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May 09, 1923 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-09

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+. , .,

is From The Other Colleges,
u-The first step to~~i and mm, alhoh'hmcnt of 'cqu 1' (1 (oursw.,,
a mnovie library ha~s been andl unlimiited class cuts. A straw vote
the presentation to the taken recently has showai that there'
Pa $1,000 movie film of is an overwhelmning sentimrent in fav-
The reels were exhibited or of the changes which have been ad-
ieatre for some time and vocatcd.
ited at future hoiuecomi-' -~~---
.'ieetin gs, and other oc - ---- -- - -- - - -
[ovinlg Pictures of the I IA FS G INM O
Iub as they broadcasted

They Will Entertain Guests. LILLIE TO SPEAK HERE
F'or 'Architects' May Party ,fON GENETICS IIWIISDAY,

During his visit to the UniversityI C. of C. to Noinate
Professor Lillie wHIl be the guest of Nomination of officers
Bean Alfred HT. Lloyd, of the gradu- ing 7ear ill be moade. at
ate school. Ile comes to the Univer- of the University Chanel
nity through the effort:; of the zool- I)er-ce at 7:15 o'clock ton'
ogy department. )06 of (lhe Union. A dliscuoa"mtesrlivtot
Sflfor Canes R-t 5- osI~li~i"' thlis year's activities wil
The last shipment of senior can~es p)lac. The organization
has now arri:ved. Seniors wiho h w to hold a final banquet
not obta ned, tieirs yect may do sob future.

at KYW, the Westing'-
ompany's station here
'athe and Fox filin cor-
nilghts ago. The play-
at midnight and pick-
studcnts living in or



illinois-Forty students ,represent-
ing camnpus organizations met in the
union yesterday to devise a daylisghlt
saving plan for the campus. A for-
ward shifting of the clock one hour
was rejected because of the inevitable
confusion -with the city standard time
prevailing in Urbana and Champaign.
The final plan calls for the moving of
classes each one hour earlier in thej
day. Under this new system students.
having 8 o'clock~s will attend the samej
class at 7 o'clock standard time,,1

''N' lIC--Copiy fr t1i Colun in 1ul
b e suit~iejd by i:30i O'lock of -
fthme dayl beiore pxublication.,
l ;3-11 0.T. C. banids meets ltit . 0.
.C. headquarters.
20--Tr3-outs for' Mhtnes tournamen "The "h sah
in room -302 of the Unzion.
4:0)-Keeting of Ote Funeral Dlre- I aadn
eve in,;i<a t the 'Art hitc
fors' association in the reading room i4teactc
of the Union. ;till ccoehere tip play
4:.00.4 0 -Op~en hos In iHarris bal# ooya Ptsug
4 :1-Leeture tiy .Rosst erIto-ward nloyItPitbug
west ,gallery cf Alumzni Memorial evening.
4 :15--Organ recital in IMll anditor- idies for 'next year.
Jium., Intramural office.
86:0t}-Culver clab dinner In pr vate ,tr'Dy jmqe
dining 'room of. the Union. t te ;"Deskbinqt10
(;-----F vera1 Dircctors' association fat to eskio'clob
dininer in room -316 of the Union. from2t i 'lokt

Prot. Frank R. Lillie, eminent zool-
ogist of the University of Chicago, will
deliver a lecture on the topic "Th~e
Genetic Foundation of the Balancecl
" Character of Se X," at '4:15 o'clock
u tmorrowv afternoon in room 214 of the
}Natural Science building. Hle will
also speak on "The Limit of Action
of Sex Harmones," at 4:15 o'clock Fri-
day afternoon in the same room.
Graduating from Toronto university
[ in 1891, Professor Lillie continued h1%i
studies at Clark university and, later
at the' University of Chicago. After
receiving his doctor's degree from
that institution he came to the Uni-
versity as an instructor In zoology in
1895 and served on the faculty here
for five years. Since that time he
Ihas been professor of biology at Vas-.
sar college; chairman of the zoology
department, and now assistant cura-
tor of the zoology museum at the Uni-
versity of Chicago.

After Every Me

calling at Wagner and company's store'

ci Tcnt" Musici'anls front Pasadena,, Caif,
en" orchestra f romn Pasadena, Calif., will play Friday
,ctsl May party:. The annual formal dance " is to be
aural students ini Barbour gymnasium. The musicians
yfor the affair d irect from 'Carnegie Institute of 'Tech-
Micro they are t play for the annual prom tomorrow
Report to the! Chinese pandits Demand BIansont
,aanghi, May 8.-(By A.P.)--A re-,
tickes opsale pr eeve n fca urest
bb te ion pr eevdi fiilqatr o
oday and tomnor- ( lay says the bandits who raided the


-..,,, ,
tia+ ".

"sA bite to eat-acl bit of4



Iowa--A track' meet was held be-I t gm Ro eein n or candiates fo r the cer'tificate of Icaptured a large" party of passengers,
tweenIowa nd Prdue y ra i e room 205,Mason hall._-h
twee Io a .a d P rdu by adi re- 7 15-Sigrm D lta lii mee~iig In n- o 'clocks nmust register today from I including foreigners,,and, have de-
cently. The freshmuen of the two uni- : 8gm et h etm nU" 2 .to4o'lk in room 305 of UzJnA manded $2,000,000 (V1 aicaan) for all.
versities competed in the met on i:onr. mn adprcie nro versity hall. of the captives.
their town fields. Results were ex- 210 of University hall. (.
changed by radio and a comparison :1-Cabe o.Cmere.eesi Brit sh So aereignsh5onored j I isI~ mmigratlon CeAsed.
mae hchE~wd ow o av eei room 306 of the Union. Romne, Mlay 8.-(hiy A. P.')--The ohli- Dublin, May 8.--($ly.P)-rs
the victor by a score of 99 1-2 to 40 ~t YVeter'ans of Foreign Wars meeot cia~l gala dinner at the Quirinal pal-imirtot h ntdSae as12i se lalo no.ceased. The American consul who
rasst~emby l of Unta*msion Har.ace tn honor of ring George and Ihas 2,000 applications 'for transpoarts
:\ebr~a-;eopl attD~l7; :h anrder ohall.la meets In lQueen Mary ywas' a scene of splendor. 'will issue no more utztil June.
.er, The din'neattendingithenan-e rl' hall.
nual "F'armer's Fair" at te university ,ir7::. -Ailetc assetatlon es Tednnrwsli n h aqeigI
Will not becomne.;bewildered If tl~ey room 304 of the Union. ''all of the ancient palace. TODAY IS ."1 DAY.
observe the Gon4dietions em -;0~2--Yvera~l Directors' as etatwn _______directions_________
bodied in a little guide book to be meets in the reading room of the ____________________
given to each visitor. "heed the signs, iUnion.
li n Iovi i -eesrvic t th seakisat Me toal
listen to the barkers, keep moving.'!e seksa te I. LE N P
wcb your step, and don't block 'the wekhrcete is etI:ia IC EA VP,
trafic. or you'll get a boost from a, A-r Rbrs etae t n
cop,"s is some ot the gentle advice alon"ceso imoo." ~~PA N P
tlioretn tendered.Acies ofand - - -

Br-ig in a sample or vest of that
,old discarded suit. We will
match the' goods and make a
f new. pair rof, trousers to your
Sample and. Prices Submitted'
for Your Approval
An Extrai Pair of Trousers Will
Xfnke Your Old Suit a New One.
Next to Wuerth Tiheatre
May Odors
In the breath
A May Breath tablet makes every con-
tact pleasing. It kills odois'that offend.
Cigars may cause them, decaying food,
stomach disorders, etc. Very few escape.
A breath: perfume merely .conceals.
May Breath purifies. 'It substitutes spring
°odors. ;
An antiseptic mouth wash in
cat dy formh. Instantly deodor-
izes both the'mouth and
-stomach. Gives spring_ odors
*'to :the breath. In the srtomach
it,- also 'acts 'as. a digestant.
Carry with you..All druggists.

l a %.. a c.; ss a


It combines the enjoyn,
of swreet with many B ENEI1
it :cleanses ,the. teeth, remiov
food particles that lodge in
cerevices. It neutralizes
acids of the. mouth, soothes
throat, and lastly.
WRIGLEY'S helps the stom
by supplying saliva to aid
digestive work.
Made clean, kept elean, sea
tight In a wax-wrapped paeka

After a substan
meal, the childi
naturally' want to
. off with sbit of sw
Give them WRIGL
the ra'nt Amer,'f

Utah-. school .'week of five day-s, 12:15-Dental facully lunch In PrITAte
short chapels, recognized athletic coin-I dining room 'of the Union. ,
petition, and free legal holidays are 3:15-Fonnflon of %Onior classes in
amuong the clauses of the "Co-ed Bill. front of Library.

r- .- 4w .. ..." '"" - I :. "44r .';ice a
.. {I 7t4
" _ .::. s11!
.. """'


.Save the

Let us h-1p you,

OIL. 4

Me Flavor
Lasts "

We carry a complete line of

o f KU Ig h t s " ga s U V Uc t r e b thI L e w o m en1er e .

-Students here hav e expressed
val of some of' the customs
ditions of the school. ThereI
idecided agitation against pa-
il, rculminatixig in a demand for
ision of the college currlcit-!
SE A..T 16EXLY. 3EfT! NO
rs' of the nurses' division of
V. C. A. -were addressed -Mon-
ing by Prof. A. L: Cross of the#
department. Similar meet-
lield every Monday night, and
i speaker is secured for each

0:00-Rho Chrldinnier in room 319 cif
thn Union.
6:15--Pbl Siga d,* inner In room 3021
Iof the Union.
@ c" -3- fa :sma d biner In .Union.
7:00-Glee chit meets in assembly Iwll
of the Uinion.
1 7:00- Sophomore band meets fit room
I306 of the Union.
7:1)--phil Dolta E.pwilon meeting in!
room 304' o f the Union.
: :30--Sophomore engineer smoker I
Ireading roomf~ of the Union.
" 7:30--Gin ;n~d Blade niees in room
302 of the Union.
7 : 0-La Sociednd Ilipnle'a meets In
room 205 of University hall, elec-
tion of officers.W--Lcur .fLli nltr
al Science auditorium.I
Senior diploma fee now Payable at
treasurer's ofiee.
Today, is the day .for freshweu to'
"weig'h in"- at Doe May's office fronm
14 to t o'clock.
Senior ceanes have been received at
T'[ryouts wanted for lntra* ua aetir-

Boyden Palits


Unsurpassed, In quality and it i4 guaranteedi to giv-e satisf;coion.
fore yeti begin work( get out prices--w- ecan save you money..








I .


21'3.15 W . IIBERTY



The tea which, was to have been
held yesterday for the Michigan StateI
hospital workers, at the nurse's doriii-X1
tory, has been postponed Indefinitely.1
"Rolling' stones gather no moss,"I
but unused fur'iiture gathers dust.;
Gall 9G0. '-.:Add.j




-When in

Work in which your
college career counts


Your b4nk shoiuld Abe sound, accurate and

efficient. But that is not enough.


sbr'vite to be of the most use to you should
be also intelligent and interested.:

Choose a life-work in which all you have
learned will count - where you will continue to
learn through .association with men of high
calibre-where your education will be an aid in
meeting men.
Enter the insurance profession. Insurance-
Fire, Marine and Casualty - places you at once
in touch with big business men.. Not only will all
you have learned be an asset but you will be daily
increasing your education along economic and
industrial lines. The Insurance business makes big
men. Choose Insurance as your life-work.
The Insurance Company of North America is
a national, historical institution -- founded 'in
1792--with over a century and a quarter of well
earned prestige. Conservative policies and de-
pendable service' have been responsible for the
growth and for the constructive 'activities of the
Company in the development of the entire
insurance profession.
Insurance Company of
North America
and the
Indemnity Insurance Company of North America
write practically every form of insurance except life.


Chicago Visit the Lytton College Shop
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That is, what this bank tries to be.





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Come In before or after.

the S how
is Right
Auit Cake i
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for (among other things)
Real Chicken Sal


Now' is the time to place your order
We can also furnish you with
112S. MAIN ST. PHONE 1404

Meet Burchfield at Allenel Hot'el
Monc'ay, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 14th, 15tH and 16th
SHFARING the economy of our -great buying
power enables this College Men's Shop to keep
you well-dressed on a surprisingly moderate expend-
Leading, as usual, with each development in good
style for College Men, we will display .for the first.
time on your campus,
The New Engl ish Model
Also HMats, Shoes and Furnishings for College Men
IA m - -s






Fiudg e Ice Cream that
Coffee and our Special F

Chocolate with Whipper

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