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May 27, 1923 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-27

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LNo. 175



[JNCAPNTRS hop Early For Senior Women Who Will "Play "IEWODTI Rig WreFaa
EYour Bluebooks In Annual Class Pr oduction SU ILL In Times of old IiJII:
[I T f~~~~~luebooks, (th bore of a college C~yu redwa ig
bt ow as the inevitaOF, tENIORSosi PLAYw: I(los, has it ever occurred to H~ A
S G'etid 46jr Rber Arhur As1?rtnaof lfrd NyesChoen y =it a supply of poison for use In comn-'Thitieth All
I'oes ' iltary .stc~e e we owuo tecmu.FcWomen For Annual l asHsIa
Thc~c tat fiw ay yun cunenine',Mattng his fiercest enemies? At. any JW u
Ana d ClC htare o ayug oneacsProductioniteyo wolhve enjsiie
now beaning with the joy of living I Ctyuwndhv enjsiida
W1 ia cnsvedysecan- in such an assumption four centuries 1tI}!
EFIENrI1ia AND BVRkTQ(PXACFJVrT od to tlh( ashy color of desia r a UIQR RS I~ago.A XhI
WA P ATM ENVS 8E± lT1O? old' monster, final examiinations, e' t .<A On way of ridding ones self :AS"A
--- sis to ]l)ight their very lives. --- --.troublesonme characters, was to hland
Majo Wilia T. Ca~3ctor Cos~ es, he ooktor~~ re lredy re-"Sherwood," a five act drama in te them a ky In the shapie of a finge
AJr ilia 1 :sliiter )ost Yas teboksors r aredypr-swift moving verse of Alfred Noyes, rn n s hmt nokacr Among na
illeryZCorps, etas been appointed paring for the invasion. Pils:or terigadskOntoulcaCr
r h a eatetadhsben ...suf.hihinafe.,y is the play that the senior womn tain chest or cabinet. When a slight Ann Arbor i
Yrled y rsdetnt arnd L beur- suffledwihche iin ewstswihum' have chosen as their annual produ- pressure was exerted upon th ring
n i and heoard f Regents as the 'tnowledge that make up a college e- ~ ~ int egve udoso v- there was released a minute needlei'itofA
":eso of Ma itRobert Arthur as ucation may V 'a Seen behind thle coffn- figo husa,"~e 4 h c which pricked the hlder'f te sringleprll
txofeisor of military science and tac- ters of any of the local shops. They tbntks"lc:n n run hr and injected a fatal poison. OJters onenof bes
as and=head" of the R. 0. T - C. -jell for five ccnts apiece, many :heap- ^x4 wood forest where Robin hood, th~ reserved the poison for their own us eeehnt
'ta ihgn ao apne r n o uh ar they worth44 af-4 bravest ar in all England, and Maid in ase suicide semed the only soiLt
ill ome o An. Abor revous ~ te anexamnatin? he pofesorsMarion spnd a life of romance This tion-as in the case of the grat ttr v~
'oenln of thle'. ivrsity and aline knowthat, lucky souls that they life is marred when Robin is out-Hanbl ayddt
Utape ch rgq of tileunit. Major are to escape such a triallaAld adiPrincwiohn ties to in passng ofIt
thur viilllcav for the Cast'Ar- As 'is customary every year, the. thhadoMrin Elomthe , A owvrinswere omIt eindte nlst weka
to the wicked prince, plays the pan s hm oee,~ee o eindt~get -regret
Very kchoi'tiat Flort Munroe in De- blue pest stays for two weeks before o lvrqenuignnsds serve such dire purposes, for, it is ndr js
inler. releasing this hold on the countless gus"npsn sRoi' redx nSaid, they sometimes contained eos- arebea
i~ajr Car~letr will come hearea tude-nts. Th se men and women then she is trying no other plan than to feistopooye6'temdr orded us, Lth
etr Ale completion o f his cureinfllwa o esetrnou prs fMarion for hr son. hi~wever. aiycs, nymc or ovn ySome
o generl 4ft at Fort L eavenworth. oh cnnry, where with gunl and rod " ." her efforts are unsuccessful anid sheietOhrrngcotndrlcso with aprehe:
E ,ti~ lge f~ ,E. or perhaps soup and fish, they striver Al: is ntuetlonyi ntn he pictures. The advantage of wearing ig unknown
n.th ieri.y fKetcyin to recover their lot youth; But it is ~*Z~ w oesi et the key upon the finger in the form lesser known
8,later obti iing the, degree o somties imlpossible. The misery rrrogoithplyte{ra ic farngsofoueoboup-paserna
10 in $91 D uring the Span sh- that has been ~wrought is too much. r; atinis'r.e y"ceeso clo-tcularly when it guarded chests of lasn
war he served as second Each student has his consolation in ' specostlshrm
tericn .an h _ , ~di,~'t~ZIc ~t~l,,r.1' s ln,~ful pagentr. Inthe garb of peasants; rcossoe n eal ic hstishrm
iutunn e r taken t* **f aeotbutlwsbndoerfIte adsof n erry seemed to be thle easiest way' to pre- longed
gne, s:, d froum there was ap- Mere are thoausands of others sutffer- Egadspotterbaebd; et1hls n f fteky The focus
ixtdcmadn tteUie-igudrtesm pdmcand with = 2 and fairies roam the forests "fra- n ig nhsoy Is sol to hav Gustav Host
;y of entuceky where hie was in the knowledge of this conies a broth- rn: grant hills and bowers." Songs of rnee t errivsbe yhstelclm
arge o tboe jlilitary department un- xerly feeling, of sympathy. For if he Alan-a-Dale also end their Charm tosipytrngtabuonhsfge capacity oif
t1901. ":le reeved an appointment flunks, many there Will bie who will i :~ ___ the general effect. s httestigrse gis h antb
thlJie t t s a m n 1 0 . a c m a y h n._ _ _ _ Portia Goulder, wvho has taken im n palm of his hand . e h r w t
as riey cola or u-I T romn.wll appeair Roe in 133Senior Girls' Play, hchwllbportaent roes in Comedy club and Perhaps the one practical use of the Holbrook fo
sfl iiliati £araat Mun- Te J meniTheyare pper lteft,121 SeioMrins ppery, ightwCalrieMasqe rdcinwl aetern hchhsbe lotuiesiFnh'hsh
rin il1;f and''as r:Completed tthb givMMU h~ en Jund e n1.Theyr, :i lp rf, Luci lefterginaii rdoer par of Roin Hood hile Ruth Wrk- rgtIar! and enduring is as a seal. fhle eari- issue for the
192 ttetm esUU igh Ruh~ *hieas rmnn ndaatic ci'-# est examples of rings show this use sumed by the
12.;ttepresent tm heiigh, R tWrkheise. cles, plays the part of the trustingi Whch seeis to have continued unin- anot dgnifed
Frt .elvnwrth, Kansas. Dr--U assisted by.Virginia rrodel who playa er lost favor until anl Interesting re- Frederick :St
'"th wvar'.A"a fir Carpenter served fiEHNRDAf~ HAR Tonday, np 7 e C/r 4!Athe part of Einor. Parts of the out- viva ocurred within recent years. chestra and1
temnporary °^olonel of Coast Ar- TA ,ADI laws and; followvers of Robin Hood will The historic ring wvas introduced bythiefos
iery in the 'ftilway Artillery bat- LNHOSTL{ N
io.BAND CONCERT be played as follows: little John the college fraternities and sororities Aeia.
y ~Lucile Meyring: Friar Tuck, Celma k as an unusually effective, as well as The cobii
rvao apne oe o ihgnWith the advent of Commencement, Miss H-owe; "March" (Widr), rS imonson'. Will Sarlet, Josephine! appropriate, manner of displaying the symnponic, xw
'hyrcinndda nal ad- Fivehude bo an gilcb Ann Arbor pastors have set aside to-f Imead. Barton; Much, Fannie Ransom; Alan- j rganiation's crest. This intaglio vt ochestra an
I~srt2and a ieteacher hamembers fronm thecounty of Wase- day as Senr Sunday. Sermon., wll T1heEdctn of the onscience" a-D l Gneive nPaepleven)seal ing hasmetwtGreat prssopulr n nof p
istmato r insess ho a naw gathered in Ann Arbor yesterday b chosen n honor of the seniors, and is the subject chosen by:Rev. F. P.I (otiudFnPaeElvn)iucaonkmoen rekD
sappointeants., "Educahr orti'on etmoayIlm o etr o t y D u tes1p r ifie
E.= afor a picnic and entertainment ,that wl eo seilitr t hm rhrfrtemrig service of the R b r
was given them by "the Ann Arbor Todlay is oftenp obevda aro i i hurch n Lane 1171Bithatscmight 1
Qc . M NIEA) aniiber of Commerce ,and the various and eorial occasion, and sermons : hih's n an}al./ibecholWisAscendency In Literay vordat't mithefrt ir
rmmrneWill mnet at :30 o'clock, and students oteIis
M LITARY SOI CETY business chlbs of the city. The boys of this fact. 'Bcause f this doublecase will met in Lane Hall Read- Io tle Lnza
h~c~ngrsare members of various clubs obeiainsron oa ~lhv ing roonis at 12 o'clock noon. Chris- Robert F+rst, residentpotfte all depends upoim the mood which pdfo it-o fas
Wliifred anc x 24L'nnuc d tian Endeavor will meet at 6:30 o'-i 1 ssses in. 1 do not write mechani the mlovemen
elcio ',anone under the supervision of the United a special attraction.k clock. The men's service Cub will University, has attained his ascend ally. ual. The conr
neecin a tional president-of States Department of Agriculture, the Organ numbers will precede the me at noon.1 ency and held it as a poet, primarily{ Tefrt oueofM.Fos',es remarks are
Gudn and Blade at the regular Michigan A ricultur al olegean morning service t the Tnitarian !tes i ndhI Tefis-oueoIM rs es
g G1g nd~St. Paul's Lutheran church - wi because of a dantlssspta nd ihwas not published in America, and he the interpret
'nhymmei' fteMcia the Washtenaw County Farm Bureau. chuchr"eeUnvesiypsencdin-al English service for 'ideas. Robert Frost is a man of the often feels regret because of it. The Gabrilowtsc]
lpe o ure in Democracy"wilbthse-"
(" er t- cl ingfied'stniaddtIon, wA T thncersMajestiearnte b .Sde n ly truets, -hOuneGod- wllpeople, he is human in an iutemse way, first verse was published in England. tra. Thisc
t'' cl i'held aitin Teiciceslerogv n fe on topic, divee bwev iey S e iiOrsT uets. -ur ". .1 ninhe Triune atoMaetcthae .nte notdosmetn ady rGod-l lehs esnltyhtoe m sutceingis ut Mrli Fot entl adot te fi
"earpr Robins. Anotor etngadbth sermon subject. This sernmon cny
vearps faai th emeet-gfoload btalkyR.ATunenst nd we club will be held at i4:3n0ngwilbe theldat13 'cokpecdd nsndhuIcchlrlci oengln ti onri MreF rosnumet ouin Aheicia,
attendeader.leThe V arsittclock. Thnmusicifor by a service in German at 9:30 o'clock.1 tiring way. Mr. 3rot hlds a sense ;years without plans for. getting h s ho s bg his house by st tl an ,2 ;~ asse vc as 'e n h s n r m th !e er al w d a wo k p bls e . O eda" fr
g tegruti theatronasnef--ttxe Zion Lutheran church, a con- o values that has nevralwds okpubihd Oedy, however, orante of
yae last niht Os c hilog'4reas thegopi h fenoa n e-compsitions of Americans, in recog- I,1ead floigm utiIwsrh ifrn
rrdatod hifrtege tesotre of a progr am that included clubntno e'icwl efed t10 0,est pi i.
tibe tfne narl oii btiernstunitsandofspsilantibyNor.Marcoleg casS the slctions hvebenc o' clock, Rev. P. C. Steihor o'lfifica-f Physically, Robert Frost Is iot d seated before the fire, reading over z. Stock s the7
o' fo~et. ive.Arte S Vicers Pitma of psiant' Nomalcoleget'ng. Miss Ileta A. Noc~liwill lead large man. Io is medium in eight umber of my past efforts. My habit dctor, wiser
reenhdi e :ertlr faS vasEse y cho cm en because of their relat~on to the ithe student Foruim at 5:30 'lcfari-wst e u ywrtnsa aiu eraental
A loa capeGtr mssor.oo c and frfrom prepssng Ili appear- a ogtotm rtnsa aiu
e lcalep r " nssone: a wichthesujec filionshe Vare asc, bt follosfacs:hre"Tdate Livinge i
t~ins ar as ollos: Te li ingie of Sunday School teaching." "Why Ian abundance of good' nature and a read them, Saving one, consigning oth- erndance at
God (OHar), r. jeea; Re es-Ilieve in the Holy Trinity'?" ill be bewitching lenity of spirit. When ers to the flames. On this particular venings.
yy F"*or ig92 Students sional , (Deoven), Mrs. Wilson and 1!ocso hr lse eoerymn
organ psrogrtm thtie sermon preached at :30 o'clock hie speaks in a low, flowing voice, the 'cainteefase eoem id Gigi eisa'
MM r. Kea: "h ogn rgamfr byetfbi the pastor. All service will be de-[listener loses track of everything pe-la visualization of some thirty of them eice is soft
l ~esevc ivered in the ngliSh language. sonal, his physical structure, his per-;Is gop, and I considered the idea
lband of Sky-Blue Water, (Ed)tdy) "Pro- e a;i~lybr
cessional March" (Whitney). At 1030 oclock at tle Trinity Luth sonal caracteristics, and is amazed o combining them in one volume. pifed by Ma
" I C ita yels wae sranerswitinour gates toh ran church, special services will ba 'at a greatness of soul and an ever- Next day I stuffed, them in ny pocket ,ess the per
HolySt.oAnrwsm u reion the'coc, wil-! frLthrnsnos ne ~eIenduring steadfastness of purpose, and went out in search of a publisher.
pleemnaefeunlrea&know each other better, is the spring a bek At'gie Andrew'ssnor ndr e ~o t a Teidea of pbisiga whole volumeo This sho
asotr-1 intheir head-in-1 vacation trip, undertaken through te!asie theLtehas1dn itahseqatieRbetIpulsin ,sed'sentim
CosmopolitanC~uU: A grop. of somey - Chub Rev Gudeiman will 1treyc"i';isen above insurmountable obstacleshad not occurred to ne before, but thehi edta
naioa adInenaina tom tetymnrprsntn fo sx-t ice in honor of the hRev Hery at-;o h ie I rueGdwithout the least bit of revenge, ante- first publisher to whom I showed thesePa endto
tieteraaechoe;oeleten nationalities, this spring touredI lockD D., at 10: 30 o'clock. There i-________I gomisum or bitterness. verses accepted them.; With that as a x.hac~A
sietereaerihoe;oresfiewill be an extra full vested choir ofiIfr'tre hr cm esr frc af.abiity en
ey are chardctlized as blithe for- ieMichigan cities, visiting indu- oce t hsIevce icues IMr. .Frost labored in one felogiti n"'tern ovem'masurrofrec
ttr on o errceA Otoy,' i mew rd e t al tries, catching glimpses of American 4'' t i-eshoirtw i be rtake a tueo'c o . f lflA WRH IY twenty, years persistently, and during I'lnfo ."host sio'
"° yig thi fo r yer laf" A municipal life, Co ming in contact with "he Moirnwing of ouren Fath"2 o wo .i 'IlL tbI btim eThis oinito elf w ud ve benc lookFosAmi cansm entg on toe a yiu p ci
clst threi cosderable justiiJ- several other colleges, and on every 'hesujetof' heteveningbm. lU IThirenitif old neve caent ookr.ofArosiconenthiguonthout aygth
tio fo hefeln that hie, off hand receiving unmistakable assuran ivee t 'lok-ysevc, h-rTlllnii !nra sufficient to dampen the spirit of a "The idea that Americans aie too mas- -ien e hea
attb " fr te feling1 lverclat o'lock bythe R'stor I iU Ifli eem tomebo b rKLMu
ee beatenr path of world events, is dOs of the friendship toward thcm'LewisThIobart gild and thir r LOPNIN IIIIJLILIVILI1smaler man. But at last success ?ilsi sest etob iiu f the "-yn
ael uebywaisgbg ont of Michigan people. That in itself was 1Tes cameicIt came unannounced, unanti-,lous. I am rather of the firm beliet nlased
thre wrld by at tosndd bi oiitenaioaled-friends will leave Harris Hal for xn upeIt5:5o I.-- 1A tnd aDNE splendtdad rwe teefot f h ha hy r lms adyieaitc.prnti h
the wold l ar~se hike adspeat5iiocc ithe 11A"noet.S AB' and out of all the glory, fame LNo other people in the world is so taeti h

nnsd 3;lnsiai ltldrswg
ny_ Pleasinig FeAtture,
md Sutrprises'
arl h. (Gebln
ny entinent nmnuic'atim
is regarded as .the X11a4-
aerca". Whether or not
is justified we can hardy
ay, but the distinction :.is
r.Based as It is on asit
we can' but hope the
tot only uphold but rather
this prestige. 'ith the
ie Thrtieth May, Ecstlyal
11 were 'conscious of re-
that the event could not
a bit 1 onger. The any
iprises and ' cnrats f~
xis year,' very; few .wow-h:
weeks ago eve vewed
nsion a program ontain-,
iworks, mumy 'young;,an,
iartists. Today little bit
ins for what prow frs
tnenmry. Ann Aror re-
sical ascendancy uncha-
of interest entered .on
t. The honor ixe accorded
usical 'event in his dual
co''poser and conductor.
ai said. Mr. F-ost to
Edward, Elgar and TJseph
arm the nucleus of "an
io which may well 'tae
leadership so lately as-6
Russians. At once qit
li e stands upon ,his w,
t unassuming and getle-
n., We -may well "thank
ock of the . hicago Or
Dr. Alert A. Stanley far'
in ,bringing Ilost tu
nation of the lst wliord1in1
rit~ng with an u ecelet
td schorlarly condutor i.,1
rable. This was my n-
,he .rendition accorded th
rnor Symphony an tis
ning. 'h ~l rtcs
e vetured wo4ld aly
lovemfent. , Thre it£ ein
o introducetvi n ws takn
t and the , rin boyo
it rather slower than u='
nparisons which ivie te
mnade by oseraino
ation rendered by ssi
Ifm and the De rit Orces.
ails to- ind a.distinct
Chile Stockx isr withou'
est interpreter of£ Brahms
Gabrilowatsch='cill tae a'
)rrn, withabrlin'pr
one 'of h~s sympthdn'e.
ice lies in the fact tai'
Inore- uniformly good on-
eal with the more "tefum-
artist we congratuhaste
we ,happen to be :n" at!
one of hs' nore inspircd
p~poin ted me, W lhiq hi
by comparison with the~
d Italian voice as ce~exm
rtinelli, hie des not pos
sonality to succeed Qa'ru
)wed itself in the exagger
entalism he let' loose '
as of the' Gioconda- and
rias and in is extrenme
icouraged, no doubt, b
ptive audience.
twed to considerable ad
first eveing, but his ra
no on Thursday. It wa
rd the American V'remir
in to Jesus". Real dept
ld musical insight are ap
emusc which is a stpen_

But wi le raig koldead "~"~~ afternoon.
redn htr~,i ol rbestolerance and understanding based on I At'UJMO0I)AT'E 400 and honor that has come to tie man, ready and enthusiastic in its reogni-' ~-
dietcnatwt f AGo i ilh tesri OPErepresentatives o oi fte1eirSrie a axtul,;his soul has risen above and conic out tion of -literature than the American.wth vhmich
elcg n, tore; vital to' eq andirctcontry.irwith COUPLmES attheunspoiled. Mor. Frost once said with In fact, ii the old country, if the tn eomn
enth~mir itldrawback t n;aohrcuty is Presbyterian church tl:is mrimem-w himsical humor: - IP a family announced his decision to ipoe'
teii e t a p eiat ion of ;interna- A s M r. W . L. hlsu, from Pe king, jin . ou goeo llowou wllsom'm e vocatita es ononio'e st pnot."F r 0eeas, thespp yiof myllyo om v caiopn trss ntalym p rf r
apreiaetheinns huannues1collegeinstuetsaktothe chapel exeI-at 5:3 01o'clock, followed 1y the Chri- var d toward that metropolitan state wrItig afri xcs fth I remun rative, e would veryiklIn)cCwsf
nal n'eetlisihi amr hiainhstk tothoalnmzo ice fr tbyit uidcs with tindswaI had mu ceoselut t oneverdarkentheYfaily door D:rge for
th se sa e wold aciites H ises, said. "We are, in miniature, a in E davr eigat ' 'lc.preditd fr i y is b idr ih m n s a u h t el b t.t3it a
recommiz -te fld a t ies a dbo ( L eau f N to s wih A eia a laribel hBowe '24, will lead the d sthe erection of Cte New Granger d n-I was not wanted then. Now I do not aagain. I refer, of course, to the other oltg a
sits to reonzej cusion on"What Would Christ hink ii academy which is nearing complo- keep up' with th ead lh hr n esm leeok
arater of the world tangles. Hle ,host, not withx any danger of poi tical of University Social Life?" Iinadwl pneryi etm demand does not come solely -fo onry lhuhthr a e oelerk tlx
ad foladthe Near East,' of intrigue. of objectionable tangling al inadwl.pe al nSpe
ltial gle tilead hegea I-,incsebatwththlefniepupoeve.eebetluoowildeivd, er 'hesonordf heaadmyehofahmpyiel.Thryae h;cispoitmnraesu, cusehie au'o. h
anfretudrteleadership of of. understanding each other better.1 sermon on bseStrife, Stars and Success" are Mr. and Mis. Ross Granger, Mr. I small private publications, whop myre adiikly elo ke adgteam ily t;clore t!
alleretune te ,egeo ra wudb h ices fat tieeinorning sevice of the Comgmr - ns blm . Bradley F. Granger, acid nothing , ut who may bedenied only than ftae sa ret"pidmallyalter
e Chandi, of Japan and her algd:twgra oldb halleaeo Inpino oraaiplatrout'le' teefot
iltarismn. But he too frequently international friendship-if whole peo- gational church. Congregational son- Martha J. Tarrant. "Ma and Pa n an fmota islaure Thef Mnthe Ffotis ofxthemeyson."H e ad's
stovsaiehmnbeings back pes could only realize that they can {jirs are invited to conic in cap emd Gianger are well known to older :amdl there are the weekly maaies bf, Mr.sFot i s enrbr treme Umn.e versiandhs srt
theseto perplexinghuesin s o anpac ydnigthns oe Cwn.At 12 o'clock noon, Han. Fredl- graduate students of tie University larger circulation whoe pay hs lixn ustos o anpaeb enigtesle en ttle,-butas anotdinn parborhatethe Univer i Tis sortc
Theforignstudents on our campus, a sympathetile understanding of otheu 'crick W 'Stevens, who has recently re-,a the hospitable' host and hostess" in wh osforbe caearfslmasa i~ a iig lc ~eeh ia uni uia
atiingwhat ighat be termed peoples. Unless twe learn more about turned fromn an important financal of the Granger dance hall located uP1fAoraet reiew, oftone's ulne wo. 'otrvolueaftrvueA rofvse. b eaui- iiutst det t
, lxge'pomwesibulthirfutheineitiisher bcauetAnerbowiaa eaui-eriemestdc
world v ewpoint, fail to realize the each other as nations, and individuals miissioni to the Celestial Emrn , wiltiietmsfth vrweenw more difficult of achievement." ful2 city and because it contains an at-' carts have
Lt that 'human beings (lie te - tm ri o1ard eluyA Mem oial Day meeting of stdets the Majestic theatre. Unlike many of the more nmodern, liemospherhegn raio s 0 ,eof e ce clearning. But, asOen 1 the, withoutfu erl a b:ynxtto;ats er a eanig. B t>as th itau a
'- yes inmany f -ndamentai respects) $ only reap the writers, RoberttFrst isenotpurely~a seat of a Univer'sity, that is not all ih rc. Bee
requally a art of international andl war. 4We of the Cosmopolitan jwl ehl tteFrsd ht tffWith dancing space for .froni 50cmerilwtr.S eauhsofhtAnAbr'otis.Trere;pgam f
oblemnsIchli bare going to (10 all that we can :0olck nteafenoto 40couples the academiy takes chmmecial w vrieyemter oncatowrst"o ta atsnnAbol, rcntan.othere are- pogr am;ot
Jut t n w the other fellow of, to promote friendship between 'our' "The Long Road" will be tie sub-{ its place as having the largest danfc te po ua vri atempt to ri eft ba11,h beallbtack sand eother .ath y col d y1s
he other ntation, to exchange friend :respective countries because in our :Ject of Rev. A. W. Stalker's morning floor in Ann Arbor, with a space of ales t one-oel a yfrear dgomel t icsahereathatnRobetFrthseesmin'Theyhouere1
Ygetnsto, perhaps penetrate to associationl we have learned that all I service at tie First methodist church (approximately 8,640 squai'e feet.1)0tgu t aMr poem'a day fordstheIga.th e sate aydandothtesane in'teo hus
a qguest ins which concern their re-men are brothers." Special mmusic for the service will be: !Ini 1891 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Granger'a very erratic writer 1 do not-' at- ed all over

centuries of musical de-
ave endowed the modemrn
That thme worl; is difficult
goes without saying. 'The
lb wed by the -more unique
Two Veterans" and herysa tlc ft e e c n
~enius. Half way through
-as stopped to rectify an
He h o deedote hience buzzed. W hat way
?Woke? iemsed, the piece was starte(
successfully concluded.
of thing is> not uncommon
history. The bigger tlh
lie' mom'e attention to thb
LaIl is the rule. Many con
Ii ex , b e t pereak in the m usical at mio s
thoven presenting a long
his wvorks in Vienna ow
topped time orchestra whet
late in the Fifth Symphony
was poorly heated, but i
, the work: had to be start
agaiin. Sokoloff, condluc
Cle~veland OrcehEstr'a, nfte

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