q 9T
(Con nued from Page One)
but that the directors were cautioned
that if any diffliculties were encount-
ered in the cokc plant, the coal mine
which is also state property, would be
seized and shut lown tight.
More Troopers Arrive
The arrival of 800 French troop..
ald engineers was announced at the
plant by the blowing of the great steam
siren which is used as a danger sig-
nal. This created a stir throughout.
the district, in' which the town of Buer
is situated1..
The coke furnaces are cooling; the
French are going ahead with enthus-
iasnm andi expect to have them opera6-
i again within a few days, and there
are already indications that some of
the 400 German strikers would- re-
turn to work shortly. If the strike
scontinues, the French plan to bringt
in their own men, having 45 on hand
already f-or a start ;these are Poles
and Germans who signed for service
and were put to work.
(Continued from Page One)
complete last night. Any fraternity,
however, wishing information should
call a nreber of the student commit-
te in charge of rooms, which includes
Thomas G. Kindel, '24, Howard A.
Donahue, '24, Thugh Duffield, '24,
Laurence Fa'vrot, '24, Lawrence D'-
Oege, '24, Donald McCabe, '24, and
Harley ,ubbard, '24. Members of
this committee will assist in receiving
the legislators tonight at the Union.
Requests For Building Program Contahn
$2,300,000 Needed To Complete
Lit Plans on Exhibition.
Blue-printed plans for the new Lit-
erary building are in the office of Prof.
".7 John F. Shepard, supervisor of the
H ospL. 'building program, in the basement of
University hall. All members of the
faculty are invited to inspect them
any afternoon in order that-they may
see the final plans for the builaing.
f j)
? )
i _
tor-boat with food and water gone,
Bergen Smith, Jr., and Harry li-
thews, fishermen were landed Monday
day at Long Beach by a schooner
from the Bahamas which had picked
them up on the verge of death last
Beginning next Sunday The
Daily will publish a classified
business directory in connection
with the classified department.
Representatives of The Daily are
busy selling space for the first
section to appear Sunday.
1 1
Second semester freshmen with
better than a C average and nn
D or E grades from their first
semester are eligible as tryouts
on the business staff of The Daily.
Prospective men may report this
I afternoon from 3 to 4 o'clock.
Driit Vive IDays in Open Boait
Freeport, N. Y., March 14-(By A.
P.)---Five days adrift i a small mo-
I a
7 to 10
The new University Hospital
The new University hospital wil1 cost $3,855,000 when it is complete. $1,555,000 has already been spent in
erecting the shell of the building an d the remaining $2,300,000 must be gr anted by the legislature before steps
can be taken toward the completion c f the building.
All members of the senior lit-
erary class who have not yet
paid the*, dues, amounting to
$3.50 for the entire year, should
do so immediately. Make checks
payable to Burton E. Dunlop,
class treasurer, 1617 Washten-
aw avenue.
Spring Fashions
for Young Men
Frak &Seder
men. Upperclassmen are
preference in this sale.'
to be given in
The ticket, iiSTHH'FlT MIRIII FI
terian Young People's society of the
University, will sing a solo at this
allotted to the general fraternitic;
were sent to them by mail, and the,
majority of the fraternity house:
have already sold these tickets and
have made returns to the ticket com-
The reception, as in the past, is to
be formal, and is to consist of a
v / WU1.11 / lNitluulullllll1L1_/
i .
luncheon, entertainment, and a num-
ber of speeches.I
Honoring Dr. V. C. Vaughan, for-
, I
It is planed to have student ushers mer dean of the Medical school, anOI
assis -n seating the audience at Con- now connected with the National Re-
vecat ion in Hill auditorium tomorrow search council at Washington, the sen-
norning The men who will act as serchcunclashingtonte st
ushers are I-arry Hoey, '24, John Ba- for medical class held a banquet last
con, '24, William Merner, 24, Robert at Joe Parker's cafe. Delegates at the l
Mitchell, '24, Frederick Gilner, '24, practicioners' convention at the Uni-
Tiarry Davis, '24, Robert Moriarity, versity hospital were also guests.
'24, Harry Kipie, '24, Leroy Neisch Dean Vaughan when called on t:,"
'24, James Rice, '24, Camneroan Ross,t
'24, Paul Reed, '24, Donald Wilson, speak was given a great ovation by
24, (1.PA.Ca el, '24 JohndW esrnhis former students. He told of some
Campbll, x24E, Jorn B res eiences in his 30 year,
nard '2E, Hwar Birs, 24, ohnwork as a dean and spoke to the mem-
Brisoe, '24E, William Kratz, '24E, bers of the outgoing class upon their
John Poihamus, '24E, and Milo 0li- prospects for the future. He stated
phant, '243. These men will meet there is a great need for properly'
at 7:30 c'clock tonight in the Press trained doctors' in all communities
building for a short meting. but particularly in the rural districts,
where 'the proper Medical facilitiesf
RE CEPTION TICKETS are often lacking.
In the course of his speech, he quot-
GO ON SALE TODAY ed Prof. Headstone of the University
of Chicago, a leading medical edugat-f
General sale of tickets for the j or, as saying that the University of;
Cornell trackmen's reception to be Michigan had turned out Probably the
heldMarh wil b greatest proportion of reliable doc-
ef Mrin24to at theoUco wils afte - tors of any medical school in the coun-
held from 2 to 5 o'clock this after- try. Dean Vaugha n said also that
noon in the main lcbby of the Union. there is no other country where there
The sale is under the direction of 'is such a salutary condition among
Stewaart T Boyer, '24L, chairman of the practicing physicians as regard,
1h committee in charge of the recep- training and ability as in the United
tiOn. States, and that in no former period of
The sal of tickets today is for non- our history has the situation been sc
raternity and professional fraternityI favorable as at present.
" " '""'" 'e' vvsasaaiie~r 1time. The address woy Dr. Harrison
will conclude the work of the con- Re
TO MET HER M. Iference.I
Following complaints that students
More than 300 student delegatel- nightly pulled trolleys and stole lights
from the various colleges of the statefh
will arrive in Ann Arbor tomorrow
afternoon to attend the third annual car line, officials of the Detroit, Jack-
student missionary conference to be son, and Chicago Railway company
held March 16 to 18, under the aus- which controls the local line, have in- i
pices of the Michigan Student Volun- stalled two special officers whose duty
teer union. will be to ride the cars and arrest of-
This conference will be a gathering fending students.
of all the students of the state who are Chief of Police Thomas O'Brien an-
preparing to be missionaries in for- nfounced yesterday that six students
eign countries. The state Volunteer and several high school boys were
union is a part of the national organ- caught Monday night. The offender.
ization of student volunteer missionar- were not fined on this occasion al-
ies which, since its foundation in 1887, though no leniency will be shown ir
has sent more than 10,000 student. the future, the Chief says.
from this country for foreign work.
Dr. Samuel Zwemmer, who for theG ARRIC Nights - -75cto$3.00
past 20 years has been on mission StOny-CMAT N .EE
work in Cairo, Egypt, will address ,, Gala Retnrn Etngagement .
the first meeting of the conference a, America's Greate't Revie
7:30 o'clock Friday night at the Meth- GREENWICH
odist church. Dr. Zwemmer issan au: VTLLAGE F
thority V L A E on Islam, having just com-1~ A1Z~~
pleted a tour of the Mohammedan with TED LEWIS -
countries of Africa and Asia. AND
,A series of meetings will be held 3s'
Saturday with an organ recital by Earl SHUSERT . Pp. Mate. Tues.,
V. Moore, of the-school of music, in MI_ iGI 2 Thurs. and Sat.,
the afternoon. Sunday morning the 6 ghle and 50
conference leaders will speak in the The Bonstelle Copany
local churches.Pa Th Bo s le o p n
At 7 oclock Sunday night Dr. Paul in the Whirlwihd Farce
Harrison will address a meeting in CHARLEY'S AUNT
Hiltlauditorium which will be opeD Produced by Special Request
to the public.. Dr. Harrison is a med-
ical missionary and is the only Chris-
tion ever admitted into the interior of
Arabia. Robert J. McCandliss, '18
missionary to China from the Presby- WE ARE
, i; "
the Want Ads
After Gra uatd0n- Rt
All Freshman dance at Union Sat-
urday afternoon. Couples, $1; stags
64 cents.-Adv.
Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv.
r '4. r xsaro- . - PL~esw m.+A Y INGe s
- - --
- a--
- -
- m.
tb ul ieg .
1 T
a bauiflb"ie ir.
a.° w
' a si
a bauifl wit grl
r w
y:. = IN
Cleaners and
New Spring Samples Just In
SSOto $52,
QUICK rise to a responsible position in the. business world-or a lo"n
period of training at minor work before you are fitted for an executive role?
Which shall it be? A college trained man, if he has earnestly applied
himself, has acquired one of the greatest assets in life-the ability"to think. It is a
tremendous advantage. For now you are trained to set yourself for a certain definite goal and
not be side-tracked. Have you centrated into an intensive one-year
chosen business for your life's training course. Babson Institute, an
work? If so, and if you seek endowed educational institution, is con-
leadership in the commercial ducted for the purpose of training
world, here are facts worthy young men who are to occupy posi-
W~rl, hre re a~t W~thy tions of responsibility and trust.
of your deepest consideration. esobilaty trut
The principles, of leadership in busi- The Laboratory Method
ness are not many in number. They are Since it is the purpose of the Babson
not hard tograsp. Yet less than two Institute Course to train men for busi-TRAINI
men in one hundred ever learn them. ness, all work and all study is con-= FOR
The two chief reasons for this fail- ducted in the same manner as work is
tire are: (1) - lack of an all-'round conducted in any regularly established
business experience. (2)-the diffi- business house. For instance, there areEP
culty of drawing sound conclusions regular office hours not merely school
from the relatively few experiences hours. Lessons and reports are dic-
that any one person can have. tated by the student as in an office-
not written. Thus the student acquires
A Study of ]Leaders a mastery of business English and the
Through your studies thus far you ability to transform quickly his
have created for yourself a substantial thoughts into definite form.
backgroun4-a foundation upon which Teaching in Conference
you can build high. Why not use this
foundation in the largest possible way? Classes are conducted on the confer-
If you are truly ambitious for steady ence plan. The teachers, or directors as
and permanent progress, it will be well they are more properly called, are ex-
for you -in addition to your under- perienced business men, successfulin
graduate work to consider the advisa- their own line. Factory inspection trips
bility of special training which will cut are not long distance walking matches,
off years of apprenticeship in the busi- but personally conducted tours by ex-
ness world. This training is available perts in that particular industry. The
at the Babson Institute-an education- problems discussed are present-day
al institution organized under the laws ones and are drawn from actual experi- Send for
aEvery man who hopes to be a leader which over 17,000 of America's keenest t
in the business world needs special executives are seeking aid and solution his Booklet.
training--a training that can be had from the largest organization of bust-'
only from actual experience. A study ness advisers in the world. The stu- 1"raining for Business Leader
of the successful business men of dent at Babson Institute works 'on shiIt describes the courses
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nessprinipls; {) -a fault fortheto this institution by whch men
practical application of these principles Busines * are fitted without loss of time
to daily business life. usinessC inics for executive positions. No
These tried and proven principles,this The student at the Babson Institute obligation.
gift for application may now be yours. learns to do the things he will be expect-
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The Business of with actual business procedure. He par-
ticipates in the clinic instead of sitting'in uauuw *m a .mumin= mu!.wm
Learning Business a class. The training coversthe four ma- .Babson Institute
The specialists of the Babson Insti- jor divisions of business, Manufactur- : 350 Washington street
tute have spent years in business re- ing andProduction,Financing,Distribu- a Woneeley Hills, Mas.
search, laboratory work, and the study tion and Marketing, and Management. : Sendme w aiht charge, Taiaing
of the lives of successful men. They If you are anxious for achievement, if, tulars about the Babson institute.
have arrived at the fundamentals which by inheritance or initiative, you: seem .
every one must have to achieve leader- destined to become one of our leaders p
ship in business. These vitally impor- of business, send for particulars $Name.................
tant facts have been put together in about this training and its unusual
clear, understandable form and con- teaching methods.
All Hand Work
Cleaning, Pressing
P o e 3 1,W e Collect and Deliver
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An Educational Institution Organized Under the Laws of Massachusetts Not for Profit
Wellesley His, C( Suburb 0) Mass.
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