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May 09, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-09

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$ V ..J*

ogle Cwalt and Former arsty
ar Expeted to Meet at Time
otTch M t1ke
en 'arnegie Tech's 'fa tennis
meets Michigan's undefeated
squad on Ferry fielda at 3 o'-
Thursday afternoon there is a'
ig posi ity that Michigan fans
,be "given an opportunity to wit-
ztennis match suchas is seen
ily only in tournaments f the
st imuportane. To this end the
its have been put in motion tht
bring together on the Michigan
is Coach Charles S. Garlan, of
egie, Tech and Walter KL. Wet-
~'21, former Varsity tennis cap-
now a prominent figure in no-
Il circles.
ash Garland is without doubt one
kmericaes greatest exponents of
court game. A~graduate of Yale,
hicli isttuton he became the
jg olate player in the cun
he has teen ever sne one of
ontr's'most famous players. In
most recent ranking of the Na-
1l L.awn tennis association he is
among the select first ten., His
test advW q. ,In tennis circles was
as a menli r oone of Ithe re-
Davis cup dlfeuhi ,squads.
ibrook Is a familiar figure to
ichgan. He is without question
reatest court man who has ever
led a racquet fr the Maize -and
lie is former Big .Ten champion
in his last year of play, with one
wo exceptions, was unequalled in
#nal collegiate circles. Whereas
:brook's game has been improv-
~arla's, as A natural res ult of
tepping onward in life, as de-
rated and when the two meet on
Ir field,: if they ilo, they shul4 be
ly evenly. mtced, -with 4_6ligt
e in favor o the older man. Cer-
y the match, should t o ppans be
ed thro ugh, successfully, will be
reatest that 11as ever been stag-
refore a Michigan. audience..
ruegie Tec~'s court s4ud, l tby
Ii Uarland, Capt. C. T. Schartz,
Maaer 1,U+,.,C. resle, will ar-
n .Ann Arbor'n Thrsday norn-
Th arnegaIeni~who itmk
rip ar,in adition to those nam-
L T. O'Connell, J .1el, R. N.
*j n r .& E e y n .M Theyv III arrive following a
s of victories over eastern aggre-
}ns and are looed upon as dan-
as opponents by Captain Rorich
uChuck Merkel, the only playing
Iger eve r at Michigan.
chance for revenge for either
Lwill bie offered on May 14 when
,Wolverines begin their swing
ld the east, playing Carnegie at
burgh'1as the opening match.
a. Pittsbutrgh the tennis team lour-
to play Penn State, Army,
fthmore, Lehigh, and the Navy, re-
fg to Ann Arbor on May 20 fo
natch with Wisconsin on May 21
lin all, a big day is promised
nday. The possible great feature
he match between Garland and
tbrook Is an added attraction but
sdditioi to the prgram of events
in no way detract from the i-
t that is sure to surround the
dled match between Carnegie and
sty Man -ib interview Students
*Henry C. Egerton, of the Reuben
ty company of Toledo, Ohio, will
xAnn rbor.tomorrow afternoon
Prid~y morning, to interview stu-
ninterested in his proposition fo
aner work.;,,
swill he ini Dean Burley's offce
orsity, hall from two until 4 o'loli
rrow aftrninnd from 9 untl
,clodl Friday morning,
you -use Classified ads ,system
,ly-- !dv.

DAY IS, "31" PAY.-1,

CE HERE THURSAfYerwas whle lyMe~ntfIghtthaty
ICE E~t HURS 91 Iing to determine lust what it
IwothIoagm Monday, the
relrao o h victory has "
Jn 1a U1a Ie s Ibe brought to ligt. It was
Billy' Falln's rabbit's foot. 11illy,
f (N - although not fanatically supersti-I
More than 60 men have entered the 1 tious, has at lot of faith in his
All-oamps horseshoe doubles tourna-1 rabbit's foot, nevertheless." The 11
ment whch will } under way today. I lucky piece of animal anatomy 11
The .first round must be playedl off I was responsible for the great I.
before 5 o'clock, Friday, May 11. The -string of victories in the 1922
horseshoe courts have been moved football season and all during the{
from the plot inside of the runningII indoor track season it was kept I
track south of Waterman gymnasum lI working overtime. It saw double I
to the vacant lot drecly east of the 1 duty when it was called into useI
gym, between ast University and I by Mather's basketers. Now it
Washtenaw avenue. i s again seeing double duty, forI
Participants In the first round Steve Farrell ' track men areI
should get in touch with their oppon- 1 ratn demand for it. I
1 Te rabbits foot was in Bob1
ents immedately and arrange for a craK~nod' oktwrpe pi
convenient tiie to play their match I big red bandanna when Bob came
as the courts ws+il be crowded due to1 I up to bat in the tenth inning. Bob1
the larger number of dames scheduled I drove out a single and a short 1
.or this week. Two games out ofC time later came in with the win- Ik
hree are necessary to win a match. J 1 ing~ run, all because of the lrck (I
and 21 .points :ill be the required y piece in his pocket. 1
score for each .game. I__
Following are the list of matches
scheduled for the first match: Fried- {i^JW R
ni0n~reenbaum, 75nW, vs. Nichols-
Ste R C Si 1Streite, 753; Seidman-Holzman, 751W,TR C1ER1W R
'vs. Kennedy-Lyons, 236; Ro itch- Na-
thaneon, 1525s, vs Pekkola-Erickson oR
Ln-tler218,v. y fuss-Winnograd, 751W; Failing-Hub- 0 ILII M E
bard, 3277, vs. Wilson-Wilson, 3015;
'Mc~echie-Alton, 558 vs. Brown-De- varsity Should Taie Half Mile, Two
Long, 3015; Granger-Hnna, 292541 vs. Mile, Shot Pt, and Severa'
Rice-reenway, 371; Atiinson-Sip- Second-laces
sson,; 2999, vs. Ullman-Landy, 751W;
Eisealerg-Eisenberg, 959, vs. 'Craw- LACU OF PRACTICE 'WILL
forthNWebster, 783; Rayman-Crasky, IMPEDE POLE VALTERS
71W, vs., Haggerty-McAllister, 131;
Ullian-Feinsinger, 751W, vs.Osborn-
Schmidt, 1920; Pattee-Ehtresman, 558, With te coming Illinois meet only
svs. Brunsting-La Fever, 609; Track a few days off Coach Farrell is bend-
tt-d,313 s vk un 20 ing every e~ort to have his men in
Godsnith-Oester, 2127J,, vs. Davis- shape so tat they can make the best
rW fk r, 186W; Bas-Clarke, 397 possible showing.
drew a bye in the first round. They Prosser,1 star vaulter, turned his
wil beschduld n te scon rondankle .recently when he attempted 13
which will start net Saturday. feet and lit on the sod beside the pit.
Hle had to be carried off the field and
is now able to walk on it but is forced
Besides the contest mentioned to limp. If he is not in shape, as it
above, the All-campus horseshoe Is feared may be the case it will be
singles tournament will also break~ itsaserebo toheWlrieea
0trust today. Thie first round will run because of Illinois strength in th
until 5 oclock, Friday, May I.I pole vault. Brooker has not as ye
Reversed conditions and the short- been able to get a new pole and he
ness of, the time before the close, of will no doubt be. handicapped by ai
school, tnake it necessary to rush the lack of practice when he does get it
rentries >A thi4bs ;tournament, ands al- Collins and Brownell of Illinois re-
though it may be asking too much, no cently ted for first_ place agains
man or men will be allowed to con- Notre Dame at 12 feet 3 inches an
tinue in the tournament unless he are capable of doing considerably bet.
splays his matches within the time ter.
schedluled, , The sets may be, played The high jump takeoff has been du
on the Intramural courts or may be out ad new cay and cinders replace
h eld on a court anywhere so long as for the coming meet. The high ump.
;it Is satisfactory to all the parties con- 'ers have (always had difiulty wit
cerned. . this takeoff and should be able to d
More than 60 men have entered this better work now that it Is impoved
spart of the.Intramural program and A new shot put circle and pit hav
xsome high class shoe tossing is looked been placed on Ferry field so that th
kfor as last year's champion and many spectators can see this event. Als
other dangerous veterans have signed the discus and the javelin will be ru
up.- off on the field.
Following is the schedule for the Rinke may run in the mile in
first round: Dnakin: 481M vs. Fried-. place of the half mile although Coac
man, 751W Ror-itch, 1525M, ,v. Zook, Farrell has not as yet defnitely made
16$OR; Delong, 015, vs. Crane, 1328; uip his mind to the change. Te 88
tGoldsmith, 2127J, vs. Trackett, 310; is well taken care of by Hattendor,
'Brown, 315,vs Will, 30103; Reed, Cshing, and Roesser who should b
l556, vs. Grambaum, 751W; Croushon, able to beat Illinois' stars who hav
t1328, vs. Ulma, 751W; Livingston, done 1: 58.
'1198, vs. Feinsiager, _751W; Rss, VanOrden is putting the shot aroun
243, vs. Crowe, 3010; Lley, 234, 42 feet and should not have an
"vs. Eisenberg, 959; Esenbrgw 959, vs. trouble in taking first with a throw
lNeldelman, 2420J; Wilson, 3015, vs. considerably better than this Hinde
Haggerty, 131; Croxton, 33, vs. Mc- in the hammer is doing well wit
Allister, 131; Deans, 981M, vs.1Vinley, throws around 145 feet. In the dis
1328; Webster, 783, vs. Erenman, 558; cus Brooker and Hunter look to b
uD reyfuss, ,751W, vs. Rice, 371; Hur- the best with throws of about 125 fee
Iwich, 2980M, vs. Greenway, 371; En- each.a
usinger, 2276W vs. Hubbard, 3277; The sprinters having been workin
Sedita, 3045M, vs. Kennedy, 236; At ard in order to make a ereditable
rkIinson, 2999, vs. Wolf, 418M; Miller, showing against the fie sprinters tha
21383,, vs. Wilson, 301'5; Taylor; 1328, Illinois boasts of this year Captai
vs. Leopold, 1579W; McKehiie, 558, Burke, Martin, Goldwater and Witt

:vs. Chenot, 1328; Schmidt, 19203, vs I man no dou~t wll carry thme greater
Willard, 2282W; Robinson, 2921W, vs. part.of the burden in the short races.
Nathanson, 1525M; Ehrsman, no num-r Isbell and Davis look exceptionall:
her listed, vs. Locke, 2220; Pekkola, good in the two mile and with a hard
2432, vs. Gunn, 2220; Marx. 26653, vs. season's work behind them they are in
Hanna, 2925M ; Streite, 753, vs. Gor- fine condition to run this coming Sat-
don, '1525M; Alton, 558, vs. Nichols,
(Cintinued on Page Seven) TODAY IS "M" DAY.

I )JcVeryof A Osn 4S "c:ir1?eins 'Var-
"' + cty -Nine for Rjniad*~fr of
S.eason r
IChicago ....... ....... 1 3 1I iLLINOGIS NIN E SATIJBI>R)AY41'
iNew York.......4 12 2e
Ale:ander and ,O'}, arrell ;ehf ands There may have been those who t
Snyder,' have been unbelieving at the mention
of "Michigan fight," hut that baseball
Pittsburg..........I game with Iowa on Monday afternoon li
rooklyng.. ..................8 15 3should have been more than enough to
Mroion.and.. Go..ch 6 10 1 make even the most rabid scoffers
f orsn ad Goh apr unplpriual si riov~Shrieder, Mauman, Dickerman and la similar, exhibitiQn of real scr:ap
De~ery: jagainst Notre Dame on Saturday.
jMichigan's 7t victory over the'
R H E invading cohorts of the Old Gold was
Cincinnati .............7 15 3Ia m- l eostainoftovr
Boston .................6G 12 3 distinct truths. Fi rst, that Michigan
Donohue and Hargrave; Benton, has a baseball- team thfa t will in all
Oeschger, ,Genewich and O'Neill. probability have to take a back seatj
~ H to' no other aggregation in the Big i
l H E Ten in point, of spirit. if nothing else.
St. Louis ..... ........11 19 11S$econd. that the pitching staff, con-1
Philadelphia........3 8: sidered a one man affair at the open-c
Hlaines and Ainsinith; Hubbell and ing of the season, consists of at leastI
He'lne two men who scan be definitely relied"t
American uo.
No blame can be attached to Liver-t
R I3 L ance for his ascension on Monday. Itc
MBoston-Chicago, no game, rain, happens in the best of regulated base-
ball- teams. The: beauty of the situa-
R H E tion lies in the "discovery~ of Eddie
IAthletic-St. Louis, game postponed. Gibson. When Bob Knode dlashed
across home plate with the winning
R 11 E run in the tenth inning the shouts cif
New York............. 3 5 0 acclaim that arose were directed, not
Cleveland.............. 2 4 2 1 only to the Wolverine team as a whole,
Shawkey and Schang;Coveleskie1 but, also to Gibson, as an individual,'
and O'Neill. for it was his wonderful exhibition on
E the mound that made ultimate victory
R H E possible.
Washington .............8 11 1 Credit to Ash, whose consistent hit
*Detroit ........ ........ 2 7 11I ting and base running played a great
Warmoth and Woodall; Johnson, part in the outcome; credit to Captain
zMoore and Garrity. jUterltz, who :made up for his poorl
t fielding by his great base running and
urday. It is hard to approximate the hitting; credit to.Paper for his timely
time that they will make but it is ex- double; credit to Blott, whose crash in
I the tenth was too hot for Scantlebury,
pected that they both will place ahead 'to handle with sufficient grace to pre- I
Sof the Indian distane, men. vent Knode from scoring; credit to
1 Landowski is the only Wolverine Haggerty, whose dive into the firs:
javelin thrower who looks anywhere sakt.aeasft u fasr
Snear, being in the class of Anglers of ornooouthwas a big feature of the aft-1'
aIllinois who is expected to, throw the Friday 'afternoon Coach Fisher andl
javelin over 200 feet for first, place.
'Landowski does around 175 feet and I' TODAY 18 1s" DAY.
~Ishould place second. _________________________________________
. Dance. at Jim Burke's .Wrhitmore __________________
Lae D..acngPailo every Friday

Is Wolverine wlave :,r the lir lthe th',C e eethands down, as a, comparison
Indlians. Illinois, UdWnt'10 facetthait of the times: and marks of each team
;he fell befor e lIowa's get agea prove the easy superiority of the Wol-
ion, is Michigan's m~u.1ianp rous vernes. Archie has four men entered
pponent. Light errors in onie bad oE fuinhe! dash, Feiniger, Boxer, Moody,
ay contributed the game' to tHeawk- ;,nd Rockwell, and at least two of
yes, which was evened uil) h the 1Pi-tee, Fein'.inger and Moody, have
linei,;' decisive victory: over the(Ol on clos e to 10 seconds for the cen-
Aold in a second gtame. Illinois has Bury and under strenuous competition
.von five games and lodt on(, all five they should he able to hit the flat time.
games being won by heavy scores,. I The best the 0. S. U runners have done
Thbe Indian pitching ace, Jalck son, 1i to 10:3.
eported to be the grcatest twv.irler in Snider, Frank, MlcCoy, Levy, and
in the Big Ten ince the dayA of "Slid]k- Jac va an entered in the hurdles and
er" Parks.. The Illaino'sb«ttingof- r;nip}:r anid Frank espccially Have been

than M1ichig an's owil"m-.(ierers'
row." And the gamenexotiSturday
vvll be played on the Indians' homen(
lot. a great added adlvantagec.
M4ichigan's yearling track temn will
counpete in a duel telegraphic melt
with the Ohio S-tate frecshmen this at~-
ternoon, the Mihig;an frosli going
through the events on Fery Field andi
the Ohio Slate mvares of the green
doing their work at (; lbus.
Coach Hahn's men. are (lo-')ed to take

thle formuer being able to do under 26
seconds. Rockwyell and Freyberg ap-
neatr to have t:he edge in the quarter
<ile ad their times have not been
eqoualled bny any of the buckeye run-
ner. Fugelein the 880, has turned
ini a b)est time of 2:0Q3 2-5 and. this
;hould place him far ahead of the rest
o the field. Groshko is the only man
1ho ha,+s been able to stick to Finger-
Ic"'s heels in the half.
Ind i.: tions ar, now that Archie's
cubs; shouil slam in the mile, M. Rein-
ke7c, Mu5rray, and Mason, have all done
4:38. Hicks and Richards are enter-
edj in the two mile race.
Th'lip entries; in the field events are
facirly s trong, Snider and Stem have
dc-ne 21 feet in the broad .jump, Viant
hias va!ultedl 11 feet, and Mc~ain and
Stevens have high jumped better than
f ive feet nine inches. All of these
m narks ar-- better or the equal of the
0' io State mairks.

* -




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YrOUTH-it's here today. It will stay as ong as yo~u
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