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March 21, 1923 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-21

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rom214, Natural Science building.,-
'4:0Ruin4ne o 'Poland Sendsfo New or~rr
IS OIG N Dtoi jnire_ _ _ _ _ __tsi D o K o M nstrT
S G4JING 0~ Lan h~all. olgesuet n Do Y u K o M nse oU
7 00-6,lee club meets in upper rcarling___________________
1,01 I lei.i~.for this olumn shonil; 7 : .--l'i DPit Epsilolin eels in r'oit 1flow many student publicatIions nrf
by 5:3~0 o'clock of 306 o the Union. in the University?"
TO pniblication. 7i:030- - U~ l . lp tPs,!imeetsnillroni When th e Chemristry building was
304 of the Unioni. Ibuilt?...
~PN~SDAY7::30.-t1uii nd Mudoc, lub jmeetis ii) Where the museum of Fine Arts and ..*.~
i-(~ul iakme ,,n 32 cfthe U nioni. History is located? ..* .
L.- 1lchitud lecltures %onl Chrisi-

r'nl~lrbA mock_ trial, "E~x parte men ofI
~UbLIt~ .IMfI~tF ~ Mch~aisinCo-e' luca'tion1," will also;
yUIIuIIL I ; be stag~edl. V Ater S. Roe wvill act
_ a. a -l !R / t+aa l a a a a* -bl - . a . c .'.ylon. N 7 (-r n. . n rr :T . iinT4



of t

ietic association tickep
depaitnment lu11,h in
thie Union.
ion blanks for Archii
rty. given out in~ lobby
? of Clgarras Iormnigas
University hall.
club meets in roomn301
)ok writers nee ji!
he Union,
msilness staiff aIld try-
Press building.
[ WIWAc dliner in room
!ship el s in room 312
'y post num1ber ill"; of
rLegion m~eets iln til
of Commerce meets in
the Union..
wit club meets in roomi
of Fore~ign Will's mcci

toph. er Colurbus, on Spanish sloci- EStERDA V t'S1_A5S1EIS
lety's lecturceneres, in room '02, Tap- hesudns;nthJcleg f{n
Pa~ hil. gncerin ha v:?aadopted the nonor svs-
iS :090-lr. 1. (0. ilew tprdled urs trnt ceae sanad fionr ha
N:atu2ral science auditoriurm. .*.t.cra....tanar.ofhonr.tat
v'j:1~3inspriorac tMmsi a rectuisite for a successilengirl
1 y -~ z~ e (" t 1 11 4 r c e a f h e ce r a n d a g o o d c itiz e n . If st d n s i
8 t~Iubh pesitaieiofJuio the college have objections to this sys-.
teen,, txat all examinations anid writ-
Gil'paya hteytetr tenl tests a nd quizzes should be .held;
undler the honor system, they are ex-
U -N0TIC ES pected' to state their objections, oth.
ISenjqr Eds nmst order thejir can~es at erwise they are a pt to uphold the sys-
W1apiner's before March 2 4. term. During an examination the in- I
. Eduation seniors tn~ust order Comrn.,tractor does not remain in the room I
I nencemernt aInnoun1cemenI~ts and in- andlstudents are consequently on their'
vitations from 9 to 12 and from 1 to honor to refrain from all forms o+
4 o'clock today in lowed~ corridor of cheating. A studlent who doces not up-,
'Tappan hall. hold this rule is liab~le to he repri-
r.PhoCtcg'raphs ot sculptu.-re by Loretto manded by a fellow student andl ifit
Taft on ezxhibition in hall case, arch- individual does not heed the warn- Ieuct, (.Cii. Sir Alexander Godley
tectural corridor, Er:-iicering ing, he is to, he reportedl to the JIlona, Ieto.SrAlxne Gdea
AeadrGdebuilding committee. Th'is (conmittee 2K> crn c ommutanller of Sthre.British forces on the
'.li. senior literarystud ent er arc= posedl of a mnember from each class cRhnei laiga iprat ati
I.going to buy snes shourld place their in ~the college of Enrginleering arnTI one' thie, ris peipgaitated anbyatheiur
z!orders with Wagner and company frog i the school o1' Architacture.ecii reiiae y h ezr
this week, of the Ruhr district by the French.'
- -------The Michigan Law Review is a l" -
.ARRESTr NINE STU .DENT S gal periodicalI edlited under the arts- e omk h eiwprat'a. n
_____ pies of the Law school by an editor- scholarly for use both in the profes-
- ilal board choson from members of the i sion and in the school.' Professor
N ine students have been arrested faculty and by students from the sec-BueSareisdto-nClx
and either linzed or let off withl a rep- IBondeand third yearor-claChes.
remand b)Y the local police force 'for Th~e stuident mnemxbers act ~s eli~-ThUpeRomianOgiztn
stealg rides on street cars, since torial assistants. The purpose of the teUprRo sa xgnzto
the tret. ailay ompny lacd dtwo; pbliatin _s .having for its purpose the teachlrg c
}the stret ie dtlways zscmaypace twop ia~o sto expre;ss the leg~al the 1Bible in an up-to-date manner
privte ctet~vs o itscar ovr a. sholarship of the [Unipversity a2nd t« The Upper Room was founded at But-
week: agto. Besides this a great num- ser've the public and law p rrofestsionircolgin17byD.TmaM
herof hidre hve ee taeniiiC y,.dis.cu Ssint; legal pr 1;1 lsan~d by Iden. The organization has travelled
custody and reprimanded for the same emt-hasizing imprortant developmnentswihD.dean hsno bent
offence. in~ the field of le--al jurisprudence. The 'vcaa oe 0yer.Ot fmr
The police are determined to keep Rve oprssfuUdprmn s than,700 members30oaremore-
the numfber of stolen rides to a min main articles uponI impiortant l1 ::' nm.Beietetlsgvnt
j*itumtandsretcor opan tctielcmte 'r, 2te and comme'(nts 1u1o0n1the regular meetings,,thze Upper Room~
efiet.h. tetcr opn oti current topics in the l pal world, ab-, publishes a 'bulletin having-a circula-
efet ____________ race, and digests, of significantire- :tionl of 1,200 tcopies.
-- -.)t *-'t(ses, and legal b~ook reviews and -___ ____
Tioday is "M" Day. .,ri' nt., upon the literatre of th e Lzo~ sometthin:,? A classI~ed i
. lc. ,ofes. ion. It is bcre ieavor- h ; lywllfn t~d

IAdelphi House of Representatives,:
Alpha Nu, public speaking society, and3
the Athena and. Portia Literary sorie-
I ties are to combine in a public enter-j
Ltainment which will be given Mon day,
March 26, in Sarah Caswell Angell
hall. The purpose of the performance
is to interest students in public speak-l
ing and to acquaint the cdampus wvith
the work of the public speakijng so-
cieties. :A program 'of readings, ac
debate, and ,a mock trial hiave been
IThose' who will appear on the po
gram with special readings are Celma i
J. Simonson, '23,. Mary McColby, '24I
I Emily L. Shepard, '24, Catherine J..
Stafford, 124, and Mabel August, '24.
debate oan the question, "Resol ved,j
That the Student council should re- I
quire each member of the puzblic,
sneaking faculty to reserve at, least,
Ifive minutes of each class period for-
recitation purposes," will be held. it.
IL. Alexander, '24, and D. 0. Cook, '4
will defend the affirmative side of the
question and J. 13. Glasgow, '23, an dM-,1
H-. Prybr, '24, w~jll oppose them on theej
With New Trousers of. the .Same
X'aterial and Pattern,
Send us a sample or vest of that
old discarded suit. W~e will I
mtch the goods and make a
newC pair of trousers to your
I z tahure.
" x pThmpie and prices submitted
I for your approval.
- 04trouerasService



asi jt1Ug r . i tnLian, 'hO,) a ti t+' . so to )vJisit the pJosJ~t. here
P., Lambertson, '25L, wvill speak forT-
thle defc nse and comllaint respeccite-.: '
AdImission will be free to the. public. SOrt. of tephMorc nli.
A. C. Beam, '231-d, is in charge of al21r1 so t. rgwzt
arrangeemnts for the entertainment. mnunists' convention hel,
-- ~--- ---last August were reveal
1. F. 1. V.IIInVie Newiv itual~s ;wh en "K-97",departmen
Veterans of Foreign Wars will ulse I agent who attended the
for the first time, the long r~tual in! delegate took the standa
the tiitiation of new members at7r o'- star w itnress against Will
clock tonight in the assembly hiall o c'charged with criminal Fy
the Union. A siioker will follow the - -
cerem~ony. Am ongi the speakers will 'Totdmy Is ")P Day.

Choose your life-'work
hamong big men
Every college graduate has ideals concesrning
hsfuxture business career. There is one wise
choice open to you. This choice will not only be
a business of standing in itself but it will put you
4 in touch with every business and prove a gateway
p to countless opportunities.
r Scores of the highest ranking graduates of every
f, college are yearly entering the Insurance business.
R ~They find in Insurance-Fire Marine and Casualty
- ideal surroundings, ideal conditions anmd ideal
business contacts.
The Insurance Company of North America is a
national, historical institution-foundedi in 1792-
with over a century and a quarter of well earned
prestige. Conservative policies and dependable
v s~ervice have been responsible for the growth and
for the constructive activities of the Company in
the development of the entire Insurance profesion.
Insurance Company of
North America
and the
Indemnity Insurance Company of North America
write pr'actically every formn of insiurance t lie. A

: 0-Sjgmua Delta Clii meets in roOm
323 of the Union.
:0-Student council meets in room
325 of t'heUnion.;
:15- Jnmtr Girls' uy at Whii'ioey
tr~eater. Senior women guests Of
CIS--ijes Jpeformanceeit, Mies
the ater. .


ulty luncih
the Uion.
'c wrtlers
e Union.

inl Private
meet, ill

Simnons speaks.
:00-Rehearsal of Clgarr-ar llornig'as
in room 206, University hall.
14--Dr . L. 0. llowar~ lectures hi

i v kUSSi ~IDP~Md-.l A IT "

Todayi i,'{:is " i' )i".

Ds"~id'P .

.. .r. . ..

.M0000 .IMA.+i.....

You will Enjoy our LunchesB


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Pleasant Surroundings


Excellent Food:



Tuttles Lunch Room


333 Miyrard fit.


of i~t n 4~1







.A J. 108. 6

I TRIJSELL Loose Leaf hi;g
Binders have one-piece cover..,
of genuine cow hide that will not
'wear out or become shabh '-
looking. Mad in sizes 1)Il
styles to fit every nieed.
Menmo Book~s
ly iadgct$

;,;y thlidget,is a conmat itle
:,10ui1t hook, made- for the
scaluse of thie college Stud-
c:nt, to. ald him in kceping a
I'ec-r A of Ils expwiditur"s.:Ea-
(osdby leading educa-tors.
?$ 113y1 ITinanCe3s$35 a
i.,o1 c ndv alcod, account
book that 'malkes a fine
_ 't t tir the fanilly 11-

For Sale by 0. D. M4)LIlLI,




Spring styles
arc hee
Com inand seethem
Weve never had such variet y and
quality as these'new Society Brand
Styles for Spring. Every suit and top-
coat the last word in correct style,.
ta ilorng and, fabric.
Theres something to please every taste.
Darnock- Topcoats, suits of Berkley
They're all Society Brand--'f or smart-
ness and individuality there's not much
one could add to that.


ml .





I'' -,

hogh the W intr
we can tr" you the material for
a storm houso on that porch, easily put
ulpk and that Cmaiesly be. atox~d &VMY
trthe suzMW* yx 5
Xet us give you, an estimate on storm
asa-, storm doors and that storm house.
r. We have stock sa~sh and windows that
Wil enclose that back porch.
* ~-.~{





Greatest value
on the market



that means

Wyo. Your Choce
Vertcal or

Here the man who buys his clothes care-
fully will find exactly what he wants.
They're all clothes you'll be proud to
wear, clothes of long-run econ omy and
satisf actii. That's why we offer them.Y
Come in an7-d see them while our stock
is complete.You wil.l enjoy seeing them,
and we will enjoy showing them.




Comne in and let
us show you these
wonderful values.

. .-.,a... .


AXT Ar"TLrA lrcQ Qr tC

'p I



i tmn r.Kxcrs^nay^s$ c: ,Sit3 ?. IiM


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