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May 09, 1923 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-09

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oslton oft C a~ss to Le AnounReed
"hurt~r~dy; onor %*ieties
Help Proedure
Formtation of -.the various senior
[rises into marhing order for the
anual Sing-Out exercises tomorrow
ill take _place in front of the library
t.:45 o'clock._ The positions of the
lase in thee procesion will e an-
ounced defniely tomorrow.
Dr. Sidney s. !Rbins, of the Uni-
Wan church, will deliver the ene-
ctlion at the exercises, it was an-
unced last night by Burton R. Dun-
p'23, charnan. Earl V. Moore
ll officiate at the organ in Hill
ditorium during the program while'
hn W. Ross, '23;, will be the pre-1
ding officer. President Mlarion Le-
ty Buartof will_ deliver the Swig-
t address.
Members of honor societies will act
aa committee to assist in the pro-
Grat ability in impersonation was
:hflrted last night in the show which
:eceeded the annual all-Medic sok-
*After the pexformanes at the
ies the medics were addressed by
r. Carl G. Huber, and Dr. Preston
. Hickey both of the M4edical schol.
. Roland S. Cron, also of the MedP
1, school, was toastmaster
The feature of the show at the
'ittes was a mock t Lrial which was
take off on some of the professors
'the Medcal school.! The defend-
It, was supposed to be operating an
lawful machine by means of which
ymadte erroneous diagnoses. Ted
odes' orchestra opened. the enter-
ument with some selections from
p~lar songs and was followed with
rimbaphone solos by Burton E.
Ve, '5k ;:After the trial, which
me third, the program was closed
'a balo quintet who played some
pular songs, Carl M. Boswell, '23E,
After 16 o'clock the program was
ried" on in the Assembly hall of
e Union. Dr. Cron, as toastmaster,
trduaced the first seaker, ,Dr. ;
iber, who was followed by TDr. I
ckey. Refreshments, cigars aid
;aretes were served,.1
Player,.,'club f u t at 4 iclc es-,
day atenon in Ml~lason a" l'alto
wriaiate officers for te co~ing year'.'
c fllowiang were noinated: Fora
Zsilert, Douafdd 0.Coo, '24, and
cy R. B3lck ;'4,4 for Vic-pes-
t, Theoosia Burton '24, and Nor-
Mclndeo, '2! ; for secretary, June
iley, '26;rand EmiilyKHiis, '24; Ad
treasurer,F° Ross Taylor, '2.
h studetdrector of the work-
'p will be appointed by the new ex-
TodayI r '"PAY


Wof-In Dem Schatten Mener reshmen Glee Club t M1eet Tonight
NH [I h LLN ~tj5J ISIC AIVDJM Locken. Members of the Freshman Glee club
Wolf-Csang Wylas.will meet at 7 oclock tonight at LanePa
' IC / "1 ] S ,II i'hall under the direction of George Os-i FM
! O JH I WIM N ~of-Lebe Woh. car Bowen.
Mine. Clra Cleme~~' LastRecital Volf-1Erstes Liebes lied.IS""AY
jwolf-V'erschwiegene Liebe. TODAYIS63"DY!
Students who may be intereste din Ossip Iabrilowritscri Accomnit __Wlf-IcHabI_________
sae nsi ro'iinsaeinie ?atrons of Madam-IChaHab Tn Pen(na.IDaily Classiieds for real results.-Whrvryuae o
to consult with 'Mr. Guy W. Elis, of ' histelic song cycle will be interested' Mahler-IrdischLebn. ITemsi ~a
the Ellis real estate company of De-t to know that Mine. Clemens' diting-; Mahler-Rheinlegendchen.
troit, from 9 to 12 an dfo 1:0 to uishedl husband, Ossip Gabrilowitsc,j Strauss-Zueignung.s Our bi stJck
5 o'clock today in the office of the has consented to play her accompani-( Strauss-Standehen.."",-
Dean of Students. mrents at the last concert of the ser- Strauss-Befreit.
Opportunities in the line of real ies at 8 o'clock tonight IiPattegill; IV9
estate selling will be given to those auditorium. Mr. Gabrilowitsch fr-] Brgi-Visione Veneziana.
who are htitef'ested i Mr. ELlls'# pro- mterly appeared in that capacity at the Respgi-N ebbie. e '
position. No actual selling duties, Schubert recital and his exquisite dc- Rspighl- -Nevicata. i
however,, are entailed in the -work companiments added tremendously to) erfandez-ITa Gata Alegra. I14..iA 200-204 EAS
whc ~ofr~ nest e i Hudent the beauty of the concert.I Perell-Mra La Lien. L aL I
so desire. 'heir duties will be to line Mrine. Cemens has paced on her set- to the__________________
uo prospective real estate buyers in, enth program 18 songs by modern PH XPAWACY Y I)NTS TOiTI
Detroit ;and the surrouniding envlrofls. composers, mostly Germans. Espe- INS, Et1 1TROIT PLAT BL1U - GOLD I
Latter one of the salesm6en will. be, ia prominence is accorded the ext-- T T'ThI1f'ITT1 lltlltlll~iIiI1ilIIjiI tlttlltilhijijii
sett-ls h eI.ceigybatflsongs of Hugo, Pharmacy students will inspect the'LUI 64
Both gradulating tudentts and ahzyi Wolf, long appreciated by those of1 laboratories of the Par,"avis Chem-65Cuc
others desirous of summer work da discriminatfn"g tastes, and rapidly be- ical compahny, which are located near60 CurhI
invited to see Mr.EL irs. cb'luing' appreciated as among the A'-n Detroit tomorrow. This plant is theI
est in song literature. Richard Strauss largest drug manufacturing plant in I
Alph A~ppap~jand Ghtstv Mahler are represented by the world.
A! a P t l l lseveral characteristic workts, while the The students Will be 'eter ed the=
' " Ital~ians Brog ;and Respighi and "tle entire day by the company. More ae
' panfrdsFernandez and Pedrell fill than 63 ire expected to take the
'an entire group. trip'. SFN O
Si-x' stud enfs of the sehi of fThi- The complete -program1is asIffol-
ness adininisti'at~on creme take'eninto lows: J. Sglia Deltthi 10fiti Met Get the highest salary and the posi- FAMOUS MEN MVOVEL
Alpha K~ppa Pi. national ~inii~ercialMembers of Sigmta Delta Ci, na- tion you want as a t ache. Open- ~ hsUprle ltr
tional pr fessinal jiurnalistic ra- ings in all States. Ask for free en- ..
fraternity, ,Obei itha oIgaiil~ation h eld (Wolf-Dank Des Paria.trny, ilmeta7:5occko-olmntbnkndisofMhgn-
its annual initiation at the Uion lalst Wof-Verborgenheit. en y ilromet at of teo'l Sekt-Iraduaetesblace ad byis. fMcia
night. A bancpiet gifen {iii hoor - I _____night i om f theUno. St-4grdatsplcd y,-s
the ini'ti~ites tcilftivi~edtlement of the Gridiron baquet busi- Specialists' Eductional Bunreat; u ? Ak
ofteiiits~l0e.TDYI M ~.ness will be made at this timie. Odgen Bldg. St ois-o
Pr of. 1. Leo Sharfiriiari, of the eco- S.Lus o
nomics department, gave the main adl- 'l116I1lrlllrt[~~~l ll~i[
dresss heevrtnoftiin-theI eveningCtt11111N1Ill outliningl1111f thei11#1Iliti - -lft~l111111
plans for the future establishment of
a School of Commerce and Finance. " =
1The initiates are: Alfred B. Con- s
nable, Jr., '25, Cass S. Hough, '25, w - -
Bernard Nagelvoort, '25, Lee L 'Nor- - "
ton, '25, Guy Peppiatt, '24, Clare R. -=
Sperry, '24. v=", !
- Inludel Daint Art Linge rie-
(Contfnrued frm IPage Olne)'
C: Sharp, $V: . Sharli, 0; F. white;
F. Flom, J. Bonier, M. Rdiph, V..j = -
B~ittel, H. A. Tucker, M. WV. DikB.
Herrick, P. C. Brady, E. Gross; .¢ _?
Shellengery. ,= a._-:
o r-
hleavyweit Teamn
Heavyweights-C. )rosin, D. R. J.
Gaines, Oeh~ner, Merrill, L. 0. Mote,
0}. A. Johnson,. H. R. Johnson, N. y i5 3.
T. Cunningham, It. 1b"Rischinan, I. l;;. -
S. Annas, A. B. Quirk, D. T. Quirk, -I -2~
P B. Shannan, H. 'Sklar, T. J. Clark, ,, -
J. E. Davis, R. W. Curtis, G. 0. Mol-
ling, E. B. Wright, Schlacks, P. V.5 -CARLS DANAA 11BSON -
Bright, HI. G. Goeberl, R.- F. Kohler , "e er nte wtin the ii
14. D. Roin~on, R. A. Dean, IT. WUIo.Ii p/ IV . TIiIEOiid sefe '
7hiirber, I~H.i"3 er,fE. 7+. ]Buck I = _ .:veryoy4. ldeo
nell, F. Cabel, H. AY 6zan, C. A. Mii-jR-011,1 -t BilD;L$, ditor Scri
heal,. M.. S. Callahan,B W. Rock-Ni- lg ad, t ties, exciting of
well, H. J. Meyer, T. 3. Brown, . -A.R -DAY wohs mt
John son, H." . ee i ti ;,. Wei ngR.-f: . g orea ge. l e aT .etth f~
A. Mills, C.-J Fnl,,l:Weug -lC t' . ,W A&N ;It, Pblser of
R. C. Wits, J, WarehaIIJ. Boyd; - ame ptus that eer ci
E'. Z.tWllami, A.R.i od,A. E'. ,5jaUienevad"kl
'T attss n, Z1 aelk~a;A . C. biithredge S'.ltn." tri~r ti i
LIITOA for ,'9'".eY.S Th e tenal strggle forex
- = o fiction"
T~nYI "Ar HE timeliness of this May Sale of Art Lingerie will prove appealing to every, college L i. PATRICK ,REEE, Assocelat
P cer n te Rhdesia Moute4
., ak~ $.0woman for May is the season for reple~ishing the wardrobe and selecting all of the .Irving lived andolhunted In1
GARRICst ' dainty unaerrting so'necessary for summer wear. The arrival 0f this £Ihka nd ade lin- ovf ntiver lifde are
Tue Seivlrsikent """: geie which we are offering at attractive prices is especilyapopit o llyWiep E R P LT
0 1, 3 , !'"Sales. =
"TEIn iNRanit OF ADD WntCK"- Orchestral Score Arranged
f, ofK TE c.~ h gwsthe Gens The Cftemises AN ENLAREDI
s -giK i ,Tl8 Ic~tl ": ca',Etvt" Va. fTh gwn come inia variety of styles,: sleeve- The chemrise come in the step-In style and may - Il
! ~~less with V neck or square neck.The moere in- be had in raller tailored modes or more Blab-== R -
S expensive models have just a touch of hand- o rately trimmed. The plainest models have the a l'D
___________________made ace while thte more expensive models are Irish or Filet lace ,across the bodice top and
5rather elaborately adorned with Irish or Filet aoudtebtoanarfiihdwhriln-AloIcde
l'¢- ace. The most beauitifuI tmodel is .made in the, sole tasadadit w oerbo ~ Poga
SEmpire style with manry insets of insertion and hougher tp.Theyangeainpritoe friomn35 AIEE :O~
I" ~embroidery:Te.rneiprcfrm$ 0 thohtetp. They range in price from $3.00 AIES ,wAMTNES20r.id
Tomorrow1: to $12.50. Lo $.6.2 All Seats.........21.>c R
j^arTa I
1 ea Prine ss Slips The Step-ins, SY Ttl. ...25 T
l ~Costume slips are so imxportant tothe summer Thstpibloesmdinatyeht
[a wardrobe that these of fahsook with their loose at the bottom and has an elastic band at CO

I double hes-yt h i il ewl ie. teto a emthdi eseso tagts''HOMW
I Te cm i teboi e top style witbthvanity chemises daintily trimmned with lace. The
B A C I V l~~~~~~~lib on s ap 's and fine hand made lacc trin- Woom ors are priced $2.75 to $8.00 and the ves-i g Pr c d $ .0 re=a g t rc r m $ .5 t 45 ." H
Picture 3ac&'s Second Floor
so-- [ra E _DDIE TRANG
in "PLUNDER" Dallll~lit16lll ll~ltll!~il~
EDY ,Red.h
-c ead____________D ail___

me, camp or outing trips-
ys a great convenience.
'offers best ;elections.

ich& Soni




-e as Amazing Africani Adventuro



"r hie be4 m0 inoae pidtu-e I oler saaw.
cif thaeatergoerst."
~ircf mo~igpictresof r~eallT e; that
iler's _D-gaie-11Tire most Interest-
1 alt outdoor flims."
'd: Hg game , all rpd 3' b w~ d-'A.
eleph at '"ant h 3°tge rcp.'ied.shkll. 2nafd
d' ch tof =1ll anima is to iphoftogra ph.1,
IFieM d n reaan--1A1.c greatest big
HIe (Mt of Africa. Few can reail:se thi
iessg i'30 achieve s acil a suIperb .re-
rlrti A-,Here is ,lac true draama of life
asfrnce; )wIthoeut anly of tile ivea~knesses
to Editor of ridventure 'and former offs-
A Police7" It is a great piece of woyrk.
Africa I appreciate tlie diffifict asr.
ire his p lence and persi 4ency. The
l y f UNO SEVI and play'ed by
a Lulxe ShoWs
alconay . 31. 3Ia ain floor .45o
iotrl . ...... 3,-c Total.....50c



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a whale

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