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May 13, 1923 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-13

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Friday Designated "Artists' -Night",.
to ,Appear
WCO prepari~ations have been comnplet-
ed, for' Ann Arbor's thirtieth annual'
.May Festival, the first concert of
v./1~C~x w~ll be given at S o'clock Wed-
nesday evening in Hill auditorium
when Deniamfino Gigli, the noted tan-
cr~ of the Metropolitan Opera company
will sing three aiaS with the Chicago
Symiphony orchestra and the Univer-
F~yChioral 'Union wall sing the chor-
ale, "Awake" and the choral finale
from "Die Weistersinger." The or-
chestra will play TFranck's ;Symphony
in D minor and aeveral smaller works
for orchestra.
Three outstanding numbers appear
on t~he second Festival program, sche-
duled for 8 o'clock Thursday evening:
the perforirfance of Gulstav Hoisyt's
"'Hymn of Jesus" by the Choral Union
with the orchestra, piano and organ.
tunder the direction of the composer:
M1endelssohn's famous 'Concerto4in E'
minor for violn and orchestra, to be
played by Erna Rubinstein, -one of the
great younger musicians; and three
selectionis from Bach's monumlental
mnass in B minor by the Choral Un-
ion, the orchestra and Mlabelle Addi-
so, famous Bach interpret er.
The third Festival concert at 2':30
o'clock Friday afternoon iil be the
"Children's; Concert"~ given by the
Children's F- stival chorus uinder the
direction of George Oscar Bowen. Su-
zalne. 'Keener, a young soprano from
the Metropolitan Opera, will Sing two
ijumbers and Arthur Kraft, an Anier-
ican tenor, will also contribute two.
T'he fourth Festival concert, 'at '8
o'clock Friday evening, usually de-
ignated "Artists' Night", will be dis-
tinguished by the appearance of Flor -
ence Macbeth of the Chicago 'Opera
comnpany and Giuseppe I~anise of the
,Vet ropolitan Opera in joint recital
with the orchestra. The artists will
each contribute two arias and togcth-
er will sing a duet,
Ei est Schelling, the Anaerican pi-
,io virtuoiso, will play, his "F'antastic
Suite" with thte c- chestra -at 2:80 6-1
clock Saturday afternoon, as the prin-
cipa1 featu~re of the fifth Festival ecn-
cert. Another object of interest on
this program is Schumann's "I-hen-
ish" symp~hony, transcribed for", mod-
'crn orchestra by Mr. Stock, who wFill
con'duct it.
-The Festival will be brought to a
dloac at 8 o'clock Saturday night with
a3 concert performance of Saint-Sa ens'
biblical opera, "Samson and Delilah".
Tlhe cast includes Charles Marshall of,
tile Chcago Opera as Samson, Jeanne,
Cordon of the Metropolitan Opera as
Dielilah, Clarence 1'hitehill of the MNet-,
r:,politan Opera as the High t-Priest and1
ai fenri Scott of the M~etopolitan Opera
as AbimeiV,... Tie :..oral Union and;
t~ t, a wl appear with these

Noted So Irano To and junior and seniors from 4 to 6 Y W.MAionEKF J GeadilMase r.,Prtdi oiety wil
o'clock Tuesday. Those whio. wish to J T R K S enni.ngs, Elizabeth M.1cDowell, and
Sing At Festival try out, but are unable to colme at e ,MGrlie'lses 'ri oi[wl
these times may makze a special ;gyp- Tln ii IIf lj take the negati-v.e *sde, and v, ill bie-
- -poigtment with Miss DanielsonY, or, E t!lLV~ If M repres ented by Eli~aboltn Van Valk--
Julia2 Coe. Ien burgh, Marion Coad, and GCra c M-_
Rehearsals for the Senior G'irls' 6lwn utohc a en The Oratorical association is d1onat-
play fo'r the coming week are as fol- carried out for sev eral years, the Un- ing a cup wAhich wvill go to the society
lowus: courtiers, Tuesday at 4 o'clock,
in ar'h~aweI ngl al, 6tin' versity Y. C.-A. will g. ive a May winning four deba tes out of seve'1.
e.Myy nrs h' and e Am netlharety n- Ibreakfast Saturday morning, May 19, The public is invited to attend.
iumandmnat t-'lok airites, yiand -t 7in abu yma-mA"eaf~ ______
O'clok ;ast olf as,and at Wed- of this kind..has been held ach year at T
nesdayf at a4 o'clock, in Sarah rCas wellI the close of the May Festival wecel St 5Y les d
Angell hall, cast of acts 1 and 2, at 5 i for festival guests and university v. j Shown l4edne say
o'clock, foresters, in the gymnasium; men.I
Thursday at 4 o'clock. cast for acts 3, 1 Breakfa st gill be served n t two
4 ad5 different hours, 8:30 and 1:30 o'clock. Professional manikins will display
~One .of the traditional feature;, will be more than 50 cost~4ines which will be
'~ ~ ~ T ~thPT [ 'e serving fsta )ri'and creflmil brought here by theJ. L. Hudson Com-
..:,.i I IIIH and blue, and spring flowers' will be clock Wednesday in the U41ion ball
_____used. Music wil be tarnlished during'roomn. The fashion display will be un-'
J7na Giesor iriugi ~tebekatbyAo ih2,Hp der the auspices of the residents of
b~e jlg' Halladay, '24, and JosephineConnable,; Betsy Barbour house. n Ickr
'23. Sport clothes, inclum'in,;kikr
'. '. ISororities, league houses andI othe-. bookers, riding habits, a.ad miany suits
nte o ih xh ch st the un',on groups may arrange :fr special t abics and dresses, afternooni dreses and a ng t'l
men ofthemen 'ill' er'ywllit ap nm ths by calling the office 'of the tn' e smmnerfr il eaog thea'i-
' 'isrtonthe eenwing be elebr31,edtis lsity Y. W.; C. A. Tickets are on tsa: le ds shzown. Iniadditionomen'sesport
y abehyaonthe 'Y eirgofM 1,aPa1 at Graham's and Wahr's book storesr morning, and afternoon clothes wi1l
Florene acehmrer field.
Floene Mcbthledig cbr Th peset raitin f Lntrnand the "Y" office. The ticket sale I be displayed. During the fashion Thaw
FlornceMacbthleadng olor- i I-pseotparatiynew, haingrn must be closed by Thursday -night. Tedh Bennett's orchestra will play.
tura soprano of the Chicago Opera nightiscnprlve .whig Members of the commiittee in'charge Men and women of the University and'
company, will appear with Giuseppe been started four years ago. The olab-an20feh ngilwllsr.TectyrenvedoatndTikLmy
Danise at the fourth May Festival con-' orate details of the. ceremiony have committee include, race- Hunter, '23,! be obtained from any fletsy B'arboure
cer t, next F riday night. Miss Ma cbeth? been developed since that tim e. ThecaimmJn:tePl-r'2,{thrsdn.
canran debut wasPlme, 'womethn rgidnte
is a native of Minnesota. HTer Amenr- significance of the passing of-th e lan- rykood__arh_'4,_osepineCon
cndbtwsmade 'in Chicago in 1914 terns is that the senior womn .!ive~ Wowr,'4,JspieCn
singe which dtate she has steadily in- 1the torch wih gi lc hmto in, artha 2:,ThaldredN,,'23,-VadysHill eirBnau- o Hl nJn
creased h2er reputation as one of the ,the junior-, to help light their -way;'23, ataT1y 2,GldsHn Following the usual custom, the
'nan '2 enir ion,.illgiv ahbeakast
finest singers of her type now beforej through tl:ha oirg e:. The son- E 3. Mario atch,. '23, an d Cla. n- rvoie~ ,1gv rafs
thepuli. hewil in th Bllios eror tis errnr~ ate' in-m bel Bowen, '24. during conniencentent week as a fin-
song from "Lakme", David's "Char-- ing the Lantern song, and the j iviors al get-together of all io:,en of the
mant Oiseau" anid "the "Vendetta" duet sing their song of acceptance. #SOCIE.TIES PTO DE BATE class. Thmie contmnittee, in charge are:
from "Rigoletto" With Mr. Danise. field Daty ev'ents will be held in' the J___ IMildred Neff, chairmian, assist :d by'
- afternoon preceding the lantern pro- Athena and Portia Lierr sre Margaret Recinke, Dorothy Bean, Ainn
cession. The final games in the s- ,ng ties will, hold 'thira first. annual de- Hinshaw,, Marion Weller, anid (ladysi
sports will be held Ito determine thie bate in University 'hall at 8 o'clock to- 1 Hinnon.
championships in class baseball, ien- jmiorrow evening. The . debate is be- I
1M IO111e'n nis, archery, and horse-shoe pitch- stxveen the :freshmen members of the
ing. The women of the university Wil two organizations. It .is sponsored by-
Sgather on the ftillside for a picnic sup- the ratorical association. OUR SPECIAL
ocokTedyeeigi at -per after which the athletic awards for The subject for debate is "Resolved iNK
the May-pole dance will meet a dance and a dancing pageant will also!J.League of ations." Athena society wl RIDER'S PEN SHOP
gynsu.Brorbe included in the program,-.Uphold the .affirmative of the chies--

712 Arbor Street
Near State pand Pacr Se(t~,

601 E.


lartha Washington Candies fresh for
Mothers' Day. Tice's 113 E. Liber-SO
ty.'a d v .

-- --
,.:. _ e.




uron St.




D* WG riffith's

ST-I OW S--:0iO ,-

3:45 -7:04) - 9:45


SAnother Sale EvcNnlt Begins Tomnorrowv!

Sale of Women's, Mi1sses

Popular. Price Ht ~

333 S. MAIN


Further games in the interhouse
bseball tournament will be rplayed as
i ol)lows: at 5 o'clock tomorrow at Pal-
amerI field, Alpiha Gama Delta vs. Kap-
pa Delta, Kappa Alpha fliheta vs. Pi
Leta Phi at 5 o'clock Tuersday, Alpha
Phi vs. Delta Gamma, 'Zeta Tau Al~pha
vs. Ifelen Newberry; at 6:30 o'clock
'Tuiesday, Kapp)ia Kappa Gammina vs.
Delta 'Delta Delta, -'etsy, Barbour vs.
Adelia 'Cheever; at 5 o'clock .\ednes-
day, Alpha Epsilon Pi vs,.-Delta Zeta.
Members of Athena 'Literary society
will assemble in the Alpha Nu rooms
att 7:45 o'clock tomorrow eveninig pre-
paratoiry to attending the debate.
Tryouts for class tennlis teams will
;)e held' as follows: sophomrore:; and
freshmen fromn 4_to 0 o'clock Monday,

, ~









.. uu




The Big"Uols' riple IEU of th TYear:

to -extend a

In oirwish

Prof. Clarence Erwin McClung, of.I
the~ zoology department of thje Univer-j)
siof Pennsylvania, eminent, biolo-
Ist, will deliver a popular~ lecture on
the subject "The Unity of Life" at 8 -
o'clock Tuesday night in the Natural.,
Science auditorium. He is brought to
the University through the efforts of
the zoology department..-
During his visit here, Professor Ale-
Clung will give two other talks of ;a
semi-technical nature which are in-
tended primarily for advanced Stu-
dents of biology but to which all in-
terested are invited. The first orf
these, on the topic "The ChromosomesI
in Relation to the Race," will be given
at 4:15 o'clock Tuesday in room 214,
Natural Science building. The :seconid I
talk, on the subject "The Chromo-
somes in Relation to the Individual,"'
will be given atl 4:15 o'clock Wednes-!
day in the same room.
Professor McClung will- also con- ,
suilt with groups of biology students
as has been the custom of previous;
speakers on the zoological lecture ;
A graduate of the literary -collegeI
of the University of Kansas, he re- '
ceivedli~s mster's and 'doctor's de-
trees fromf that institution and took
up graduate work at Columbia uni-
versity and at, the University of Chi-
cao. In 1897 he became assistant
profes son of zoology at thie University
of Kansas and in subsequent years hie
served as associate professr, head of
thia deartfminet and ra m~tor of 'vert--


greeting and expression'cof
Festival 'cheer to -the
Mothers and friends -This

' ,
,. ;:
' ' .
, !: ;
r ' .

1 0

and these


Fe stival DayTs


We have completed


wonderful display of Toi-


let items At-


A 'daring picture
of the dazzling,.
Salome " who has
created 'a furore
in drama,- in operaz,
inz song and story!
'And now a screen
port raya1-.hat
delights the eye
and beguiles
the senses! ;:


C ludeDrake's w
Drug and Prescription
Cor. State and N. 'Univ~rify





. !-«L t

Stan Laurelin.


~Phone 308



" The Quarry"'

XTT T -u'IT mTN 1[3 4'fX 7U 0 rVlr A

i -" I-

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