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March 16, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-16

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VOL. XXXIII. No. 121





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4t S


_. . i

Section Reserved In Hill Auditoriumj
for State Solons all Classes'

An Assembly Of University

A ^convocation-an assembIly by sumnions-- will he held at,
11;:1.5 o'clock thisi morning. in H-ill auditorium. In the history-
of University convocations, one has neNver bean called which ear-
ries the import of todny's meeting.
The Convocation of the familiar type, having for its purpose
the discussion of a topic 0f current interest by an ablle specaker,
before anl audience of students, has an imlportance purely local.
This morning, however, before an aludience composed or
three groups mkst vitally intere:4ted in the nit)versity of illiehi
.gan-tlie State Legislature, representing; the citizens of the
commonwealth, the faculty, and the student body-a represen-
tative of the Chief Executive Of the State, Major Rolph Duiff,
wvill (deliver an, address.
Whatever subject he selects will be of pointed interest to
the assembly, hut <it is the, summnoning of those people upon
whom the University is finally (Jependent that idlentifies todlay's
meeting as the event which marks the highest point of impor-
tance reached by the ifls itutiofl of Coll V(ocaI ion.

British ('overnment Mauiiitu is Strictr
Neutral Police; 'No Notes
i Contemuplaited
Berlin, March 15--(B3y A.P.)-It waf, x
reliably stated tonight that completc
and unconditional evacuation, of thej
Ruhr will be designated by Germany I lRep
as a prerequisite to the resumption o" One of the
reparation payments on- deliveries irn erning body
kind after the program to be agreed tended thet
upon when negotiations with thej honor of tlu
French and Belgians are resumed. I the member;
This is the crux of the German ofti- of the State

ends Bfanquet SAEO iIL1RIV EE

f f

Alterations~ in the program of thr
Convocation exercise's which wil be
held at 11:15 o'clock this morning in
ill4 auditorium were necessitated last
night when Gov. Alexander I. Groes-
beck failed to accompany the State
legislators to Anno Arbor. Official '
business which came up at the last
minute and required the Governor's 1
presence in Lansing were given as the
.reason for' his eleventh flour decision
to remain in. th~e capital. f
Major Duff 11131 Speak 11 1

V Aa %A (O f lV / A14a,: %.a1 RAPS - _ .. ,NSa.aN v aTTaOx,,N.
P~arty Includes 102 Senators and Rep.- 'Deities Deferring of medical School
resentaitives. 2 Women and Funds, and "114d Faith" in Hos.
21. Pages ital ProgranII
Both houses of the State legislature Beginning with a welcome a~nd anl
were well represented in the 125 visi. appreciation of their .spirit in coming
tors who arrived here at 6 o'clock last. to Ann Arbor for a tour of the Uni-
night. 115 members of the party left vyersity, President Marlon L. Burton
Lansing at 4 o'clock yesterday after- !outlined the building progiran 'of the
noon by special train over the Michi-' University to the visiting legislature
gait Central railroad, after a banquet last nright in the
Governor Groesbeck is not in the Union. Throughout his speech, lres-

gent Victor 31. Gore
io four members of the gov-j
y of the University who at-
banquet given last night, in
li guests of the University
fa of the legislative houses



Major Rolph Duff, private secretary j11111=I I I U L U rllLU fitl11.1 LL I L U i 1, fl IU.
to the Governor, came as the latter'~
spcilrersetaie omaethe' ad !W ISCONSIN TONIGHV' EXHIBITION MEEI
dress this imorning. The exercises will
Earl V:' Moore Following the sing- -
ing of the "Yellow and Blue", Presi- EighiAii 3id-W4'-s; Leaxne Coutest to Vi rerstizzg'4 oxins-,,llAi~etball, and
dent Burton will intr~oduce the speak-11o I100 Iin I1l!W Audi- I racek 'leai Will C'ompe~te
er of the morning. toritiii ''oi'tzlht
The meeting will close with the sing-,- -
ing of "America" and anl organ post- FJI1W~ E SIlMONS, O3F DETR';IOIT, LEG4 ITUE I ~; 1iL i tITES
Wole by Professor Moore. WILL ACT A. S CHAIIfdiAN PROGRAM iN lV VIERMA! GYMI
A special section in' the front cen- -
ter of the lower floor of the auditorium WVisconsin's negative debating team j Members of thle visiting state legis
has been reserved for the faculty and will arrive in Ann Arbor today to par- latuiro will .be entertainedl at 8:30
legislator's. i cipate in the eighth annual Mid-
ill Classes Disitsed West League debate which will11be ocokti vnn n Wtra
Al lasses in the University will held at(8 rcloclk tonight in Hill audi- gyn mmiu by a varied athletic iwo-
1ssed at 11 o'clock today to en- torium. The question concerns the# grain arranged by the committee in
able as many of the student hotly a'+ use of injunctions in the settlement of# haf, which will consist of az wrestl-
~can be accommodated in Hill auditor- labor disputes. The debate is a tri- (bs ae, bxn ot aallbr
mum to be present at the exercises. angular affair between the Universi-inmahbxgbotprlelas
The schedule of the morning prior ties of Michigan, Illinois, and Wiscon- demonstration, basketball game, and
to the assembly in Hill auditorium- in- sin and a contest will be held in each 'an eight lap relay race between halvesa
eludes breakfast at the Union at 8:3C o tl h universities tonight.' of the basketball game.
o'clock and an inspection tour whichI Prof. D~ay to Jludge I i'ti'nllel liftr Exhibition
will start at 9 o'clock. The legislator. The Michigan affizrmative team oi
will be divided into groups of 'four which Gerrit Demmink, '23, L. J. Glas- The opener will be the wreaitlin^
~each accompanied bya faculty mem- gow, '25, and N. B. Johnson, '25, will match between Captain Gillard of the
ber, to inspect the, buildings and pro- debate is to contend against the Badg- grappling team and Moff et. Both of
pe'ty of the University. er negative team. The debatersI these mlen are lightweights and are
<At 11 o'clock the visitors will as- h3ave been under the direction of Prof. two of the best at their weight in s-tate
semible in the north corridor of the Ray K. Irmnel and Gail K. Densmnore, collegiate circles.
Natural Science building to go in 2 of the public speaking departme-nt. Following the wrestling match, twvo
body to Hill auditorium.: W4isconsin will be represented by of Coauch Sullivan's boxers will be seen
Ushers for the exercises are request.- Ralph E. Axley, Harold A. Se ring, in a three round bout. It is pr'obab~le
ed to meet at 10:45 o'clock this morn, and Wayne L. Morse.I that Housel asnd Yott, at 150 pounds.
ing in the foyer of the auditorium. Judge Charles C. Simons, '98, of De- will be the participants. 'Schultz,
_________________troit, who has recently been appoint- Bar lette, and Greenbauer will go on
NOONI IIPUTiflIIN President Harding, will preside at the 'bars. These men have performed at
home debate. Judge Simons while at- i various functions throughout the low-
tendling the University was on two or part of the p~eninsula and because
nlfr NlE i~Iwinning Varsity debating tea ms andl of their frequent work together as as-
R [ E O 0K IC LEi ws the winner of the Norther-n sistant~ freshman gymnasium instruc-
League Oratorical contest in 1898. He I tors, their style has reached a polish
Tickets for the Military ball will hce was also a state senator 'at Lansing ' bordering on the professiona;.
.sl for $5.50 instead of the $6 that for several years. Prof. Edziuncd E. Freshman Tick Teamioi Run
was originally planned. This was vot- Day, of the econornics department, will! Skipper Mather's proteges are to
ed by' the ?Military, ball committee in its lacta judge for the contest. Only4 furnish the windup to the show with
meeting. last night at the Union when one judge will award the. decision inI with a basketball gamze. Members of
definite plans were formulated for th'c the debate.i the 1922-23 Varsity squad will compose
ticket distribution. Negative Team to :fleet Illinloisi the two teams. Haggerty and Rice,
All applications for the affair will Michigan's negative team meets lI- forwards, Paper and Cappon, guards,
be returned inModay's mail. Otf the linois tonight at Urbana. The Illinois sjand Captain Ely, center, comprise one
1200 blanksgieoualreshr negative trio will debate against Wis- !team, while Henderson and Stegmir
given reu dt hommittrese, consin's affirmative team at Madison, ! forwards, Kipke and Captain-elect
wer re ur ed o t e omm tte , anti W is. The w ri g of the questions isfr m t i u ib 6 0a c p n es wl1i Birks, guards, and Emery, center,
be sent out. These should "be Called as follows: "Resolved, That whatever form the other quintet.
for from 1 to 5 o'clock in the Union constitutional or statutory changes are Between halves of,- the basketball
lobby on Tuesda.y and Wednesday af necessary to make impossible the use game, an eight lag relay i-ace between
terocsMarcnh 29andMarch 28.a of injunctions in labor disputes in the . members of Archie H-ahn's freshman
~. .... -'andUnited States should be immediately 'track team will be run. 1+einsinger.
-~Vmade" Snider, White, and Pressnell will op-
ARMY AND NAVY ;Speakers will be given 12 minutes pose Freyburg, Rockwell, Beckwith,
CLUB O G NZ D~r constructive speeches and five and Brown.
I..r ! miutes will be devoted to rebuttal This athletic entertainment will not
--for each debater., Admission is free; be open to the general public but is
Last night with the adoption of a ( anti any desiring to attend may do so. reserved for the legislators only.
constitution the Army and Navy club
formally' came into being. The con-,i
stitution provides that former or pros--1 r e tl I fl e c e t]
nt officers in~ the army or navy, and!:
any citizens who take a lively inter--
etin military affair, are eligibale foiCo m p lt n lu Pr g a
There are 150 mzilitary men in Ann Ini an oriental atmosphere of soft thme Chinese club. Introduced by r
Arbor who, are exigible, besides those music and brightly colored costumes: clever little fairy (lancer a style revue
civilians who nay be accepted. Cosmopolitan club presented its an- of Orienital costumes depicting the
The following officers were elected nual Spring Carnival in Hill auditor- different fashions of clothes for the
fo the club's first year: Capt. II. A. EI:j last 3000 years passedl before the eyes
Furlng, 24M preidet; Cl. . ~.i mm last night, a program of five var- 1 of the audience.
Pak under- sheriff, vice-pre'ident, iety acts well chosen and well receiv- "P'iicess" Kekipaake gave what
and Lieut. I1. L. hrving, secretary- ° (d.i was undoubtedly the best hula hulc
treasurer. Opening the performance was the4 dance shown to Ann Arbor audiences
The niext meetiw, will be held on I Girl's Mandolin club which played With a grass hut shirt and Hawaiiar
A rl ln ' h,,,.wll1n _ aki-rouind lshe dnc n dii(%swaviitl ed Uin

C~dI J)ThIL1LIZ i1~ IIIIUUIVCU ii cum~it~c- -Roph Duff, is representing him UfLIULU~ijiae iiaon~
tion with the current rumors as t G crett ei~ ry and a profound feeling for his
the possible early negotiains either1 ITevsiosntlnldd ntesbjec:
diretlywithFrace o thns te C I ! ' SPBAt. several points he t ok a sharp
dietywthFac.r hog h!III I special train ma(e the journey by a-
mediation of a third party. T fhfhI~ln Tllii ombl from Lansing. The party cognizance of objectioable i'l-
feool Back -Movenment I .11111II th'i 11111 aincludes 102 legislators,. 2 wives oi j statements in the press throughout
Although neither Chancellor Cunirc I u'TOu uf IUJ legislators, and 21 pages of the Sonr--i the state. In doing so,lbe ;itade no
or foreign minister Von Rosenberg has - ate anxl House. Upon their arriva direct accusations but scprd seveely ,
as yet': given the German attitude pir- Virgil V. MclNtt, '041, manager of the ;here they were imxmeiately driven t I "tha certain small grnpo prit-
d isc formulation, the Reichstag lead gto ,'-
ersandGeran ewsape edtor cNaught newspaper syndicate of, the Union in automobiles provided b dices which have been frce& nxito <te
- r n emnnesae dtr the Chamber of Commerce, the RotaryI limelight." k.
have been definitely apprised that the #New York city and of the Central
government will name this, conditionj press association of Cleveland, Ohio clbteK'anscu n heE-FrrVsi i er
change cub. As an introduction to his speech he
as a prelude to a negotiation con- 1 will speak to all students in journal- ; It had originally been planned t said: "It IS 25 years since a 'esh-
IcrnnrpaaonI ii n anyotesiertd in "Per- 1 take the visitors to the fraternity tuehsmd oro h nvr
In assuming this attitude the gov- tr a aeatu ft~ rie
ernment is convinced that it has the sonality in ,journalism" at J oclock hue hr hywl tydrn sity. The things that you are to ' e0
takn fteGra I their visit, hut the lateness of their ar-- oorwaefcs eepc nth
bakn0fteGra people who f this--morning in the auditorium of eni- rival caused. a change in the plans toorwar atI N .xetn t
believes would not tolerate for a tro- ; versity hall. ITe eetknimeitl oteIing from you out of the rdinary; we
rI mnt any adjustment failing to desig- Mr. McNitt' after grlutgfom Uinweehyatnddhebn do notasuettwettctoti
nate unceadtonal evacuatior as v' college: entered the newspaper, feld quetz given in their honor. visit any obigatorn o.2 .4q
:(starting poi q oUi1. and became city editor of the. Cleve- Come onl Secil Trin. spirit of this visitmen-s a.great d i°
i '~New Polley- Sugested ^land Press. He later was cnnec.ted I The special train xas under the per-'to us. We know that tthe - M ate h u g si nt a h ooc fi-wt h et a rs s oito .o is nl s p rii n f t e ofcas of n n e r u ht a i e'p e a ce
stagres b isdraw2~n by successive, Cleveland. As a representative of this k the MihgnCeta od.j . -ant issues muit be considered .alng
he xentto ew ork~ndKee, general superintendent, and C with our .own.-
as Reichstag quarters as being . whole; estabdshed branch headquarters in iW, Mercer, travelling passenger agent "We have always found you sin-
ousd h el fsrous consid- ti city. Since that time this branch were both on the train, I cre and reasonable; we know that'
oraton. has been known as the McNaught syn- Robert A. Campbell, treasurer of theJ you are our best friends We thank
LnoM rch 1-B .. dicate. University, was in ,charge of the par-i you for this interest that you have
WhLeoedn chofapeceileakP)- IS ty dluring the trip.Rooms were as-' shown in coning here tonight. It is
ennffGraysatiuetwr :P re~ uiM AT signed on the train. More than f unnecessary to emphasize the' fact
ernce anti Geganysasticoe toard (IIST ILETS SILL Nhl ofldithe visitors will stay at the Un- Ithat this niversit y tFao n egu a oet ,y y belogs to te
noticed, British foreign office offiialh ;I ion, the rest of the party being accom- people of the State; and It i- 'tith
decline to comment on the, various re- } TmirPa etst eo ae'e-mdtdartrnt oss hr you, their representatives~ that w (e
iports that the Berlin government iE arngmnt av eead o[e want to work. There ar not two
i aou; o dot n ntiel nw olcydsay and 4Ifori'oi ceive them. A directory of the party sides to this prble; we are broth
towards the allies. isbig kpotatalmmines my working together.* When we hae fin-
The hope was expressed tonightj Seats for the Junior Girls' play are be located by inquiring at the infor- fse bwigyuwathsldn
I oeetatGrayhs tls mi ail mtiFid ikiain desk at the Union..:Ifsedrwnyo-hahs ieicoe
hoevrtht emay asatlatsollig rpdy n<red 7 hoff The pages were admitted to the Ma- I tomorrow, our greatest sa,tisfation
Gcome to her sense and is ready t 24 who has charge of the ticket. sales jestic and Arcade theaters last night will lie in the trth that. we have
make direct proposals to France. for the production, reports that all an opportunity of which 'many of th< placed before you-the acts of the
Labor Support- Essential building program.
The ritsh ovenmet, t ws sat-of the $1.50 tickets have been purchas- youngsters availed themselves.IPrudc
ed onght sand slidy n te oli red All remaining sets are $1 and : This is the first visit of this kind# Warns AgainstPrjde
s ed tngtstnssldyothpi made to the University by the entire "We would have you underst~Ad
secretary for foreign affairs, in th( - Tickets may be secured by mailing legislature in, over- 20 years, accord- ; that we (10 not want 'all of tese
Commons on Tuesday that there will applications to Miss Dickhoff at 103(I mg to several of the members wh things at once. We are lok rg fo-
be no interv-ention or note passing b~y Oakland avenue. A box sale will be were interviewed. The last visit of ward to 1937, the centenn aI of tie
Englantd. At the same time it is real- held in Hill auditorium this afternoon # this kind was made during Presidens' University. Nor do we want the big-;
ized that the sooner direct negotiation. and all day tomorrow. James I..Angel's term as head of te get university in. the world.' Such
are opened the better it will be fomr On Monday and Tuesday, March 10 University. ambitions in the building, program
all concerned.; and 20, tickets will be sold at the box have been hinted, utat this point we
An essential condition to any Ger- ;Office of the Whitney theater. nniir ffff3TT ( beg o you to keep your lmInds upon
man move must be that it has the - '----ISCIrLI1 COMITiVII . i the manin issue. You minsuot allow ay
blacking of the industrialists without SUNDEL AND URGES small group to push Itself into the
which peace efforts on the part of th' A,.j EX-P --~ iviELS0ROMflfR OL f limelight at the center of the stage. We
Berlin government would be infec-' P ASSAGE i OFI'SILT, ILJ IUI iJJ IUU nsist that 'you must not perit any
tive. --_ petty'prejudice 'to cloud the future of
Speaking before the judiciary com- TIVO STTUDENtT8 PLEAD GUILTY- the greatest University on the North
iALPHA NU SELECTS mittee of the State senate Wednesday TO BURGL~ARIY American continent."
DE' LS LBATERS night, Prof. Edson RI. Sunderland, of CHARGE At this point the assembly broke In-
CONTEST j ~~~the Law school, nigod the passage ofItapluewihatdfosvrl
Alpha Nu society, in a closed meet- I a measure which would compel all Meeting yesterday afternoon, the minutes. isWfaeo nleiy
ing last night, selected the freshman attorneys to become meifllbers of the discipline comnitee took definite ac- 1 The speaker continued: '"the main
I nembers who are to represent the or-i Bamr association. Tin on two cases of student offenses. issue is the welfare, present and fil-
ganization in the 'annual dcbate he- { Law practice of the state would be ; The first resulted in the suspension ture, of this University. here are
tween that society and Adelphi. The} rigidly regulated' if the measure in-; of Joseph S. Rotige, '25, and William! mn connected with this tknverty
nen selected were F. A. Cuthbert, '26, troduced by Senator Condon of Detroit who have consistently worked With
SH. H-arold, '26, J. J. Dunn, '26, speak- is passed. Each lawyer would tie coin- i this main issue in mind. 'there Is a
ers, and J. S. Dielchoff. '26, alternate. apelled to secure a license in the saint T'1his action follows their plea of guilty! Board of Regents who have grappled
The qeto pnwihtety manner as is required of a doctor or ; of brglary before the circuit court; courageously with tieroblem, There
outs spoke was, Resolved: That a fel= I dentist. i of Wastenaw county. They were plac- 1 is President-emeritus Harry Burns
. oral law, requiring the nomination of The measure provides for the ap-I ed on probatiomn for a period of five Hutchins who was president here d Dr-.
1 presidential candidates by direct p ri-I pointmnent of an official whose dut7 years with suspended sentence, Neith- I ing the critical period in Iniversity,.
- ait would be to see that the provision or Rotigeti or Bachman has been in history, including the great war. bur-
: monies~ to be held simultaneously- of the law~ were enforced. Attorney I .;coo since Jan. 16. TIhey will not be ig his administration $3,000,000 was
throughout the united States, be1 would also be able to be suedl if theuir allowed to return to the University given to the University in private
adopted. - fees to the state were unpaid. except upon recommendation of the grants. You will see tomorrow in
Dean of Students and the permission- Martha Cook, Helen Newerry, Betsy
" of the discipline committee. Barour dormitories and Hill auditor-
{ Rvtflwni'r ,,aeamrn Buletin i The second case resulted in the ex- jum and the gymnasiums, a demon-
~i~~u~, I lulsion or four students from the U- ;stration of public interest that is un-
C lash !!t-.iis ity, two enrolled in the engineer- j equalled in any state-owned institu-"
____________________ I Special1 to The Daily) ing college and two in the literary col-!Ition in the country. This matching of
____________________' Chicago, Mfarch I1i.-Lyle S. ;lge. They were found guilty of coin-'- private interest with public Interest
Hunbbard (f Michigan furnishied duct unbecoming gentlemen, !is something to be proud of."
ha the battle of life, tie amr- !i' i
biitionless gets a left bnook to aaksijApormln il -
! the program at the siainiig C1T11OLIC STU'IDENT CLUB ( Here President Burton took up the
the jaw, and the progressive i Wet ee olgh'by equalling O(Y AC T~~ waporito ilo h last legisl-
-in.~ ~ . 1 e e ta r ton ic -h . _ . . . ,. _ aO ( V iN k T O O R W p r p i t o b ll f t e

sc r ved.

thrIee numbers, the last of which wa;: perfect htarmony to thle dreamy mucsik
by far the best,a light number more. played by Tang, '2-,I4, and Tavares

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