THE WEATHERI RAIN; COLDER TODAY A0i t ia ~aih .AT TEND CONVOCATION TODA Y , r __ VOL. XXXIII. No. 121 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE MVE CENTS . .... PRICE FIVE CENTS L TORO Ilk 4t S c=.. SP ECTI _. . i GROESBECK UNABLE TOSPEAK TODAY1 AT CONVOCATIO0N MAJOR, ROLPIL DUFF WILL TARE ADDRESS IN GO VERN ,OR'S PLACE PRIVATE~ SECRETARY OF STA'TE HEAD TO TALKI Section Reserved In Hill Auditoriumj for State Solons all Classes' Disilssed An Assembly Of University Elements A ^convocation-an assembIly by sumnions-- will he held at, 11;:1.5 o'clock thisi morning. in H-ill auditorium. In the history- of University convocations, one has neNver bean called which ear- ries the import of todny's meeting. The Convocation of the familiar type, having for its purpose the discussion of a topic 0f current interest by an ablle specaker, before anl audience of students, has an imlportance purely local. This morning, however, before an aludience composed or three groups mkst vitally intere:4ted in the nit)versity of illiehi .gan-tlie State Legislature, representing; the citizens of the commonwealth, the faculty, and the student body-a represen- tative of the Chief Executive Of the State, Major Rolph Duiff, wvill (deliver an, address. Whatever subject he selects will be of pointed interest to the assembly, hut