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March 25, 1923 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-25

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A A A A._! L i l A \/ A l l ti! 1 y 1 y t a+.

Aninued froPage mine)
),Mr. Wheeler;. po tlude
) Mrs. Rhead. Bible Classes
At in Wesley Ha*ll at 12 o'clock,
e will be open. House t fWesley
m 4:30 to 6:30 o'clock in the
onal meeting at 6:30 o'clock.
r T. C. Trueblood will read
assion Play" at 7:0o'clock,


R1ev. Lewis to Speak
,Holy Communion will be held at 8
o'clock at St. Andrew's eihurch, f61=
lowed by a meeting of the Student BI-
ble Discussion Group in Harris Hall
att 9:30 o'clock. Rev. Henry Lewis,
Rector, will lead the congregation in
morning prayer at 10:30 o'clock, aftetr
which he will deliver a sermon. An
evening sermon will be delivered at
7:30 o'clock, preceded by the supper at
Harris Hall for all students and other
young people. Holy week services will
be held in thle church. The serv~ices
follow: Monday-lic-ly Communion, 10
o'clock; Evening 'Service and Address,
7:30 o'clock. Tuesday-Holy Comn-
munion, 8 o'cl~ock; Evening Service
and Address, 73$0 o'clock. V ednes-
day-l-Holy(Commnidon, 10 o'clock;
Evening Service and Address, 7:30
o'clock. Thursday--Holy Communion,
the Church, 8 o'clock. Holy Commun-
ion, the Chapel, Har'ris Hall, 8: 30 o'-
clock., Woly Communlin and Address,
the ch~urch, 7 :30 o'clock. On Good Fri-
day, thie Passion Service will be con-
ducted by the 'Bishop of western Michi-
gan, and will' be held from 12 to 0,
o'clock~ in the 'afternooin. The Chli-
dren's Service " will be held~ at the
church at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
"The Last Wards of Jesus," will be
' the topic of te 'kslinn delivered at
10:30 o'clock at the First Presbyterian
church.' Bible classes will meet at
12 o'clock noon. At 5:30 'o'clock the
regular social hour will be held. E. E.
Leirton,, Labor Leader, will speak on'
"The Church, Labor and the, Eight
~Hour Day" at the meeting held at 6.30

A T L ALTIM I PITUREthe Union have been received. 'c-
A TH TH AT E [FINJC[B SAYS PRIIGAM TO HANG IN UNTIO.N ofrthefalumniofi havie b en reque ted eby
(Continluod from a -e Ter) rrrrlTA flninri e Union.
startling adventures proves his right L~~IIL I U b.~ Svno h itrso lm i Photograph; lhave been re-eiv ed o"'
I EN I TD S EId ISee oft t sto marry theo girl. ~ hc r o b uI n~ the following alumni: Stewvart Ed6ward1
On' Wlednesda , "Me and M1y Gal": (otnerrmPg in) 1hc r ob ug in th als fWhite, '9}5; William L. Day, '70; Ed-
w*ith Petty' Balfour, will lbe featured. Porn ae dr I !I~IIIIIII(iIIiJI~ill3Il;llji~iIi~I HI~i~l'
'This film wvas' produced in England,; "If the student sticks faithfully to
'and~ deals with, the 'love affair of .a' such a 'schedule he forms the habit Pp 1ztneWd
grl of the slums and a London bobby,
De~stiny's Gale" with George Faw- of doing a certain thing; at a certain TON GH z; ....$10
cett and an all star cast. will come time. Then he does things instead of ~SnaMri2 ~.5e~ L(
here on Friday. The story is -con- worigaou)hm"0c_________________________________
c~1n~d-Wih aric yong an ho Cowardice, courage, faithlessness, j:-
idisappointed in''love, and who, deoineeyny!o u~n m-TEMS
Ia mttod of deviltry, goes out in a 'T'Tiiievrytye f umn mo =JO. . AI, Pesnt
storm in his motor-boat. The boat'is tion arid characteristic crop out in 'IIiL~'4
capsized, and he swims 'to, an. island, these closed-door sessions of the t 6
-where another girl makes him realiz e, Dean's office. Strange secrets are
that he wasn't in love with his former, locked in the inner recesses of his LAa"P A
fianc at all, mmr. VR RTE
-Wuerth "What is the usual outcome o-f these by' CRANE WILBUR 101/"I, ji~~'IT I
"Thorne and Orange Blossoms" will crises,'' the Dean was' asked.. ________________________________ -
be the screen offering here for four He replied, "it is difficult accurately iw
dybginning SndY." tisteto estimate results, 'but generally I12 JUST A. FEW COMM lENT:S FRO ' NEWl? 1 YORI( lANII 1 IL , lyEI lIA E
story of Alan Randolph, who, wvhile believe the students learn the lesson - "'The Monster' goes all its predecessors three better."
travelling through Spain,' becomes in- of ,self-mastery. They go away after Alan Dale, N. Y. Aimerican
fatuated w&ith a beautiful Spanish ,these conferences,, and in must cases, ;
opera singer, -but "onl his return- to T never hear. of them directly agai. "The Monster' has 'the Bat' looking like a bedtime radio story."
{America secretly marries his fiancee, if they give up, they must come to,--Philadelphia 'Inquirer '~
Violet, and forgets the :singer, Rosita' me for permission to drop out: of "The thrillingest of all the thrillers that have 5o far found their
Mendez. Buit the prima donna fol- I school,. and so I know. Now and then, wa yto the stage." Stephen Rathbun, N. Y. Suno
low~s himx to the States, and does they show up long after graduation, "The "thrills. are as thick, and fast as the snowflakes in "Way
everything in her power to make i established business 'or' professional1 Down East'." Philadelphia North American.
Alan leave his -wife. Kenneth Harlan, 'men, to tell me of their success.""Mracinnoeatof'hMntr'hntreatsfay -
Estelle Taylor, and Edith Roberts are i Mr cini n c f h _ose'ta he cso n
*icueintecs.I TTEWIOIjN A other show in town." Brooklyn "Eagle. .
Lou C haney comes here on Thurs;-i Ty STEADILY INCREASING ' Excellent cast. Impressively staved.", Philadelphia Record '
day for the ,remainder of the week "Mystery, fun and thrills." -New York Times.
In "Plesh "and Blood." Yokohama, March 2.-'-(By A. P.)-'
Alamedat 'the steady increase of 1I "Even better than 'The Bat'." Philadelphia Bulletin;-
Franc"? Nt Strenrilcninrg Nary 1 tuberculosis in this country in recent 1111111I1llith lilHIutllIh illW3flllhJI118l11llIl10lhIIIIUi llhfllfl73113111lI1
Paris, March 24. (By A. P.) -France years, authorities of the sanitary bui-t
today has not increased the numbers reau in the rom office are distribut-
or ualitih s of her '1llBR cn guns of her cap-I naapltpitn u htsm WE ~N F UBETB AES-

win Denby, '96L; Wi
'82; Levi L. Darbc


labst, '93, and Otto J. Klotz, '72E. Tbe
work of placing the pictures in -the
Union halls is under the direction of
John Burge, '23, recording secretary.
Main at


Day Sale
Men'~s Sp ring



IusicI Frogrltnti
Rev. E. C. St'elhorn, pastor of the{
Zion Lutheran church, will preach a
sermo~n at 10:30 o'clock at the church
on, ":ion's Loyalty to King Jesus."l
The ~evenng sermon, at 7:30 o'clock
will have as its topic, "The Sixth Say-
lig fronm .the Cross."
At~, the Pfir'st Congregationial Church {
Mr. Mitchell will lead the Studentsf
Blible Cla ss at 9:i3'0 o'cloc'k. "The
Steadfast Christ" will be the subject,
of the sermion given by Mr. Jump at
10:30 o'clock. Paul Wilson, trum pet-
er, will play lFaute's "Palms." Prof.
Charles F. Kent, of Yale University,
will speak on "The Proposed School
of Religion" 'at 12 o'clock at the Open
F'orum. There will be a Students So-
cial Hour at 6:30 o'clock, followed by
th'e first of a series of Holy Week Con-
fer~ences conducted by' Mr. Mitchell.
The conferences will begin at 7 o'clock
and continue for thirty miutes.
"Matter" will be the subject of the
talk at the First Church of Christ Sci-
etist. Bi~ble school will be held at
9:30 o'clock at the Trinity Lutheran
Church, followed by a sermon deliv-
ered by Rev. L. F. Gunderman at 10:30
o'clock on "Faithful to Jesus." At 7:30
o'clock, the pastor will speak on "The
Claims o~f Jesus."
Mvembers of, the Saginaw club. dis-
cussed plans for their Tenth annual
dance at a meeting "Tuesday night in
the Union. The dance will be given
Tlhursday evening, April 12, and Will
be known as the "Spring Sprout".
Going NIorth A. Il. P. N.
.Lv. Toledo 7:00 10:00. 2:009 5:00'
Arr. A. A. '9:35 12:35 4:35 7:35
'by. A. A. 7:-00 10:09 2:00 5:I0
Ar. Toledo 9:5 2:35 4:35 7:35
Going North A. M. P. X.
Liv. Toledo 8:00 11:00 5:30
Arr. A. A. 10:35 1:35 8:00
Goin~g South
Liv. A. A. 8:00 11:00 8:30
Ar. Tol. 10:35 1:35 11:05'
Car~s Leave Court House
The Place you get
$1.00, Ties and
$2.50 Shutts
814 S. STATE 2383-J

ital 4h1psi limited repairs to improv- 7 12,000 new cases of tuberculosis are'
eat the ranges of the guns by eleva- I reported each, year throughout the!
tion or oither meanls, 'according to in- country, and the death rate in the
formation furniished today by the Min- country from this. cause is one case
istry of "Marine. every five minutes.
.......... ................ ..... ..Y............................. OV.
Benz: Brs 85O0
Sphone 8(i f. o. b. Flint

SI SH1Vi'ir1) I W lhfIIIII
M uday

VG 19

in the Conkedy (of "P:W ybood"
Humorous, Playful, Romantic, Human
Nights 50c, 75c, M1 atF. T sday O5c c
Each Attraction Begins on M1~onday and Closes' on Sunday








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