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May 05, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-05

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... ..

. ._--"

y-' morning except Monday.
,rtity year by the Board in
:nt Publications
estern conference Editorial

The Associated Press is exclusively en-
tit~ld to the use'fot-rep-ublication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise;
credited in tAis paper and the local newspib
iShed fhecin.~
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $3~o
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard: Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 'and 176-M; Busi-
ns 6Communications not to exceed 300o words
if signcd, lily sinnatiurrnot necessarily to
appear in print, but as an evidence of faith,
arid notice~s of events Will be puhlished inI
'li'je4TDaily"'It tj1c discretion of the F'ditor. If
left at or :mailed. to Tlie D~aily office. Un-
signed conmunications will receive no con-
sidlertion,."No manuscript will be returned
nnlksS the writer encloses postage{ The Daily i
d,~ c! lot neccessarily endorse the sentimnents
expressed in the communicatins.
releloneS 2M14atid 176-3f
Nerws EIditor........ ...Paul Watzel
City E-ditor........James B. Youngs
A ssistald City Editor........3A. Bacon1
Editorial 1;oa rd Chairman .... ..1...R. Meciss

conformity to the pleasure of supe- r: i ^
riors that spells success for a man, < OIIO
but rather bold' individuality, and the bAMPUSRLLL
i D M U ' O I INt.un t i u n n e l l e d o p p o r t u n i t y t o d e v e l o p Ia nlex_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __un -_
There is? noTrasonwhy eve un Editor, The Michigan Daily:
dler the present .unsatisfactory systemFL R William B. Parker delivered" a lec-
of grading, the evil of confornin.,g for # f estture yesterday afternoon in Tappan
kgrades could -not be remedied within Deolshabrndnw cre. ,utihail before.. 'n audience which con-
the system. Not the faithfulness with Dmls rn e cen u sisted of the Library staff, six or sev-,
a .squaxe piece out of the center and nmebrofteR acel-
whih te tudnt olowsdomatic attach it to the end of the cane and ge meberm of the Roaceula
study prescriptions should determine'gaeiearmn fte auta
his ,grade, even under the present there you have-a perfect fly-swatter ! hstory instructor, and several-not
system of marking, but the degree t ; with which you can reach any corner more than ten-students who have
of the ceiling. Ellis. not been accounted for.
which his individuality reacts and ___
develops 'under the exposure to the The lecure was on South American
subject material at hand, for that is 1 Hitch your cane~ to a stare and youll libraries; but the title 'of the lecturej
themesur o hi scces r filreget the joy-ride oif your life. Em. does not convey much inkling of the*
C at college. (charm of the actual performance. Mr.!
-____________Grind up the stick,. mix it with Parker is a man who is well quali-A
milk; and sell the result for cough fied to lecture not only on Southa
"I ;A~ ThllIE medicine. Phil. American libraries, but on subjects of
With the annual Swving Out cere- * a ' more general andi satisfying cul-!.
monies but a few days away, the week A New Company Formed tural sort. Hie has had a rich ex-
fof spring events begins to assume the A new business has started in Annj perience as an editor, an author, as a
significance which will make it the! Arbor. It is entirely original to the1 traveller, and as a scholar. He has
most notable feature of the sch~ool)I city but the Chamber: of CommerceI been assistant editor of the Atlantic
year. For the, first time in the his- predicts it a good venture. At pres-, Monthly; literary advisor to Hough-
1 tory' of Michigan, all of the outstand- ent the names of the partners can- ton, Mifflin and company, and to the
ing affairs of the season are being} not be divulged. Their motto is "We Baker-Taylor company; an instructor!
united into the brief period between Fail Where Others Succeed". And in English at Harvard; and hie has
May 10 and 19, making an ideal -time they make a speciality of plain and edited works. ranging in character
in which to invite guests to visit the.. fancy failures, guaranteed, from Lowell's "Anti-Slavery Papers"i
1UniversitY. * *n *. .ai nn,.~ ," by . Ph;iin

"u ncan

&r Starling


Graham 's
liothx Ends of the Diagonal



INig:lit Edito s-
Ralph Nvers Tlarry Hoey
T,.._(. I1"'rsliorfer R. C. Moriarty.
II. A. Donahue J. E. Mack{
S'1'1r' FEdltor.... ..Wallace V.. Elliott1
Women's Editor.. ......Marion Koch
Sumlay M1agazine E ditor ...H. A. Donahue'
Music Edi'tor ...... ... II.. Ailes"
I lnnu; Edr...... ..Bucley C. kobbin.
Editorial Board
Lowell Kerr -Maurice Dee-man
Paul EJinstein E-Iugene Carmichael

Staiiley 'H.,Armstog
Siriey B]ielfield
1:. A., Billinigtot lc Tro n
1l. C. Clark
.%, -P. Connable
Bternadlette Cote"
Tiyelyn I. Coughlin,
joseph IEpsteini
T. I;. Fiske
Johm n(Trlinghcouse
Walter S. Goodspeed
Por tia (;oulder.
Ponald I1SaIgrixnm

F ranklin A. Hepburr "
Winona A. Hibbard
E dward J. I4ggins
K'enneth C. Kellar I
Elizabeth Liebermnan
John McGinnis
Samuel Moore
M. If. Pryor
W. 11. Rafferty
Robert G. Ran y
3. W'. itilvit('h
,SoillJ. Schnitz
Philip M.. W~agner

$ Countless traditions including Cap
Flight, under-class gbames and a num-.4
ber of other affairs will be observed
at this time, and- many athletic
events will further contribute" to the~
diversions which should help display
1 Michigan at its best. Tradition is the
very essence !of college life and that
which will be manifested during a
period so full of activity as this can-
not but convey impressions wholly,;
characteristic of an institution whichj
prides herself on a genuine atmos-
p here of 'Youthful sincerity and zpir-
ited life.
For the benefit of those students
who have not as yet had the pleasuire
, of entertaining their parents anti
friends in Ann Arbor, it may be said
once more that there is no time wh'enr
M~icigan spirit is more completre"v
represented than during these vall--
I .-us spring events. Enjoyment can be
assured without any worry regarding
the where's and if's of ordinaryen
~ertainmient. The activity will be en-
tirely' "en masse".
Everything will be Michigan!
Michigan has always stood well to
the front in the realm of; scientific re-
search and at. present two of her pro-
fessors are engaged in expeditions{
w vhich should further the advance=-
ment of science at " the University.
iProfiksor. Case of the geology depart-!

LogicI Sidlney. Such a man should be well,
Harry Hvig and Benjy B3ear worth hearing, especially at the mod-I
Went out for a walk. est Charge made for admission to a
And following their custom, University lecture; and to the pitiful
They fell to pleasant talk. handful that were present, he proved
-- - eminently, satisfying as a .talker. He
"We have come," said Harry gaily, gave a talk on South American libra-'
"To the end of at perfect dlay. Ties, as we have said before; but heI
What shall we (10 about it, included a great deal that was not on
Before we homeward stray T" the bill. HeI enriched his subject with
a wealth of personal experience and'
"Nothing;, you simzple hedgehog," interesting detail that made his lec-
Said his comrade testily. tore much more than a lecture--ans
"And why not?" asked little Harry, experience.
"And whly not, I can't see!" The point is this. If the studentsl
-' would realize that at least nine-
Little Harry then was angry, tenths of the men who came here to
And he kicked old Benjy Bear. give University lectures have had thez
But Benjy simply ate him- same varied sort of experience that
All-hide, and quills, and hair. Mr. Parker has had, they might .possi-
urch.i. bly attend the lectures in greater
* * swarms than at present. The Un!-
THlE II1)ECAMERON I versity authorities try to make this
Little Mercer,, Fleming Stalworth the true state of affairs. More power
Casimnir Hoffman had a birthday to them! But '
every year' on the 21st of May. This The students have some defense.
in itself is little to cause trouble, butTh mlhedoprsntuns
on the year concernin~i which this and faculty, who are interested in
story is being told, a strange, strange' things intellectuzal, couldn't possibly
event hla pened, one calculated to dis- have mnade up a lecenat quorum at any
rapt the smroothest of family. On the lecture ThisdIay afternoon, because
night before the birthday, his father, the auzthoritl~es 11a,1scb etiecl .thr~e '
Wellington Hoffman, came home with lectures fr that day. 1i was mani-
a broad smile on his wvan face, and a festly impossible for the, little, groulp4
huge n ckage on his back. "0 goody; to make a r ea ectalble shlowing at any
goody, goody!" gulped little Mercer, one of the three-and as a result,;
Fleming Stalwortih Casimir, strongly three distinguished men had each one

the campus and took him home to
supper; hie reports Mr. Parker as "the
most brilliant conversationalist T
have met in years." S. M.
Ana Arbor and Jsck'o'-
Detr:asterni Standard Time)
DtotLimited and Express Cars-
6:oo a.Mi., 7 :oo amr., 8 :oo aim., 9:o5ar.
a.mi. and hourly to 9:05 p.m.1
Jackson Express Crrs (local stops:
west of Aran Arbor)--9 :4' am., and
every two hours to 9%17 p.m.
Local Cars East Bound--7:oo a.mn.
and' every two, hours to q :oo p. mn.,
x i :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only--E x:40
p~ :15 am.n.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti. I
Local Cars West Round-7 :50 am., I
To Jackson ad alamnazoo-Litr."
ited cars 3:47, 1o :47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47,
4:47 P.m.
To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at E
8:47 P .m.,...
1923 NMAY:1923
1 2 :3 4 5
o 7 S 9 1l 101i 1.
13 11 13 10; 17 19 19
20 2t 1 23 21 25 2
s +7 28 29 33 31
'K'.. : " ANA i P

Schedule- in Effect October r8, 1922
Central Time (Slow Timc)
D .X X D
P.M. A.M. P.M. ]P.M..
3:45 7:4;.. Adrian .... 12:45s 8:45
4:15 8:15 ... Tecumseh ... z2:15 8:15
4:30 8:30 ...Clinton ...1:00oo8:00
5,15 9:15 ..".Saline . .15 z 7:15
5:45 Q : a5 Ar knn ArborLv. u :45 6:45
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
D-Daily. X--Daily except Sundays
and hlo ldays. Fritiay and Saturday special
bus for students lea-es Adrian 1 :4S, leavCs
Ann Arbor 4 :45.
JAMS H. r T!I OTTl, Proprietor
Phlone 461

jSuits with extra Tr'ousers
I $ ,r-3---$40
~No.; So. State St.
CKEves. - -56601o
GARRIC K Wed. Mt aet
So#. Mat. - See t4
JOS. 31. GATES Presents
The Sky Iigh Musical Coni


rIeiepione 960
,Aflvcrisjn..............WalternK. Ser.r
Adetiring...... ..WleK.Shrr_ Itii ...Lawrence LI. 'Favrot
Publication .. t, -.FTdward F., Conlin,
Copy ,riting;' ........David J'. I. Park
(circulation . . ..ownsend IJ. XWolfe
AZccount.................leaumnont Parks
Perry ?M. Tayden Win. TT., Gnod i
Eugene LI. Dunne Clyvde L. Ilagerman
Mohn C. j~ajsliii 1lenry Freud
C. L.Poma Clayton Purdy
E. I). Armantrout J. B. Sanzenbacher
William HI. Reid, Jr. Clifford Mlitts
HUarold L. Hale' Toni M'are
Wris. I). Roesser Louis 'M. Dexter
Allan, S. Morton C. Wells Chiristie 4
James A. Dlryer Edward: B. Reidle
Herbe~rt -W. ;Cooper


(No acids used)
Straws, Panamag, Leghorns,.
Bankoks and. all kinds of hats
Cleaned and Reblocked at low
prices for HIGH CLASS WO1"1C
Let a.,"Boot-black" shine y)our
shoes, b~ut have your hat Clean-
ed and Reblocked by a Practical
617" Packard- Street Phone 1783
Where D. U. ?Z. Stops at State
Cars leave ior Toledo 7:14) A. 31,
2P. M. and a P. Al Except Sun-
day. Sundays at 8:00, 11:00 and

The, vogue for sport wear brings
novel walking shoes to thie fore
'rhe T oxford, an exclusive, new, and
different Walk.-Over style, scores a hit' with
well-dressed women everywhere. You'll like
it in the new Nutan color, with contrasting
inlay saddles.

,. , .

115 S. MAIN ST.-

,..u. .
w + l

At the 'mzeeting of the Board in
Control of Athletics scheduled for
today, it is expected that a final de-,
cision will be made in favor of, naml-j
ing the new field house at present :
under constructon in honor of Coach.
Fielding H4. Yost.' This. matter has
been discussed at several previous
meetings of the Board, but definite
action has been delayed up to thet
present time..
Meanwhile the student body' of7
-Michigan and alumni organizations t
t hroughout the country have express- .
ed themselves wholeheartedly in fav-
or of the proposed naming of thet
field house, and if the expected action
is taken by the Board. today it will
an-,wier an almost universal desire
upon the part of those who are inter-
eAted in Miichigan' and her acc om-
Not directed at the so-called "grade
system" itself, admittedly obnoxious
to those who appreciate its faults and
short-comings, is~ a critique of the
condition which exists within the
present system of grading. Easily
remedied 4without. an absolute. subh-
stitute for the "grade system" of
marking, the ultimate fault lies in
the fact that a student must conform
to a certain prescribed, iron-bound
routine if he. is to receive good
grades for his work. He must study,
plan 'his work , and even do his
thinking in conference with what lie
feels will please the instructor if he

I __ ___ ._ _ F - .C^j supecing that it was a present ior,;miserable audience. We select Mr.
inent is now in the interior of Afriica 'hmef'"lt'oldta-sn i
hisef."Hs ondo aprsn fr Pairker's lecture merely as an example;
,or the purpose of, studying the. Per- ikkle Mercer?" "Yes, my boy," re- fthwolbuies
mia roks f hatregon Th otersponded his naw with a, sly leer, and As a parting shot, it nmay be well.
expedition, headed by' Professor ;then lugged it into the cupboard to tomninasghfuherms-
ies anncapiedsn arbenma were await the morrow. The morrow ness on the part of thle authorities.
insctsand retils ae bingcolec- :dawned. (as usual) and the cover wasMrPakrtyeltthUnowie
d. The professor was accompanies stripped front the gigantic packlage. lie was in Ann Arbor, and was of-
onths trp Y iswiewh wsIt proved to be a nice big flexible' (iial1ly entertained only at luncheon.
unfortunate enough to meet wth an.loy flyer for Little Mer-c. Fl. St. Ca. to use A faculty member who met him at his
accident while in camp.' during the following winter. "My letr
This serves to show that the life ! oo,>spw!. ecaieIte lad, ur found him wandering about
of the collector is traught with dan- ;4 - --
ge- n htmroewmn~ greatly (isappointed, "why 'n hell
t't ' yuh dive 'me a p~resink what I
wel asmenhav deote thmsevesc'n use now?" "Oh shut up you little ~ ~ f
unselfishly to this branch of scientific brat,", cried the paw, now greatld U!.~ uffe
;work. Time two expeditions will prove =irate, "If yuhx don't like the birthday r
of, value to the Unversity by uncover- - -
ingdat ofunuualintres an bypresents I give you, why go on out
ig atofuuulitrsan byand buy yourself one!" This peeved AtEN T
adding to the already excellent col h a s etodud i ahrs=-__
leto fseiesi h ue~.toe. When the latter leaned over to SOUP-
Th oto hesietfc eeaetrub it, hielhauled off and kicked his . Cream of Tomato
worker, is by no means an easy one, ;ahrintefae hs lnin-i Wafers
fatOlivesth CeleryhusRadisheshi
Subjected to the many dangers of = lvs Clry Rdse-
for life, and breaking his nose. --
the jungle, the man who will. repeated-!
l y risk his life in, order that science 4**BCAl .W2 Prime Rib Roast Beef Aujus
may e te ulimae winerdeseves; W Roast Young Chicken withM
ma ete liae inrdeevs Co-ed trying to be rough-Know dressing
the heartiest respect and admiration where I come from? = Asparagus Tips on Toast
of his fellows. Expeditions in which I Mashed Potatoes
specimens are collected for ti useunis IT'imid looking '26-No. , ol
are in no sense pleasure excursion-,. C-e-Hus.o Avid. - I-le AdLtueLls
Often the collector is 'forced to enter*** Alam. SLD-
the most God forsaken spots on the Wa os~ r~i Ie ESR
earth in search of the particular spec-.1 ' Home Made Apple Pic
imen of fauina or flora which he de- The two are drifting along the Straberr Shortcake with E
sie. eiscr pded t!se~ silent moon-lit river,.tHe is slowly;= Whippedr Cream
many an irksome day in quest ofi= dipping and raising his paddle with = Strawberry Sundae
soerr es htkescoet'seeming exhaustion. She watches= Vanilla- Ice Cream-
him expectantly. TeCofeMl2
il's home in the steaming jungle. Or I* _*------ -_
perhaps, it may be that the seai'ch for 12 to 2 P. ?41. Price $1.00
sonmc form of desert life leads the Beack ! =: Private Ithumpgct hall -
scietis ovr te ht sads f te S- Bck gain after a long sojouarn in
sirat. vrth otsns fth Ia the wilds of Thayer street. Head in j " -"
No, the scientist is often not as lie '"-I L T
has been pictured; a weazened faced ; ITM NLD M A - -
tim'id man, afraid to enter the confines-MAAN)TO ENI15.Ste
Since when, oh, since when, ni-w Phone 173 1 . t#e-
of a Michigan wood, much less to : .=-I
Brave the trials of a jungle expedi- dai aia o aO o~tI~IIIl~I~IIII~I~~1III~I
t ion. This old conception of the re-ptitnami-smleie:Wys
search worker disappears when one no a.a a hnamni
is rouht o ralie tat lagenot a cabman?
is bough to ealie tht a arg Ta--Tut TPut Come In.
element of personal danger is in this GRLA
profession. OILA
",We're- glad, to have' you with us -


5 111g

get more pleasure, and comfort by letting us
supply the needs for your spot and~ outing ac-
"Tom Wye" and Bradley" Knit Coats
and Sweaters.
Knickers and Breeches, for all activities
in large assortment of materials for ladies
and menu. Corduroy and' Whipcord
Sport Suits.
White Duck, Linen and Khaki Trousers,.
Odd Pants, Coveralls, etc.

- e ~ ' ' iking. Shoes, Wool Socks," Golf Hose,
Leggings, Puttees, Officers' Dress and
u Army Shoes, Tennis Shoes, Waterproof
and High-Top Moccasin Pack Shu for
ladies andi -men.
0O. D. Wool, Khaki and fine Poplin Army Shirts, Pongee Dress and Sport 'Shirts, all/ Kinds-
of Underwear, Hosiery and Golf Hose, $1.50 up.



Cravanettes, Whipcords, $15.00 and up, Rain Coats, $4.50 up, Slickers and Ponchos.


All kinds , and sizes. Auto-Touro, .Regulation Wall,
Shelter (or "Pup") and Children's Play Tents.

Army Pyramid,

is to receive those particular cryptic Even as whe discover how infinitely again. A , regards the cabmabor l
symbols of academlic siuccess which small our knowledge of earthly things - mabcan or whatver you're trying to
mar-k his success or failure as a stiu- is. the earth itself constantly shrinks. -,Pget over .I can only say '"Desist, you
dlent, considered ;fromt point of time. With nonplus me," t
Statistically it is claimed, thesef the accomplishment of the first non-***
symibols prognosticate, in a measure.! stop airplane flight across the br'oad The ;iron indoor goes to the boy
The receiver's 'po ssibilities of success expanse of the country, New York and that tells the Paul Revere riddle thisj
in worldly life. In all justice, how-; San. Diego have been brought within wav. He asked. "What do you think;


Can, oclankets, CusinAuto
" Rbes, Army blankets


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