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March 21, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-21

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c jow; t1hib


.. - °,-


re on Frst Places

.In I

(. Special to The Daily)
iaca, N.Y., March 20.-Cornell
send, a championship calibre
to Ann Arbor to meoet Michigan
Saturday nigt. It vill be pac-
ly identical -to the .one ' ic c ar
off second bhonors at the annusi1
or °Eastern I tercollegates hel
ew York on March, n which ate
and Wite led all other teams un-
ie last event on the program, os-
o Fenn. 25-26, when the latter
nine part in the ple vault. At
times 'tom Co.,rall trash artis
e men in every event on the pro-
iafeat that has rarely been
lied, and althugioly one first
ewas captured, the squad shiw-
self to be well rounded and cap-
of doing wondes in 'a dual mee-,"tI
re thecppetition rwas not a
yeoy, a fast dashi man and lea-
Sthe, Red and White team, is be-.
counted on to d wonder when
Lieets° the Maize and Slue flyers
augh he is a man of ~exceptiona
I; the high class comnpetition in
ast has prevented him from ev-
ianing an intercollegiate tite
. his "career he has beaten such
du Lever of Pennsylvania, te
i's record hldr, in'the 70 yrd
,and "although Jie may have Ar
trouble with ubbard of TVlichl-
he is expected to turn "in five
s Xviles, the egtl rdash iman Ji
yenpeoted to coledt poioats a
g# is ,not the brlilant stg
hid ,captain is.
,oil will seud four hurdlers t
pet 4p, gnst Michigan Tremah~
collegiate title hoster in the high
a,", is regarded as an almost sur-
er, while Stone, who placed in
4ntercllegiates at Cambridge last
tia ikely to follow him . O
Ueger and Batchelor are two
wh% ought:.,to .press ,the Wolver*
tan t e low sticks.
e'relay team and the quarter nail-
M1 be chosen from among Croz
he best Red and White quartei
n4Captain of the- relay team
,adll, Rsenthal, en ings, ak
110, The relay team'pa od fifth
, I1wtercollegiate and , srunne:
It fallen on a turn woutld prob
leave taken third plae.'"_ The
er milers are bound to, st the
.erines a fast pace.
m'iart, Rauch, and Conrads are
calfr-mile entries an al .'ga
haven't come l hrpouglh very',l
year' they should ri t i eve t
thing under two minutes. ,illtlffe-
usle relays at t.e trcl e
Cbrnell quartette placed fourth
t a fast fid and although there
t'b a chance, for the team to
e inst the Maize and Blue a
,he, individual members souhd
by should be a sure winner i
II oe with Smith -and Leusslr run-
iftse behind him. In both te
rr. ad outdoor Eastern tea=-
faes the leading!Crnell1nn x;
d' third. He has been timed"at
tF and there are few athletes'
Rwest who: could, beat him. In
Ao mle run the Redl axdW1e
kng toward,,Bonsai to showe up
l o Michigan and he is b9un?
6w ai lot of sp eed and endurance.
e mmaie, Derouse Will try *for ai
Lxd or third.
ehigh jump will, probally . o .t
i an due to the inability of Niac-
ermake the trip owing to an in-
lof the knee leaving Novotny
iraaley to take care of the event
'ls has made six feet on several
vinous but the best any of the pia-
ave been able to do is five feet.
r x4even. Stone i also ?tir ,
ehigh jump. Bowen, Mott, Smith
Colkowitz will heave . he sht
st VYan Or'aen and Hindes of
[gin and should press their op..
;tto the limit.
ay 4s "11"'Dayt<

2I~UD~lM~IIPl~immig Revie
I 10 AN U L[E T With the nnucuetloda
L ha yle S. Hubbard, holder of the
The pole vault will see Guinlock 1BgTnbc'srk eod ~l
Greening, and Stevens, all of whom do BgTnbc~srk e~d od
over 11 feet, trying their skill against not, compete, in the Princeton intercol-
IBrooker, Prosser', and Kelly of Mich- legiate swimming meet, th~e first Var-
igan but although Guinlock has'done sity tank season drew definitely to a
12 feet he is eratic and can hardly be close.
counted on to down the Wolverines. Combatting difficulties from the very
Although individual stars are scarce outset the Wolverines went througib
on this year's squad it is above all. a season that might easily be caler
things a well balanced, coi~bination a failure and yet, with a complete un-
andl there are a great many consistent derstandinig of the situation, can be
performers. First places' in the, termed nothing if not successful. Two
hurdles, sprint, mile, and probably 48 to 20 victories over M. A. C., a de-
the quarter are being looked for by [ feat at the hands of I idiana by a 4
the Red and White adherents. to 25 count, the loss of the North.-
Western meet 56 to 12, and sixth place
in the Conference ,aneet at' Q~icago'
High choo Ra'c 's comprised the competitive activities
Set For Saturday of the tank aggregation.I
As in informal years, the Varsity
squad was m~ore than greatly handi-
JEnti.es received yesterday from the capped by the lack of a suitable pool
Detrcit high scools have swelled the and, as was the case with the 'bas-
number of track men that will com- ketball team, the ineligibility list o'
Pete in- the special invitation 1 and 1-2 the second semester wrecked a pow-
mile interscholastic races, which will erful aggregation and made of it .r
be held as an added event on the pro- team less than mediocre in scoring
ran cf the annual Mlichigan-Cornell power and yet- great in its fighting
track meet next Satuirday in Water- spirit.
lean gymnsiumi. Lyle S. Hubbard, '23, was the ouat-
Michigan's recently adopted inter- standing star of the year .for the Wol-
scholastic meda~J, which shows Carl verines, and because 'of his remark-
Johnson in action when he won the in- able swimming at the Conference meet
tercollegiate championship in the can be classed' as second only to Brey-
l broad jump at 'Harvard in the spring er of Northwestern a-s the most nota'
of 1919, will be awarded to the meni figure in Big Ten aquatics. In all his
taking the first three places in each competition Hubbard suffered defeat
event, but three times, once in the 220 yard
festlattehnso hrhnpTodaty Is "W1" Day. and Moore of Indiana, again, in the

Same event with Breyer of Northwest-
ern as the victor, and once tpick-
ey of Northwvestern in the 15 backI
stroke at the Michigan,--Purple meet.
He wiped out all Memnoty of thie
former and had full and c omplete re-
venge for the latter in the Conference
event when hie tied the Big Ten record
,in the preliminaries a-nd -shattered it
completely in the finals. Hubbard
graduates in June, and his loss will
be keenly felt by' the 1924 aggrega-
Nor will Hu4bard be the only one
tor go via the sheepskiLn route-, for
Ca t. Francis L. Smith,-'ME,. Nor mani
R. Hanson, '23, and John G. Searle
'2-3P, all receive. their diplomas in
To 'fill their places next winterj
fCoach WV. Sterry Brown should have
Ian abundance of material, provided the
eligibility situation is improved. The
man upon whome Coach Brown places
hsis greatest hopes is John..L,. Gow,
'25E, former niational interschlolastic
title holder in the 50 and 109 yard
free styles.
To fill Hubbard's place in the back
stroke Sterry will- have to rely, for
the most part, on William W. Kerr,
125F. Kerr was with Gow on the in-
eligibility list this year. He is.al
steady, reliable swimmer, lacking in
Hubbard's surpassing brilliance, butl
a man who will develop with train-
ing and should rank with the best of
the Conference back stroke men in the
1924 season. Kerr is also a reliable
man in the- free style events.
To add to these men, particularly in"
the free style, there will be a few
promising men from this year's second4
string, although Captain Smith and
(Cintinued on Page Seven)

w ,Says eason
ecessfuI Fdalure"

It ramural, Items
Plitu Interclass Meet
The finals for the annual interclass
track meet are scheduled to take place.
on M~arch 28 in NJaterman gymnasium,
whlile the preliminaries are to be held
on~ Ma~rch 26. Entries must be sent.
to the Intramural office by 12 o'clock,
Saturday, March 24. Eleven events
ar~e carded to be run, the tirack events
bei-ng, 50 yard dash., 65 yard high
hurdles, 65 yard lowr hurdles; 144-0
yard dash, 880 run, and the mile run.
Thpa field even-ts consist of shot put,
-high jump, pole vault, and 1aroad jump.
Drawings for the first rouad of the
fraternity handb~all tournament have
been made a-nd callI for games be-
tw een the following, teams: Alt
o'clock, tomorrow, Phi Sigma Kappa,
'vs. Phi Sigma Delta, Th°eta Chi vs. Del-

ta Tan -Up)silon), Kappa Nvu vs. -Phi Mu A 7 o'clock,
Alpha ;,'t 4 o'cloc'k, tm'Io\Vo, Acacia j put, at 7:10 o'
TP. heta . Oi.l .1E;miN '. 12 lcqea Delta Clii Beta Theta I'1 vwning broad~ jun
Alpha Rzho Chii; 'Friday's schedule has (Continue
also been arrangel: At 3 o'clockt, Cyg-
nuis vs. Kappa Beta Psi, l);eha Ci Ivb. gOSIlin
Phi Sigma Delta. Aphtig rew,, eli.,Mamc
a bye, but will be matcheda w soon ers and other
as more entries ar:: cEiceie.I gone on strike
- :so-c alied scelf
Frtrnt rock jdisbandmento
Felw tginte im"Ie' anids, hed~ule -
for the holi ing of the TiNl tonitght: dy is "It

Ce i:

In ers mni




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Marc~h 21,



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