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May 15, 1923 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-15

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row Aha pslo Ph ~ DltaIvIlr~T TlPTT~~f
terary sciet il et ti SrhCawl Agl hireen
this eveinin,, h Aph iiind enatl-rns TIte yn' Te Lake Geneva Student conrfer-'
of UnvriY h'.Te at5O(Ok aiis ae-once will be heldt from Jun~e 15to
discussion is to be "lree- ;G' 1 ]tt4 o'clock, in Sarah Caswel
o'hkfrstrin the gy :;:sum7; lgair of more than 20 stents
I e er mpran ~usa a4 o'clck. csto acts 3, is expected to represent the Univer-'
be a seni r yom n) act :,:c.. afd

ofBe- sent .J ,ow o .10 gardg,431
SHOW JMEN'S ST YLESysy ila~ eae poesfro Tomso.-dv
the V. le of NQck _,. 1WIbe give o --______
Men's sport, morning, and 1er .,.n.:1 QP Aic°[lign JMe O gue nd. "P olling z'ones rati er no moss,
clothes will be d pla;yed at the0)Yle-'k -------- ut Unused4 ft ri'turc gathers dKY.
show wxhich will be given at T3'O'c- DUOli.S shoult ,d be CAllM0.-Adiv.


clock tomorrow afternoon vlt thenn
1) by the J. Lb. Hudson Co., of l e '4 I _
Imported suimmer cdres,;es, as wa
t ers, and awievre'osut a
coats will be show~n by profesin
manikins3. The 1hats hi-,hgiiill
used in the f asIon hw ilheo
Ted Dnet'r hsrawl Av

sent nor to K Morgaridge,43


tI, u]

Lfteno~ta l~rbou y I
class tennis teams ,frr
;cniors will be held; fromr
Sthis afternoon. Those
try out but are uinilc ito
e times imy make a spe-
alcrit witl i lss -Daiel-

Z31LY -ZV, ,111:3 U1111Udij a(LLIleingA, (ana Will

I _ y 9 _ t SiX $ 34A..BL~T
E/ Qt2r'. JA 2 R''S


Won C 7s


orn or Julia Coe.
-he GirlLeaders traiining corps,
1il meet at; 7 o'clock this evening in!
Dewberry hall. MiNiss Fray Frazier, Girl
eserve director of Detroit, will, ad-
ress tho members.
The world fellowship) committee of
he Y. IV. C. A. will meet at 5 o'clock
uorrow afternoon at Newberry hall
Members of the new cabinet of the
WVT C. A-. will meet at o 'cioc',
'hursday ;afternoon at N ewberryha.
Michigan Dames ;wAI lmeetst, ?8

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!ae et- to the conference under
the unic of the student Christian
: associlatio.
M ore than 800 dlats from the
m i; ldlc western universities atten ded
thec eveant last year, and lndcation,
- nw pintto a larger attendance this
year Aragemenrts for the delega-
i naet o be madle by a committee
o . the S C. A. of which Walter J.
Nichls,'23is chairman.
rca Ball(of the Y. M. C. A. of Chi-
caowilspa Wednesdcay evening
at abanqet in' Lane ball which is
no be hl o all students who con-
t(paemkn the trip next month
to Geneva. I-e will speak on the
benefits of the summer camp, and con-
sult with the men who plan the trip.
Newberry To Give
Fete For League

i .,«'{:'

&EC-i~ 15,
I -A w li r


Ann ilsr, ~..~ i-tu

o'clock. tonight at iNewl err yre i nce,"- ' 1 enic o sradeer
Installat~ion of officers wvill be held at!trwbry slprt-eake,
this time.L ice creami, and dlancingre- all to be
part of the lawni fete to he given from
SAll womemn who wish to tarke jart i ~ ---12 to 5:39: o'clockr Saturday after-
the May--pole dance wvill meet at '?-~-
o'clock th-i, evening in Barbouir -_- xnand1 from to '12 o'clock Sat'-r-
gytaim r~ nigrby L;ilen Newberry resi-
g} I in a ltli l . 7 <d e no c e fo rx th") . c-it o f th e M ich igra ll
-Further gameos in tit ~ao--- - Lcau' uid'g tud Tbls o
fi'eshe ill be set out on the lawn i
baseball tournament will be played as
follows: at [) o'clock, tod:ay Alph.a ialn atiusie ewe ee ever eiec
Phi VS. Delta GammI~a, Zeta Tan _uAlphIa Mrh a eseac, ota fiamd!BTyBrorhoeadted-
vs. Helen Newberry; at :30 ';ochmeecnIic, hohs lectured 'imng room cf. Aelen Newborry reoldence
today Kappa Kappa Gamma ~tvs_. throughou;iCtltheco.t.y:.thatsub- w ill Tbe ti rned over to dancing.
Delta Delta Delta, Betsy BrorVS. JcbnleI ae soe fte1 ehga tde t the time of theI{
AeiChvr;a5o'lctoorgrtetl'hgw enithUntd aI-Ikstival ee, it is enspectd ha
Stle. h{''ozn_ etet"11e1{;nyOt (ftoi) guestsV-1111 take adl-j
ry p i c k e b y a yacT ' c m u l t c c f t h e s t g f'.t h i o p p .r '-1 1 t y t o i s t
Na LE' in he wor uit l o form.n..V_ r_. ti:e do m tIy
Ii~?1~sh eiri~e oftheY w(1 Frsh ~t.Clas D"sshould b
VY 1-..1. s 11tJnoY t.K. iMor G an 3ie.e.4
hArcade-°1 You lCa n't IFool Youar1at ni formU1al suppI~ier und-ry even- Tri']'.e n.--Ad v.
Wie"wihLatieJorta n-.a:ese ail. Chinese 'Food wash -- -------
j Naldi and Lewis Stone: Bus- ere i oi y tle and as pro- Do you use Classified ads systemr-!
Majestic- "Tihe Ne'er-Do-Wrell" jX2 eie n h arx'.Patronize The 1 aily advertisers. I
wit Th m eighanr; comediy _ I.. .__.
and, news. On tlhe stage, thcI______-
I Girl Band. q
EOrpheum-"Dream Street," wlih .IAST TiMEC
I Carol Dempster and -Robit ; r x' TODAY
G r a v e s ; c o m e d y a n d n e w s . u r h - a i m v n s a
Wiilde's Salome"; -comiedy;C RO DEMP T R
- Saris' Marimbo band. =2° d
1 a r it
Garrick (Detroit) - BonsteIle -0. V Griffith's
- company in "The Goldfinch."c66
Loe something? A classified In ~-3~57 :01)'3 a:-1S ILTS- Oc
classitied ad will sell it for yo i,.--Adv.


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