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May 09, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-09

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I cove

No. 159







Painted Demons
Seize Captives
By Mighty, Oak




Blanchard Leaves
For Highway Meet

Listen to this tale orromance,
Tale of Indian warriors bold-
In the early moon of Green Leaves
Came they forth the stoics valiant;
Forth theyromped to paleface wig-

Ilhinojs Defeated As Wolverines
Three Singles and One
Doubles Match

11 in


Wigwam wice of friendly Great Chief,
Paleface mighty 'moug his kind,
Came he forth to greet the red men,
Came he forth to take their token
Of the wr path they would tread.
Then the Mighty Oak of Tappan
Dashed the screaming, yelling, red

Special to The Daily
Champaign, Ill., May 8.-Michigan
defeated the Illini in tennis today 41
to 2, winning three singles and one
doubles match. The entire Michigan
team played 50 percent faster than

Scheduled For
in Newberry

I will
ts on
ined t

will be made manifest
for the Spring games
omore class gatlers at
onight in the Natural
rium to hold a pep
bers of the sophomore
colleges willelect a
e games at this timel1
the rules for the con-
ay and Saturday ex-
n by members of the
and class officers.
trol Cards Issued
ve "weighed in" and
n by the Student coun-
ate in the tug-of-war
m will be given iden-
. The 50 picked for
t team will be given
ith their names upon
the middleweight yel-

men; in the Chicago match even though
f To the tree of Indian legend part of the encounter was played it
Where the white men pale and tremb- a blinding snowstorm which did not
ling interfere with the intensity of the
Stood around the mighty oak; contests.
Warriors choice of paleFace nation, Chuck Merkel defeated Captain Du
Choice of Tribe to run the gauntlet. bach 6-3, 2-6, ,6-1, in a hard fought
Down the warriors, painted demons, driving contest. Goodwillie, of Illi-
Swooped and caught their prey like nois, defeated Captain Rorick of
eagles. y dMichigan G-1, 2-6, 6-3. Kline, of Mich-
Loud the war cry stirred the ctillness igan defeated Davis, of Illiois, 6-3
As they seied their hpless captives, 1 6-4. Sanchez, Michigan, defeated Bal-
Forth they borethem to their wigson, Illinois, 6-3, 4-6, 6-2.
Where to torture at their lesure. .In the doubles first match, Good-
There to torture aterun le ng willie and Dubach, the Sucker pair
Therete awon from Merkel and Rorick 6-3, 6-3
camrpfiresyi This pair looked much better than the
Smoked the pipe of peace and friend Chicago first team. Kline and San-1
chez cinched the victory for Michi-
Thus there came to Mchigamua: gap by taking the second doubles
John' A. Bacon, Jat llott, Howard match from Davis and Adams 6-3
M. Birks, Stewart T: lioyer, Howard 6-1. Michigan leaves for South Bend
A. Donahue, Hugh K. Duffleld, Law. tonight where they play Notre DameI
rence H. Favrot, Frederick t. Gilnen tomorrow. Jerome will probably play
Homer Hattendorf, Egbert ,Isbell' in this fnatch.
Thomas G. Kindel, Harry Kipke, Stan-
ley Muir'ead, Donald McCabe and n
Donald M. teketee, HLILR IS 'lISbUSLf

F {
j {(
a i

Historical characters that are famed
in song and story will be placed be-
fore the reading public in a new light
when the "Historical Xunmber" of the
Gargoyle is placed on sale today. The
exploits that have marked the paths
of every famous general to the low-
est janitor of ancient fame are exem-
plified in a startling manner.
The cover of the issue is a pre-
historic reproduction of one of the
earliest forms of ancient man engaged
in the process of carving dry-sound-
ing words on a rock. It is the work
of Halsey Davidson, '25.
"The Slip-Shod History of God's
Land," a more or less accurate out-
line of the historical development of
about everything that ever happened,
furnishes one of the main articles that
grace the issue. So wide is the arti-
cle in its secfo that it delves into the
origin of mankind and proceeds from
there to the futuristic end that will
Igreet all things.
Of like nature is the account of
the crossing of the Delaware by a
George Washington and the detailed
life of one Abraham Lincoln, a char-
acter who rose to great heights
through his -consistent studies of
mathematical and engineering feats.

energy that led him to his pinnacles
of fame are portrayed with a modern
touch that lends the characteristic
Gargoyle atmosphere to the article.
A group of poems of varied nature
that in general carry out the histori-
cal idea furnish a further phase of
the number, together with an assorted
lot of art work and articles.
-R. A. B.

ave be
i to



The manner of his success

and the

Norilhwestern Student Testifies Before
Grand Jury in Nou nt
CLASS LEADER NEVER INET j -Photo by Rentschler
UNFORTUNATE FELLOW STruDENT Prof. Ariur 11. Blanhimrd ..:
The head of the highway engineer-
?Chicago, May 8-(By A.P.)-J. Al- ing department will leave this after-
len Mills, former student at North- noon for New York City for the pur-
western university, testifying before a pose of attending the sessions of the
grand jury today denied all know- annual meeting of the National High-
ledge of the death of Leighton Mount. way Traffic association tomorrow. Pro-
also a student who disappeared af- #fessor Blanchard is president of the1
ter a class rush in September, 1921, association and will give the presi-
and whose skeleton was found under dential address tomorrow night.
a lake pier last week. Mills was pres-
ident of the 1921 class of wbihch
Mount was a member, but declared he
had never met him.
"I was one of the leaders of the
Freshmen class of 1921 and ,on the
night of Septauber 21, I took part in
ducking several of the Sophomores. I
headed a group of about 250 fresh-.
men. The rush took lplace about 1 a. Leaves Today For National Traffic
m. Convention in New
"The inn were bound in such a; York

PrHie 3inister Will Act As Rapidl
as Possible in Meeting
Cla1 ns
Peking, China, May 8-(By A.P)-
Ominous lack of recent direct won
from the bandit stronghold in the hill
back of Linching and various report
of captives wounded when used b,
their guards as shield against th
government troops have filled the for
eign colonies here with great fear fo
the safety of Americans and a nuns
ber of British, French and German
captured by train bandits early Sun



low cards, and the heavyweight, blue
cards. In this way only those who
have identification cards inay partici-
pate in the contest.
Freshmen will hold their pep meet-
ing at 7:15 o'clock tomiorow night in
Newberry hall. Freshmen sand sopho-
mores "weighed in" yesterday after-
noon and the three freshmen' teams
were chosen, but the sophomore teams
were not picked. The names of the
sophomores to compete in the tug-of-+
war will be anonnced in tomorrow's
issue of The Daily.
All underclassmen will be excuseC
from classes between 3 o'clock Friday
afternoon and noon Saturday to al-
low them to participate in the class'
Freshmen Teams
4ie freshmen who wil.take..part in
the tug-of-war Friday afternoon are
as follows: Lightweights, C. T. Fos-
ter, B. C. Leece, J. H. Hauser, D. T.
Richey, J. H. Neely, M. Housewortii,
N. G. Johnson, W. J. Wolf, H. F. Dean-
butsky, H. G. Colwell, S. B. Lewy,
W. miall, C. G. Medley, L. H. Elder,
V. C. Dixon, J. W. Whitaker, M. A.
McLennen, R. A. Feick, W. H. Chit-
tenden, Q. Wellington, R. Cook, L. W.
Ensei, J. B. Galbe, P. C. Willet, E.
D. Baum, H1. F. Burk, J. F. Dreiss,
M. K. Skadden, D. S. Robins, .G. J.
Malore, 0. L. Greenberg, F. C.' Schrib-
er, F. H. Cuthbert, H. F. Naser, H.
S. VanHorn, N. T. Stark, C. J. Stew-
art, W. J. Smith, O. J. Cameron, E
M. Hooge, E,. W. Davis, Moynihan, F.
S. Beach, D. E. Early, H. R. Stone,
J. L. Varriano, L. B. Arscott, Krick.
V. W. Kuns, C. W. Ruinmler. '
Middleweight Class .
Middleweights-Buckbinder, C. S.'
Tappan, L. Pereny, V. E. Adler, K. Ht
Hachwuth, E. Mitchell, L. J.. Mark, I.E
C. Wilson, C. J. Lundquist, D. E. Viel-
metti, Bingham, Perkins, Cardwell, T.
1. Harris, E. J. 'Wolfman, H. Blinco,
T. D. Henry, R. L. Comb, J. T. Mit-
chell, P. A. Foster, T. M. Prayor,
Kimpton, C. S. Bishop, i. C. Meihof-
fer, J. B. Dean, Wagner, S. Smith, D.'
D. Lowenstein, R. B. Coehn, R. R. Sa-
win, J. J. Cardamone, Williams, C.
B. Heck, S. L Smith, C. G. Burling-
ame, N. O. Staebler, O. C. GriffithIs, H.
(Continued on Page Two)




Six Companies of Student Soldiers
Will be Lead by Band Today
On Ferry Field
Constant drilling has fipally brought
the local R. O. T. C. unit into shape
for the annual 'review by Major Gen-
eral Harry C. Hale, commander of
the sixth corps area, to be held this
affat in n " 'i n.,. ...Y ...

Escaped Prisoners Tell Story-
The arrival at Tsinanfu and Tie
tsin of men and women who were r
leased by the bandits as messenge
to arrange ransom or who escape
gave to the outside world a picture
peril, privation, hardship and brut
treatment that has added to the an
So far the death list stands at tw
Joseph Rothman, British, shot du
ing the raid on the train at Fuchov
and an unindentified American, 1
ported killed in the cross fire betwe
the bandits and the pursuing trool
Believe Gang is Surrounded
In addition to the first soldiers o
dered on the trail of the kidnappe
by the Peking government anoth
regiment from Shantung province al
has taken up the search and pne
the fugitives declares his belief tN
the gang which wrecked the expre.

More' th
' Fathers'I
The ticket
terday, a'
until Fri
They cost
Sholders to
meet and
The fat
ton. here
Union up
cording to
Rooms fo
secured t
will be st
The pr
as follow
urday, 8p
men, Mi
Gift of
Fresh Air
Hop coi
Lewis C.'
camp, yes


Gustav Holst, eminent English mu-

manner that they could easily free
themselves. After that I went to bed. WILL DELIVER ANNAI,
The next morning we heard of Mount's PRESIDENTIAL AIDDRES
disappearance. Three of us, leaders in
our classes, went to call on President r
Walter Dill Scott and urged hir to
make an investigation. Later Presi- the highway engineering department
rics4 'nn44 n ltnr ma and "ir"ha'''-ll ^AV fhi --fn ^^n n f'^ W i- ^~ ,,7-

sician and composer, who has come af ernoon at 4 o'clock on South Ferry d [ent Scott'Ucanel me anct said te
field. Lead by the R. 0. T. C. band wanted further investigation discun-'
!an 150 tickets to the UniIon I to America to conduct the first Aner- which has 'been practicing martial tinued."
Day banquet have been sold. I ican performance of his famous work airs for the occasion under the direc- t
ts were placed on sale yes- "tHymn of Jesus,"-spoke yesterday af- tion of Cadet Captain A. B. Nicholson, 1 T I .
nd their sale 'il continue I ternoon in Memorial hall on the sub- '23E, and Cadet Captain R. F. Kile, UATUIIII
day tevening at th Unon. jet of the contemporary musical sit-' '24E, acting drum major, the six lom- II flcnm a'a gjs1' K US"
$1.25 each, and admit their nation in his native country. panies of student soldiers will pass in
D the Michigan-Illinois track Throughout his lecture Mr. Holst review before General Halo and the
the Mimes vaudeville per- emphasized the disheartening fact officers of the local post. CHidet Col
that the Engish people on the whole onel M. S. Hinkley, '23E, will be in
totally ignored their native composi- active command of the movelent of Two health lectures, the first of,
Frsday andthdyaetbrl~ftios. Literature, the art by which the uit, the six University Extension lectures
Friday and Saturday are to the English have best expressed them- Students Excused scheduled for this week, were given
at th-e main [desk dt the sGnrlHl-i
on their aria hee ,- selves, has gone on in a steady stream General Hale is expected to reach yesterday by non-faculty members.'
t while music has not. The latter has Ann Arbor at 4 o'clock this afternoon The remaining four talks will be given.
a the plans of the committee.
in the pants may o btee a perpetual upward and downwaird after attending a luncheon given' in by imembers of the faculty. At Ben-,
r the parents mnay also b trend. The new body of musicians in his honor at Detroit, and lie will iin, ton Harbor, Marjorie Delavan, of the
atongd at th en'Union.England have been forced to learn mediately meet 'the student troops State Department of Health will speak
oatined at the enion.d te intricacies of composition from at Ferry field. All members in the' about "The Health Education of Chii-
ogram fr the week-end is foreiners" he said. R. 0. T. C. will be excused from after- j dren" before the Parent-Teachers' as-
Ts: Friday, visit to classes he first great native comosition noon classes and will assemble at the sociation. Dr. Guy Kiefer, member of
r, and track pep meet; Sat- r . T. C. office at 1:30 where; the committee on public health edu-
riing games of underclass- he declaretwrblieds1227, a ter- they will be inspected and drilled by cation, will give the other health lec-
higan-Illinois* track meet, ng a , pulie ing 1227,yamysteryMajor Willis Shippam, commander of ture speaking before the Redford Par-
e non, a mes known. This still lingers among Eng- cadets, following which they will ent Teachers' association concerningi
lishmen and has retained its original- march to Ferry Field. The public is "Health as an Asset to the' Commun-'
ishy nandr se ind itor ig nas-invited to attend the ceremony. ity."
GtiE world knows it today began 200 Although no definite word has been Today, Prof. William D. Henderson,
OMMITTEEa1rs after,when the Flemish song received it is probable that Major of the extension department, will talk
writersatedwh new ie mitating Robert Arthur, head of the military atthe Northwestern Branch of the De-
a recedent set forth by an English-. science department will be formally+ troit Y. M. C. A. on the subject "At
man. The English know nothing of the lresented With the Distinguished Ser- the Bend of the Road." The Van
inventions of their native composer. vice Medal, which e has recently Buren County Federation of Women's
$715 to the University's I}The works were taken to Flanders ee ae at the gi rniofent, by clubs will hear Edith Thomas, of the
camp fund by the 1924 J- and from there spread all over the General Hale at the time of the re- Library Extension service, tell of
mittee was announced by iworld The Englishman's name be- Itw. "The Latest Books and Other Books."
l.Taty ngtishma n trmen City Clubs to giosDiner'On Friday, Prof. John II. Bateman,
Reimann, 1, director of the came only known to his countrymenGeneral Hale will be entertained: of the department of highway engi-f
terday. The money will be I lso years after his death, , ..*.I ..; 41
Sat dinner li chi i dip {lnt b lxInpierwl r~rPttaaXnflpr

w ai ieAavv ruts afternoon torUI New 1Yor

City where he will attend the annnal is surrounded.
Advices received at Shanghai s
meeting of the National Highway Traf- that the bandit chief 'has set the
fic association tomorrow afternoon and that rhesandthefhadset the 1
evening. In his capacity as presi- lowing prices on the heads of his
dent of the association, he will act ;tives:
as chairman of tlh1e afternoon session tForeigners $50;00 e; Chinese
and will deliver the annual pr-esiden- whom about 100 are believed to 1
tial address in the evening. been taken, first class $30,000 ea
600 Delegates Expected second class $10,000; and oth
More than 600 men from all sec- $2,000. It is stated that negotiati
tions of the country, interested in pro- I for the ransom a'lready have begun
bleins of trafflic and transportation official quarters.
will gather for the conference. Mem-
bership in the organization includes Washington, May 8.-(By A.P
traffic experts, chiefs of police, state I The Peking government has prom
highway officials and enginers, mun- to pay the ransom demanded by
icipal engineers, railroad officials, and nese bandits who captured Ameri
representatives of the motor vehicle citizens and a number of foreign
industry and highway transport busi- tionals after wrecking the Shang
ness. Besides the regular business Peking express Sunday morning,
of the annual meeting, chairmen of State department was advised late
the national committee for the investi- day by 4J. G. Schurman, American i
gation of imminent highway and trans- ister at Peking.
port problems will give detailed re. -Isrnissa of (Alvernor Seen
ports of accon-plishments during the The Chinese prime minister a
past year. G. G. Dillman, deputy has agreed to act as rapidly as p
state highway commissioner of Mich- sible in meeting all demands p
igan in the capacity of chairman will sented by thle Portuguese minis
give the report 'of the national con. at Peking, dean of the diplom
mittee on "Highway Danger Signs". corps there, and has given assurai
Blatclhard to Preside I that the Peking government inte
Professor Blanchard will also pre- to dismiss the civil and military g
side at the meeting of the executive ernor of the Shantung province.
committee and the board of directors The Portuguese minister inforn
which will be held tomorrow morning the foreign office that the foreign
He will return to Ann Arbor Satur- lomats at Peking "reserved the r


day morning.

over and above any moral and
material damages claimed to den

Sister Will Play
Early In June
St. Louis, May 8 (By A. P.)-Phil
Ball, ownet of the St. Louis Ameri-
cans, this afternoon expressed the
opinion that George Sisler would be
back in the line up some time in
June, perhaps by the first of the
month. He added that Sisler was
"very muh improved."
If You Had-


turned over to the camp committee.
tomorrow morning, the day set aside
for Tag Day on the campus when#
University students will be asked tol
contribute 50 cents apiece in support
of the camp.
"T"e money which is to be t -ne
over by the 41.-Hop committee is suf-
ficient to send 72 poor kiddies to the'
camp for a period of ten days next
summer," Reimann said.
The fund given by thme Hop corn-
mittee is the second large gift to come
to the Fresh Air camxp, M, A.- Ives,
member of the Board of Trustees of'
the S. C. A. and chairman of the
Fresh Air camp committee having l
placed a 170 acre tract of land on
Lake Patterson, 25 miles from Ann
Arbor, at the disposal of the camp.
First Lot of 'Ensians Go Fast
Every copy of the 1,500 'Ensians,
received Monday noon for distribution,i
was given out by 5 o'clock yesterday'
afternoon, and many were turned away
to await the next shipment of 1,500
which is expected today at noon. The=
copies were distributed from the base-
ment ontthe east side of the Library
and went very fast.

Aubrey E. Roberts, '23Md., will (e-1
liver Dr. "Russeli Conwell's famous
lecture "Acres of Diamonds" at 8
o'clock tonight in the auditorium at
Lane hall. Proceeds from the lecture
are to go to the -McCandlisS fund, and
will be used in support of hospitals
in China in connection with mission -
anry work there.
Roberts who has done much workn
in connection with the University ex-;
tension service, has delivered the lec-
ture 40 times; five times in his home
city in Seattle, Wash. He has also
delivered the lecture in Oklahoma,
Colorado, Texas, Tennessee and Mich-'
igan cities.

c~ tttie y e c)IOm ne c CU ?S,t Lil
Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Ki-
wanis, Exchange, and the Army and
Navy club at the Chamber of Com-
inerce building tonight. He will be
\1 the principal speaker of the evenig
and in addition Regent Junius E
Beal, and Captain Donald Duncanson
will talk. General Hale will leave
tomorrow morning to inspect the M.
A. C. unit at East Lansing.

Michigan Roadbuilders association at a progressive indemnity for
Escanaba. The Detroit Employment after the 12th of May that ti
Managers club will hear a lecture by MIMILU VUVILIUU 3iLI era remain captives."
Professor 1-enderson on the same day. '
*1 ~ .~ ' WI L L OP £ N TNGTCvlEngineers

liUe . linn, win a4uuJ. tis. LI~t ''.JL uiJA.1

he fore


Alpha Delta Sigma I
In s t alls Chapter
Charles R. Miller phapter of Alpha

Delta Sigma, national professional ad-:
[ ROTORvertising fraternity, was installed here
C yesterday afternoon at the Michigan
I Union. The national organization.
took into its ranks the former local%
t fraternity, Sigma Alpha Delta.
The installation was in charge of
Rossiter Howard, curator of educa- E. K. Johnston of the Wisconsin chap-
tional work at the Cleveland museum iEter and the following men were put;
of Art will speak at 4:15 o'clock this through the ritual:. Elton F. Iascahl,
afternoon in the west gallery of Alum- j Jr., '25:L, Albert J. Parker, '25L, Wen-
ni Memorial hall taking as his sub- 'dell Herrick, '23, Herold C. Hunt,_
ject "From Donatello to Michael An ''23Ed, J. Ross Riford, '23, Herbert G.,
gelo." This lecture is the last of the Selby, '23, George E. Sloan, '23L, Clay-
series given under the auspices of the ton G. Hale, '24, Wilbur M. Seelye,f
arts department this spring. It will '24L, Donald B. Frederick, '24, Town-
be illustrated by slides. . send H. Wolfe, '24, Briggs Beurmann,j
Mr. Howard studied at Phillips aca- 1 '25, and Perry Hayden, '25.
demy and Harvard university and de- TO
voted six years in New York and Bos- Q A TER E
ton to the study of singing and com-
position, following which he visited INITIATE TODAY!
cities of Europe and spent some time
at the Ecole du Louvre in art study. Quarterdeck, marine engineering
He has held several important posi. honorary society, will hold its public
+ ... .. . ..7..7:. ..+,.+ .i ,. ,.., : .. ,7 l' __i_ + _. _:..... .... , x__ _ a..

- Mimes unique vaudeville tourna-
ment will be held tonight and tomor-
row night at the Mimes theater. Af- The student chapter of the Am
ter the performance on Thursday Gv- can Society of Civil Engineers inui
enin, te wnnerof he ontet whl ten men at its spring initia:
' n n ,t e w n e f t e c n e t w l ' ev e e t i s s r n n tabe chosen by , the votes of the tw o banquet last night at the U nion. Y'~
audiences., The original plan was to Henry E. Riggs, of the civil engi
lgdep>artmnent, spoke on the mean
offer a cup which would have to be of the title "Civil Engineer."
won two times in order for a house Although the original intent:
or individual to secure permanent pos- were to initiate 12 men, only 1(
session. This spring, however, a new these men were present last ni
system was instituted and it was de- They were: W. A. Gallancy, M.
cided to offer a cup for every tourna- Guenin, F. J. Hildebrant, W. A.
ment, the winnner obtaining perman- Clenahen, R. B. Preston, L. F. Ra
ent possesson of the prize as the re- W. K. Saunders, R. Schemm, E.
sult of his one performance. This Sheppard, and R. H. Trites. All
'contest is open to anyone on the cam- the men are members of the ju
r- except the members of Mimes. civil engineering class.
The tournament will start at 8:30 Only men whose scholarship is h
I o'clock in order to accommodate those er than the average are accepted
who may wish to attend other affairs this society, which was founded at
before hand. Tickets for the affair' two months ago. An examination
will be placed on sale at the box office given yesterday afternoon to de
at ten o'clock this morning at 35 mine the qualifications of the ca
cents each. The silver cup is now on dates.
display in the lobby of the Union.
Delta Sigma Rho Neets Tonigl
S. C. A. Plans Senior Sunday Service Delta Sigma Rho, national honor

a million dollars it would more
than likely worry you to death
all summer, You are Indeed.
lucky in not even having to
worry about securing a posi-
tion for our columns are full of
For even a longer list of em-
ployers state your qualifications


Students who are interested in the
business course offered by the Gen--
eral Electric company of Schenectady,
N. Y., should see Robert F. Wieneke,
'22, at the Union some time this week.
Besides outlining the character of his
proposition to those interested, he is
making appointments for interviews
with Mr. C. H. Lang, of the General
Electric, who will be in Ann Arbor


Senior Class Presidents MeetingI
There will be an important


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