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May 13, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-13

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VOL. XXXIiL. No. 163




r1CNon1nvrM IN'' prtO emember Mother
IN SPRING hi i the plea being made by the!VSTN FAHR
1 1ton, as the whol~ e wrld nV estc'


San Diego, Cal., May 11 (By .A.
P.)--The charred bones of Col.
Francis 1-1. Marshall former chief
of United States Cavalry and
Lieut. Charles 'Webber, army
aviator, were found today, near
Ouaymeca peak, 49 miles from
San Diego by George McKame,
a cattleman., Both officers have
been missing since December 7
when they left San Diego .for
Arizcna in an army airp~lane.

tSenator Placed
I on Farm BoardWOVRN
....~ .'.,...>ILLINOIS tGETS .IAA
.:.f . LEAD IN I1lA11 I



celc,rate the beautiful new info-.na-
tiomlal holiday..
Charges of profiteering by floristfF
seeking to, capitAl[~e A'Iot10r's dad
have been mnet with a response that
doing something for mother's joy, not
mere flower wearing, i13 the object4
ITea social.tion N o0)1)05ed to paying
Sotrageous prices for vwiiita carnaitions=
accr~tingto its president, Anna Jar.-
vi's, founder of Mother's Day.
"There is only one thing Important
this day' of days," says Miss Jarvis.



GUE+t'F~pSTS ' H F .A k PR iS ID FN


YenarIngs Score Victory in
Tying' Event by Penning
110 AVictims

Ito j

ProiliientA lmi i n ecure; iProgram i
Pir rmncc


Vailie Iteplete Willit Tbrills; IAverl.
anllIceSs 'Nut Walk Sillgle
Op po ent

hiooker and Prosy
Record in

Members of the sophomore class de-
feated the freshmen yesterday in
tho annual Spring games on Ferry
Field by a score of 3 to 2. The sec-
ond year men triumphed over the men
of '26 in, the obstacle races and the
"horse and rider" contest, but the first
year men, outnumbering the sopho-
mores about three to one, proved their
supremacy in the rope-tying event.
Assembling at 9:15 o'clock at. Hill (
Auditorium, the small grout) of sopho-
more~s organized and led by their
large, gayly-attired band made their
way to east University avenue, down
east University to Hill street, down
Hill to State street, and from there'
directly to Ferry Field where they lo-a
cated on the north side of the field.
Sophlomores WilRebisys
The large band of freshmen miet at
th~e same time at the Union and, anx-
sous for the battle, hurried down State
street behind their band an~d stationed!,
thempselves on~ the south side of the
f eld.
In the first even~t, the relay races,'
the sophomores had little trouble miii
-winning. In thle quarter-mile course
in1 whic'n tho IQ. contestants on bothf
siides wero forced to dive through ba-t
rels and climb 10 foot walls, the sec-,
ondI year mnen 'Con both races. The
thiird race was net runoff. as the soph-
onnores won the' group, two out of
three, and receivedi the two points.
In the "horse and rider" event, 109
freshiman "rider,," out of the 15 were
Jeimouni~ed giving another point to

"That is to remember
"Go home and see'
away in another town.
' OY. If you can't dot
special delivery letter
reach her Mother's cis
"That is what Moth(
remembrance of moth«
Thiousands Gather iW
stratiot~s in
Enlfo oi.
TVd~f~IFIIMPUN n j1' .A u

rmother." Afore than 700 fath ers and sonn'
her f you are gathered last night in the a semnbly
Take her some 1 hall of the Union to share in the ban-
that, write her a filet given in their honor and to lis-
r or telegr~,m to ten to the speeches of Pres:(dent MVar-
iay, ioll L. Burton, and of the fathers of
per's (lay meaiN- two University students, Coi'gress-
" t man P. FlI. Kelly, TOOL, of Lansing, and
James 1E. Duffy, Sr., '92L, of Bay City.
The banquet and the Yvaudeville
'ROTST 1show at the Mimces theater, which di-
rectly followed, were the concluding
events of the two dlays' pr'ogram held.
btheC oni honor o the parents.
MURDERThe pogr am yesterdlay began in the
+ ~morning wvith the spr ing games be-
tweecn the underc issmen on Ferry
Sf :tret)ozinoii field. The, major ity of the fathers then
Soylet hSad luncheon with their sons and pro-
t~l caeded to the dual tr'acic meet with
_ ~lllinois on Ferry field.,
u)I W,r~mxrL', The principal. affair for the n~ar-

1 ;;' 0

Moscow, May .12,' (By A. P.)Tchit-
cherin, the Soviet foreign minister,s
dressed in-the'uniform of the redl arms!.
and wearing a red decoration wasthe'
chief spealket at a meeting held In a
theater here today.a
The theater wais crowded. to. the
doors while in the street thoutsands
listened to speakers from motor trucks
and, bialconies, all, of whome made
reference-'to what they termed: the
war threat against Russia in the as-
sassination of Vorovsky at- Lausanne
and in other, recent national develop- I
Tchitcherin, referring to Vorovshy,i
said: "This is a symptom of the gen-
eral Euronean situatton. The direct!1
responsibility, rests with the' Swiss
government who .took no preventive.
measurer while the, moral responsi-l
bility is on England, France. andI

ents, the Union' banqjuet, consisted of
a din ner, an entertainment program.
and speeches. Slpeaking of the Univer-
sity 4s a business asset, and of the
excellence of. its administration, :Ivr.
Duffy gave the first of three speeches
all rat which were intermittently brok-
en by applause especily from the
fathers. Congressmiahi Kelly spoke of
the many' broad opportunities which.
the University offered, and of the
splendid work of its presidept.
Pre~idenlt Burton. spoke of the fatc-
tor3 which lie outside the limit of con-
trol by the' Uni-versity-*anong them
the students' degree of intelligence.
and the home enviroament--and of


By0 Wallace F. Elliolt Illinois defeated Mlichi
James ilartiwN MIller to Speak oil "Pro- , Sports Editor, The Daily track aggregation yester
811 I pUia lIL~lE' Champaign, Ill., May 12.-In ,a gamie in a dual nmeet by the s(
PreSs r I' eplete with every conceivable base- to 54 2-3.
_ I F~all thrill Coach Ray Fisher's 11,1- Both teams were ha
i °" defeated 'Wolverines triumphed over an unusually slow field
N EWSIPAIElI3IAN SERVED AS j ' h avrd Iln er oa yasequence that no new
SPA-; SII W IAR CORRESP~ONDENT State Senator E. 1. Jones, of Brad-.= count of 6 to' 3. even approached.
The defeat of the'W(
ford. Pa.. has been named to fill the Fbr six long innings in which JTack-duinalremcsrt
. James Martin Miller, prominent vacancy, on the farmn loan board byJ son, the great Illinois hurler, allowed of the Varsity runners to
journalist and war correspondent, will President Hlarding. He0 was recoin- but two hits while the Indians weremndbySatrPpr.ouigthofrnsofLvace in the dashes, Illinois
deliver a lecture on "Propaganda and meddb eao eper.punigteofrgsfLirne and second in both da
the Press" at"J o'clock tomorrow af- for, a half dozen bingles and a parr the low hurdles. Illinois
of 'runs. It looked like good night ;inte ilru adt
ter noon in University hall.nthmiernadtthsehilrwohsbenPlige g Michigan u hnteeet n
rolled around the V4oveie yard dash which gave t]
Milerwhoha ben egaed ACK NZE W LL ugWoleriestoo much of a.hnia
innewspaper eeywork his o entire te has ; EE IBE beganen an o assault gm that lastedput until in the fieldstd events' u
j ITALnUdians hopelessly in the rear. counting up a total of2
liandsetting to reporting and editing,. Gil- [ S'H P~e Battle From Start lone pair for the W'oly(
For nmanyr years he served, as a. Wash- - It 'was a pitcher's battle from the 10 addstehl
iugton correspondent and during the W1clsh Et Iooltler Will.11 G've Frst of Joutset and though Jackson appeared it«o-twNenty. Michigan f;
Spanish American war 'hec acted as Letrs for a time to be more than worthy i in the mile when BOwE
'Philippine corres pondent. In 1,900, he ' Tomoililrow of his reputation as supreme in the lout at the. tape by Lin(
was a correspondent in China for the'____ Big .Ten he was bested in the long s~tarted to come back wh
Boxer rebellion, run by the magnificent hurling~ of ! tokfirst in the shot
"The newspaper business today Is.'rf'is ; 1,~ WL B T~E.Liverance. Jackson's great difficulty and Aubrey took first an
a matter of capital and mechanical ThREEF ; O LD CO3I:IMONW1I;.L 1II"t was his lack of dependability, for hurdles. Hubbard trip
appliances," said Mr. Miller. "While -Iiile lie struck out nine' men hie was froni the tape, dove ac,
the editor is busy writintg edito rials 'PIrofvss or John Stuart Macke.nzie oft simply not there when the occasion ahead of the first Illi.
and filling rip the paper with interest- the philosophy department of the' Uni- demanded. Two bases on balls areBrooker and Prosser g
ing articles, more or less valuable t" veisityl of W les will" arrive here this charged against him. Liverance on' eight additional points
miankind, American invenitiver' genius afternoon for a series of two lectures.,I the other hand with the exception :first in the pole vault.
and mecbanical skill is engagedl in pro- The fir-st will be given 'in Natural of the early innintis 'vaS unbeatable.' Repeat in Qui
cluring new and muodern appliances sro, Science auiditorium at. 4:15 o'clock to- ! He struck out but two hitters, but The711 Illinois runnersi
the editor can, dissemiinate his -,vords ' morrow on "The Threefold. Common-! whecn the Illini threatened h~e was :per~'rance 'in the
and( thouights by playing urp to thec wealtlV'. The second will be on "Our invincible and gave not a lone base alley placed three mcn i
utmost the mnultiplicatlo table by the Contemiporary Outlook in Philosophy": on balls. 1mile.n
t',iou,;)nd,, and hundreds of thousands' at 2 o'lock , Tuesdpiy Ifter'noon in Ificliig an's F'ielding Good The, Orane adRlu
onl the imarvelous presses and other I Rooni B, bhaw building. Splendid fielding on Michigan's part. ed. another eight pohitt
mechanical productions that make pos. Professor Mackenzie is recognlized went a lon~g way toward the ultimate when Mcillwain. and Jol
Bible thle modern newspaper." as anoihg the most learned philoso- victory. Mike Paper is charged with in order ahead of Loon
lie added that today the world"Is tphiers of his generat on. On this, his; the only error and that bungle played Il the fiel until he70lost
on the lookout for propogandists. H ,im- first visit to America, he will visit a no, part in the scoring. Happeny okckigovrteigt
self sponsoring "no inidividual, cause number of the larger schools and col- Illinois was a victim of an ofcday later wia's thrown ourt of
or fad", he slated in a letter to Prof.; leges in the, country. Before coming making three errors at critical pro-'nIlni rne h
,John L.: Brunmn, of the journalistic' to 'Ann -Arbor, PfesorMknienrts, while Captain Stewart is also Ihim.inc lived up. to h
ideppartiment, "If I cane have, a visitI visited Columbia, Princeton, Amherst ,blamned ,'for one. fnsigtehl iei
with the prospeetvce:journalists and and Cornell. IHI will go to Ohio State The team left "here tonight for Chli- oi_ 1:57: 1-10, forty feet
journalettes of your Uniersity I ai from here, and then to California,' cago and will leave for Iowa City to*- nearest Indian runner.
sure it will be a great pleasure to where hte will teach' during thie 'sumn- morrow night. petis aeo h f
rae- aer. Greatly weakened as the team s ) ptie, andfethef
i H~le is' credited with having written ed to be before, the gamne by Knode's in no danger of his race
the best handbook of ethics, 'Manual i ineligibility and the injury to flag- the high jump and Nufi
SUCHOW 'THINof Ethics". He also is the autho r of anil gerty in practice Fridlay which forced ven tied for third place
SUCOW TR I ANITS " Outline of Metaphy:sics" and An "In-! Vanfloven into the vamue in his place, event with Smirth. of 1
trod uctiont to Social Philosophy"', be-;ther-e was no appearanuce of weakne:,ss W1{ins in Shot
IL WOMEN! PRISONERSD side.i numerous .articles written in the I in' the. field.. Shacklefrord did1 everyv- !Va~n Orden w:as goint,
IP Lwhich lie is an' editor. Durinlg 1,920 jof Kqlode at first, stopping many a 1takciug five points in this
TW )O A.3IE'Rl('AN BOYS .IELEASED and 1921.lhe was president of theIUn- wide one with, his ,long reach. Klein of 42 1-2 feet. In the.
F 11031 STIIONGHOLI) TELL ion of Ethical societies and is, now 'in right_ field made 'a pretty catch in1 (Continued on Pa
OF CAPTIVE~S ~ president, of the French Sociologicalj his only chance and his run for the
society. A ball put the last Indian of t and end-
frign wma e among the pris)--To-1 atongae. all toe tebodws aTRESURYMAY I
foeha mnghaa mong-thyeApris-;o ,calsthegae. ano en thec bondthan
ers at the stronghold of the Suchow IAJA ~Qf l came in hsis territory and made a beau-
train bandits, according to reports WIBfl HIfU IO 81,U tiful stop of a hot bounder that no ,
A10.__1 lO ackUND MANY
the two American boys-Roland Pin-!N rIIreach. H'aggerty is expected to be
geJr., and Robert Allen, Jr., who : Uli1 IEI . ac in shape for the Iowa gamie on ;'Washington, May 12-
nrri'Plat in tin sifterai ' z beh i o-- ______ ' ' .ilions of dollars incoi

C1han1ge Countng system
Recauge of the f-at-fl the ttug-of-
war staged Friday afternoon wasI
called off on account 8f the violationsi
of rules, the Spring;games Student!
Council committee decided that there
wiould be only one period in the rope-
tying contest lasting 10 minuates andf
counting. two points, inste'ad of the
usual t-wo periods of 10 mninutes each
and counting 3 points. This was done
to avoid a possible tie.
In this event which was awarded
the freshmen, 104 first year mni were
tied up and peened to the 110 of the
to hoI or Greatlyn ~ Ii, onr m ii i',un .

the enivironmeont of the Uniiverslty. Hle
also stressedl the 'students n!s the Oe-
termnining factor in the inrocess; of ccl-
ii cation.
Many uf the fathers, instead; of fol-'
lowing utp the programi outlined for
them by the Union committee, spent

the larger part of the day ini, isitbug


Regardting the British =note, w-hichi points about the campus. The affaiv
he charactorizes as insolent, he sa,,1[[ was all g~ven "under the direction of °a
"We are getting telegrams that Brit-j Union co'nmiittec.
ish warships are already' in the White
i-Sea; perhaps by now they have openedl roh.o is ar
hostilities against our ships." Yl ic r



sophzomores were forced to fight London, May 12 ,(By A. P.)' The
.d in this "battle royal" to mane I note from the Soviet government in.
contest even,k reply to British protests against the
_______________ jseizure of the trawler JAmnes Johin- '
son, was given out in textual form
today by the Rosta news agencies
SLondon office.
t~t lEI~I5II~In sum-moning up the note insists
WINSY NOV UT OUT that Russia is ini no wise infringing
Wirertailta oi KPilJUcah~ihiUUII

_t"L i d.f& tI'&6GtUL.
Cap Night Blaze

Cap Night this year has been set
for Friday, May 18. On this ight
when the last freshmen pot has been
consumed by the bonfire in Sheppy
Hollow every t(lass in the University
will have mioved up a notch and there
will no longer be the "verdant fresh-
m.The speakers for the affair have

'x0,000 FANS

12-mile limit but that she will not :re-
fuse to join in a conference of all
the interested states to draft interna-
tional regulations bindinig upon all.

Yankee stadium, N. Y., May 12,(y!- not been announced as yet by the
A. P.)--Jess Willard, formier heavy- Ei llI l~iitl N~. Student council but will -probably be
weight champion~, and Luis Angnel URISH, DII t!LUIVTflI [ known the first of next week. Every-
Firpo, Argentine cave man, emerged ;
thi nt4rnon c ion + i . ho twnT1rM T tin rPflh'flItiflhlIthing about the old custom will be

imsJ1 4LrL neon as vx.wrs 111 IL ILiu r ve LL 1NUl LU vai e~
main bouts of the Milk Fund's liesvy- 1I (UVLIUIU'l carried out the same 'way as has al- released by the brigands.
weight carnival before a crowd .esti- ways been done. There will be a One is believed to be Mrs. Manuel
mated at 7'0,000. ,IPBRAIII'OEUA11 l E' WIJIi GIVE ;faculty speaker, another speech given A ncira erea, wife .of alprominent!
The Kansas giant attemj4.ing a I:LiLUSTRATEDl LECTURE by a representative of the student flexican, who is said to have refused
comeback after an absence of four :TOMORROWtl 1 body, and then the final address usu- 'to leave her Ihusband. Since ;she andj
years frog: the ring scored a techni- ____? ally given by a prominent alumnus.1 her husband were kidnapped there;
cal knockout over Floyd Johnson after Euainlcniin nAi in Last yeair it was feared that due !cae been no reports concerning them.
1.1 rounds of spectacular battling rathpesntiewlbeheu-I to the new hospital being built near. There is nio surmise here as to the
while Firpo quickly disposed of Jack Ijc nwihHsEclec baii the -hollow a newt place would have to identity of the other woman.
jet nhc i xelnyIrhmMcAuliffe.,2nd, of Detroit, knocking Fouad 'Bey, member of the Turkish as-;G be found for the ceremony. but with.= The two released ,boays told Carl
him outenthbtiry'un intei the building still uncompleted f."eepy Cr-Ow, representative of the American;
out n te tird rou d o thir A gor an fo mer nie Holow will again be the scene for! Red Cross, that they saw two foreign
15-round match. lier of the Turkish cabinet, will Iec- ti olwfmu cain
But one of the five matches wonet 'tore at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in! hsfaosocain women in Chinese dress at tihe brig-
the limit. In a third star attraction 'Natural Science auditorium. The talk, The Cap Night tradition is now 2s' I andis' lheadquarters.
Jack Renault, Canadian chiampion won which is one of the rEgular' University T'ears old.. The first Cap NTight was A miessage' was receivedi today from
o afolfomJkFutntallectures, willI be illustrated with stere- h n10 n snete tfa Crow, dated Tsaochwang, near- tho
-Minnesotan in the fourth round of cepticon' slides and a reel of ,moving been observed eeysrn ytebni togod ttn blee
a ten round match. "Tiny Jim I ler- pictures. oncoming classes. As is customary all dlanger of violence to the cap-,
man. of Omnaha, knocked out L. Reich Fouad Bey, who has. come 'to _this the :lasses will form this year in ave has passed unless unforeseen in-
of N\ew York in the sixth round of country in a 'senii-olicial tpapacity,' front of Bill auditorium 'and mnar-eb cidents discourage forcgreis
a scheduled eight round go' while said in New York recently, "We Turks ' to the hollow in column accordingt cident. Discourage foreigners coin ing-
Harry Draeke, of England was award- wish £t) develop our country. We need to rank, the seniors leading in caps I er.
ary, afour rund afair. -hope of bringing about a better under-; in Sleepy Hollow the freshnien pall Anwsimn f Fsashsa'
Gamec to the core but tunable to! standing of the Turkish point of view,! bearers will burn the "freshmen cars- r'ived and the books will be distributed
;withstand Willard's attack, Johnsoni Although Fouad Bey has asserted# ket." This is the signal for the year-- from 9 o'clock tomorrow morning tin-
went down heavily as' the bell rang, that co-operation of America is desir- lings to rise and one by one throw t 5 in the afternoon in, the basementt
for the end of the 11th round. He was ed more than that of any other nation, their pots into the blaze, thins signi- o the Library. Eleven more boxes
carried to his corner and the fight because Americans will help the; fying the end of their freshmen stays. have arrived and will be given out to
'was awarded to Willard as the young Turks without taking advantage of - - - students who have subscribed for the
Iowan 'was unable to conic out of Is them, he will avoid all political issuest Vanderbilt 'fakes !T'itle I year b~ook.j
corner for the next round, in his lecture. Sewanee, Tenn., May 12 (By A. P.)---.
- The lecture will 'be delivered in Vanderbilt captured the southern In- ilezmry C. Rlumnmel. '161,.. lies


* ,.

.ivit]U(M V_

Grand,1Rapid s, May 12 (By A. P.)-
Shadowy forms' prowling in the' Shad-
owrs between lumber -piles, evidences
of oil placed on at least. one stack
of lumber and the speed with which


the $100,000 fire spread Friday night'
in. the Stickley Brothers c ompany ancl
'Wallace Furniture company practical- I
ly have convinced fire, city and. fac-
toWry officials .that a fire maniac Is l
at work.
Orders have. been sent "out by all
'furniture companies in the :city toI

(Continued on Page; Six) lected on earnings or- profits
-- - idiary companies, accumnul,at4
to Mrch 1, 1923 and dse
S ENIO 10115 SKED I T O LL Through holding corporation
have to be refunded by the T1
n Tf' under a decision by David H~
F 0 TIC T TO' W 11 cI Thei decii on reverses trel
practice of the bureau. 'Phe
All .those members of the graduat-1 ed regulation, however, lays di
iri ;lases"Whse'applications for conditions that the receiving
imigclases woseation 'first must "~distribute a]
tickets'"t the Senior ball, whlich is c-amnings and. profits accu
to be held May 18, were acted upon since Feb. 28, 1913,"' .so thiat



station" armed guards in' their' lum-
ber yards with: orders to shoot if ne-
cessary and Saturday morning efforts
'were redoubled to trackc dowvn the
",gency, responsible for Friday night's,
fire .and which perhaps 'may throw
light on the mysterious origin of the
Slight furniture company fire of la~st'
Tuesday, night, which weakened the
ranks of the fire, department after
nearly 43 hours of continuous fight-

favorably. by the committee, are re;-
quested to procure: their tickets lin-{

'exemlptionl will apply to the e
and profits of the subsidiary.

mnediately if they have not already,
Fdone so.
For thme past three. days 'tickets have
been given out In the lobby of the
Union., However, several have not
,yet been called for. _Unless these are
called for immediately thiey will he
placed on open sale. Wahna
Horace McKnigh t, 1617 Wsiea
avenue, has all of the tickets and sen-
iors may obtain them from himt. An
announcement was made last night by
Lawrence W. Snell. Jr., general chair-!
m lan of the ball,' that a few tickets}
remain unsold. Any four. year mien
on thre campus may obtain them from
(in3~nilu~v iof ComU'r". C1iuhii 3et,

1'.)--h'Ifinlesoia lost its firs'
ference baseball game of tl
son lier'e today wfhen Ivis
camne from behind and con
the Gophers, 10) to 9:
'Wisconsin .......10
The defeat of M-innesota
hands of the Badgers places
at 'the top of the Big Ten
with four victories and no to
Illinois second with five wins
defeats. Iowa appears to be ji


1 Sociedad Hispanica, elected tha fol-
lowging officers Thursday night for the
Icoining year: Milton Peterson, '25,
president, Kathryn Wilson, '213, vice-
president, len Woodruff, S of X11
secretary, Ralpli Watt,. '24, treasurer,

T~Ytlerspoon Pupil Sings Today Turkish; Fonad Bay's secretary will,

ter-collegiate association track meet

H Ienry C. Rumnmel, '16L-, of Detroit,

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