- ..,.-- - - -..w.. .:M.... ..
Mason and Irvin S. Cobb which con-
vulse the "typical American" leave
the Briton wondering what it s all
OFFWICI NEWSPAPER OF THE about. A London audience, on the
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN other hand will roar with laughter at 3
Published every morning except Monday Shaw. whose humor is entirely too .
iring the University year by the Board in
ontrol of Student Publications subtle for our public. The British G U( 1iPLL-BUM P
Members of Western Conference Editorial relish a subtler type of humor than,
*sociation. we do, partaking more of the nature At Last, She Speaks
The Associated Press is exclusively en- of wit, while Americans who wish to Trme is v'ry hea'y on my h'nds th's
tied to the use for republication of all news be amused without being compelled to aftern'n b't b'fore I s'ta't my da'ly
ispatches credited to it or not otherwise 't h
redited in this pape and the local news pub. think, are naturally in love with the st'u'gle I wa't to te'l you that I h've
shed therein. comedians of the cinema. d'cid'd th't I belie'e the impertin'nt,
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, A true sense of humor is rare; for r'mark ab'ut' me in your colyum was,
lichigan, as second class matter. a prerequisite to its ownership is In- the res'lt of s'me nys'er'ous and pow-"
Sfbcerstion by carriersrr ail$3gMay. tellect. It follows logically, then, that erf'l sp'r't. This has dawn'd upon me
and Street. oa sense of humor is most common sin'e Swi'ng Out-and the lon'er I'
ess, E ,4.;B among educated persons-a category think ab'ut it the less mys'er'ous it
which must not be confused with is. And pl'ase, b'll P't'r Pan to let
Communications not to exceed 300 words
stg'nedl t ne sibnature not necessarily to those who have been to college. Most Di'zy take care of him'elf he'ause
>pear in print, but as an evidence of faith, of us confound a sense of humor with Di'zy is so ha'py lo'king, I wou'dn't
nd notices of events will be published in1
he 1Dailyat the liscretion of the Editor. if a sense of the ridiculous. The mus- wan' h'm dis'p'oint'ed in lo'e, too, and
ft at or mailed to The Daily office. UnS cular contraction'Which ensues upon'
gned commnnications will receive no con- cif he ne'er'falls, hene'er could be.
deration. No manuscript will be returned hearing that a butler has poured ice Doe'n't that sound reason'blt?
nless the writer encloses postage. The Daily water down the back of a social do- R's'p'y
oes not necessarily endorse the sentiments
pressed in the communications. wager or spilled ice cream upon the M'r'g'r't.
bald pate of an ambassador does not There, boys look that' over. Our
EDITORIAL STAFF signify this quality. The sense or M't'g'r't has finally answered back.t
Telepihones 2411 and 176-3I "humor is that .gift which enables a But we'll all agree, I'm sure that it
-man to see, not the silver lining of took her a long time to think up that
MANAGING EDITOR the cloud, (any Christian ought' to be come-back. Eh?
MARION B. STAHL I;able to do that) but the truly ironica: * * *
--- or comical aspect of something other-'
ews 'litrW..................Pail watzel A Mere Rumor
sty Editor............Jaes B,. Young wise drab and unengaging. This makes
assistant City Editor.......J. A. Bacon life enjoyable. It has come to my hearing appen-
itorial Board Chairman....... Aeiss This sense, as Goethe has observed, dages that there were some girl fresh-
idht Editors- is the truest index to a man's char- man badly scared last Wednesday. It
Ralph Byers - harry Itoy seems that they wre informed by
I,. _f lershdorfer R. C. Max iarty acter; by what he laughs at is he to some of there sisters that it was ne-
H. A. Donahue J. E. Mack be judged. If he becomes uproarious
1( 1 t+ +tie kind of stuff in the "Satur- cessary and a custom to be adhered to,
(Ohio State Lantern)
The titre-honored saying, "Virtue
is its own reward," mig htwell be
twisted around to apply to the work
of scores of students who enter vari-
ous phases of campus activity, and
hold some minor position, out of
which there is no hope of advance-!
ment, no possibility of credit or praise,
and in which lies only the opportunity
of personal development through ex-
perience gained.
Some campus offices are almost!
Giraham s.
Ioth : nds of the Diagonal Walk
!It ,
negligible in accomplishment, yet the
officers who occupy them are given a
credit for holding down responsible
and painstaking jobs. It is in viewing
these that we, too, often forget that
there are many others in contrast
whose holders occupy positions where
work is the only payment for effort.
To these holders of thankless jobs,
credit is due.
Too many times we award theE
credit for some undertaking to the
wrong person--to the person who
merely did the overseeing, while the
"underdog" carried out the actual
work. In any activity, we find that
the routine work, of which there is-
usually plenty, is carried out by the
holder of some thankless job.
But there is nothing startling In the
situation. The people who hold down
these' jobs seemingly do so because of
the human desire to be doing some-
thing. And the "higher-ups" will tell
you that the work must be done.
It is our duty, however, when op-
portunity offers, to give a word of en-
couragement to the person who gets
so little for his work and show him
that he really has 'his place in school
(New York Times)
The experience of the past few years
lends some support to those pessi-
mists who feel that the human race
Do you use Classified ads system-
ome's Edtor........... ..arion Koch
uday Magazine Eitor . ... . A. T)onahue
usic Editor................E. 1. Aile
mor lditor...........Buckley C. Robbins
Editorial Board
well Kerr Maurice Berman
ul Einstein Eugene Carmichael
StanlevIf. Armntrong
Sidney 'ielfield '
R. A:, Tillington
,'U~elen' l3rown
1- C.-Clr
A. J3'- Ccnable'
Berna4ette Cote
Evelyn L Coughlin
Joseph Epsttein
T. E. Fiske
John Garlinghxirse :
Walter S. Goodspeed_
Portia Goulder
Ronald Ilalgrim
Franklin D. Tilepburr
NWinonta A. Hibbard
Edward J. Hggins,
Eenneth C. Kellar
E iabeth iebernann
John McGinnis
Samuel Moore
M. II. ryor
W. B. Rafferty
Robert G. Ramsay
Solil J. Schnitz
Philip M. Wagner.
over m nlvit ia luQLx
day Evening Post" and Cosmoplitan"
and fails to see what tickles the risi-
bilities in Aristophanes, Shakespeare,
Moliere, Thackeray and Mark Twain,
we may conclude that he ism a person
of commonplace intelligence. If, on.
the other hand, lie shakes with Gar-
gantuan mirth at G. K. Chesterton and
Bernard Shaw and sits imperturbably
through a performance of George M.
Cohan's latest chef d'oervre, he is
more than likely to be a man or
rare quality. The next time you feel
like bursting with laughter at the
"humor" of the "movies" try first to
find out what you art laughing at.
that they put up Swings on the Cam-
pus for their seniors to swing out on,'
which, by the way, theycould safely
do since the skirts have been elon-
gated. They were, as I said, badly
worried so they sought accurate in-
formation and they came to the right
place to get it; to wit, the Michigan
rDaily. Upon being put hep by a" huge
cubthey left with shouts of gleeful
relief, after planting a sweet kiss upon
his most kissable cheek.
Their names will be printed in this
column tomorrow as sure as the Pa-
thetic Fallacy states that Ring Dang
Doo is a nature poem.
Ann Arbor and Tacks-
astern Standari fime)
Detroit Limited and Express;Cars-
6:00 a.n., 7 :oo a.iy., 8:oo a.rn., 9o
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Only four short weeks remain in wi
- mer riding at Ann Arbor. Make th
are in fine condition, Mullison's ho
cash coupon plan makes riding a
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hch to enjoy the delights of sum-
he most of your time. The roads
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Adrian-Ann Arbor Bus
Schedule in Effect May 14, 1923
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Lv. Adrian............3:45 1:43 6:oo
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A.-. P.M. P.M.
Lv. Ann Arbor.......(0:45 12:43 4:43
-lDaily except Sundays and holidays.
1holidays to be New Years, Decoration
ay. uly Fourth, Thanksgivingran
Meet f, U. R. ears at Saline both ways
for connections for Ypsilanti. Waynet
and Detroit.
326 E. Ann St.
409 EAST J
Telephone96ON LOKI AHEADI ought to be abolished .en masse, but
It becomes apparent when one ven- Mary Berry was a fisherman's lass pending that not much can be gained
BUSINESS. MANAGER tures to question the prospective grad- Many waters by her had been braved, by killing it off in detail. A Swiss
ALBERT J. PARKER uate regarding his future that, at this : She'd caught more than a thousand who had served in the Denikin army,
black bass. and whose father and uncle, accord-
Adv(--sin...............John J. Ilamel, Jr. I moment, lust a month previous to Whales in the uron over her have ing to his story, had been done to
Adetiig........alter IK. Seheelr Wbls nteH o vrhrhv
Advetis .........rce o commencement, only a negligible few raved. death by the Bolsheviki, went to a!
Publication ..........Edward F. Conlin have any definite plans regarding __Lausanne hotel and shot Vorovsky,
Copywlritipg......David J. M. Park
Circulation.... .Townsen H-. Wolfe their post-academic careers. To be Dad Berry sent Mary away to a school the Russian Minister to Rome, who
.. Beaumont Parks Hurealmst every senior has some no- was tired of the life she led. had invited himself to join the Lau-
AccoAsntss.............mB ysesumontn.rk,
Perry M. Hayden Wmn. IT. Good tion of how he will occupy himself Mary still fishes from the top ofsan membconferenc the uraly
Eugene L,. Dine Clvde L. Hagerman the Russiandele-
C Cl. utaskinTanr read during the period immediately follow- I Many fish have been caught by an A-I gation at once accused the Swiss Gov-
E. ,1. Arniantrout J. i. Sanzeznbacher ing his departure from the University, co-ed. ernment of being "tacit accomplices"
William H.. leid, J h. Clifford Mittr but those who have set any definite POISON IVY. since they had given insufficient po-
Wm. . Roesser Louis M. Dexter path of endeavor which will serve as Dear POISON IVORY, lice protection. The Powers which
Allan S. Morton C. Wells Christie a guide to their future activity in the You must trapse around with soieI organized the Lausanne conference,
limes A. Pryer Fdtward B. Steidle b
herbert W. Cooper commercial world are appallingly funny merry berries, I've known a too, are morally responsible, since
- ~ - ~ few. few myself that came down here with their attitude toward the Russians'
After four years of scholastic work that 'where's my husband' look in her "created confusion in the public
taken in anticipation of gaining a eye from the moment she got off the mind."
TM ,great advantage over those who were train. You know, the kind that tell Many American radicals will accept
. not exposed to university training, it you about their apple orchard the this as the final word. The "con-
Night Editr CONNABLE, JR. seems as if the purpose itself has second time out. But I've never seen fusion in the public mind" arose from
been lost by those who, at this late one that did her fishing from the top the fact that Vorovsky came to Lau-
date, have' no idea of where they of a stool. You just needed a rhyme, sanne without an invitation and didn't
l'lt1 TR ,E s SEOF, HUMOR e
In thecolusibly edited by stand; It is not too late, however, that's all, receive the protection accorded to del-
olumn ostensto make the decision which will "make * * * egates because lie wasn't a delegate.
"Scogan"yin last Sunday's Daily Mag- or break" the man. Nor is it too Dear Bunk: The Swiss wanted him to go, he in-i
azine, appeared a quotation from that late to correct a decision wrongly Just dropped into town this after- sisted on staying, and now it is com-
rcmst acute student of human nature, made. noon after a wooly trip into the wilds Iplained that he didn't receive the pro-
Goethe, to th6 effect that "There is Upon entering into the world of of Detroit. Saw Bambino strike out tection due a diplomat, though it is
nothir.g -by which men display their affairs, college men only too frequent- his first trip to the plate, and then said lie had some protection at that.
character so much as by what they ly consider the immediate- returns on his second trip, one person began At any rate, it seems from first re-
consider ridiculous." " which their positions will afford theni, to applaud him while 39,999 others ports that the shooting was the purely
Has it ever occurred to you that, neglecting the other elements which' were booing him. Babe, just to show persoal enterprise of a man grieving
although a man will readily acknowl- should be of much greater conse- his good nature and complete control, over personal troubles, and not a
edge his shottcoinings in many re- quence in idetermining any perman- doffed his cap and bowed to the lone fruit of political conspiracy.
spects, we never hear a)iyone regret ent route of activity. Momentary fl- supporter. Can you blame the fans In any case it was no very intelli-
that he ha no sense of humor? Men nancial gain is after all the least con- for booing him? After that nice little gent enterprise. Men who hate the
and women who admit frankly that 'sequential element in the making of a display of unobstrusiveness, the wal- Bolsheviki would be well advised to
they have' no ear for music or no successful business man, for without loper grounded out on a slow one. 'let them come to international confer-
discernment in art are commonly met l further opportunity for advancement, l He didn't hit out of the infield all ences and let them talk; for all ex-
with. A few have the refreshing can- without an ultimate goal high above through the game. Oh, well, he perience from Genoa to Lausann'e
dor to declare that they hate "high- the riff-raff of mercenary commer- should bother. he'll still draw his shows that when faced with a pract-
brow" literature and. adore James cial wizards, money itself means but 50 grand at the end of the season. cal situation they get nowhere. The
Oliver Curwood, Harold Bell Wright little. WI1LI) 1111Sl ROSE. wealth and might of Russia looked
and Ethel 'M. Dell. Blit everyone of' Attractiveness is another thing not -- formidable till people got the Russians
us not only refuses to confess a lack to be neglected., It has often .been I saw the game myself, or rather o<mt in the oen and enjoyed a closer
of the plpayful fancy, but actually said that a man can make himself like I was there in left field. Every time look.
believes himself possessed of it, this anything. Granting this, those of I'd just get into position to see the On the same lay M. Joseph Cail-
fact being. proof positive of. how rare strong will will force themselves to' batter some one would shift his ears Laux, promenading in Toulouse, was
the quality really is. like their jobs,-but'what of the rest?, and close the opening. I was the attacked anti beaten up by some
If history reco&is a single man of There are more "drifters" among col- only spectator that they didn't count young men, who apparently belong to
true greatness who was absolutely Ce- lege men than possibly any other and that was because they couldn't the Royalist faction. One can only
void of limior, we have yet to make class with the single exception or see me. That crowd made one of our say that this act is worthy of the in-
his acquaintance. Humor is encoun- tramps themselves. If those weak football gangs look ,n equal number telligence of the political group whose
1:red in every realm of human en- willed members of the graduating of salted herring when it came to nosiest spokesman is M. Leon
deavor,'Il the loftiest creations of the class are not to become "drifters" milling dand shoving around. Daudet. For some tiiepast M. Cail-
human mnindl-in "Hamlet," in the they must stop now and deliberate. * * * laux has been trying to conie back.
Beethovemi symphonies. No one would Even if it entail the postponement of Someone He finds it necessary to assume the
dare, of- course, to maintain that hu- earning money, think the matter over tells me that pose of the persecuted prophet,, the
mor is the dominant characteristic of first and before accepting any posi-i he knows a place Messiah cast out by a generation of
any greatt man; for sorrow is finer tions, make sure that it is in the field where they sell real vipers. Why help him along?-' Cail-
than joy and is responsible for nearly which you will like most and there- beer in Detroit. horrors. Ilux's history is proof that if omn
every noble and beautiful object in fore the one in which it will be pos- I'm going to, write the mayor. give him time enough he will dig his
the aesthetic firmament. It can, how- sible to accomplish the most. Nookle. own pitfall and gleefully tumble in.
ever, be asserted without fear of con- Give serious thought to this prob- * * * As between M. Caillaux and .
tradiction that a sense of humor is lem, senior, 'or you will forever .re- ide Ile ('niiera Dlaudet one can preserve a strict
al xays concurrent with greatness, gret the calamity which resulted from Philip Casserole De Wag was a boy I neutrality; but since Caillaux is a
maguifying the deeper powers. Even a hasty decision. Not lacking in charm. political possibility and Daudet is not,
such apparent exctptions to this rule Ile lived in the town of Ann Arbor one can't help regretting that the
as Milton and Carlyle cease to be The Ohio Lantern reprinted the ' Where his father owned a book farm. young men who draw their inspira-
exceptions when closely scrutinized. Daily's editorial entitled "Phi Beta Now tion from Daudet help to spread the
We are altogether too prone to be- Kappa-'23" with the following corn- Philip, wrote stories of things most delusion of persecution.
lieve that particular nations or races ment:-"At Ohio State this spring wild, There has been a good deal of polit-
have exclusive title to this endowment. the men outnumbered thd women IHis wit he's never ever defiled. ical assassination since the war. The
Theis weare all accustomed to hear- elected, to P. B. K. for the first time His stories in print are heavenward men who murdered Rathenau and
ii, enii tit the Tlno'linh have nn in sveral vars. However carrying 'oiled. I Rashin selected ' :nguished 1'I. :;Th
!" -I
Cars leave for 'ocdo 7:10 A. .1.,
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