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March 21, 1923 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-21

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.did u

on1 Eur-

Hres, for Summer scliool
nbcrs of the resident fac-
announced recently by
1 H. Kraus, of the Sumi-
Thle series will be in-
Prof. L. It. Turner, of
lepa rtment, on June 25
subJect, "E~urope in the

On June 29, Prof. H. E. Rig',gs, of the
vii engineerinig depiartment, will
peak on "Our Transportation Prob-
in from the R~ailway Viewpoint"
is lecture will be Hlustrated. The~
ext lecture will be given by Prof
J . Campbell, of the English do-
artnment, on "Somne Aspr~cts of the-
odern Drama". On July 5, Prof. F
Th Dckinson, of the Law school, will
Peak on "Inter national Outlaws-
.ussia a~ld 7Mexico." On the following
ay, Prof. H. C. Sadler, of the engin-
Bring college will talk on "Our
'rarlinortation Problems from die
Taterway Viewpoint."
Skulin? isOn Evoi1ltio
Prof. A. E. Shull, of the zoology do-
artment, is scheduled)-to spea.k on
The Status of Evolution" on July 9.
rof. J. It. lrumnm, of the journalism
apartment, will speak on 4"The News
,,d the Citizen", July 12. iOn'- July
~Prof. A. H. Blanchard, of the high-
,ay engineering departmnt, wil g-ive,
ie third of a series of transportation
ctires,; "Our Transportation Prob-
.ins from the Highway Viewpoint."
."Rome in the Augustine Age" will
cthe subject of J. CT. Winter, of the
reek and Latin department, on July
. Oil the next clay Prof. Julio del
oro will give an address in Spanisti~
atitled "Le Educaicion Tjniersitaria
a Hispano-America y las Nuevas
endencias". The lecture will be il-
Lestrated. P'rof. A. E. White, of the
igrineering college, will speak on
71ho Industrial Situation" on July 19
Dcan WA4. P. Hinsd.ale, curator of
e mnuseum, w ill speak on "Thle Stonr
;e in M~ichigan" on July 20 followed
ter in the day by a lecture by Plrof.
. K;elsey, of the Latin depart-
enrt, on "New Light from Graeco-to-
an Egypt." On July 24, Dr. II. P
cot, of the rhetoric department, will
eliver a talk enztitled ",talrk Twain
nd His Humor."
- Wenley to Speak
Prof. Robert M;. Wen, D1of the phil-
ophy darment, wiil speak onl "Thef
'rit:ish erallelction, I(veinberh
~on July 25. On the scond dlay
Iniowig, -Lkbra-ian W. Ii.- Bishoy
ill deliv-er a talk, "Books and Man-
scripts of the Fifteenth Century."
"The IDevel.op-ment and Sigiiificance h ulcHg ~'ol "1 eti
)pic of Prof. C. 0. Davis, of tbe
chool of Education, on July 30. On
LOe followng day, Prof. W. 'C. Ruifi,
the astronomy d-epartment, will do-
imr a lecture entit;led "A Pictorial
uvy ofxiKorean Civilization". This
>ture ,.il be illustrated.
Dr. R. A,. Sawyer, of the physler
epa1tmertt, will speak on Aug. -2 o11
T he I_,Lboratory Production of Stel-,
.r Condlitions". On the nex t day Prhof
*C. Karpinsi, of the ia ~ thezratzcr -
epa ftnmout shill discuss "Tnhe Hi:-
ry of Msathematics."
"The Serious Side of i layv' will hr
eatedc by assistant Prof. E. D. iMP-
- oil, director of Intramural athfiet-
*in his, talk on August G. The ls <
- tu1.re announcedl is onie to be giv-
-by Prof.- T. E.Ean11kin of the rlwt-
ric departmnrt on "What is a Good
colet?" Another lecture willi1fob
w this one, mowever, the lectlroeT
nd his subject as Tyet'nnw.Ti
roograill is subject to rcviin.

rIUUI~flA~ANSS Announce Patrons
[A9lif S' DAY1 POOERA Patrons and patronesses for the an-
nual Freshmn ~nFrolic to be held May
FRATERNITIES ASKEI) TO AID IN 14 at the Union have been chosen. Thee
I FNTERTAINOT E IT OF tickets for it will cost -$5, and will be
I'AREi Slimited in number to 225.
PARENTSThe patrons and patronesses are:
Defiitesteps toward the complet- President Marion L. ILurton and Mrs.
o~ aranemets or athrs'DayBurton, Dean Jospeh. A. Bursley and
weretakn byUnin cmmiteemn -Mrs. Bursley, Dean John F. Effinger
wer taen y nio comiteeen t'and Mrs. Effinger, Dean Hlenry M.
their meeting yesterdiay. Arrange- Bates and Mrs Bates, Dean William .
mlents for rooms for the parents wereI Humphreys and Ml/rs. I-tumphreys,
planned, and provisions whereby fra- I Dean George W. Patterson and -Mrs.
''Patterson, Dean Jean Hlamilton, Coach
ternites might cooperate with the Creorge F. Little and Mrs. Little, Prof.
committee in the celebration of .theRbetM Tneyad rsWeey
dlays set aside in the honor of the P rof. Charles V. Vibbert and, Mlrs Vib-
p>arents, ,May 11 and 12, were made. bert, Prof. Peter Field and Mrs. Field.
The committee is to remain in corni- ,lrot. Emnil Lorch and Mrs. Larsch, Prof.
munkcation with the fraternities, keep- Evans Holbrook and Mrs. Holbrook,
ing in mind the number of fathers Prof. Lois A. Strauss and Mrs.
w-hich- each house is to have at the StasIo oloFM~te n
Universtyson herday fRclleoationcMrs. Meotted
Uvestontelaofclbainir.M ote.All students are asked to arrange as_______
soon as, possible to have their fathers' 1i Ilhi t19i666lh ~lluItllraiil11I wIlI
en~hc.here on the day. set aside in their hon-
or. j Cornplete with Case $60
igieer IAll -fathers who secure tickets for"
nlat a the banqluet Saturday evening, May 12
hate on are to 'be admitted to the. Michigan.- .
on the Illinois track meet that afternoon on
n alng IFerry; Field.
oft The fathers are to visit classes ,Fri-
day, morning, and iyn the afternoon are I-
flge, to witness the tug-of-wear ever the ! -
(Huron river between the freshmen and
the sophomores. Friday evening they
5I" I wOvill be given a vaudeville show at
Iii4licn theater. They will see 4iI _
'spring games of the underclassmien I' e i~ o
D fIi Saturday morning, and in the after- a_
[noon may see the track meet. Satur.-I. With Standard Kej-
day evening the parents will be g;V-
en. abanquet at the Union at wthiI board and other. big
rograms President Marion L. Burton will dcliv'- machine features. And
So'clock; or the mhain address.itsR intnnqa-
aftenr-tsRengthni ~a-
Uonity, srnghand r-1i
Lh r fIAIfl 10T1 IN FrInr Pability.

1 WOMCWpu3mm

Architects' May Party applications
will be given out from 1 to 5 o'clock
this afternoon at the Union. The for-
mal dance is to be given under the~
direction of the student architects Miay
11 at Barbour gymnasium.
More than 250 applications for



forder in-which the applications are tcj
be accepted gives alumni archlte~ts1
first preference, and' student archi-i
tects second preference. Engineer;
are to come next in chioice and will bet
followed by the remainder of Univer-
sity' Students accordling to their class
and number of years spent on the cam-j

, I No

. ~-Photo by R
Prof. 11, c. ideto
Prce9sAnder'son, or thec r
ing- collegewho wa!s os
mhselreting of thec University Se]
Mon'.'Iay nigh'lt to servi"e a gain
board of directors of the Unioy
with De-an Henry 'AT. Bates,
Law school, and Deawi eorge
ter scn, of the enigineering col;
Sophomore Prom dance pi
will be given out from 2 to 5
this afternoon and tomorrow
noon in the main lobby of the
They are to be exchanged fort




A.Hampton Del Ruth Production



gram stubs wnich are attacned to tln
Special arrangements withi the lo-
cal police force provide that the park-
ing.,rules for State street in the vicin-
ity of the,, Union will "be lifted; for the]
affair which is to be held Friday ev-
ening. Dancing will begin at 9 o'-
clock. Following the grand miarch at
9:30 o'clock, a picture will be taken of
the dlancers.
A formal- design of the numerals of
the sophiomore classi is to adorn one
end of tlice Union ball room., The pro-
grams for the ball are to be work ed
out in the colors of the class.. Owing
to the limited accommodations in the
dining room :guests will be served in
two sections. One group' will eat' at
12 and the other at 12:1:0 o'clock. Dur--
ing the intermission roses are to ,1,)
-given to the women guests.
Canada aPlans Coal Supply
Q ttawa, March 20.-- By A .P.} -A'
resolution that Canada should estab-I
lish a national policy in relation tc'
its coal supply and that no part of the
dominion should be dependent on thc.
United States for fuel wvas adopted b
che hlouse of commnons last night.

tUUUIIU LUl I1I111I1111 .
It's Portable
AT POFESOR'SHOME Fits in a case only four

Books and manuscripts, many of
which cannot be replaced, were lost
in the fire which -broke ouit Monday
afternoon at the residence of Prof.
Rene Talamon, of the romance lang-
uage department. A considerable
amount of household goods were al o
Jurnzed or damaged by water.
The roof of Professor Talamon's
house, at 1714 Wells, was burned 'off
jand the third floor was almost con-
pletely destroyed. Professor Tala-
)eon's study, located hn the third-
floor, was the scpne of most of .the-
damage, as it was here that his pR.-
pers -wore kept. The origin of the
blaze Is unknown. -
Professor Talamon and Mrs. Tala-
Ilon are staying at present at the home
of Prof. W. A. 'McLaughlin, also of the ;
romavnce language department.
I9SOsometblng? .A elasslfle to
! lassiftpd ad will .sell it for you"--Adv.
Patronize Daily advertisers---Adv..

inches high.
Take any user's advice
and buy one.,
1 homeo 1404 112 S. M~ain St.
i~tl91IlIl-ItIHlI~i1iI11IdI 1 111 IU@ t iIIIIII&f I

I___ r ( oot) ' ibson',
A frczQSoNi-WHtNDCoED "


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e Daily Avrles-Av
! f~g7 Pop. PatM. Tues.,
Thurs, .ed SM.
255 and 6'0c
MiAPlyWO"rul usical
c Play of Spanisih Feuds

by Lord unsany


Engeerg aRea an s or


1y y Harry W. Oribble


j~UJ e.~- e o$1
Sat. Nia. - 500u$2.00
I, Mssrs. Shubert Present
rin Irme fTY pth
Suloer C,-st7
t he So'ph Prom
mcal Mairccllerland lHair,-
esscr in attendance. We
mramend the B~oncilla Fa-'
for the complexion.


"Wy are you satisfied to: spend your
days -here when you might be .doing bigger
and more remunerative work with, us?"
The speaker was. the' Vice President of a
big corporation, and he was addressing a
great chemist.
The mnan to whom he spoke looked from
his study window. out over. a well-loved
cam~puis fo~r seveiral moments before he re-
plied. Finally his answer. 'came, i guess
it's because Iam more interested in ,help-
ing to make men than I, would be in just
making things."
This thing of building men is one of the
most fascinating, vocations known. The
pleasure that grows out of watching men
develop, out of seeing them make effective
use of the fundamentals that have been so.
carefully given-them to use-it is doubt-
ful if there can -be any pleasure much
deeper. or -more satisfying.

The teatcher honors himself in -the use-,
fulness of his students. And the teacher
of erngineering, ,especially.* His laboratory
and his materials are in the minds of meni.
He shows them the right and constructive
use of the senses and the memory in se-'
curing and storing information. He tra~ins
the judgment and the will to analyze and
to 'decide. Little by little he develops the
will to do, the ability to turn decision into
accomplishment, the qu~ality that always
marks the successful engineer, wiho is a
man .who gets things done.
Westinghouse, and every engineering
business, must acknowledge a deep obliga-
,tion to those teachers whose training, and
:interest have been an inspiration and a sure
foundation for the individual successes that
are constantly being recorded. And nothing
that men or events may do can deprive the
teacher of his rightful share of such triumuphs !

PA usica I - I nterludes

Guroinat 8:15


Tickets on sale )larch 20th
at ? lies Theatre



1k -

U ICm .E

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