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April 29, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-29

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4F -

.._ ..

-:, --..

pblishcd. every :Horning except Monday
ingth'e niiversity year by the Board in
trol of Student Publicationsj
Icii ers of Western Conference l ditorial.
he Associated Preis is exclusively en-I
:d to the use for republication of all news
atches credited to it or not otherwise
ditel in this paper~ and the local news pub-
ed therein.
ntcred at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
higan, as second class matter.
;bscription~ by carrier or snail, $3.50.
)ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
"d Street.
'hones : Editorial, 2414 and :76-M; Busi-
ss, 960.
ommunications not to exceed 00 Word
sizned. the sio~inature. not necessarily to

France and England because it con-r
flicts w"ithi certain claims of their sub-
Jets bt h Uitd tte gvrnOAStr L
mient is supporting it, a.nd the madrl E R L
scramble for oil in Turkey and en-
vrirons is at its height. The struggle i
for concessions is becoming so ,a-:1 SO I
giant that it is almost certain to re- INow We Itaye It,' Senior's
suit in political discomfiture to the1 In response to my agonized plea
nations whose subjects are partici-I for class spirit and the subsequent
pating. regards their canes, has come a deluge
It is interesting to note that no! of suggestions of which I'm sure
longer is the fight for oil solely car- those bewildered Seniors will imme-
ried on~ by individuals, but that na-; diately, avail themselves. No longer
tions are stepping into the arena and } call they say, "I came, i saw. I squall-
defending the claims of big business diered," for now he is bound to findal
with avidity. If an individual of one real substitute use.
nation wrests away a concession, the "if you can't find any better use for
other nations %are apt to feel it their the senior canes than a corduroy
duty to oppose his claim and to util- road, howzit to hell, the University






car in print, but as an evidence of faith, ize the full sourIce of their sovereign
a notices of events will be published inj
D~aily at t'ie discrotiou rl the i'ditor. if I"power to mTake trouble in gceneral.
tat or mailed to The Daily office. Un- Th costeyofhefeinp-
ned commniciations~ will reccive no con- Th costeyofheorinp-
cration. No manuscript %Nill be retunrned icy of the United States in 'regard to,
ess the writer encloss postage. The Daily' oil conession1s seems. to be1 open to
s not necessarily endiorse the sentimlents
pressed in the commnpications. - question. Our state department has
----- --been opposing British claims in Me-'
l.iTU L STAFF 1,sootanmia ''nd' claims of other na-7

by advertising how long they, would
all reach iif placed endl to end?"
"Or. haven't you a chair that needls
"B uy a second cane and throw them
both away if you're having so much
trouble. Then you can sit back and.

(The H-arvard Crimson)
The "ten minute newspaper" start-
ed in New York is,. like the three nin-'
ute egg, another tribute b y the world
to the man in a hurry The bustle
and clatter of energy lavishly ex-
pended sets up a sym~athetic vib~ra-
tion in every true American heart.
Solicitous brains have spun for the;
busy moan to give him a telephone and
radio, a motor car and airplane, ready-
to-wear clothes, and a meal, reduced
to seconds in a catch-as-catch-can
Newspapers, however, have been
very independent abjout bowing to the:
-creature rushing hither and yen. They
have stooped to headlines, to be sure,
b)ut that has been merely a hook
thrown out to coach the business moan.
The special editions which have be-
come customary, aund the ever-ini-j
creasing Sunday supplements are
more like, an obstinate challenge to
him. Every news stand was once a
command to stop and think; but now
the pesses move faster than ever. 1
Tebsnss moan has nearly been
forced Wamt'eet
But now the newi ten minute sheet,
rind its predecessor "Time", appear as
flags of truce - the animated man{
has won, not peace, but unhindered
activity. lie who runs miay both readj
and think, and pick im his ideas en
route. Hlis literr~t're lie reads in re-E
vi(,ws, lie listens to the essences of
the oneras' from the Victroila, and hie
hears the. foreign lecturer through the
headpiece of his radio whaile he die-
fates a purchase order. A fig for your
s Py, he says, that "sate upon the axle-
tree of the cliariol wheel, and said,
' Wliat i(lust (10 I raise'"r

Duncan &Starling
Graham 's
73othf Ends of the Diagonal

I ________________________


T... BsnssMi'~ uc

Ann Arborntand Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and :Express Cars-
6:oo a-M., 7:00 a.m., $:00 a.m.,, 9:05
a.mn. and hourly to 9:05 p.m.
Jackson Express Cors (local stops
wewt of Ann Arbr)-9 :4 a. m., and
every two, hours to 9.'47 P.m.
Local Cars East douud-7 ;0oa.fl
aria every two hours to 9 :o p . im.,
tii:oo p.m. To Ypsilanti nl-it :40
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West 90ouud-7 :5o a.m.,
zx~ :yi..
To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Lirr..
ited cars 3:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47o 2147,
4;47 p.M.
To Jackson And Lansing--Limited at
8:47 p.m.

Schedule in Effect October if, igas
Central Timve (Slow Titne)
D X x P
P.M, A. M. P.M. P.M>.
3:45 7:45.. Adrian .... 12:45 8:45
4;.15 t3:1 ..a.tTecuniseh ... 12:LS 8:t5
4:30 8:30o ,... Clinton .... tz:oo 8:oo
5:15 9:t5 . Saline ... ::1~5 7:15
5:45 9:45 Ar nn tArborLv. b0:45 6:45
Chamber of Comnierce .Bldg.
D-Daily., X-Daily except Sundays
and, Holidavs. Friday and Saturday special
bus for students leaves Adrian 1 :45. leaves
Ann Arbor 4:45.
JAM ES H. IL IOTT. Proprietor
Phone, 46




11:30-2:00 .. 6ic
Kennedy's Orchestra
11:3)- 4:00
Corr *elI Coal Bldg.

'elehomes 2114 and 176-11
ws ' lFito r.........Pa'nt Watzel
.3James B. Young
imtm tCity Editor ........ A. 'Bacon 4
itorial Board Chairm~zan....E. R. IMeissj

I Byers
Tier shd orfer

tions' in Turkey' on the ground thatj be twice as gi
they violate t1'e open door policy, use only one."
Hence, it is somewhat difficult to flee
by what logic Secretary Hughes "As for met
rc ached the conclusion that the con-' for mine is to
cession granted to Admiral Chester! I'm raising it.'
?upholds this policy.
Now that the battle for oil in the
land outside of Europe is being wag- j Par
ed by nations, and not merely by in- I'lm dreamingt
dividuals, it is more or less a matter; Your words'
of' speculation as to just_ how soon; kind.
this new manifestation of im'perialism rTo you I will
will result in completely upsetting the Unless somec
political equilibrium of Europe and
playing havoc with the peace of the; The stars shi
world, dlear.

Harry Hoey
R. C. Moriarty
J. r;. Mack;

lad that you refused to
the best use I can find
;lean o nit whenever
Ir 'IoistiKIY
tonight of voni, (lear!
in the column were
always be true, (lear,
cone better I find..
line bright in the sky,
only for you and nie;
ly you'll be mine, (lear.
ea bright star to see.

tI; , , _,,



ow B r"10pm Phone 0143 j
li10111111tt l 10111It it 1111110 1l ui1irH1-

c r i" .. .V. ala^C . Elliott
61o0en's Editor .......Marion Koch
Sund iayAMagazine Buitor.. .11. A. Donahue
M usic ] Tditor...............E. 14. Ailes
I inm:: I; ldit .~.....Bucklfey C. Robbims
Editorial Board
L~owell Kerr Mlauride Berman
Paul- Einstein Eugene Carmichael
Stanley I1. Armstrong Franklin TV IHepburv
idliwy ]ilficld W11inona A.L1Bibbard
R. A. , ilingtoil 1Ed ward 1. l1iigginis
IIeleo Iiro vn Kenneth C. Kellar
11. C. ClaA E 1lizabeth ,ieberuiann
A1. I;. Coiiable John McGinnis
BecrTumlette Cote Samuel'-Moore,
1Evelyn 1 Couglun M. 11. Pryor
lost~~ ib pstein 1V. B. Rafferty .
1. 1Fiske Robert C. Ram say
J G1 arlingJhc'tse J. W,. Rwitelh
'Walter S. (Thodlspeti ;lolJ. Schinitz
Portia Coulder lPhilip M1.,wag-nei
RonalJ l algi m-



:3 4
10 11
1i 18


6 7
13 14
24) 21
27 28

During the fall and winter Smythie
is a rather dull, obtuse, and austere
individual who is given over to acid-
em is pursuits, amid alluring indeed is
the attraction which wvill cause him)
to :forsake his own alcove in the eve-
Wing. But with the advent of spring,
Smythe changes with the times and
the present warm weather Is having
-t peculiar rejuvenescent effect upon

They shine
I hope soloed;
For you are

My might* is the right to love, dear.
And love that shall ever be.
I pray to the one above, dear,
That Poison Ivy will cling to mie.

- WE
.civn zPY MFR.-
~ LHats
Big Wtolk Always on 1Jan41
Save a DOLLAR or More at our
We also do all kinds of Cleanz-
ing and Reblocking of Bats al.
low prices for 11IGHt CLASS
_-- WORK --__





Betty ,Blythe,

-I n- .


19raloi 141t ""!Ut


c';I o 11
wl-i till
a 31ts

. ..john J. llaniel, Jr.
. ". .Walter K. Sc'herer
. ,arencc I. avrot
. ... .. .l',(ward F. Conlin t
t....... .David 3. M. Park'.
.owsend II. Wolfe
... ..L. Beaum ont Parks

One manifestation of the change in
Smythe is that- he now has a peculiar
proneness for bolting classes. The
habit comes gradually on himn as ,the
season advances. A - few weeks a go
the missing, of a 'class was attended
with pangs of a guilty conscience,
but now this feeling is dispensed with I


and, if the spirit
school for a dlay

moves, he can skip
at a time with the

Just Jean. f_---- --
POISON IVY'--I'd 'bgC darned before'
POION VYI'db~ ared ~efre(The New York Timres)t
I'd let any girl call nie a clinging There is little doubt that if Cecil
vine. ' - lPitcr~atiad Rhodes were alive today lie would'
welcome the proposed H. P'. Davison;
lley!' ! I hsRgt .chaolarslliips as important factors in
SOI4OMONI SPEAKS! ! fostering that good feeling between
A woman is a funny thzing! the English-speaking peoples which
M1adle of man-and chased himn evor lie so ardently des°.rod. His own plan
since 'Servedi to draw to England men from
Like chzati ering magpies, thinking EalteF~ihseknlns h
not Iiin , Davison pla n is complemnentaary and
Saying nothing-w- ith great 'wui~doni. tFks to d(raw British 'students to
Always in the wa.y A ia
Like grandfather's whiskers Rhlodes,'Q.co re was animzatedl by
With demure looks and innovei~t eyes a (dreamni empzzire. HeICsoughit to ,
Shielding thzeir blundering cleverness. ?hi.ml the fropie of thei colonzies an<l
They seek their conqluest and gather o f ie un':itedl States mocrce csely to 1
their fruits, tzo :e of the British Isles by the con-i
With keen superficiality they live At acit «hieh woutld result from his svs-
Iie.-(tai~g bsen elt)e1s of schiolerships. But in practice
Bali! ?! Wonien are funny thilns, h. al he h ild hsgown
KING IHAL. into sometuimg*even greater than em-
Yces, but she, treats her mother so h ire. The Rhodesl schiolarshzips havel
well-that's whsat I like about her. lerome fhe inicration for Interia-I
* * * .,".- .7,... , +;~ ,-~. - - i.t~iU O~U'TlJ 1 ., ( eC)-0pCI'i t 'Fi xiu-

617 Pajckard Street Phone 1792
Where D. U. R. Stops at State




- ' I

It has 1 1 rooms and is located on a good corner lot 1 1 -2°
blocks from the campus- Its condition is good and. the excel-
lent location insures its bringing, in a good income.
The price and terms 5are very reasonable and we will

~r . adn i.IT od ocalance of a Dionysus.
-Eugene L. Duine CISLyd .. Hagerman'
c s~~I1aW ier Freud Smnythie's, attitude towardl the op-I,
C. I,. Putrnan Clay ton Purdy
7?, 1).Airmantrout I; . Sanzenbacher posite sex is also changing with the k
NWilliami . Reid, Yr. Clifford M1'itts 'weathgjr. Wbh ereas a' {feverimonths5
lHar-old L. 1ale ]l ~ l ho clxihen 1e twudhv ae prdt
win. 1). irocsscr Louts \M. Dexter hnei oudhv ae prdt
Allan S. AT--~ton C. Wells' Christie ! herself to, lure hiin away from the
James A. I)ryer Edward Bi. eidle Ebetnphofsoltiedavr
iherbert W. Coo~er bae aho coatcedao
___________ -- now he glances with approval at al-
most every 'girl lie meets, and hie is
apt to bec seen almost any night front
no niUNDAgonsrondn h ;;I:Y, APRIL 29, 1923 Arboretum with a -furondionghiI
--- - ~~~arm.,aroeo i
igh~lt Edlitor-JULIAN ELM~.S MACK Even as to dress, although lie is a
- - ---- ---_ - bit more reluctant to stray from the
TI-L (~MIN( EVNTSconventional in this field than in the,
less than twvo weeks r~main until others, he is gradually arraying himt-
the arrival of thos;e tebi May days' inI self .iiibrighter colors.' He has just
wh lich coilni at e'1 practically all purchased some new bright foulard
of fthe Spin~ events and1 traditions ties and a- golf suit, and' although, heI;
ld ai t 4Michigan each yea r. Begin- has not quite enough courage to adorn I
ning w ith Senior Swvinhgout and cos- I himiself with these articles yet, close
i .h IC ap Nltt Ann Arbor is to association With his 'more saplisti-!
sfi tefis tV s ffciv a cated colleagues niay supply the
see for he Iirsttdmedso ffectiv
\ rouping of occasions..neddnpt.
1()to 9 pesets 'An7: 5t any rate, the reader iniu see
iFbr inMay 10ltod"1 prelset te that Sniythe in spring is a far dif-
Witht the canmpus just beginning t~ l ferent individual than the fficious
blossom forth in early summner yes- nI critical Smythe he became ac-'
lutre, at a 1neriodl of the year w hen the quainted withthroughout the winter.
hot eater as ot et egu toIf it wers possible for. Smythie to no-
mnake itself° felt, the time° seemns de- gain his usual didactic turn. of nind.!
liglhtfuily- appropriate for the ;gath' in this instance, hie would like to ad-!
Bring of Miihiga's most picturesque vise his fellow students to keep up111
and nteestng cremnie. Ithe good work scholastically in spite
M4any seniors in the.University, of the change in the weather. But lie!
realizing the crowded conditions sunr- hielexcttogefulsy
roundi the Colmencenient e er- from now on to the fare free dspo-
cise s in June, have invited their pa-im, aind hogh ihcmaypncoter wthen
rents to visit Ann Aarbor fon these hm n huhleia none h
gathered M~ay events. Tl'hese parents, divine disapproval o the ean of his
while they will no~t be able to witness' college next June, lie is nevertheless
thea~tal om~einin ofdiponispraying that he and his fellows may
the aenter the scholasticfKingdomaof
will have thte advantage of being ene h coati 'Kndm o
ilpresent in Ann Arbor while the Uni- heaven at that time.
versity is carrying on its regular - _ __-
program. They will be able to visits Knickers, knickers, everywhere,
classes. They -will be able to see the, and not a golf game in sight.
students as they really live. They nEponin ueu ollb
willbe bleto artcipte n sineof inestimable help to seniors at this
part, on all, of a number of events tm fteya.I shpdta
concluding withh the impressive cere- next year's seniors find such a bureaut
11ony1 cf Cap night-the traditional- I a hievc.
graduation of the classes. ___________
Many othsers will visit Ann Arbor be- Thubro niepsegr
fore the close of school this June. IT; flivvers continues to grow.
students have friends or relatives'___________
amon thse, t wuldbe avisble There are only two days of gr ace in
for themi to extendt an invitation for! which to select your candidates for
their presence :during the middle ofI the campus election on Tuesday.
The Union is conducting a Father's Bring -Dad down on May 11, andi
day program, in which considerable [ show him hlow sonie of his money is{
interest heas been aroused. The an- spent,
nu al observance' of Mother's day al- -___




Cars leav e for Toledo 7: 10 A. 114
2P. 31i. and 5 1'. M. Except Sava
ay.' Sundays at 8:00, 11:00 and
S hiel^ dYoursel

be g lad to show the property At any time.

7 17 Nat'l Bar


Phone 835-F' 1

venings and Sunday. 2738, 486-J.


Talik Abut Po~lly llllIhiave shown the value of direct con-,
"Wbat's the us. of having a lot of, tact between the~ youth of different na--
jack, boy. T never carry much bie- t ions, and l sVe stimuh1:1ed youlng
cause it sroils the shape of my4 men to 'g7 abroad t~o complete their
'clothes. And remember, boy, the less education.
;ack yu got in your pocket the more Many Americans twday stuady in for-
there is for vu -to get. And the more eign universities. They mzay be foundE
ytr got in your pocket the less there rn France and Germainy, in Italy andl
is forjyu to go out and get. See, Soutli Amrica, as well as in England.
boy." ?4lilpatiecb. The Rhodles scholarships," naturally,
* *wlla * lnuae aeIerd,




Students wishing part-'
time work at a he-man's
job apply at any time


h ere's a B.hfit#*1z('"'" ~~ from loss by Fire. Doni't wait until;
the e:reate f, number to BEngland. Many-
The size of',a man's pocket-book foreigners,, also , have comie, to Amzem-i- t after the Fire to give the matter your
is directly proportional to the caii universities. Trint there has not; consideration; now is the tinie to
amourt of co-eds lie fusses. ;yet been enoughi of this interchange., think- about it.
QUT~A. -nd too little has been dlone to attractt
4udents to the United1 Sb tes. FIRE INS.URA NCE POIC ,IES
I think you're all wrong, OUI7JA'?t This is why the lDavison scholar- . idfrveymdrterts e
if I. may say, it.' I think it Oll de- ship plan is so important. E ven Ihai yistefudtino3l u
lienlit upon the type and net the -thlo-,gh beg:un on a small scale-there i h onaino l u
amlount. Right? wvill be only six scholars at a time ini business~ dealings.
** the United States--it furnisme; a - BUTLER
'ril F iTIENI('AM lERON much-needed pre ;edent. Undoubted- NUA C
JoTrsha play'ed the pipe, and Tobias ly it will serve as a stimzulns, ju:St asIN UA C
the tabor in- the (ance orchestra in did the Rhodes scholarships, anfli'n 't First N ;ioimlxal lk Build iiq
their honie town. They were both the conin Year-s more effort will be - noNE*l1 ,
nmusician, of some repute, sand might j made to bring English Wndl other for- I_____________________________
well be pardoned for their very rat-- eign students to our universities. In
ural conceit over their ability. 0O1e0 one re:;pect the Davison plan is Read the a t 'U
evening they decided to serenade brIoader than that of Cecil RIhode s._____________________
Hattie, the girl with whom tieyv were Inst, ad of limiting the schlxarships,
both in' lbye.and by their playing tfo I to one university, they are divided
let lier decide which of them she j amnong three- }ale, Princeton and I ~ ~
Would take as- her husband. But To- Harvard. The chosen iuen must lie! sf !' A i.'lrrv', --____
I.!'/ ;-------- _ _ _ _ _ _
bias wvas unfair. lie wenit to the ho- graduates or undergraduates of Ox-. 'r_________
cal c'barns and l urchased a :iuodi-i foi-d or Cambridge. A board will he i p ' n
curr of gudgeon grease., which,-i formned in each of these universities ry\t-K .'; /1
forthwith stuffed into Joshua's pipe. to select those who "most typically'I
rendezvous andl stai-ted to p~lay their versity man, basing their choice upron S t r
first tune, entiB led "flow 1lard Ts the 1 cbiacter amid' the ;general staniding I
Bed of Rock I Sit On". Joshua plac--4 of the Lmen in the university cormmu-
('( the pipe to his lips, and blew a Ilin."
most foul 1jote. At bubbled thiioughi There ar o few better ways of learn-
the gudgeon grease in an impleasing I ilig to know another petople than by , Yes, it's tinm't
manner. "What,"h6" snorkled., "does ,o ng to s~chooi wth themr. By r:r-. ses aiod
this mean? this foul, foul note?" To- moving ignorance of loreigmi ways and,
bias laughed blalckiihly and replied: jc~ustoinzs l~reiulc( largely. disappears, soeds is now read
"It means that you are foiled, bad j A better uniderstandiiig andf greater I trypatb
old Mr. Joshua!"''"''h, no,, I'm nolit!" toleranice thuc result, andl these qlua~h trd lnth
howled' Joshua, "fora I ami goinig to iies arx at the basis of zinternatior7cl gniality.By'e
kill: you!" So saying, lie removed the, acoc-)-d. liinging foreign student,, to line of Gardlen aa
gudgeon grease from his pipe with this country, therefoi-e, like s.endin,

7 amn-. andl 4:30 p.m.
at Nlew Literary Bldg.



'V G
Q - 1 I P

Pbarly Flowers No~w


F to -tart, early p~lanits In time house: such as pansies,
sand ,oter flowers. Our stock of D. Ml. Ferry flower
(13 and will give Spring gardeners a plentiful crop of
ecause D. :1. Ferry seeds are czirefully selected for
etas here fuor :Oilete satisfaction. Also at complete
r:d Lawna tools.

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