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March 04, 1923 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-04

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__ _ _ .

Katherino MacDonald, in "Money,
Mon , Money," is the opening attrac-
tion hero on Sunday. It is the story
of a girl who wants everything sho

crooks. The girl is suspicious of his Purple Mask, upon whom the royalists
good intentions, and when her father have centered all their hopes for the

Thoug the program is presented by
members only, visitors are welcome.Man Must BegiZ

hasn't got, and what ha pens as she
gets it. She is supported by Carl
Stockdale as the father, whose silent
contempt for fine society cause: so0
much of his daugliter's unhappiness-.
Others in the castare Herschel May-
all, Margaret Loomis, Charles Clary
and Frances Raymond.
Mae Murray comes here on Tuesday
in "Jazzmana." Miss Murray s his-
trionic and terpischorean abilities are
set in a remote European kingdom,.
charming, yet full of the oddest con-
trasts; where the river flows serenely
by the palace, but where the inhabi-
tants are far from serene.. Gayety
is the face, but intrigue the heart of
the situation. Great novelties in set-
ting and in costume are some of the
features of the production. The scene
shifts to New York for part of the
time, and here, too, lavish settings
are seen. Rod La Rocque is Miss Mur-
ray's- leading man in this picture. She
is also supported by Robert Frazer,
Li hl Belmore and others..
Maest ic
"Hecarts Aflame" with Anna. Q. Nil-
seiA, ri-ask Kcenan and Richard lel-
dr.ck, and "The Electric Hlouse" with
mliite: Keaton are the onening fea-
tures here this week. "The Electric
Hlouse" is the story of a correspond-
eice schoolgraduate who receives the
&inloma of an electricalengineer by
mistak; he is hired to install elec--
t Ve'- aiplialices in a rich man's
heuse, and complications arise.
1i ;tday and Saturday "Omar the
Tutmaker" will be shown. Guy
'atos Post has hbo title roi# and is
su';prtc( by Virginiii Brown Faire as
Shireen. it is a colorful picture of
i'c sin in thec days when Omar Khay-
yam- wrote the Rubaiyat. It is the
:f(cry of young Omar, the student of
whin s wo ngleets his books to idle
in the tavern and scribble verses. lie
lot-es thc beautiful Shiren, to whom
he i3 seeretly married. Shiren had
the isfoitune to please the eye of the
S..ah of Shas, who demanded her for
his housch ld. When she spurned
the Shah she was thrown into a dun-
gaci, whre he' child is born, which
causes the Shah to order her death.
She sent her baby girl to Omar for
protection, who brought her up not
knowing she was his own daughter.
Years- rolled on, with many political
intrigues which endanger Omar s life.
Later the return of the long lost elder
Slircen, who head escaped death by e-
inig sold in the slave market, and the
reunion with Omar reveals to Young
Shireen that she is really Omar's
daughter, and a happy reunion re-
Char'.cs Ray in "A Tailor Made
Man" makes a return engagement to
Ann Arbor as the opening attraction
this week. The story concerns an as-
tounding dreamer, is brim full of ro-
umance and high adventure and is gay,
intcnso, and thrilling. The support-
tin; cast includes Ethel Grandin,
Edyth Chapman, Thomas Jefferson,
anc othnrs.
On Wednesday, William Duncan
ciin: here iA "The Fighting Guide."
A perfectly good cowpuncher gone
wrng and becomes a lady's man is
the basis for all the trouble in "The
Lc: e hand," starring "hoot" Gibson
and Marjorie Day. The story concers
a 3oung cowpuncher, born and bred
on :he ranch and never ten miles from
it. Ile decides that he needs a rest
and chooses an exclusive summer re-
sort fot his vacation. Before his va-
cation is a day old, however, he comes
upon a girl in trotble, and upon inves-
tigtion, .irds that she is all alone and
badly in need of protection from

returns, he, too, orders the newcomer rescue. A substitute Purple Mask is All men interested in public speaking
off the place But in spite of them- sent upon a series of dangerous mis- are esjecially urged to acquaint them-"
selves, the vacationing cowboy helps k sions until he is arrested. The decoy selves with the nature of the program
them, wins the girl, and turns his first mask is ignorant of the fact that he is end if interested hand in an 'appli-
vacation into a honeymoon. being sacrificed upon the altar of ulti- cation for mpembership. Public speak-
- -- mate success. ing societies are one of the few acti-
' '1v,.tIt is the adventures o fthis victimiz- vties to which first year men are
Life at its wildest and New York at ed Purple Mask that furnish the fas- granted full membership.
ih best figure in the plot of "The cination and the thrill of the story.
Beautiful and the Damned" which '; aptist Guild Will Banquet '
.jO nare on Sunday. The story is ShiubeK-M1ligan (Detroit) : The Baptist Guiid will hold its an-
3cncerned with Glcria Gilbert, a beau- "The Bad Man," the unusual and nual banquet next Saturday night at
tiful but selfish flapper (played by -many-sided play by Porter Emnerson t
Marie Prevost) and Anthony Patch, a Brown, will be the offering of the on- First Presbyterian church. Presi-1
young member of the idle class, who stelle Company next week, with Minor dent Spencer of Hillsdale will be the
is waiting for the death of his grand- Watson playing the role of Pancho speake.'.
father, old Adam Patch, a millionaire Lepez, the Mexican chieftain and bad
and social reformer. He falls in love man. We are first introduced to a
with and marries Gloria, and the two young man who has lost all he pos-
adopt as their mottoe "wait till Grand-y essed after trying to make a go of
pa Patch dies." They begin a course farming in the Southwest, adjacent to-
of life which leads to dissipation and he Mexican border. We glean that
costly pleasures. Grandfather Patch' he is in love with the wife of a guest
when he learns of their life of rece tpping at his ranch and that she Is
less revelry and debauchery, is over- n love with him; that the husband'is.
come with grief and rage, and he dies a semi-villain and has some deep laid
a week later. Instead of leaving them plans. These planas are upset when
the fortune they expected, Gloria and
Anthdny are left penniless. low An- the Mexican raiders headed by Panicho
thony falls into bad company and los- LOpez arrive at the ranch, and threat-
es his frtnds, and the struggles of en. to execute all the occupants. Pan-
Gloria to make a living, follow -in situ-- cho recognizes the men, who have
ations abounding with the elements of reviously saved him from death, and
surprise andl strong drama. decides to be generous and a benefac-
On Thursday, "Affinities," by Mary tor. His idea of a benefactor perhaps
Roberts Rhinehart, will be screened. is a little far-fetched according to
Colleen Moore and John Bowers have modern ideas, but it provides several
the leading roles. real thrills and an abundance of rol-
-- [licking comedy.
It would be difficult to compare "The
lhe, Stage Bad Man" with any other play; per-
" __haps its closest contemporary is
George Cohan's "The Tavern," for -
Gardik (Detroit) both faffirmative and negative, will
A superman in satin--such is the base but run along with uproarious
herd concealed behind the Purple comedy, villainy, and thrills at' unex
Masl, which is the title, as well as pected moments.
the mystery, of a capital entertain-.
ment from the French of Paul Armont
and Jean Manoussi, in which Lo Dit- A D)ELPH[, ASKS
riclhstein comes to the Garrick Thea.- M R R O
tre Sunday night. The period of the
"Purple Mask" is the first Consulate
in Fran-ce, when the wings of all Roy- Three special discussions and a bill
alists have not yet been clipped by Io be introduced and commented upon,
citizen perfects and citizen police I bith affirmative and negative, will
agents directed by the inexorable make up the program to be presented
Bonaparte. Our sym athies are en- by Adelphi House of Representatives
listed with the royalists who -are in- at the meeting held at 7:30 o'clock
tesday nightninIthe Adelmeitroom-oon-
tent upon rescuing one ot their num- Tuesday night in tle Adelphi room on
'r, the- father of the charming Lau- the'fourth floor of University Hall.
rette. Briquet, an implacable police Especial attenti.n is caled by tbe
jag-ent; who is a prototype of Jarvis in Speaker of Adelphi, Donald 0. Cook,
"Le a'Iiscrables," is assigned to safe- '24, to the fact that this meeting i
guard the prisoner, and to capture the open to all men on the campus. Al.

Habits Of Li

"Man must begin to change his
habits if he is to escape the fate which
has overcome so many great groups of
animals in the past," declared Russel
C. Hussey of! the geology department,I
yesterday. "In a sense, man has his
own fate in his hands today, and yet
he is deliberatelyatinkering with the
mechanism of life in a manner that is
absolutely startling."
Age upon age, he say, the worldl

To Change
ife, SaysIHussey.
has seen group after group of animals
dominate life and enjoy complete mas-
tery of its environment. Then through
some seemingly inexplicable circum-
stance the species has been wiped'
from the earth. In studying the prob-
lem~s of evolution, the paleontologist
is in an unusually favorable position,
with the possibility of tracing the
development and progress of animals
through a period embracing millions'
of years. It is proven from this study

that just as there is an individual old
age, there is a racial old age, and when
a group of animals reaches the stage
of racial old age its ultimate .fatie is
"Natural selection," he concluded,
"has been on of the. great forces in
evolution, and has constantly weeded
out the unfit from the fit; and although
jit has been a very wasteful process it
has, in general, made progress, for
only by the survival of the fittest can
we hope for improvement. Today we
deliberately allow the unfit to survive
and: propogate, while the birth rate
among the higher classes is constant-
ly decreasing.





Ann Arbor

Ber~nianino Gigli, Tenor, soloist.
The Chicago Syrphony Orchestra
The University Choral Union
Frederick Stock and Earl V. Moore, Conductors
1'mahello Addison, Contralto, and
ErIa a Rubenstein, Violinist, Soloists.
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra
The University Choral Union
Gustav Holst, Frederick Stock, and Earl V. Moore, Con-
Suzanne Keener, Soprano, and
Arthur Kraft, Tenor, soloists.
Chor is of School Chiildreli
George Oscar Bowen, Conductor
Florence MacBeth, Soprano, and
0ulscppe Danise, Baritone.
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Frederick Stock, Conductor
Ernest Schelling, Pianist
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra
The University Choral Union
Frederick Stock, Conductor



For the convonience of your
membbrs why not start a charge
account with the


A,, - ,

We've ot 'Em!


Jeanne Gordon,, Contralto
.Charles Marshall, Tenor
Clarence Wbitehill, Baritone
Henri Scott, Bass-Baritone
The 'hicago Symphony Orchestra-
The University Choral Union
Frederick Stoek, Conductor
Course tickets may be ordered by mail. The orders will be filled
in the order of receipt and tickets will be. mailed out about April 1, by
odrinary mail at purchasers' risk unless accompanied by t0 cents
additional for registration.
IVA)CK "A". Remaining seats in the three center sections on
the Main Floor, and in the first ten rows of the-flrst balcony, $7.00 each.
BLOCK "B". Remaining seats in the two side sections on the
Main Floor, and in the last five rows of the First Balcony, $6.00 each.
BLOCK "C". Remaining seats in the Second Balcony Front


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