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March 04, 1923 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-04

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t l








Uncle Joe' Cannon Cf
Will Retire TodayE
Washington, March 3.--(Special)-
The most famous figure in America's
political life steps out of public office

"Dirigibles if sent to the Northi
pole would be able to do more explor-
ation work than explorers with Eski-
mo dogs could do in 50 years," said
Donald B. MacMillan, famous Arctica
explgrer, on his recent visit to Ann'
Arbor. "Such a thing is not at all im-
possible and is highly probable. Of
court, there -would be certain difli-
culties to be overcome, but these are
not great. The task of getting enough,
supplies loaded into the dirigiblet
might be difficult at first, but some<
arrangement could doubtless be made
to carry enough food and clothing."
Mr. MacMillan believes that the1
right size dirigible could even sail to:
the pole itself and make a landing.
"Although the ice is exceedingly rough
in this region and there is much 'pan
ice,' I do not see why a dirigible could
not make a landing. At the present7
time the greatest difficulty encounter-
ed by explorers is this type of ice that ;
is so hard to traverse. The ice is|
pushed into small hills and it is al-;
most impossible to cover this with;
dog sledges. The dogs become tired
and worn out and enough supplies can;
hardly be carried on 'these smallc
sledges." .
It is his opinion that airplanes'
could get within 12 degrees of the
North pole in the summer time and do
; .great deal of exploration work. How-
ever, it would be impossible to go!
further than this because of this par-E
ticular type of impassable ice. "The
airplanes could not make a landing'
beyond any point 12 degrees near the'
pole," said Mr. MacMillan.;
When questioned concerning the
coal deposits located about 10 degrees
trom the pole, the explorer explained
that he had seen one seam 10 feet thick{
running toe whole length of a high
cliff. He pointed out, however, thatx
it is impossible to utilize this deposit

because it cannot be transported. He
added, "The coal in this vein has been
burned though and is of good quality."
Mr. MacMillan believes that sometime
this seam can be utilized. lic said.
"As a certain Danish scientist pointed
out just the other day, the North pole
or the country around there is moving
approximately 20 yards a year ano
perhaps at some time in the distant
future this deposit will be in a posi-
tion where it can be utilized. You
can never tell," contnued Mr. Mac=
Millan. "Perhaps in thousands off
years this particular territory will be
located here at Ann Arbor."
In speaking of Peary's explorations.
!dnd his book Mr. MacMillan pointed
out that Peary had invented a stove
which could be used to heat tea in the
far North and all that was required
was alcohol and ie. Mr. MacMillan
considered this a wonderful invention
and thought that it was remarkable
that a person should be able to heat
tea in the short time required by this
stove. He pointed out that Peary had
just inventecj this for his own utie and
had never considered the possibilities
of such an invention. "Peary did not
even mention this.stove in his book o'
experiences," said Mr. MacMillan.

~~~IIh~w I




today after serving his country for Hli ieen Active Contiuously Since
half a century. The man is "Uncle ('oi*1miencement of Ilairding
Joe" Cannon.
And as he departs lie leaves two Administration
distinct impressions with thousands
of friends, admirers and political folk. 14,000 UNPASSED MEASURES
One is of a pugnacious, dominating, WILL BE LEFT UNTOUCHED
fghting politican fea.red even by
men, of his own party as well as Washington, March, .-An eleventh
his political opponents. e hour drive for action on a wide range
The other is of a genial philoso- of bills was on today as the Sixty-
pher, whose views of life have been seventh Congress neared its close.
mellowed with years of conflict an 1Both the senate 'and house must ac-
who see. life in all its seriousness cording tp law adjourn sine die by
simply as an amusing adventure noon tomorrow.
The "Uncle Joe"* of oid first at-j While legislation, varied in scope
tracted attention when he began his and vital in effect on international
political career as state's attorney for relations as well as on purely Ameri
Vermillion county, Ill. That was' in can activities, has been enacted, it was
1860. Cannon's vitriolic attacks on the apparent that hundreds of measures
Copperheads - the northerners who would fail, despite last minute efforts
sympathized -with the South in the to extricate them from the jammed
national crisis that was then in the calendars of both houses.
brewing-drew nationwide attention. 1 Is Record Session
He laid the foundation then for his With the passing of the present
rise to congress. Perhaps he did not Congress, in session practically
then carry the stogie clamped between continuously since early in 1921,
the teeth but he had the fldgety move- Washington faces a suspension of con-
ments, the emphatic gestures and the agression i activities which probably
whiplash tongue that later made him will continue until the first regulr
the dominating figure for' years at session of the Sixty-eighth Congress in
Washigton. Decemiber. In the event President
Headed Thle " ld Guard." Harding adheres to his present inten-
"Uncle Joe" beeame the leading I tion of not calling a special session,
champion of "old guard" Republican- the recess will be the longest since
ism and it was under his leadership 1915.
that the old guard enjoyed its greatest The closing Congress, record-break-
years. So firm was his hold of the Iing' in that it has consisted of four
party that his power cost him the one sessions for the first time in, history
ambition of his life-that of becoming and its acts have touched hitherto vir-
at least a candidate for presillent. He gin velds in American legislation, was
was in line for the nomination in 1908 ushered in with the Harding adminis-
-the heyday of his career-but the tration.
party insurgents feared him a n d The ffur sessions were preceded by
'blocked the move. a special, but brief session of. the
The power of the "old guard" was Senate only March 4 to 15, 1921, at
hit by the revolt against "Cannonism" which, with the new President and
e in 1912 which marked the turning former senator establishing a prece-
point in Cannon's career. "Uncle Joe" dent by appearing personally before
not only stepped out of the house the senate behind closed doors, the
speaker7ship but surrendered the reins new caibinet members were confirmed.
of leadership in his party and became I The first session of the Sixty-seventh
g the second "Uncle Joe." Congress, a special one, was form
Sees Fun April11,1921, to Nov. 23, and Fas
TeesFuniu Lfe.notable for its conclusion oft peace
ag The game he had treated so serious- with Germany and Austria, reduction
g ly he saw in a different vein. Of late Iof the army and naval establishments
years hie has drawn more attention and for revision of internal revenue
e- with his witty comment on things in laws, reducing taxes aibout one billion
n general and his everpresent stogie. dollars ;annually, according to ad-
to The men prominent in public life ministration estimates.
.y when he began his career are remem- The second, and first regular ses-
s- bered as men of a generation ago. sion was from Dec. 5, 1921, to Sept. 22,
Abraham Lincoln was a struggling 1922,. with passage of the Fordney-
r lawyer when Uncle Joe was growing McCurnber tariff act after more than a
up. Stephen A. Douglas, brilliant and ! year's consideration. Senate' ratifica-
s~ seasoned statesman of his day, was tion of the Washington arms confer-
the envy of the younger elemnent who ence treaties, and the soldiers' bonus
p- aspired to political influence. These ight, which ended with the presiden-
- men passed on. A quarter of a cen- tial veto,.as its signal affairs. During
tatry rolled by-and still "Uncle Joe" this session came the record-breaking
n' kept on in the political world. { single legislative day of the senate,
u- As for the future? the longest in American congressional
". "Well, I'm just about set to enjoy history, lasting, on the tariff bill, from
a life, visit with my children and grind- April 20 to August 2 twithout a formal
e- children, and laugh at the folks dash- adjournment.
" ng about," says "Uncle Joe." 1 (Continued on Page Twelve)

"Periodic health examinations are
generally accepted at the present time
as an aid toward, proloniging life and

President Marion L. B11r,1on a d
Charles B. Warren, '91, Will lie
Principal Speakers,
Michigan aluinni of Chicago are
planning one of the largest annual
ldinners ever given by a collegeralum-
nii body in the middle West 'When they
meet at the La Salle Hotel'on March
16. Between 1,000 and 1,500 mem-
bers of the Altmni association of Chi-
cago are expected to attend.,
Pr'sideut .Marion L. Burtion and
Charles B. Warren, '91, until recently
ambassador 'to Japan, ;will be the
principal speakers at the dinner.
Other men prominent in the Univer-
sity -i'll be in attendance, including
Fielding H. Yost,. director of inter-
collegiate athletics, Prof. Ralph W.
Aigler of the Law school and Steve'
Farrell track coach, all of whom will
be guests at the dinner.'
The occasion'of the Western Con-
ference indoor track meet, which will
be held on the night following the
dinner, in Patten gymnasium, at
Evanston, is expected to attact a large
number of undergraduates to the din-
ner. All officials connected with the
Michigan track team, which will par-
take in the meet, will be invited to
The Chicago Alumni dinner has been
an annual event for several years,
alld has attracted hundreds of Mich-
iga~u graduates.


enabling the individual to live more
comfortably and easily". stated Dr.
Warren E. Forsythe, Director of the
University Health Service, yesterday.
Dr. Forsythe said that statistics show
the average expectation of life by a
college student to be about 44 years
after graduation, and that yearly
medical examinations as given to all v
students here every year may do much
to prolong this time.

bove, familiar .view of Uncle Joe Can non as he apjw'ared in speakerls ch
he appeared in 1885, and one o f his latesta :nd best portraits. Ielo
and his hone at Danville. Ill.

air. during' heyday of his career; as
Wo, anoiini wiIit his ever. preseint stogi



"The yearly health examination re-'
veals defects when they are still easily
correctible, and by this means serious ' DENTS "INTERNATIONAL
conditions 'may be largely checketd," MiNI)"
he said. ' "That examinations of this
nature are very effective is shown con- Believing that the creation of an
clusively from data recently issued international mind, resting upon
by the Metropolitan Life Insuiance kno d i'a th nen a b uriwh-ei;

versity of Mexico, July 5. The sum-'
fmer school curriculum is to offer them
more than 20 courses nearly all of
which are being specially arranged.
In addition the conferees will have
the opportunity to study political con-
ditions of that country, and the char-
acter of its people. Following the.
close of summer school, August 18
students may make .short excursions
to nearby spots of historic scenic and
geological interest. It is of interet to-

Every little freshman has a spellin
all his own. Reoults of the spellin
investigation conducted by the d
partment of experimental educatio
for the rhetoric department seem b
point that way. Some extraordinar'
perversions of Webster have been dis
"Ennorance", egarence", and "egoi
ance" are some of the variationso
"ignorance" that appeared.. "Senate'

company of New York, which conduct-
ed a five year experiment to ascertain
the value of periodic examinations,"
stated Dr. Forsythe. "The experiment
was made on 6000 people, and enough
prolongation of life was obtained to
pay for the cast of all the examina-
tions and in addition pay a 200 per
cent profit on the investment."
"The yearly examinations given in
the University have two objects", said
Dr. Forsythe. "Service to the stu-
dents, by keeping him in the best pos-
sible health at all times, and educa-
tion of more people to the apprecia-
tion of the value of periodic examina-
tions, are our two principal aims."
"As results of the examinations
given thus far to upperclassmen, we
find that there is an average gain of
ten pounds weight per student during
the freshman year, and that about one-
third of the students examined have
improved in health," he said. "As an-
other result of the examinations, we
do not find so many cases of unre-
cognized disease as would be found
in a group where medical service
was not so easily obtained."

g11 ,1'1>_ 1'iLl 1 w Y y W 1;
The United States and Mexico can
enjoy friendship and cooperation, W.
I. Kelsea,. state student.secretary for
the Y. M. C. A., is arranging for a
number of students to take an educa-
tional course this summer in the
University of Mexico at the City of
Students are to have a number of
advantages from such a trip. Leaving
here the latter part of June, the con-
ferees will travel direct to Mexico
city where they will prepare for the
opening of -summer shool in the Uni-

note that Mexico City,
tion of more than 7,000.

has an eleva-


was rendered as "scenet" while "symp
was spelled "symtems", "semnp
tons' and' si'mptons".

Those men who are in' sympathy
with the idea of creating an interna-
tional mind, who wisha to. make a
detailed study of political and social
conditions of the country, and who
would care to present the idbas of his
duty to students here after the return
are most urgently requested to make

A number of variations of "bou(
uet" were in evidence, such as "beau
cay", "houche" F nd "beauchet
"Phermeagtion" is one student's ide
of "fumrgation". "Caliber" was wide
.y diversified as "calibar", "Calabre


-Today In The Churches-
An observer at' one of the churches here.. At 6:30 P. M., the Wesleyan
last Sunday. noted the number of older Guild Devotional Meeting will have as
people present-some accompanied by its leader Mr. Evans Worthly, National
chlidren, some alone. He wondered Secretary. There will be no evening
whether the onea who were alone had 'service at the church on account of the
daughters and sons in some other city, University service at Hill Auditorium,
and whether they were worshipping at which Dr. Lynn Harold Hough will
there, as their parents were, here. speak.,
Every mother and father has a feel- Rev. S. S. Robins will speak on
ing off satiaf-ction, when he or she "The Place of Jesus", at the morning
thinks that at least on Sunday, the service of the Unitarian church. The
children away from home are attend- service starts at 10:45 o'clock. Sun-
ing church service. The services in day School will meet at 9:45 o'clock.
Ann Arbor churches today, will appeal All member of the Sunday School are
not only to pothers and fathers, but invited to attend the Students Supper,
to sons and daughters. which will be at.5:45 o'clock in the
"Symbols" will be the topic of the afternoon. A Discussion of Rihbany's
sermon to be delivered by Rev. A. W. "Jesus and His Place in Unitarian
Stalker at 10:30 o'clock at the First Thought" will feature the meeting at
Methodist Church. Communion Sun- 6:30 o'clock. All college students are
day will be observed. Special music cordially invited to attend the Univer-
for the service is as follows: "Com- sity service at 7:30 o'clock in the
munion in E" (Baptiste), Mrs. Rhead; evening.
"Jesus, Word of God" (Mozart), the At the First Congregational Church,
chorus choir; "May the Words of my Mr. Jump will continue his series

the trip. "calabor", "calibor" and "calaber"
Facult y W om en CZ~lL The total expense of the triip will The 'group which was subjected to
be within $350. Some.t of this sum investigation was made up iahlnot W hinsies Lecture Course Includes
rS may be secured from work while at entirely of freshmen literary students. Talks By H amlin Garland, Dorothy
M n City, or fro newspaper cor- When the department of rhetoric ask-
Members of the Faculty omen's respondence jobs. Arrangements for ed for definite information more than . Canfield, And Alfred K reymbourg
club presented three plays, before an the trip are to be made with Hal C a year ago, Dr. Guy Whipple, of the
audieecmed of other mbers Coffman at Lane Hall. 'department of experimental educa- The literary lecture series announc-F such a reminiscent talk.
a dience con softher membe s__ tion, assigned his assistant, Frieda ed by Whimsies and the American As- Alfred Kreymbourg, the third lec-
Universityclub, Friday night in Sarah iefr, to the task. sociation of University Women pro- turer on the series, is comparatively
Ca-swelsl ngl hriayl. ght mS Febr Tha Three weeks of drill were given to mises three events of moment to the the least known, except to the best
The utAing figur inrthe sthe students who made the above mis- many people who are following, the informed readers. Kreymbourg - ha-s
, "Te Dream ae"b Deludes Cam us takes and an average improyement of modern trend in. poetry and prose been a poet of real merit for a long
Splay, Theream aker, -y Blanche about 20 per cent was nted. As writing, and the personalities engaged time; his merit is only now becoiin
Jennins Thompon was Mrs. Paeel-- much as a 36 per cent improvement in these fields; and a fourth event is widely recognized. Years ago, while
Moore, as Pierrot. Mrs. Moore's real- Spring is here It comes almost was effected in one case. Miss Kiefer intimated by a provision which ap-' editing the poetry magazine called
ly charming voice and consummate lays poor spelling at the door of care- pears upon the printed course tickets "Others," he estabished a reputation
grace lent distinction to a cast not every year at this time, and every year less observation, short visual memory, This series of poets and novelists Is for selecting genuine poets amen the
particularly distinguished otherwise. the campus hopes it is here to stay. poor enunciation, an indifferent atti- srseres o poet noe r etin genuine poets ngthe
It appeared. that most of the directors' itnvrsasByW nedyotuendnsmecesodfcie prsented as a sequel to the modern I neophytes who came to is noice.
te ha o ted It never stays. By Wednesday or ude and in some cases to defective poets course conducted by the same He colleted two yearly anthologies
Thursdaynifaitbhas otoalreadyedpring'ision.
Pierrot and ierette; Mrs. F. N Thursday, if it has not already, ;springv organizations last spring, and it is the of verse, to which he gave the same
Menetee was goodrinthe latter role. will probably have flown. The slush intention to make the literary lecture title, 'Others." That his enterprise
that now draws the curses of the stu- series a regular affair each year. if was a financial failure may perbaps
"Masks", by Perry Boyer Corneau, etsnd faculty alike wll by then HI R ITESoaossible. be taken as evidence of its real but
I demonstrated that a woman can play have been replaced by hard. unyield- Dorothy Canfield, who is to appear unsupported artistic worth. -*.
the Dart of a man convincingly. Mrs. havice ee by hard uny ed Tuesday night of thies week, has been Two years ago Kreymbourg was se-
Ulrch hilpsasthemangan ice'. Wet feet will give way to 1 lIMia
Ulrich Philips, as the man, and Mrs. colds and coughs. told about at some length in a special lected to administer a bequeathed fund
Bradley Davis as his wife, both carried Bt INryyarerystdth. article in this issue of the Sunday in establishing an international maga-
their roles impressively, even in spite But every year, every student has a Magazine. She is recognized, as one zine devoted to the arts, especially to
of the, accidental comedy which ne- fprecedent and allow the February Michigan, with 369 students from of the foremost novelists of the time, writing, and particularly to the, newer
cessarily occurred at several suppos- awprecedent and allo te seruary foreign countrIes enrolled for this and alone should furnish a literary forms of that art. The most uncomr,-
' thaw to stretch out into a true spring. frincutesnble orhiI
edly serious points in the plot. Spring is undoubtedly here now, year, not including the summer se- evening worth the very moderate price mon name of "Broom" ws given to
Mrs. Theodore Adams, as Miss Kath- of the entire course ticket. the magazine, which was published in
erine Burton, was the individual star 1hoeg, Sudes mve s eender sion, stands second in foreign enroll- Hamlin Garland who will lecture Rome for reasons of economy. It was
along, mindless of the- slop underfoot, I~
in the last play, "For Distinguished inhaling the balmy air. Since the ment among all the colleges and umni- some weeks later, has been writing for published in English, 'and circulated
Service", by Florence Clay Knox; Ml's. warm snap started, attendance and versities in the United States. Mich-, a long time, and has hosts of readers principally in Great Britain and Am-
Harold Scott also played her part the quality of recitations has fallen off igan's prestige has penetrated to 37 who would like to hear him speak. It erica, and to some extent In the' cities
well, although she was compelled to distinctly, according to faculty mem- different countries scattered all over is an unhappy thought, but a practical of europe IAgain, for reasons of
repi'esent a ia(1y of rather less chan bers. Spring fever, with all its the world, and has brought together one, that we may not again have an economy the magazine was recently
than Miss Burton. Mrs. Adams' per- apathies, is here with the February- herd a great part of the intellectual opportunity to hear this venerable transferred to Berlin. Kreymbourg,
formance was really excellent. March thaw. class who are attending American novelist and poet. If he could be however, has ended his 'connection
Too much credit cannot be given "The Weather: Colder with rain or universities, often despite great opposi- persuaded to give . his reminiscences with the organ, and is aback in Ne*
the minor characters in such produc- snow." Probably snow. tion from their governments. of the writing and writers of the early York, at present engaged in producing
tions as this one. Even a talented I-An example of this opposition is in days of his career, and trace their some of his own playlets with his own
actress would find it hard to render I India where much propaganda is progress down to the last decade, his stringed puppets, or marionettes.
Brit4ish I 'Min11: V ,Iqu ake b,,s._L..'_ n _-_- ..,.1 . _11.1.uppets, k:.or marionettes ". . . .

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