9 , tt tt- class should attend these meetings , r
they would be of value. They would
-_ -- - ___- represent an attempt to make the E DT RA
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE c lass exist as a group and not entirely '/f'--------
UNI EUSITY OF MICHIGAN i as. a collection of individuals. Through ;(IK\ T4i
+ ihdeey onn xep Mna these and subsequent meetings later ORDER SOU
°' k
duriing txke University Year- by the Board in' on a group 'consciousness might be le- ' ciyex. ,
Control of Studert Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Asociated Press is exclusively en-I
titled to the use for republication of all{
news dispatches credited to it or not other-,
wise credited in this ;Paper and the local
neCws published therein.
elp dwhich would leave its im-
print on the individual.
If this can be attained through the
proper administration of available
class funds, the comparatively smalls
expenditure necessary will be more
than.juAstifled in fostering the best
interests of the class of '23 as a whole.
in. bed 'til the hour of twelve. The t
rigors of last night a bit too much
for my battered and weary, frame.
Partook with much gusto of a. tasty
luncheon at' the Eating club and did
depart- for parts unknown with joy
in my heart and raw liver and whbip-
ped ~creamn in _ ay stomach.
For a snapnpery walk around the vil-
lage and noted hundreds of canines
disporting themselves about the cam-,
r ntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, __________
Uichigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mnail, $3.50. NTEO RTC
Offices : Ann Arbor Press Buildings MaySITI N 'IT(
nard Street.. Smythe is rather queer in that he
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M;. Bus'=I-
gee, 9o. has a proneness for reading books
- themselves In addition to the reviews
,fmnnuniletionR 1not to' exced So. word that are written on them. ,Conse-
11 signed, the~ signature not necessarily to
appear in print, hut as an evidence of faith,I quently, in his classroom and. outside .
and notices of events will be published inredn lie has become somewhat
Tiac Daily at the discetion of the Lditor, ifeain
left at or mailed. to The Daily office. Un-. familiar with the methods of critics,
signed comm~unications will receive no con-ps n eet adtog i d
eiderat4cn. No rnaniscript will, be returned pas adpreet n huhh d
upJessa the writer encloses postage. The D~aily mits great admiration for the con-
do.' not necessarily endorse the sentiments,
expressed in the cormanmications. fessed erudition of mcst, modern crit-
___________________________-,ics, he has his opinon concerning their
EJ)ITQJIIAL STAF~F value to society which, worthless or,
Telephones 2414 and 176.XM otherwise, must be expressed.
,_.._ In the first place Smythe is tired of
MANAGING EDITOR cheap inconoclasm w*hich manifests
_MARION B. STAHL itself in feigned outbursts of pr'ofun-,
{ s-- dity and esotericity on the part of a3
%wS 1Editor .. .......... ....Paul 'Watzelgruofetiswhcalhmevs
' itv lditor. -. ....Janes B. Young gopoigtsswh altesle
t,.ir t t ity lEdit r..........J. A. Blacont critics,.lie its extremely susceptible
Huti lBard Chairman....... F. R. Meiss
to a clear and sympathetic analysis,
lalpi I 1yers Harry Hacy which aims at good judgment, even if
1,..1. llcrshdorfer R. C Moriartyitdentatint.Btothohr
Ii. A. Donahue J. . Mackitdenoatant. utothohr
51,o'1, Fdi . ......Wllace V. Ei.-t' hand, he is not staggered by these
. , Im's Editor.......tt . .arionaKoch iconoclasts who murmur softly the
M usic Iliitor ........... H. Ailes, 4stoundin~g revelation that there is no
Editorial Boar ~ Santa Claus 3or something similar in
Loel 'Ker auic Brmn ugene Carmichael an atempt to concea~l their nounte-E
pus. Eftsoons
fudge Sunday,
no mean wit,
less soothing
to Calkins and a warm
A colloquial term of
I take it, but none the1
to the :palate.
The events of the evening lightly;'
taken ulp with study and research in-
to the field of feminine pulchritude
at* the Library.
AND All)
11 EL P
The matter of an increase in en-
t rance requirements andl scholastic
standards for students who are ad-
mitted to the University causirng an
amiount of discussion entirely out of1
proportion to its importane. New reg-
ulations have not tb)Cnfl ormed yet, al-
though they are being considered by
a. faculty c'omm ittee. Probably some-
thing similar to the rules announced
by a. downtown paper will be forth-
ming. but even so, we wish to lpoint
out that it will not (ll a death blowE
to the undergraduate body, fraterni-
ties, and student activities.
The desire of the faculty is to ex.
clude from the University the type o_
peole who drop out, or are expelled,
sometime during their first year in
residence. These m~en and1 women are
almost always ineligible for pub~lic ap-
!c-arance, and are on probation, and
can neither offer the University- any-
'thing nor be0 more than ar hindrance to
others who are associated with them
in their class work. Classes are over-
('crowded now, and, it is often imzpossi-
ble to get instructors who are quali-
fied to teach even the elementary
couirses. This has been especially true
in the Department of English.
An investigation of the facts proves
that the University is striving to keep
out only those people who are almost
entirely detrimental to the best inter-
ests of the whole institution.. T.>he
greatest possibility of harm lies in:
the inaccurate propaganda which is
being circulated, and by no one more
than active undergraduates.
It 's JAIKE for thbe Kid
~g"'trwt", Franklin D .HepburnI
Sidney Blielfield Winona A. Hibbard
R. A. Billington TEdward J. Higgins i
Hielen btrown Kennmeth C. Kea r
11. C. Clark Elizabeth Liebermanni
A. B. Connable j ohni McGinnis
Bernadette Cote Samuel Moore
t-velvn 1. Coughlin M. 11. P1ry or
Joseph Fpgtein W. B. Rafferty
. E. Fiske Robert G. Ramsay
iohin Garlitighouse J. W. Rtuw'itch
Walter S. Goudspeed, Soil J. Schnitz
Portia Coulder ]Philip Al%. wag;ner a
Telephone 960
bankery through self-glorification.
Smythe is too conscious of his own
shortcomings to give much advice to
such self-styled geniuses. But Smythe
finds that the worth while critics or
the past all adopted certain standards
of judgment, such as sympathy and
universality, and that these norms
were always lived up to. He also
finds certain critics in the present era
who think that effective criticism
fshould be entirely objective and. who
are more interested in analyzing hi-
cidly thai they are in staggering their
constituency. Needless to say these
men are castigated by the moderns as
being "rocking chaiir reviewers".
The lone kid's a goodl o1
He works by night andd
lie never stole a_ ton of c(
He knows it'doesn't pay.
A sorority house is his big
There's a-plenty of jack
The boy he plays a lone ha
The girls, he loves to sea
Take the adv~ice of another
A fraternity is all1 the but
There's no money with
The girls get all the j
f II
Two cases of tempera
above 110 degrees! May
it's just some early
cases of Spring fever?
g stand
n', kid,
a brlot her,
Adetsn.......John J. Hamiel, Jr. ---
Advertising. .:..... WatrK. Schererl U IIT SE ES
t ~1\ ........... .... ... Lawrence II.. Favrot PBIIY EKR
1l'nhcl ni in .............. .-Edward F. Con ii.;
C(t tvA r.ilig........... m. .David J. 1Q. fart. hnbedded in the very natui'e of a
1Crcuati>n ...,...... ...x1,01 rSeTid I1.1.Wolfesml-gopfinvdusisanqe
A1ccou nts ............ .. LBeaumont I'aflkS salgopo niiul sauiu
Assistants craving for what is commonly called
Perry M. Hayden Win. YL Good publicity. Desirous of getting themi-
Fugene ?4. Dunne Clyde L. Hagerman
John C. Haskin H'enry Freud selves ibefore the public, these fanat-
C. L. 'Pitnamn Clayton Purdy ics literally worship their own nmes
X. 'D. Armantrovt T. B. Sanzenbacher,
iilbain ti woxiu. Jr, 'Clifford Mitts when they appear either on the print-
Harold L.. Hale 'l'hotas Ale iaciren athlisoanlrg
Wmn. D. Roesser l ouis NIAl. exter ed pgeor upon telp faylag
Allan S.'Morton C., W'ells Christie group of people. E~xerting evei'y ef-
J~i~~Lyt. klimi * ±f~1~fort toward accomplishing this aim,
they often stretch the devices of in-;
_____ _____ _______ __________-genious mninds to ludicrousness and?
TH 4 RSDAY, MARCH 15. 1923 ! fraud.
- -___ ------ Recently the midiculou~s side of
Night Editor-L. J. HERSHDORFER these fanaticisinslhas been well il-
-- -~ - -' lustrated. by the "fever hoax", which'
TH~E LEGISLATlORS' VISIT almost endled fatally for the more or
'With a deep-set (desire to learn to less sane perpetrator or the act. Hay-
know the University at first hand and; ing ima.(e thme best of her originality.
to see with their own eye3 its needs,th"fvrgl"seudtedsid
the embrs f bth huse ofthepublicity through a very clever ma-
nipulationb of a hot water bottle. Wheth-
state legislature will arrive in Ann er or not the attending physician who
Arbor this afternoon for a° two day vouched for the remarkable temper-
visit.. a.ture of his patient was also a victim
While here the legislators will ob- of the mania for publicity, he has re-
ceived his full shai'e and will possi-
serve the jUnivers5ity in its normal op- bly pay for it through the effect it
oration, with scholastic pursuits will have ;on his professional reputa-{
reaching the full swing of the second tion.j
soxnester. Staying at-" the many fra- " Many would- be dare-devils have!
ternity houses where provision has' paid in full for their overambitious ef-
heen 'mad't for 'them the men from ' forts- to obtain the notice of the "pub-
Lansing will come intto contact with; lic. Many more will continue to do
hundreds of Michigan students. They so. It is only through the realiza-
will 1)e given an intimate glimpse of tion. that though one's own life may
t he real life that goes on in Ann Ar-; not he of value to himself, it can be
hor, as contrasted with so many widely made so with the proper effort, that
circulated "college myths". such foolish =acts will be curbed.
The legislators have gone to con- The man who realizes publicity by,
sidleralble trouble and inconvenience accomplishing a worthy purpose in a
In order to be able -to appreciate the worth while manner, adding some-
real conditions at Michigan. Momn- thing to the common good of his fel-
bers of the University body have an ilowman, is paid for his efforts. But
oppoi'tunity to make their visit worth the unscrupulous publicity seeker, like
while b~y showing them the actual Escalaba's hot water bottle patient,
:Michigan, the University of' from day= must always end. in disillusionment.
to day,'and the crying needs of that - -__
Univermity. In one community in the Ruhr dis-
'l'odaty's NoxseiiseN
Ain't you ashamed of the
Feedin' and stuffin' your
Ain't you ashamed of the
Get in your galoshesc
Now meb-by you ain't, 'butl
ouighta be!
Aint you ishamed of the
v aste,
And gettin' your lessons in
Ain't you ashamed of the
As soon as the Matron tur
seeing back?..... ...
Now mebby you ain't, but
oughta be!
Ain't you ashamed of the
Playin' poker, and as a ru
Ain't you ashamed to sit in
Aside of a co-edl and nc
Now mebby you ain't, but
oughta. be!
Ain't you ashamed to finall
H'avein' learned your hoa
list Jake. (Purdue Exponent)
InI times when it is almost neces-
AKJN(' sary for one to be a. specialist in some
ture one line it behooves the individual to
'be concentrate his energies so that he
may become proficient at one thing
? ~instead of just mediocre at many.:
Jolhr. The old advice that it is unwise to
"Put all your eggs in one basket", is
ov-el ( due for a revising, It has come to the
-Eleen point where to be sucesful it is al--
mot necessary to turn all yotr t
tent ion to just that one asket, and
make it the goal of yor endeavors.
tin'e you It is a tie thing to have a general;
k<nowledge and to be on speaking
face? terms with many differet activities
time you but with this, one should lie super-
proficient in oe things. le should
'ver your be an authority andI should excel. The-
wold will listen to a man tat excels,
tyou sture it looks u) to himt and "counts him as
a sickest,. ome one said that" the
world would wear a beaten path to
money you' our dooi' if we could1( make sonic one
thing bet ter, than anyboly el e no
na terrible mater if it were only a mrousetrap.
It should be so with business and
e way you with plea: ure. Instead of being con-
tented with being jv it ordinary in this
us her un- and that why not make i' an aim to
.........excel somewhere along the line.
tyotu sure Identify yourself with something
and. work at it so that peopl will
think of that paticular, thing wheni
hours you they see you. You can get the habit
of excelling in you' work and pleas-
le, tire so that people expect ti and will
athe night, make way for you. The first Success
ot make n or victory is always the hardest one
to) winl. After that they come almost
t you sur1e of their own accod. Get the habit of
being the best, of excelling, and of
winning while you are in school and
ly go home, it will be esier when you start out
d was ant in the world.
(Purdue Exponent)
i'nor, but 1. Ninety is not twice seventy, hbut
doesn't the aveiage A student know
t you sure twice as much about the subject as
the luan wo gets' through with a
liegnitte. bare passing grade? The difference be-
tween a genius and an ordinary per-
celing run- son is very small. It is a matter of
rity Caging (doing each job a little more thoi-
oughly than is usually considered ne-
sabout the es nary.
Oi'O but it's Take, for instance. subjects such as
o be put in Physics, or Engines and Boilers,
where each sttdent receives a grade
aln' sit d(tily, in contraditiction to.
Headline: Economics or History, which mnay or
EXPOSED)".may not be studied for weeks at a
- water bot- time with no consequent refectios
d1 the thei'- in the form of daily ,grades. Engines
'octors. and Boilers is no harder to master-
than a hitory cotrse would be if it
ere attally studied with a view to
deriving real benefit from it. But in
.><Economics or History a correctan
a-swer may be made to a qestion
- -, merely by a course of logical think-
in, while a technical question in an
engineeiing course has 1)ut one an-
Ia perect- awe, an unrelated fact or figur.
presence of H owever, in either ('lps of courses.
ther night. hniman or scientific, the shrewd stu-
a knockout dent can study- his professoi, guess'
chuckle but with fair accuracy after continued
tided. After pratice when he iill be likely to be
ling for fier! called upon, and thus possibly pass
'enely sober with a P ;grade. But doesn't the A
d, "I don't man know twice as much as the P
sides I (10n1t man ? Ninety, then, may 1)e twie'
More money is exacted from seniors
in the way of class dues this year
than) has ever been the case before.j
Teexchequer of this 3ear's graduat-
ing (lass, is more full than has been
hait(if most previous senior (lasses.
But the cla ~s this year has been no-
ticeaibly 1)' kward in arrainging events
wrhe rehy senio r,; may 1)ebrought into
trict, citizens are not allowed to put
their hands in their p~ockets while in
public. As a result, various ingenious
methods have been invented for car- '
rying nmatches, cigarettes, and so on.
At the medic banquet last night they
forgot to speak of measures for pre-'
venting the medic students of the
camps from talking shop while at
ivory (dome?
Ain't you ashamed to te
"Sorry, .awful sorry, Govey
got the can."
Now mebby von ain't .i
oughta 'be!
The Oklahoma Daily: "F
ring High Over Intei'soror
1I've heard lots of things
sorority girls and others 1h
a, cinch thby don't have tc
cages, or do they?
The Chicago Tribune: AI
fYou see, she had this hot
tle with which she heatet
m nometer and fooled thee
I I1'ie lto "'et ;,Way 'witi
ly excellent Joke in thel
a sweet young thin"g the
All the fellows think it's
andl it always gets a goodt
she's too darn liter'al-min
I finished it anid was wait
to laugh, she turned a sere
face towardl me and sal
think thati's funny andl bes,
'cor contact with one another.- -
To be sure the Senior sings anid other! The nmany dramatic publications of
customary events will take placeJ the country are looking to their Ilaur-
short:Iy after Shrink; vacat'ion. But? els because of time appearance of
wh await until menmers of the gradu-
ating class axre in cap andl goivn lbe-
fore providing them with something
they may do together? Now is the time
for alranging assemblies of some sort
that will be inviting to seniors ' in-
steadI of relying on established tradi-'
tions to fulfill this need later on.
A1 special night might be set aside,
Chimes' excellent theatrical number.
The Union is rapidly conipleting its
arrangements for the entertainment'
of Fathers on May 12. Have you made
your arrangements yet?
With more than a (dozen plots turn-
ed in. prospects for next year's op~erat