A A A A._! L i l A \/ A l l ti! 1 y 1 y t a+. Aninued froPage mine) ),Mr. Wheeler;. po tlude ) Mrs. Rhead. Bible Classes At in Wesley Ha*ll at 12 o'clock, e will be open. House t fWesley m 4:30 to 6:30 o'clock in the onal meeting at 6:30 o'clock. r T. C. Trueblood will read assion Play" at 7:0o'clock, the R1ev. Lewis to Speak ,Holy Communion will be held at 8 o'clock at St. Andrew's eihurch, f61= lowed by a meeting of the Student BI- ble Discussion Group in Harris Hall att 9:30 o'clock. Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector, will lead the congregation in morning prayer at 10:30 o'clock, aftetr which he will deliver a sermon. An evening sermon will be delivered at 7:30 o'clock, preceded by the supper at Harris Hall for all students and other young people. Holy week services will be held in thle church. The serv~ices follow: Monday-lic-ly Communion, 10 o'clock; Evening 'Service and Address, 7:30 o'clock. Tuesday-Holy Comn- munion, 8 o'cl~ock; Evening Service and Address, 73$0 o'clock. V ednes- day-l-Holy(Commnidon, 10 o'clock; Evening Service and Address, 7:30 o'clock. Thursday--Holy Communion, the Church, 8 o'clock. Holy Commun- ion, the Chapel, Har'ris Hall, 8: 30 o'- clock., Woly Communlin and Address, the ch~urch, 7 :30 o'clock. On Good Fri- day, thie Passion Service will be con- ducted by the 'Bishop of western Michi- gan, and will' be held from 12 to 0, o'clock~ in the 'afternooin. The Chli- dren's Service " will be held~ at the church at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. "The Last Wards of Jesus," will be ' the topic of te 'kslinn delivered at 10:30 o'clock at the First Presbyterian church.' Bible classes will meet at 12 o'clock noon. At 5:30 'o'clock the regular social hour will be held. E. E. Leirton,, Labor Leader, will speak on' "The Church, Labor and the, Eight ~Hour Day" at the meeting held at 6.30 o'colck. A T L ALTIM I PITUREthe Union have been received. 'c- A TH TH AT E [FINJC[B SAYS PRIIGAM TO HANG IN UNTIO.N ofrthefalumniofi havie b en reque ted eby (Continluod from a -e Ter) rrrrlTA flninri e Union. startling adventures proves his right L~~IIL I U b.~ Svno h itrso lm i Photograph; lhave been re-eiv ed o"' I EN I TD S EId ISee oft t sto marry theo girl. ~ hc r o b uI n~ the following alumni: Stewvart Ed6ward1 On' Wlednesda , "Me and M1y Gal": (otnerrmPg in) 1hc r ob ug in th als fWhite, '9}5; William L. Day, '70; Ed- w*ith Petty' Balfour, will lbe featured. Porn ae dr I !I~IIIIIII(iIIiJI~ill3Il;llji~iIi~I HI~i~l' 'This film wvas' produced in England,; "If the student sticks faithfully to 'and~ deals with, the 'love affair of .a' such a 'schedule he forms the habit Pp 1ztneWd grl of the slums and a London bobby, De~stiny's Gale" with George Faw- of doing a certain thing; at a certain TON GH z; ....$10 cett and an all star cast. will come time. Then he does things instead of ~SnaMri2 ~.5e~ L( here on Friday. The story is -con- worigaou)hm"0c_________________________________ c~1n~d-Wih aric yong an ho Cowardice, courage, faithlessness, j:- idisappointed in''love, and who, deoineeyny!o u~n m-TEMS Ia mttod of deviltry, goes out in a 'T'Tiiievrytye f umn mo =JO. . AI, Pesnt storm in his motor-boat. The boat'is tion arid characteristic crop out in 'IIiL~'4 capsized, and he swims 'to, an. island, these closed-door sessions of the t 6 -where another girl makes him realiz e, Dean's office. Strange secrets are that he wasn't in love with his former, locked in the inner recesses of his LAa"P A fianc at all, mmr. VR RTE -Wuerth "What is the usual outcome o-f these by' CRANE WILBUR 101/"I, ji~~'IT I "Thorne and Orange Blossoms" will crises,'' the Dean was' asked.. ________________________________ - be the screen offering here for four He replied, "it is difficult accurately iw dybginning SndY." tisteto estimate results, 'but generally I12 JUST A. FEW COMM lENT:S FRO ' NEWl? 1 YORI( lANII 1 IL , lyEI lIA E story of Alan Randolph, who, wvhile believe the students learn the lesson - "'The Monster' goes all its predecessors three better." travelling through Spain,' becomes in- of ,self-mastery. They go away after Alan Dale, N. Y. Aimerican fatuated w&ith a beautiful Spanish ,these conferences,, and in must cases, ; opera singer, -but "onl his return- to T never hear. of them directly agai. "The Monster' has 'the Bat' looking like a bedtime radio story." {America secretly marries his fiancee, if they give up, they must come to,--Philadelphia 'Inquirer '~ Violet, and forgets the :singer, Rosita' me for permission to drop out: of "The thrillingest of all the thrillers that have 5o far found their Mendez. Buit the prima donna fol- I school,. and so I know. Now and then, wa yto the stage." Stephen Rathbun, N. Y. Suno low~s himx to the States, and does they show up long after graduation, "The "thrills. are as thick, and fast as the snowflakes in "Way everything in her power to make i established business 'or' professional1 Down East'." Philadelphia North American. Alan leave his -wife. Kenneth Harlan, 'men, to tell me of their success.""Mracinnoeatof'hMntr'hntreatsfay - Estelle Taylor, and Edith Roberts are i Mr cini n c f h _ose'ta he cso n *icueintecs.I TTEWIOIjN A other show in town." Brooklyn "Eagle. . Lou C haney comes here on Thurs;-i Ty STEADILY INCREASING ' Excellent cast. Impressively staved.", Philadelphia Record ' day for the ,remainder of the week "Mystery, fun and thrills." -New York Times. In "Plesh "and Blood." Yokohama, March 2.-'-(By A. P.)-' Alamedat 'the steady increase of 1I "Even better than 'The Bat'." Philadelphia Bulletin;- Franc"? Nt Strenrilcninrg Nary 1 tuberculosis in this country in recent 1111111I1llith lilHIutllIh illW3flllhJI118l11llIl10lhIIIIUi llhfllfl73113111lI1 Paris, March 24. (By A. P.) -France years, authorities of the sanitary bui-t today has not increased the numbers reau in the rom office are distribut- or ualitih s of her '1llBR cn guns of her cap-I naapltpitn u htsm WE ~N F UBETB AES- win Denby, '96L; Wi '82; Levi L. Darbc our, labst, '93, and Otto J. Klotz, '72E. Tbe work of placing the pictures in -the Union halls is under the direction of John Burge, '23, recording secretary. R.E U LE Main at 3 Day Sale Men'~s Sp ring TOpCOats .ss i j ,1 IusicI Frogrltnti Rev. E. C. St'elhorn, pastor of the{ Zion Lutheran church, will preach a sermo~n at 10:30 o'clock at the church on, ":ion's Loyalty to King Jesus."l The ~evenng sermon, at 7:30 o'clock will have as its topic, "The Sixth Say- lig fronm .the Cross." At~, the Pfir'st Congregationial Church { Mr. Mitchell will lead the Studentsf Blible Cla ss at 9:i3'0 o'cloc'k. "The Steadfast Christ" will be the subject, of the sermion given by Mr. Jump at 10:30 o'clock. Paul Wilson, trum pet- er, will play lFaute's "Palms." Prof. Charles F. Kent, of Yale University, will speak on "The Proposed School of Religion" 'at 12 o'clock at the Open F'orum. There will be a Students So- cial Hour at 6:30 o'clock, followed by th'e first of a series of Holy Week Con- fer~ences conducted by' Mr. Mitchell. The conferences will begin at 7 o'clock and continue for thirty miutes. "Matter" will be the subject of the talk at the First Church of Christ Sci- etist. Bi~ble school will be held at 9:30 o'clock at the Trinity Lutheran Church, followed by a sermon deliv- ered by Rev. L. F. Gunderman at 10:30 o'clock on "Faithful to Jesus." At 7:30 o'clock, the pastor will speak on "The Claims o~f Jesus." )3EIES OF SAGIN~AW CLUBM MAKE'ANNUAL IDANCE PLAINS Mvembers of, the Saginaw club. dis- cussed plans for their Tenth annual dance at a meeting "Tuesday night in the Union. The dance will be given Tlhursday evening, April 12, and Will be known as the "Spring Sprout". TOLEDO -',ANN ARBOR "BUS DAIL~Y EXCEPT SUN~DAY Going NIorth A. Il. P. N. .Lv. Toledo 7:00 10:00. 2:009 5:00' Arr. A. A. '9:35 12:35 4:35 7:35 'by. A. A. 7:-00 10:09 2:00 5:I0 Ar. Toledo 9:5 2:35 4:35 7:35 EASTERN TIME SUN~DAYS AND HOLIDAYS Going North A. M. P. X. Liv. Toledo 8:00 11:00 5:30 Arr. A. A. 10:35 1:35 8:00 Goin~g South Liv. A. A. 8:00 11:00 8:30 Ar. Tol. 10:35 1:35 11:05' Car~s Leave Court House The Place you get $1.00, Ties and $2.50 Shutts OSWALD KATZ 814 S. STATE 2383-J ital 4h1psi limited repairs to improv- 7 12,000 new cases of tuberculosis are' eat the ranges of the guns by eleva- I reported each, year throughout the! tion or oither meanls, 'according to in- country, and the death rate in the formation furniished today by the Min- country from this. cause is one case istry of "Marine. every five minutes. .......... ................ ..... ..Y............................. OV. I.. ACAR FULLY sED NfE SEQUIPPED Benz: Brs 85O0 Sphone 8(i f. o. b. Flint SI SH1Vi'ir1) I W lhfIIIII M uday NARCH 26'UL OPPOSITE CADILLACx HOTEL VG 19 COMPANY in the Conkedy (of "P:W ybood" By JOHN HOBBLE Humorous, Playful, Romantic, Human Nights 50c, 75c, M1 atF. T sday O5c c Each Attraction Begins on M1~onday and Closes' on Sunday I Il ; Saturday PHONE MAIN 7790' r I /. LT-very style and faliric that is new and smart for spri~ng 1 WEEK'OF APRIL 2--'IR. PI-1 P~ASSES BYE: m um mmbl - i HER ESE LW =S i -i hiYY ° Eidetl ro Goodew' ! ".. Distance is No, Barrier .- _ Member of F. T. D. GodhewForl o.r 22 atLiet tre H NE12r Rur , --rv --i t $1.50 (our price)'is by far the smallest amount charged anyw hereo'for, cleaning men's sutits with ,Benzol. N o sticky f ilm left on your garments We call for and deliver. Telephone (Fp ~, 13 IUntlucky for YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO A . _ . Chrlstlan SierC ,ctur 1