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March 21, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-21

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AlWil t. u






ran u Graduate Dean

I [IUIVI Back From East1

GRET SULPORToday Is,"M ".day
Today is the second of the regular
dP"fl " days which have ,been sc'hedulo4
by thenStuent cAU ei t be held each
Wednesday and every day during in-f
liNSPIIO T9All seen wh~o have won either their
letter or any other athletic insi~gnia
_____ will wear. them on the campus today. I


Commands Rhine
Force Of British




y rT oio,"
C Iodels Used to Illustate Imrportane
of Features of Human


Conference Would Have Arbitralior
of Eatire Siuation by
Unlted Statesi


I Q'i:(



ed from Lansing
ways and moans
-ouse of represen-
nce committee of
ive in Ann Arbor'
will spend Friday
day mnorning mak-
of the University's
key will base their
and senate.
they will matte is
misderable weight
y's appropriation
-e the legislature.
building programn
that mnade by the
laced the skePtic-
dators felt towar(I
a before their visit
a Lansing may be
was admitted by
rsty's staunch
ly in the house,
ve tour that the
adopted last fall,
of knowledge of
)wilding program,
be an obstacle to
rarsity appropria-
t last week, how-
00 mnembers of the
,of those whoIm
ical and in fact
building program,
he whole problem
lferent light than

t ! Exhibiting brilliant humor, enth us-
? laia, and displaying true and In-
hecrent love for his lie work, L~oradc
{ ! Taft, internationally known as one o,
the world's greatest sculpture, gave
lehis large Ann Arbor audience inti-
j 11--Phto by Rentschler. White "Glimpses of a Sculpturs- Stu.I
Alf red H. Lloyd dlio" last night in Hill auditorium. 'W
'The dean of the Gradoate school who kept his hearers completely under the
returned yesterday from Po'ughkeep- spell of his magnetic personality andI
sic,N Y., where he delivered the P'hi expressedl his earnest hope that he
Beta Kappa address at Vassar col- might- reveal to some member of hir
lege. Mlore than 25 initiates were Iak- adec i elvcto ihc
en into the organization just previous perizne'nts and demonstrations in ac
toDen ~od' ades o "rh T. tut1 sculptutring that forined an in
of Day. tensely interesting portion of his lee
During the most of his talky he mold
RRV~c[lohd on the platform, and "played''"
Ii ii3 'with the human, countenance chang
ing its expression at will from joy t
sorrow, from pathos to surprise, ,anti
AT OS_ ED DI ~Lfrom interest to nonchalance. As he
worked he constantly explained I
aciismaking. clear the processeso
---- sculptoring.
Written Records IDiselose Radical Be. Mvr. Taft, although a sincere op,
fiefs of Comninrsst timist, criticised the fact that Ameri
E Faction cans as yet have no real apprecia
____ tion for art for, "they have no ar
DEFEN SE ATOI"INEY VxFWT which produces appreciation no; ap '
j INTRODUCTION OFl EVIDEN4' preciation to- Produce art." Ile attni
______buted thi s .tatus of affaiz's to the -_n-
St-oeh ihMrhi.(yA ditlons, attendant upon the comhi.g o
our ancestors to America. Hie saidt
P.)-Appeals by com71muniht writers "Our forefathers had =to hue trear
foil "armed action not armed phrases" build houses and villages and ha("
pratises for the Herrin, Illinois, millers little time to devote to painting a
who are allege d to have partiClpate~l sculpture. We have to some de ;reT
inherited this lack of appre'ciat'on.'
in the riots last August and a call fox The speak~er pointed out that the s tan
"bullets not ballots" featured today's dardization of manufactures*nd th.
session of the trial of Williamn J. Fos- co'nstruction of more or less i'X4e
ter, charged with criminal syndical- ! buildisl- types had lessenhed the Amer i
lsm" lie emphasized the fact that the teat
Thesttwh the assistance of it dency of our younger civilization is t'
star witness, Frances Morrow, who aP get away from the work of the hand,
K-97, a department of justice agent !and to resort to the marvels, of th'
attended the communists' convention brain. "This is in itself," he poinlteC
out, "a reason, for the neglecting r
last August put into the record a mass art here in this country."
of speeches anu writings of, conmun-I
lets of the country and the resolu-_
tion' of the third world congress of M U ITlf~Pe
,the communists international held atl9MU LIIIUIVILUId
Moscow in 1921.j
'Frank P .Wielsh, chief council for IAIIII PFUkTN1UWRI1W.sfuhteinrdconfev
cry piece of evidence but time ant'___
again his objections were overruled -NOTED) AUtTIIORITY WILL DISCU
Morrow's testimony dealt with the uFCT
workings of the convention last suim-ISE

Washington, March 20-.(Iy A.P.)-
Public statezmeuts -zhade by ofticials of
the United States government to thel
effect that substantiali alterations have
been effected in FBritishcapital ships t
# o increase their battl'e range and of-
fensive armament were foQ~'mally cor-
rected today by both the St~ate and
Navy departmen~t.
Acting on the assura~nce o(', the Brit-
ish government that their irlfoarmation
was inaccurate Secretary llugheq re-'
~alled the,, referenxce he had matte tc
the British navall modifications in hif
.peech at New 'Haven 'last Deceember
and acting :Secretary, Roosevelt took
similar 'action with respective state-
meats hie had mnade before congress-
ional committees. I
At both departments it Nwas ludll-
cated that the corrections were niaO(
'after the~ British governument hall call-!
ed attention to tho fact of freqi~oul
reference by public off~ials. to the
i'hange in British policy.
11 r. 11ughes' statement wa:3 as fol.
"In nmy speech at New flaven axor
Dlec. 29, 1922, I made the follow in'
statement with reapect to alteration
in the British capital ships.
'The result is that in a considlerable
number of British ships bulges have,
be.en. fitted, elevations 'of turret guns
increased and loading arrangetn-
raodified to conform to increased ele-
"In ming this ~statement I relijef!
-Dn information which had benprn
ed by the~ Nay depat'tfiint and whielb
of course the Navy departnieut bellev-
-,d to be entirely authenic.I
"Tihe Departmient of State has leer
,advised by tihe lritislh govet'rnent
'that no alterations have .been manad
in the elevation- -of- the turret guni
of any British capital ships' and fur-
ther than no 'additional dleek protee-
Ion has been proAvided sinee Fe. G1,
"It- gives mne pleasure to ma~ke, this.
I orrectioni a4 it' i~i desired; that-'ther'
-3hould be no public m-iapreh(n.

Stateanid Navy hJ'eartmuents Rocall]
Aeasatlous of Ir ttsk
F "iavW PolicyE

i ),wn, March 20-(By A.P.)--Thee
;passive. resistance inaugurated by the
Germans when the French mnarched
into' the Ruhr is beginning to sho-w
modification according to T~"ench an-.
noeuncemn~t. This is accepted as an'
indrication of weakening by the Ger-
inans as a consequence of contnued
reports that Berlin is plann4ig t(
make definite peace proposals soon.
Thxe ober president of Westphalia
head of occupied territory, has at-
thorized the Germ an authorities ia
B~ochum D~ortmund and other townis in
the territory occupied by the FrJenlch'
to ontfer with the commanding Qf.
fier concerning details pertaining; tc
the occupation.:
Essen, N11,reli-20-(By A.P.)--Herr
Quaatz, member of the Reichstag, ou(
of the hostages taken by the F'renc)-
. fter ('ooe killing of -aFrench soldie,
bere.Sundaiy, has beeni released.

John Domski, negotiator of the peace
treaty between Rlussia and Poland, is
now on his way to Washington, D. C.,
from Warsa",, to succeed Dr. VWro;)-
lewski as Polish minister to the uni-
ited States.

"Jane Climbs a Moi
Junior Girls' play, v
days run at t'he Wh~
S :15 o'clock tonigh
pe'rforinance wvill be
by the senior 'womer
sity, in accordance wi
has been followeds
Girls' play-was estal
The play this yea
Laurel] Hellis, andi
Sar'nual production in
of the junior girls.
an added interest th'
of the fact that itv
the~ first time to the
' dmittan~c has pre'v
tricted to girls of thl
Pro-f. J. L. Bnim
Prof. John L. Brur
nalistic department,
charge of the produc
rected it.',Catherine
cnairman for the play
hridge, assistant cha
so contrib~uted large
of production.
Frieda AWishropp, S
Mjild red Brod ers on,
have the leading roJ
-As Jane in the play,
takes the part of a y
loved by aDr. Thomi
by Mary Fair. Jane
jDr. James Knapp, a
M Aildred Broderson,
tions arise.
Frieda Wishropp, a
of Polly, falls in love
but the love is not
final alliance of the


tParis, March 20-(By A
tratiou by the ' United State
I nent of the Ruuhr problem,
which the 'etihe situation mn
I fe-red to the 1,~ie fN
the uxnanimous decision rea.
Iconferetice of- Belgian, liniti:
an~d French-' labor and social
{ mentarians, which 'was held
one of th~econmittee roon
French cham~ber of deputies

es govern-


("onultril anld iDe"mx
Adoption (of

1l: Iu the}

wo oe
is expectcd
the legisla-



oust bo re--
tions, wa+'
aced at WVOL1) HA1t AIt PROPR(IAT iE''
list parlia- --
d today int Considerable di.-cession has arisen
~ns of the ian meetings of th~e Senate council and
s.I in weekly conferenec, of deans' re-
-- ~cetly, 'a" to what should be thle policy-
FOB adopted in the naming of new Uni-
Iversity buildings. With the erection
of new edifice.- of the campus, Uni--
versity-o dals are anxiou~s to dlecidle
MEETfJ upon nas which will nuot only be
aporate ba-which will (eliminate.'
iTEST '(q confusion to visitors and new tu-
(tents, and which 'will not appear axn--
LI.. biguous in their meaning.
-It is pointedl out that the presnt
1-MhigiantoEngineering building is now official-i
Watermanlv known in U niversity administration
have beon offices as West Engineering. building,
- while the new building across the
Gin L. GriP street sdesignated as East Engineer-
['t atlet- ing builing. Such dlistinction is not
e, C~iarles adequate, it is believedi to warrant
.e f the the permanent use of either titl.
'It ha-s been. customary that buiild-
ohbe2~ z 0 i flgs which are gifts to the University
luohnarie, have borne the name of the donor. It
eluirl ie s also admitted1 that butildings should
Bk udges.. beer the name of the subject Which
astrnCus ?is taught in them.
lu ~ Another question tha)t has:-isenis
he met s ;the ad'iisibility of naming buildings
i~ eetasafter persons. One exam,,ple of a de-
;iblo. Thec

jates i
ther ac
tion ft

in th~e comstitu-j
t council will be
I 'at' the r- illa

Lofficial y for -the (Cornell
trick meet to be held in
1 gynmuasiutn -Saturday rnight1
annouinced by the Athletic a3
Among then- are Maj. Jol7
fily, cesiini L'"iper of Big 'T
le ts, Who will act as rderef
Eynuchn of Detroit, presider
Cevtr~iI A. A.- U., who will.
the ,traci jucl,;c ,and :C~rl
', e o£ Sive Farrell's1
in 191, vill b~e one of the fie
In keping wiIth an old ear
tom, the officials will he'
formal Odttre andl. everythi
ble will b°ecdone to m~ake th
Otrietly -collegiate 'a.s possi


1 ..


'Madeline 'McGurl
leadling comedy pars
- as tieo.,lends> humor to the
of tUncle Mart, the
of Dr. Black, playe~
Original and cats
ridicule ,with song
of the customs that
bor at the present
ini the play this yeas
are being' done by
had special traininb
aesthetic dancing.
Tickets for thle pi
at thie Whitney the,
not vet been dec-id(

y at 7:30 o'clock mtien. He testified Foster Was present "The Warfare Aga~is net"wl
of theUnion on Friday, August 18, to Sunday, Au-
mnate council coin- gust 20, leaving Sunday morning jbegthensubjectDr.of a . poardetrt
~stgaton f su-few minutes after two other federal be vnb r .0 oad he
vestbeeninvif td agents had been seen parying about tin' of the bureau of entomology in the
.v enivtdt goud.department of a~griculture, Washing-
-which will also He testified Foster served on the ton D. C., recognized as the greatest
mnbers 4~ the sou- governing body of- the commtunigts authority on insects and insect- rrr-
Sto attend,. gathering, that he was present when ishes in ti-ec United States, at 8 o'clockt
contained in the i Arnold Lozovsky, of Moscow, repre-, toirrow~o evening~ in the Niatural Sci-
,or several months sonting the Russian leaders, presented e ice au.ditoriumrr The mraterial for
ittee appointed by; the reporti and de-livered speechtes and this talky will be taken f'romr detailed
working %vith- the ghat Foster attended other sessions. and careful researches which he has
inittee.- The l at-1- -I-- - conducted on the cotton boll weevil,
ists of Prof. Mo1r - in r ftinr gypsy mos:s, alfalf:a, Japanese bootel
c English depart- [95Tj flhI -tid the Eur opean corn bore and their
HI. Lloyd, of the IU lrI lation to the destruction of crops.
's Pro. XvA1tnls " nriiann~ Two oher lecture". of a more tech-
~s~hol.All dos I I VLVLD UU[~dd rucal na-tune will also be given by
A to b~e present at ___ Dr. howard, during his visit to the



wined in the con-BEHALF OF STARVING
hen given to the BH POPULATIONSt
discussion before
he Senate council Dr. Andrew MT. Brodie, 'Near Last i
final action. relief worker and official represent.-;t
thie Spring gamnes tive of the movement in Washingtont
ents will be intro- will speak in the interests of the NfeatI
ng tonight by th EFast peoples at 8 o'clock' tomorrow;I
on that activity.' night in Hill auditorium.
committee on the Dr. Brodie has recently completed,
ze its comnplete re- a tour of inspection of conditions in i
" Syria, Palestine, "Turkeyr and Armen-
a now under way ia, and is now the American repre-
ions and the elee- sentative of the movement to help the
bring up its pro- populations of those countries.Iet
Lfor approval, has addressed various- organizations -
jin this country and in. Europe for O cI o e ' ' [ eLcE s Lo ' n c u ti s n the
ESS C. OF C.' After the war Dr. Brodie went ov-}i
erseas on a .special commission, aidl
went through the wan-stricken area' 1
pecial represents- with the committee on reconstruction
1 Railway Associa- and rehabilitation. In this relief work
it Division, will he saw for imself the wretched pov-
neetinig of the Uni- erty and need of foreign aid that e
Commnerce in room isted there.,
an "Freight Claims At the present time the Near Easo
ion". relief commission, of which Dr. Bro-
ar i, ha unnntrdie is the official Washingtonl repro-I

Univers;ity, on the general topic "Fe-
onoinic Entomolgy",at 4:15 ,o'clock
tonicrr ow andlI ridlay ,afternoons -in
roon 21-4 of the Natural Science; build-
ing. 'Three r eels of moving pictures
will lxr. psd in illt strating his talk
I)r'. I-ow-ard, who is' brought to'the
University under the aus4pices of- the.
zoology department, wvas graduated#
fronm Cornell university 'in 1877 and4
receivej1degIrees from Georgetown,
l'ittshurghi, and 'George Washington
universities. He became a trustee of;
Cornell university in 1900. He is onej
of the few scientists of this country
who have had the distinction of serv-1
ing as president 'of the American As-
sociation for the Advancement of Sci-,
ence. He-I is a-Iso permanent seretary
of th'A of-,anizatibn and has been
preident of t he Association of. Eco-
nomxic Entomologists, the ,Washington
Biological society, the .Cosmopolitanl
club, and the Washing;ton Academy of

Miss Georgia Jackson'., of ^ew York ofilclals, crntestants and students who IfinalIU 1ILxit~ifL1eAIIa U- ---wi
-1 miember of the Literary Diges Staff ".cre to"- attend will iiet at a formral dyia Sal.Aohr hs fatfnu rora n ceh. wn
Addressed the members of.lhe Stu- ! banquet. iminediately after the mecet I ti ambeetini wehrbul- -obtained at W1ahr's
dents' Press club on "The Dutie s o i at which time Major Gniflitli and mr. _ nssiudb anelatrprosIbiktrs
arstl attlycnece il k-oe.Iwoa Beginner in Journalstic Weak," -a Lynch will give sh:ort ta lks. woae ti ctvl cnetd.ih
its banquet Last night .in the Chiarle-' The University band is arranging a th nvriy
-voi~ 'cafe. a- pe ial program consisting of a. short-IM SW l9F
sized the point that a beginn er in mag- iol hogom h vnn.J~ IRJIUJ)fh~'II11
amxife work will, -t' -first, fAnd great l Under the direction oft Lawrencea W. r n utitn
monotony in the routine. -The begitn- snl. J. 2,takmngr,'l r I AUE
n el.Yy2,tal nu~rl slar er is given such tasks as the rending i vguiets are raphily ;nearing cor-' W IHIGU1H -lL-L
of copy, pgoof, and manusctipts Nwifcl sF:, E;"
prvst enoooo~ fe ieplet'on and i is expected that there -- ()ELEA S<~TO I A
poA byinnotre hai-ni$30 a wfrserrek -cr a~etac re~n; (pcalt h al)when' the opernlng tun is fired.'Tick-,Denver,-CGl., March 20. -- Coacis}1101
prbut a nptrsonraie ohan $0 ivne Iets at 75 cants eanch Will be placed orl Fieldingit. Yost arrived e.at-
York, MViss Jackson..adled. A. jour-Mile at the Athletic olfi , at 9 o'clockf night after being delayed for sever"al ' Three o ie-act iay's
nralist fi~nds~ a great- deafl - of Intellect- this trnbrninx .. -#hours at Ames, Iowa, because of se- the progrj. in tonight
ualt stimuluxs through-his .as ociatl~r - -~- ---- - --- vere snlow storms. The coach wa, s nigh11t at the Mimes
and -contact with clebrated -.writ ~rr 1', a rch C 14 f r ,d iven a great reception. by high Gwusko, vwho has lheea~d a t o s r o l c or t l t s f om a} h rs o leit et e ri
.The speak~er also told of ber 6 pp ar T da tate and alumni, many of whom cinne 1.1'rLn-hte,
experiences s a beginner, relating. I-. fromn the states of Newi M-exico aind th}e pa. with theedaim
terestiun- incidents coucernig- hen ad-'ymn tI e he"l 1a" it
.Vaneement to a position on the I.,ter- Arti st' fromz far sand near Ilx ve con-' ynin oaete"l a" e,
' an Diet-lf.Mss ako ha ~uuted to the "College .Contemporal,- :On his arrival Yost was taken to I A heavy drama' of tense
ar h e t ork on thA iJckn loymagl,, s"tisseof'h bGagl pha;wilthe Albany hotel where lhe addr'essed Ipresented by the rea
he oto teAeia -yia, "iseo ;h agyeta ilazine. ' lhe also' wovrkedfor the l a out 'today. Seventeen of the lead more than 350 of the high school atht- "Rcleasc", an incid!ent
IMill" ncompany for several years. She. inn college humorous magazines in I otf.H wsthnthe guest aofahofc- by Ed wSith. 1s
is notw editor oif "tte ;ilrds; Beasts 14thro country have submitted drawings or of 300 alumni 1 tews a uhfvo ihps
' ~~~~~~~~Michigan banquet in the evening. The vitn h, nttru
I n~ 1Trees' department of the Literary an sketches by their art -eclltors', Mi htnmru
Dest. n oehe iheplntrspeeches were broadcaisted 1,y radio been nmade for its reap
ographleti of' the artists w ritten by throughi a local £tation. "All Gummned1 Up", a}
Toda th Gagoyl shfTmake uptheen- This is Coach Yost's first stop ill edy, x-ilbhe the light pi
tire numnber. h etonhsti to the Pacif(c graml.'Tle s cry, is
..-I Tecve fteise sepcal coast. 17e will lea ve here Tuesday. two married cotplexs
- 'bilaTh c nver o lor is e s es e i ty
br lliaat I co o mxbina4 :wns. -L The next city oil his itinerary is TLos; vwiv es and ( husbandls
't 1-cpin Cpti jdet Angeles where he will be March 23 grievatnces.
chalt, an~-n dlt"SO'rors'!. and is drawn by R. J. I-Iolmngren of'TeIttn!-vo l
t 1- -- the Columbia Je- ier who is a regularPRSearcrh fClub Wtiill Mleet '1o~i~hi - Glittering Gate", a fal
- contnibuter to Lite and other leiding MembdteirsothRearhcuwil nanTo hev
-' ''uorpbctiu - -hlter regular mneeting at 8 o'- Lani en Stokesbury, '24
uio ulto .In the running of our ad yes- clock this evening in the Hlistologi- CIav ton Seages'2,-
tedywe were, seekifig to finda Atlios tteXae eod h cal laboratory. Prof. 0. J. Cam pbell gat s f lheave and at
and restore a - variety 'of 1ins,. HIarvardl Lampoon, the Princeton Tli- of the English department, will pre- taneraneitop +d
"i badges and pledge. buttons but I ger, the Washington Sun-Dodger, the ; sent a paper entitled "New Aspects of],netae noprd
ewe will not be .respousible for'. Cornell Widow, the Brown Jug a-nd I Love's Labor Lost", and Dr. U.> a set of burglars' toc]
' the caive men that seem to be the Columbia Jester have also. sub- : ie rfso f emtlgwl eed in opening the gat
-.aannnnWile,. pofessorof dermaology, i r ~.a hno



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