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March 02, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-02

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" muent of the teaching of the doctrines
of evolution in thestate. Consider-
_ - _-- 'able indignation was aroused, corn-
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE municatioIns filled the mails, editorials
UNIVERSITY OF )HCHIGAN swamped the newspapers, and the
Published every morning except Monday Kentucky legislature finally decided
during tke University year by the Board ia that the theory of evolution might not'
Control of Student Publications. be such a bad thing after all. At 4
Member of Western Conference Editorial any rate it was allowed to maintain
Association. its freedom in Kentucky.
The Associated Press is exclusively en- Now, a year later, Oklahoma has
titled to the use for republication of all heard vague whisperings about evo-
news dispatches credited to it or not other-lution, and the lower hawse of its
wise credited in this paper and the local luinLn h owrhueo t
news published therein, legislature ,as passed a bill forbid-
ding the purchase of books or copy-
Michigaat te postsce matterAnn Arbor, rights dealing with the- theory of ev-
Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50. olution. There was only one dissent-
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-I
nard Street. . ing vote. Only one man was willing.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi- to get up and admit that perhaps he
mesa, g6o.
might have descended from a monkey.
Communications not to exceed oo words Fortunately Oklahoma is not a
If signed, the signature not necessarily to !lregat roewihi atcu
appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, large tate, or one which is partien-
and notices of events will be published in larly'noted for its advanced thinking,j
The Daily at th&# disci~tion of the Editor, if
eftD at or mailed to The Daily office. Un- and even if the bill is fully enactedi
signed communications will receive no con- 'lgiltr ohrsats wl
ideration. No manuscript will be returned in the legislature other stateswill
unless the writer encloses postage. The Daily look upon the action as one to be ex-
does not necessarily endorse the sentiments pected rather than one to be fol-
expressed in the communications.p
____ ____ -lowed by similar action in other leg-
EDITORIAL STAFF islatures. The United States as a
Telephones 214 and 176-H whole is enlightened enough so that
the states which exert the greatest
MANAGING EDITOR influence in the nation do not wish to
MARION B. STAHL blind themselves to the findings of
modern knowledge and to scientific
hews Editor..............Paul Watzel facts.


--- --- -




I have got the queerest.
feeling, ;l
It is, I fear, quite beyond
And I am at a loss to
Justshow I can my fears
alay, j
For 'tis a shock to any-'
body, E
When my roommate starts to study.
Oh Lord, why do you place on me, |
Such deep responsibility,
Why thrust on me, Oh Fate,
The pledge to think ere it's too late,
But my poor brain is thick and
When :y roommate starts to study.

Editor, The Michigan Daily:
The need for a revision of the sys-
tem in which history is given on the
campus has long been felt by many
students. This need has especially
been manifexsted by students who
have but a limited time to devote to
the study of history. A student, seek-
ing a, fair knowledge of the history of t
mankind, must at present devote at
least three years in order to get a
smattering of that subject. At the
end of that time his piece-meal study
of history leaves his mind in a loose,
unorganized state. The blame for I
this condition lies not in the prpofes-
sors or the text-books but in the
method in which history is taught.
A one year course in history deal-
ing with the progress of civilization
is the pressing need today. The aimsk
of such a course should be to stir po-
litical and social thinking, create in-
telligent discussion, and seek more
interpretation and less facts. A con-
tinuity and a connected conception of
history should be emphasized.
There is undoubtedly much to be
said in opposition to the new innova-
tion. Are the mental capacities of
the average student fitted to pursue
such a course? Can a year's treat-
ment of civilization cover the field
of history that justly requires so many
years of study? These questions and
others tht may arise aen only be
squarely met with a knowledge of ex-
isting conditions. D. K.


* s



_ . ,.,,

If you can spell "Tutankhamen
and pronounce it properly, chances
are you're not such a bad student aft-
or all.
Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-
6:oo a.m,, 7:00 a.m., 8:oo a.mn., 9:05
a.m. and hourly to 9:05 P.M.
Jackson Express Cars (local stops
west of Ann Arbor)--9 :47 a.m., and
every two hours to 9:47 p.m.
Local, Cars East Bound-7 :00 a.mn.
and every two hours to 9:00 p. m.,
:oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only--iIl:40
p.mn., 1 :15 a.im.
To Saline--Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-7:50 a.m.,
12:10 0.n.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Lim-
ited cars 8:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47,
4:47 L.st.
To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at
8 :47 P.M.

Schednle in Effect October 18. 1922
Central Time (Slow Time)
D) X X D
P.M. A. XT. P.M. P.M.
3: s 7:45 .... Adrian ... x2:45 8:45
1:30 8:0 .... Clinton ....12:oe 8:oo
:15 9:15 Saline .. 11:5 7:15
j:45 o~e Az4nn '\rborLv. 10:45 c6:45
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.,
D-Daily, X-Daily except Sundays
and Holidays. Friday and Saturday special
bus for students leaves Adrian 1:45, leaves
Aknn Arbor 4:45..
JAMES Id. I1LLIOTT, Proprietor
Phone '46


We Call For and Deliver
Fine Custom Talloring
802 S. STATE

inventory , Sale
State Stxeet


Must I call a Doctor quick?
Or is it possible he's not sick?j
Has some little girlie thrown,
Ambition in his ivory dome?
Or has my roommate just gone nutty,
That he shonlc so start to st u idy

_______________________________________________- II

City Fditr............... James B.. Young .. :v
autity Editor.........J. A. Bacon Although the action of Oklahoma's
d to>al Board Chairman.......E. R. Meiss lower house is an insult to the intelli-
Njht Editors-I And so as life's shadows fall,
RalI yers Harr H->ey gence of the nation as a whole, still There are times when you'll
1. iersldorfer R. C. Moriarty there, is a hope that the upper house The good old days when you
11, A. Donahue J. 'E.. Mack Tego l aswe o
Spoi; dior..........Wallace r. fiott will be sufficiently higher both in sta- young,
es itor..,..........Marion Koch tion and intellect to step heavily on When you've laughed and wht
Sinla M:ia ii cEdto. I. A. D onahiue
,ictorial Edlitor......... ....Robert Tarr the bill forbidding the purchase of 've sung,
Music Editor. .................E. H. Ailes books or copyrights dealing with ev- And you'll ne'er forget, Ir
howell Kcrr Editorial Board Berman olution when it is brought up for Buddy,
Eugene Carmichael passage. Of when your roommate did

en you-
start to

o" MENU..
Chicken Soup
Fruit Salad



6 7 8
13 11 15
2 21 22
27 28


' 17

be 'Chicken
TMlashed Potatoes

Sirloin Roast of -seef
Brown Potatoes

Fresh Spinach
i klt'.(11 s

Thelma Andrews Ronald Halgriirr
tny I. Armstrong Franklin D .Hepburo
Atanley M. Uaxter Winona A. ,Hibbard,
Dorothy Bennetts Edward J. Higgins
Sidney Bielfield Kenneth C. Kellar
R. A. Billington Elizabeth Liebermana
llekii Brown John McGinnis
1I. C. Clark Samuel Moore
-A,. B.Connable 11. It. Pryor
Pernadette Cote W. B. Rafferty
Evelyn f. Coughlin Robert G. Ramsey
l:oseph hpstein Campbell Robertson
T1.. iske J. W. Ruwitch
~oI:n Gai'ingbouse Soil J. Schnitz
Walt-'r '. Goodspeed Frederic G. Telmos
Portia Coulder l'lii !Nf. W ntvr
Telephone 960
Advertising...............John J. Hamel, Jr.
Advertising..............Walter K. Scherer
Advertismg............Lawrence I. Iavrot
lil,?ication.......... ....dward F. Conlir
Copywriting.............,David J. M. Park
Circulat ion..............lownsend H. Wolfe
Accounts...............L,. Ieaumont Parks
Kenneth Seick Allan S. Morton
GeorgehRockwood James A. Dryer
Perry M. Hayden Wm. H. Good
Fugene T,. Dunne Clyde L,. Hagerman
Win. Graulich, Jr. Henry Freud
John C. 1-askin Herbert P. Bostick
-C. L. Putnam; ;.3 a D' L. Pierce'
E. D. Armantrout 'Clayton Purdy
Herbert W. Cooper 1. B. Sanzenbacher
Wallace Flower Clifford Mitts
\ illi' n if. R~eid. Jr. Ralph Lewright
lfarold L. Hale Philip Newall

One of the most interesting ques-
tions of the day relates to the nature De
of the direct causes which have led to
the somewhat widespread feeling in is
our nation that many young people are hS
r eceiving higher education who are a
not profiting by it. The late agita-Efl
tion of the University of Chicago fac- ho
ulty for a more select or "highbrow"
enrollment is typical of the movement d
which would eliminate the further i
graduation of so-called "educated g
simpletons" from American universi-n
ties and colleges.
"Grinds" as the term is ordinarily ta
understood, are no longer wanted at'
Chicago. The type of student desir- a
ed is of a high mental capacity, the
man who can learn quickly without
excessive "grinding" or over-applica-
tion to books. If the demands of the
faculty are met, incomfng studentsA
will have to pass a mental test which A
will demonstrate their mental abili-
ty, and will determine whether or nots
they can profit by a university educa-
tion. In addition to the mental test,
the applicant for admission must spend H
several minutes in an interview with d
minutesorwhowill "size himt up" dT
and determine his mental alertness. a
A great storm of protest is expect-,
ed from students and alumni, since it
is feared that the new plan if in-
stituted will interfere with the ath-
letic prowess of the University as
well as with its social activities

study. J. A. L.
* * *
ere sir.
Seem as how de guys on de campus
gittin kinda flip on accounta not'
earin from me ges how I orter rite
littel note to show em i aint been
unked out or nocked cold from de
Wats all dese funny collairs 'nties all
e frosh is wearing this weak is dIe
imins lege havin a fire sale some
uy tells m:a its becuz deyre on pro

(The Daily Northwestern)
Peter B. Kyne, gifted author of
"Kindred of the Dust" and "Cappy
Ricks", will not write for the cinema
any more. And why? The industry,
he states, is not one of intelligence.
but a composite of a number of al-
legcd intelligences. Those who con-
trol the nictures do not want good;"

' _ -- SPRING
(a v,. '; s HATS
Our $3.00 and $3.50 Hats
We Save You a Dollar or
More on a Hat
We do all kinds of Cleaning
and Reblocking of hats at
low prices for HIGH CLASS
617 Packard StreEt Phone 1793
Where D. U. R. Stops at State




Ice Cream

Whip Cream Cake





This is the Sunday Dimner of
Flynn's Boarding House

Wm D .) Roeser


The introduction of Representative Th etinmmdteyass:
The question immediately arises:
Little's "finishing school" bill into the does a university exist primarily for'
state legislature recalls sharply the the promotion of athletics and social
economists' warming, "Don't monkey activities or for another more funda-
with the thermostat!" At a moment mental and serious purpose? The fac-
when the University of the state most: ulty, in answering such a question,t
ieeds the concented support of all' will assuredly state that the function
factions at Lansing. . . when the an- of the university is to foster study
nual request for appropriations are and research, and that all other{
ready for consideration, irrelevant, en- things are of secondary importance.
tangling andtime-squandering reform The students and alumni will argue
measures none of which could endure that best results are obtained when
iwdependently aregoccupying the at-,j study is combined with social ac-
tention of the legislature. tivities, athletic interests, and other
The whola policy of tax support for student activities.
privately conducted educational insti- The outcome of the proposed plan
tutions in America was threshed out will be watched with intense interest.
long ago. The state withdrew its If by the installation of such a sys-
support and relinquished its influ- tem, the University of Chicago will
0nce. Most of the colleges which the find itself turning out"a more sin-
Little bill now would turn into see- cere and serious-minded graduate, and
on(lary schools, are controlled by re- will be able to demand a higher plane
ligious denominaltions. By what fic- of scholarship from its student body;
tion may the state pay. money to an' if, in contrast to many other institu-
istitution over which it can assume tions, its yearly graduating class will
no control? Church and state are ir- contain no "educated simpletons";
revocably isolated in the United States. then the university will have achieved
The bill would also delegate to the a truly enviable distinction for it-
state the power of dictating to its self.
citizens what colleges they should If universities all over the country
patronize. At this point alone we were to install these rigid require-
might rest securely confident that the ments for admission an immense
hill is nothing more than a piece of I number of students, probably an un-
futile tampering with the educational reasonable number, would be forbid-
ystem-it is an experiment which den entrance. No objection, how-

1 1

ow in fraterniteas dats hard on de clean, wholesome stories, declares the
osh if you get a coupla e's you got.- author.
a dress like granpa And what does Mr. Kyne have to
Jes got over de flu and now drivin say about the art of the moving pic-
new car now de recuperAte ture? He declares that the moving
DE JOIEY BOIl pictures are not an art, but more like;
_ - a cannery. "The moving pictures
WHERE AN) WHO IS HARRY? have not developed an art. I see no
Phelix Goober on his way back to future for the induustry until it es-
.nn Arbor, some time last week talblishes a code of ethics."
laims to have seen Harry selling The passing of Mr. Kyne won't help
as down in Wayne. Much to his the moving picture any. He added ,
urprlie, upon his arrival here an something to the silver screen, that
tour or so later, there was the mys-has heretofore been decidedly lack-
ery man taking tickets at the Maj. ing. He appealed to"the heart not to
3is official garb consisted of a Man- the passion. Nothing superficial to
arin Robe and a Fireman's Helmet. "Kindred of the Dust". But the man-
this was Tuesday week, as Phelix so agers (1 not want, this type of story.
ptly phrases it. Peter B. Kyne bad something the pie-
Blah tures needed, but they turned him
,x*>* down. The picture industry has a lot
to learn. The passing of Mr. Kyne
may prove a lesson.
The fundamental fallacy of the'
present plan of university education in
America is that Faculties seem to
road slowly along the street- think it their duty to force knowl-
A billboard met my eye, edge upon undergraduates. With our.
t had weathered many a storm; system of cuts and examinations we
ts ads were tattered and torn- take the attitude that all students areI
And this is what I read: by nature and inclination unscholarly
Smoke a lot of Cascarettes and reluctant to learn. We make of
Eat Palmolive Cigarettes-- a college education a contest of
Always iwash with Vaseline strength between teachers and pu-
Complexions white with Bandoline, pils, the former trying to drive the
Mennens is the spread for bread latter into acquiring an education,
Sleep in Cocoa Cola Beds. and the pupils resisting strenuously.
The sweetness, Ann Donnely writes To balk at being driven is an Amer!-
Is due to Paris Free-Clamp lights can trait. When university adminis-
Garters, Headaches take away- trations pass rules which attempt to'
Victrolas help your rent to pay; make learning compulsory, it becomes
Arrow collas eat at will- almost obligatory for undergraduates
Use a Father Pinkham pill. to do as little study as possible.
POISON IVY. Such birch rod methods of educa-
* * * tion should be forever banished.
CONF'DENTIALLY SPEAKING Faculties should cease to fret be-
The other day, I made my way, cause certain men are very evidently
to Detroit, to a dance, out to pass four pleasant years, do-
and there I met, with no regret, ing the minimum amount of work nec-
-a Michigan Co-ed, by chance. essary to stave off expulsion. They
should concentrate on', and offer every
With her I dance, and dance and incentive to, those scholars who real.
pranced, ize that the rewards for serious study
upon that slippr'y floor, are infinite. The others, the "pass"
she must of thought, but all for men, are not worth professional wor-
nought, ry, after reasonable effort has been
I was at least a Sophomore. expended upon them,
No' course begins to be of value
And now I'm back, ten hours I lack, to the student until it has so arous-
to be that Sophomore, ed his intellectual curiosity that he
and when she'll see, that POT on me, wants to pursue it for its own sake,
She'll pass me up, it is the law. regardless of final examinations or
Jor,. marks. The curriculum should be
devised for the benefit of the men
who are possessed with this desire
'onltrul'tions, eontriblionis. really to dig deeply into a subject.
This means four courses a term, as it
IT SHOUI1 BE is impossible fully to master five dif-
Dear femie, f cult subjects at once. It means that
I heard some people talking on the the Faculty should assume that every
campus the other day and one said to man is hungry for knowledge and
the other. "The only two railroads that those men who prefer to starve
running out of Detroit are the Beer are harming only themselves.
Market, and the Grand Drunk. D1
r...7.. 4 - A h; ~~ 9 iZn s o- <,- -zriMa.l.C.nS

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Toilet Articles Perfumes
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Prescriptions Carefully Corpounded

Cur meals are like those mother
$5.75 a week
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would not bear close scrutiny through ever, should. be made to the nation's
the glass of Constitutionality. possessing a few scattered education-:
The subterfuges which are being al institutions which could be proper-
.ttempted. in the name of "economy"- ly termed "highbrow". Much might;
seem to have been inspired by a pub- be expected of these institutions, andj
lie sense of the very size of the Uni- although they might be a nonentitty
lersity, while as a matter of fact the socially or athletically, they might
percentage of increase in the annual within a surprisingly short period
enrollment has steadily decreased to make an enviable name for them-
the low figure of four and three- selves in scholastic standing. The
tenths for the present year. movement for more quality and less
Nothing less than legislation along quantity in the educational process;
traditional lines will straighten out should certainly not be frowned upon
the difficulty. If the present condi- as an impossible, preposterous idea.
tion of compromises were ever-
brought to a head, the power of the Why don't some artic explorers3





tinker & Company.

University as a state institution capa- come around in the summer time when

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