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March 18, 1923 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-18
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SL-NbAy, MARCH l1&, 1 31



;..._ - ~. a non tw-ice her age. As she grow.91 wine of life, can became intoxicated
- over,.- sheis oceasioually seared wiwith. the ,fop of livig mid" l e h~pi-
tho- -brand-iroui of reali,son, this girl
with a. remrarktable a ~t nnrte. wiIn the vwoxld by accejitizag a few
S;comimonplaces, without draining the
{ own living. she luxes in Paris where.' glass to the last- poisonous dregs. t
the vivacity of :the life causes her, toy do not mean to. taste the burbbles -and
lose her emotional equilibrium.te et nouhdbtih
leave.teretutuhd ttte
"Spilled Wine" is the type of novel si~eetms may }e .disoered without
D.H A R N Ereaction, in the human animal- an that young people will call spicy. and' becoming crazed with the downright
c~o N N LOE, y. D H.Lawrne&overspeialied ffshot f thocklo folly, of.. on~plete, immersion.
:TomNsISelOze,- ebrYoI renk,-rspcaie ofho f h il-their, inntocence and they can enjoy Ms t onLohsacam n
.' 50..gical process. The :fault of the book tMs"t onLehyaetrn n
ThoasSelze, Nw ork $is ve-reinmen o felig. utastheir own sins vicariously. Older freshness as if "the ink were scarcely
Reviewed by John P. Dawson ' opeeadaeqaepeetto people will probably neither be dradIa foeie a ube
It i3 most encouraging to find in the ; opeeadaeut rsnainshocked or interested, but .amused, into her head before, the last was off
bod ofmatredelberteandcler~of a point of view it is certainly in-
bod ofmatredelberteandclex teresting, although, perhaps as Bacon I cannot understand why so. many of the end of her pen. There is a spirit
thnigwieso rsn-a ~-once said, "this thing had been betterths young mdrs(whm 3ano of vivacity and flexibility here. The
land a prophet of despair like the bit- }done- in poesy, where transcendencies damn without ;incriminating mhyself)E author seems to understand the sen-
ter, disillusioned youths of. host-war are more allowed". garble and blunder through a very sationa of a very,'young girl even
America. D. H. Lawrence,, England's! important problem. The many who though she does not complete the
newest enfant terrible since . the' A PARODY ON POETS want to drink deep draughts of the analysis.
senescence of Shaw, is some sort of A. TREE WITH A BIRD UI T, by


y Public interest in the ligh building EMIL LORCH. desigr& problem more-
has: been greatly stimulated by the ;,:' fascinating and the re-,g;
Tribune, Building Competition. Like: L'nrt tt y ofJlf~ihqan trsu~ada h a
the modern battleship, the skyscraper,: for better conditions of
now a commronplace of our. large cit- to a-mere. enclosing. or covering tune- the refining ptrocess of repeated siudv in the canyon-like stree
ies, has had a rapid development. The Lion. With . the advent of the steel;, and' use. I seietfo h
early.. ones were ten to twelve stories frame' many designers continued to While. the Tribune Competition petition pr ogram tha~t
in height, reaching their maxinmm'treat masonry hung on steel frames found architectural opinion at vani- ' sincere dasire foi- ther
when the solid miasonry walls came m;Ruch as when it was self-supporting, ance as to what is best in high build- design obtainable. The
the lower cuyfloor + areas. With the devel- w «hile others. led b-, Louis H. Sullivan', ig design form, it profited by the tectuzyral world was in
_effects of- a. law in New York as to ticipate and large prizes

testinmonial to the impermanence of ; wg'uv iet Widdeer. Harcort
Western civilization in its most high- Brace & .Co., few York. $.0.
ly developed state. For his attack,I Reviewed by Lisle Rose
however much we discount its effect, Of Margaret WViddemer's "A Tree
cones at least from a most intelligent With a Bird in It" I ~now not whether
member of the populationi and goes to,, praise more the conception or the
c.ertainly to the very roots of the so-'executin : if the first appeals -With,
vial structure. The only corrosive to indeed, a pathos almost too poignant
our American self-satisfaction lies in --to the emotions and sensibilities, as-
the thoroughness of his negation, mak- surely the latter smites with no less
ing the efforts of our own cynics seem keenness the intellectual and apr-
mean and commonplace. hending faculties of man. In all class-
"Women in Love", hailed by lngli sh es of readers, cultured and uninoi-
cr~tics as Lawrence's best novel anid ed aline, this latest of gret parodies
recently issued in an American edi- m1ust arouse instantaneous approval.
tioni by Thomas~ Seltzer, expresses as The plan is noble and simple. The
completely as is possible in the novel ilembers of the American Poetry So
for, tat hilsohy f cnflct ndciety are lured into congregating
form tha phiosopy ofconfict about a. tree w hich contains a grackle
flaming despair that have definitely canting in the full richness of Youth
separated him from the great body of and Love, and are inspired to pour
Eanglish writers. His rampant indi- forth the emotions and recoalections
vidualism, contributing much to the aroused by the poetic fowl; while
recent- American chorus of dissent, ex- Margaret Widdemer, concealed by the"
presses itself here in its typical form, murky. air, records with a charming
the free play of pure passion. The chief mixture of seriousness and insouc-
value of the book is as a psychopathic ance the varied reactions. These are !
study for.- it is a, complete, though exceedingly interesting, although the
artless, document in abnormal psycho- titles which Aliss Widdeme has given1
logy. Dot, nmre than that, it is an to the'etripore effuions of her con-
extremely- readable novel,. admirably ternpc cries are perhaps Likelier to re .
written Vand wholly sincere. veal the bards' true characters. Par- I
The bjetio tobe aisd against tocularly clever are he ~headings fr
The bjecion o berais -.the compstions of Witter Byne, I
Lawrence, the one that justifies evenAyLwlE~r 'eMses d
the noisy railtigs. of. -enken, s that d Gesad..,ondns.Mn
he never varies his mood of high emo- will find, the parody on Hilda and herr
tion. The effect beginsto be sopoific mother the wittiest thng Ii' the hok;
after the.-fifteenth .summari.ztion of and yet Conrad Alken -and the Benets
his philosophy. And,,. another, more are hit off 'with no small understated
i iportant result -is inevitable that his' fig. To thonose.aqguuainted With tue
picture, is miserably ineonjaiete, for Outpouring of Lola Midge and leerI
sex, even the'exalted and mystical sex. school., iss Widdemer' par'd, w 11
that he described, is a very small part bea welcome:
of rational living. ; "Gd, take me aa-t
"There-is no Sex here...'.
The characters. we find here lu e
astoundingly vivid and completelyf "And no Smell!"
emoioia~ize. t i inerstig o a- Jchn-V. A._ Weaver receive a e
erntioaiied.it s iterstig t ohter treatleutthan h'deserve'; if his
serve Lawirence's efforts to potra~y the guru stuf dame ups to the Stan dard set
rntellectlont of those two characters for him by his parodist he mightfare
that are alleged to have. rational pro- more fortunately at the hands oofcrt° .
cesstes durin~g business hours. The ics. The same may hbe said of Ezra !
result is a batle of words, with PYound. extact
thoughts as. spasmodic and disjointed Inasm'uch.as.-the few exrcswhich
as in the rhapodies that conclude the 'space would permit me to cull from
book. The story itself is no more the volume could give but a feeble idea
than a carefully- analysed progression of its excellence, I can only urge e-
toward emotional harmony. eryone who can to read it and ex
It annt e dnid txat Lw ecc ;press again my astonishment at the
It cnno bedened tat awrncepowers of perception and presenttion
is a thoroughly capable writer. His displayed in it. One defect must inq
style is -never fluid and structurally deed, be allowed to the. author-that l~
his sentences violate every canon of she has parodied -the poor poets ex-
diction. But it is always clear, ex-! cellently and the excellet poets poor i
cept in the few mystical passages ly; but to cavil at the minor faults ofj
where his emotions grown too' tenuous great works of art is the prerogative!
and unfathomable for understanding, only of the half-educated and caue-
And it has a rhythm of its own. lie quently pedantic critic.
has ,a real feeling for color and form' SPILLED WINE
and his images have striking peiman- 1 SPILLED WIE, b- G. St. Jobiit. 4 .
ence. The monotonous repetitions ;
and disconnected phrasing on which s Thomas Seltzer, 11en York. $2.00.
he: places chief reliance cannot be j Rvee yEihE tins
excused, but they can,.be tolerated ~ Spilled *ne-,visions of garnet
for the sake of the, startling pictures 'soaked boards, sticky spotches like
and feeling of untrammelled will that blood-stains, crystal goblets over
hie creates Iflowing with- golden-shot red; wine,I
He admits that his way of living is 'bubbling in great rivers, sparkling
a complete and final .retrogression, to. with life and vigr. "Spilled Wine,"
a splendid, barbaric welter of hyper-,.this is what is expected of G. St. John-
sensitized. feeling. He denies that Loe's book, but the wine is ofa8a re-.
c-ivilization, based on intellect, can centmintage, it lacks the richness.
offer final satisfaction to the human which time gives to the Savor.
4$pirit and accepts the logical conl-I Fleeting pictures of childhood -m-i
tSion-,oblivion in sublimated passion. doled 4h~zer th fashion pf Anatol;
He gives the answer to -his own thesis ' France in~"e LUvre de Mon Ami"
in the end, with the tremendous waste' but lacking in. thatsame -delicacy and
of force- by individuals battling in a! sympathetic understanding, occupy wrdtai fnly omte.t hfrtrhpes eyrmr-
reason, for, the groundwork for its ex-. able cild it is who at twelve, voice~
jowtece. -_ . epgrammastic' hras s like unto .ta'j
i7-T J.uatE Soot . i . "Women in ov e G ranphigl ler axd.who at J ff-
Can oly be explaine as -the natural teen s mentally equipped to interest

Once inl every man's life comes the feeling that he must-
look his best. It m-ay be business- it m ay be love, butwa e r th r as n e k o s t at is ti e m ut b
faultless, his clothes inl perfect condition. Then is the
time for him to call
The Faultless Tailor
1121 S. Univ'.
Your bank should be. sound, accurate and"


efficie t -.a that is -na:. enough. B anki ,

service to be; of the most use to Your. hoU~d -
.be: also ixitteignt-andinterested.,- ' .
That iA ntthi&lbank ~triestobe~.
101.105 So. AIN 330 Sc. SATMIST.

opmnent of steel came the skeleton ' of Chicago, put forward the theory of heights and set-backs which during Mtorevr, the. architect
construction 'by means of -which the function and form and insisted that 'the last few years has served to break first prize of .$5,00 w:
walls were.-supported at each story the protected steel structural system u h ooooscbclmse fsrcue e rlie
by the steel frame, the masonry serv-c be treated on its merits rather than the preceding maximum cubical con- v te 1 to compee each r
ig merely as an'enclosure pierced by imitatively. The first "or traditional- tent of bieh structures. rendering the -
windows. On the ground floor, the istic group has continued to use or
masonry was reduced to a protective adapt historical form, while the second
and decorative covering for the steel or progressive group has sought to -
columns; such covering is required by derive the enclosing form from struc-
building laws, since buckling under tune and to solve the dualism of
intense heat would involve thne col- rational bidden structure and expres-"
lapse of the entire structure. Parallel ive enclosing form in another mnater-
(levelopnleits with e : te'el frame ial with its own practical and artistic
were fire-proofing in. 1idau .l dmater- implications.
ials, the elevator ~n' other meccl-' The announcement of the Tribune ,
anical and electric devices, \:lhilt were competition found architecture o f
absorbed into the ev"'. : .easing-ly every coniceivable type in our large,"
upward ;oaring str -u.ae. centers. In New ork the graceful
The skyscraper admirably illus- terra cotta covered, steel framed
t ratco the unrestrained individualism "Gothic" Woolworth Building looks
which has so greatly hampered the down on the old New York World
proper development of our cities. Building with its nmetal Renaissance
Many of these buildings rob others of done and on the clumsy mansard'gtadirndowrheretlrofdPsOfc;nabytnsa..;
value while imcreasing their taxes, bank with a colossal Order and Ilan--
Not until many city blocks had been gin's lovely City Hall. Just beyond
solidly built up of high buildings is the St. Paul Building on which a
reaching beyond the fly and dut line, series of superimposed pilasters,, one:
the lower stories darkened and streets to every two stories, mounts to the 'VN ew a ru so R e coQi
seriously congested, did building pro- tap. Not far away are Gothic and
moters become amenable to reason Renaissance churches, Adam hotels. N ina
an b"et uli g r g l to sa d t e a io q ae v ra t f tezoning in order to protect their future Giralda, Tower about which stream (Pergolesi)
building projects. Such regulations automobiles which lshow *poress in i - Victor Record 87358
have been upheld by the courts and,-design in that they no longer resembl '-; SIX NEW DANES
should be studied and applied b all the old baggy. There are chateausu pp b at-o To au h
live comniutities. 'Rt erside Drive, reach. and Italian FaeFxTo
Gra.igniyha enson'alaces and clubs on Fifth Avenue and! ' Lady of the Evening-Fox Trot ad HisC0
Grea inenuiy hs ben. hown, p. 'Victor Record 19016
by architects in 'maing plans fox Iot apatsnent houses in every and nlo
ofvrig leadaaes s~~ style. All these shob-wthe ea peiimen- iDown in Maryland-Fox Trot Benson 0Ia- orc eiv&i ialleetnnssam hoa uht $ eri ai orFxTo fC
trac deirale enans trodh g aliistages3'through which we. have;GogaCbnD orFxTo fC
equipment, well arranged c-orrdors, passed in trying to find oumwlehes L1 AivaVictaa-ox TerotdThe022
offices a-nd . exterior lightina. The the works of otherA
Aut'xeror-esign. from. the very utIset' The camera and the illustrated book At Hagar 's Blues-Fox Trot The Vi:
rcie-careful study;. Owing to the-i combined with foreign travel and stnf- jTWO cQUARTeTo CLASSICS
large sumas represented by ground and dy have helped to create a. oeoaf theTW QU R T Zt i
eon.'3rution cast, speed in the produc- fine old types, and our seizing upon ; Kentucky Babe Shannon
tiarn of-plans. and in the construction the formh instead of pioiting_ by the; Little Cotton Dolly Shannon
of buildings became an important fad- priflciplc has~ proven a pitfall in the Victor Record 19013
tar. an' has influenced design. The development of forms appropriate to, A New Slant on War wi
tremendous, pressure of pre-seat' day the new ontruction. Timely Topics Wil
busines and production and the co-r- Foreign criticism of American arch-> Victor Record 45347
pleteuess of its 'building organization; itecture ranges from high and mode- i SC AEcBERL
appears in the springing upward of ate praise to the statement that it will' MUSIC HOUSE
riveted stee~l frames ait the rate, of at presently not he necessary for us to l r 7
story a day, with masonry or terra go abroad, since all the important ; 110S. MVAIN STRI
cotta enclosing walls Often going for- European structures will have been
ward simultaneously on several floor reproduced here. Dr. Coue was tre-}.
levels. mendously impressed by our architec-4
The Greek Doric temple and the ture and is duly hopeful regarding it! ____________________I__________
Gothic cathdral, the two most con- Europeans are greatly amusea at;
summate creations of architecture, our quotational design, finding domes I Iflttf 111111111 1ff 11ff 111111 If 11111ff1111t111Llif t111 f111111 if 111111l
and presenting an apportuniiy no and temple-like units sprayed about
greater than the skyscraper, both came our commercial structures.' However, l
at the end of a long evolution during when controlling economic coditions Tr a y u se f«-vncp
periods when there wao' ample time are such as to. compel the design of M
for designm and construction. There colossal buildings in a few weeks or
was a well established architectural months, it is obvious that the creative f. toon oft e m s e ci
tradition in which emotion., form and process is apt to tur into one of ~o e o h o t d lc
structural syste-m. fused, the style be- adaptation. So many problems have t a i n r
ing a natural romult. Our complex of to be reconciled in some of these tre- ae n soitos h akdIedossrcue httepolm, 9
economic bent 'of Our development and 'of form has been often considered ass,- o 'C e e
the uncertainty as to-.what is most secondary, with the consequence that t}
representative or expressive of us has the artistic result fats below the! Follow the advi e of thse who know,
brought about our hectic mixture of building's practical adaptation toewh alisetrig ee o
styles, the fundamental conditions for A balance of the two would make hs h aebe oighr o
a single gyrational embodiment 'not be- sound architecture. The adaptation'
Ing existent. of suggestive pst motifs and reason- several years.
The architecture of theo colonies, ing fromn precedent have reeived w
the classical and Gothic revivals, the more emphutas than the direct attack
efforts of Richardson and his follow-'a new problem demands.
ers to adapt the Romanesque to Am. - There is a growing body of ;arch- A dc m
erican requirements and the Renais- itects who see the real goal and are ' to
sauce .movement,-all theie have pro- slowly laying the foundation neededL =
duced 'works of considerable merit, butr: Some of, the .better factory and con-I
the knowledge thus: gained has. not mercial buildings are truer as modern
proven -fully equal to the task of the design than many of the pseudo-mo-
high building. numental structures whose forms
,'Each historical style has rather de- belie their time and place" and steel e i - -
finite assocliions,. like the Roman- structure. Antd these men "will pre- BiIe '
esques and Gothic with-certain 'human senry receive the recognition duel= W ~ i # -aTS T>Q" ~~bU li
conditions "which brought medieval them. We accept the new poetry and .Huo t.arssfo ItrrbnSa
ecclesiastical architecture into, being.,.the new music. as we have accepted EW - o at h hog
The "styles".represent a self-sufe cent -.impressionistic .painting, and likewiseWyNo oi heTrog
masonry construction. wile. steel con- new for= nki architecture must-take l "
struction logically' reduced," masonry their proper place ater undergoing tt1tln1at tl!illl#u#tit1ttit1ikilft1tE[Mlitt#tfltu ttgI-HltU11tli~ht

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