Rediknights!th it were not for the riders in red do very well around the coucil table, di I am a to pour t slow
is not pleasant. there vwould e none to ride before and compose an -impressive array on catro ,h tnepvmn el
Further it must be known that what- the dawn. -Day would follow night in- parade. But for the actal slaughter- canter on the stone pavement tells
ever falls in the path of this mad ca- stantly, and as everyone knows, no- ing there must be cruel henchmen,- just mv a t ow the Wes
valcade meets with quick destruction, thing can happen instantly. Every- the Red knights. , ust now moving toward thelo Iet
and that the members of the band are; thing takes time. I gate; and I know it won't be long. It
entirely without sympathy or rever t Men who speak of peaceful victor-' is growing chill as it always does just
entiely wthou symdathor Areet-' The sinful, black world of night can- ies and peaceful penetrations are very before day-break. It seems that the
oce for the Sacred and the Ancient ,not be transformed into the bright' fatuous indeed. You and I know per- (Continued on Page Seven)
old men are treated to barbaric tor-'
tures at their hands, weomen are fear-
fully abused by them, churches and lligillhIigliIItiIlgli
venerable monasteries are over-ridden
with shrieking laughter, and it, by
chance, either Black or White knights
are encountered in small numbers,
massacre is a mild word to describe
the action that ensues.
mhtobea tstful children escape the -VACATION TIME AND TRAVEL TIME.
murderous malignancy of the Red==
knights. The riders in red seem to
have a sentimental aversion to harm
ing pretty children. Also there may
be something ritualistic about this.
It is impossible to say which, definite-.
If vacation days are travel days to you or your family every Means
Perhaps the oddest fact concerning -=of increasing comfort and convenience should be considered. For 32 years
the Red knights is that none of thens American Express Travelers Checques have aided travelers in all
remain members of the order indef Chdc d ~
nitely. Sooner or later they drop he world- As a convenient, safe' and sure means of carrying money they
from the ranks of knighthood alto cannot be surpassed
gether-for it is a devilish hard busi
ness to be riding around and around: Whn you bu them you are asked to write your name in the upper
the world at a mad pace all the time, left hand corner of each check. When you cash them you sign your name
sert the Red knighthood to become again in the lower left hand corner. A comparison of the two signatures
first White knights, and then Black is a simple and instantaneous way of establishing your identity and the valid
Red knight may becorangeWh tity of the checque. In denominations of ten, twenty, fifty, one hundred and
Sns. 8 telt is so, nevertheless. There -=two hundred dollars they can be used for any occasion.
is, however, an -Id adage that mayFi
help you to understand this, that wej For a nominal charge all the benefts of safety and convenience of Tray
are all purified through blood, that elers Checques are yous.
only blood can wash'away Man's sins.
But whether you can 0nderstand it or This bank sells them,
not, the truth of the ma,.Zr is that the
Red knights generally become White
knights, and then the riders of black -

hoses. 1
The famous Black knight Sir Wil-
ha Bryon, you will rect T was onc e S
T Ann Arbor SavnsBn
beard .the rumor that Sir "ftcodore4 a i VI
has bought himself a beautiful ''hite
mantle. "The Bank of Friendly Service"
i 'Ri a RESOURCES $5,60000 Two OFFiCE
st,,dentas.'nd facu'efl mem'aba.rs I'
lie judgment""f a he~ ca d".th a.i
cles ai f itr'sic ale a, ,i .
rtesicae a a 1 '1 i'
T hi es -..

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