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March 02, 1923 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-02

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____ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ _ TE~ ICHTGAN"DAIY



There will ho no aesthetic dancing
lasses on Mnday evening, March 5,
in Barbour gymnasium.
The schedule for the games of the
third -round of the interhouse basket-
ball tournament which will be played
tomorrow afternoon in Barbour gym-
naslum is as follows: -
"1 o'clock, Kappa Alpha Theta vs.1
.Delta Gamma.
" 1 o'clock, Martha Cook vs. Chi Om-
- 1:45 o'clock, Pi Beta Phi vs. Austin
1:45 o'clock, Del~a Delta Delta vs.
Betsy Barbour.
2:30 o'clock, Sorosis vs. Alpha Ga-
ma Delta.
Rehearsals for Junior Girls' play
will take'lplace today as follows:
dolls, 4 o'clock; skeltons, 4:301
d'clock; professors, 5 o'clock.
Chaperones for the dances this week
end are 'as follows: Armory, Friday-
Miss Martha Hills; Saturday-Mrs.
I. Cake; Unon, Friday-Mrs. . G.
Berger; Saturday-Mrs Yates Adams.
+>League house presidents who have
n1 ot yet returned the house personnel
slips sent them by the dean of women
are asked to send them immediaely
to the office of Dean Jean Hamilton.
Three costumes which were used in
the Morris dance given in the "Knight
of the Burning Pestle" are missing.
,' Any one who has information con-
k' cerning their whereabouts is asked to
notify Lucilla Walker at 2338 or prof.
J. Raleigh Nelson at 2996, immediate-'
House presidents are asked to brig
the slips for signing out for the*
month of February to the ofice of theI
dean of women immediately.I
All girls interested in' doing social
service work are asked to sign up at
athe office of the Y. W. C. A. in New-
,berry hal. The office will be open for,
this purpose. from 10 to 12 o'clock
imornings and from 4 to 5 o'clock aft-
iernoons. At least 60 new girls will be
n .eeded this semester.
More than 200 senior women have
not yet ordered their caps and gowns
which will' be worn at the first per-
formance of the Junior Girls' play on
March 21, and at the senior dinner
c precedirng the performance. jDie to
this fact, it 'is requestedl that gowns
1 be ordered from Mack and Company
by Saturday, March 10.
Three queens Were Her Guiest
London, March 1-(By k.P.)-Mrs.
E. C. Tylden, of Sandingham, was
the proudest woman in all England
recently when she celebrated her
hundredth birthday and had as her
~ guests three Queens. Queen Mary
t; called first to offer her congratula-
tions, and later in the day Queen Alex-
" andra, and Queen Olga of Greece, hon-
ored her with a visit.
To mark the celebration Mrs Tyl
(en, who owns considerable proper-
ty, returned a portion of the ret paid
by each of her tenants.
Look at the "Daily Classified o
co-umn" and you will see some real bar-
ga ins.-Adv.

k _ .

Iren Casle o " r +C~om" EdtorChristensep, '24; -Miss Carroll, Mar-
Iren Casle o ~ " roo " Edtorgaret Reineke, '22; John Bing, Mar-
Have Rivals Todayj To Appear HMere garet Keegan,.'24.
Judging from the interest shown in "Little Alt" Kreymbourg, who has FACULTY' MEN GIVE
Irene Castle's 'performance given here, been for inany years the "whip" ofr EXTENSION TALKS
recently, every girl on the campus is the radical wing in the House of Poets,'
interested in good-looking costumes. 'will speak here in April on the Whim-
Though Miss Castle's dancing created lies-Collegiate Alumnae literary ser- Three University ExK'nsiori lectures
much discussion, the gowns she word es were given by members of1fthe faculty
while dancing created more-at least A tiny moan in stature, Kreym-; Wednesday. Prof. John G. Winter, of
Gmonsuth aswm arndcica. bourg's interest in Marionettes is aI the classical languages departmient,
Gown jus as mar andchicasvery natural one, and his troupe of IadA.~Q3 *1hP Raf tin rp ,,r,°

a t Big Rapids before the Parent-Teach- be heaird ody Tecs wsjo
er; ' association by Prof.* Marion C.lpened bcca.use of thebne of Judge"o
WCier, of the rhetoric department. The !George W. Sample, wh1o wscaldto
ML i. Pleasant Normal club heard Mar- Detroit on buisn,- .
._,or i elavin speak- about "Public Y2 ' u hi a~:Jn 7 h
t.1 cab hi as a Personal Problem." larp ee ulyII i hre
iw~ m'zrC~olN(UIT PREPARES Pearce John 1). Aa

Seniors of the College of Literature,
Science, and1 the Arts may obtain a
pamnphlet entitled "An Open Letter to
College Seniors" at the office of the
dean. Written by the dean of the
Graduate school of the University of;
Iowa, this letter discusses graduate!T

lman hall.. Johin hiamil, '231,d,wa
mnaed chairmlan of the committee
whc ildec;i on the typ;e of theo
It as (cedtoIhold thle annlt
inCaa (a~l Angelall.
I ~ ~ t' !re ',-do i0xr i con c(iwt

1111imers C the senlior class of the
1 igf tar clas aE' -o ia at a meet'-
inghedestcr('aya Itm aeni in Tap-

those Mviss Castle wore will be showni little people perform admirably un-I
at the style show given by the LeagueI der his hiand before enthusiastic New
this afternoon. Added interest shouldI York audiences. His poems, too, are
~be manifested, since the clothes will(~ short, but he spends a great deal of
be displayed on student-models, chos- time shaping them until they satisfy
en from various campus houses. his fastidious taste.
After the show, there will be danc- Of late Kreymbourg has becomie
ing in Barbour gymnasium, to which well known as the founder and edi-
which every woman on the campus is tor of B~rom, international magazine
invited. ~of the' arts.. Previously he edited
- ____- "Others", a magazine of poetry. ManyI
rCHANGE REHEARSAL f of the prominent poets of today owe
FO JUNIOR PLA their first recognition to the form~er]
editor of "Others'". His own recogni-
-~ '1tion has just arrived. At the present
Rehearsals for the cast and chor- moment ,he is the talk of literary
uses of the Junior Girls' play which! circles in England, following the pub-
wore scheduled for 9 o'clock Satur-. ication there of Conrad Aiken's
day morning, have been changed to American anthology.
8:30 o'clock, because of the greati Kreymbourg has now resigned the
amount of work~ to be done before the; editorship of Broom.j
first production.' The first presenta-
tion will be given Wednesday even- WOM ,EN TO HEAR
ing, March 21, in honor of the senior ( T O Nwmn h ilatn ncp n
gowns. Men will not be admitted to,___
this performance. Repetitions of play Dean. Henry M. Bates, of the lamy
will be given Thursday, Friday, andi school, will address the American As-
Saturday evenings, with a matineq sociation of University women on the
performance Saturday afternoon, subject of the University of Michigan
Tickets may now be obtained by League building, at 3 o'clock, Saturjf
mail from Freida Diekhoff, 1030 Oak.,! day, March 10, at the Union.
land and on March 16 and 17 there~ All wromen eligible to be life mem-
will be a seat sale at Hill auditors l brs of the League are to be the
ium., guests o1: the association. Members
of group four will be the hostesses. A
Ruft I)ralwr Performancee Nets $300! musical program will be given. I
Group two of the American associa--
tion of university women will turn INVYIT k, IF AS GUESTS OF
$300 in to the University of Michigan VA1CUJIT'Y WOMEN TONIGHT
L~eague fund, as a result of the recit-
al given by Ruth Draper last Friday Two plays and a short sketch will
evening, be given at 8 o'clock this evening in
-ISarah Caswell Angell hallbyr members

league on ",Roman Houses, Thoir IDee.,


oration and Furniture." At Whitinmore
Lake, Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, of the

ria~ evc, g v etr core work at length and answers many of I 1 11 Illl1i1 1Jxt ia111111111111d11 1111l l111119 dyn II
tePrn-ecesasoitoonthe questions which the college grad- ' -
the subject, "The Health of School atiscleupnoaswr
Prof Eml Loeh of te clleg ofprited by heal edtoarc ncilr.' EJ Ui nc
Childen". The Detroit Sorosis heard The pamphlet has been arranged and fIL® II
architecture, give a talk entitled prined _ythReearhconci:__ -daS n ?qAo ,
"The Building of the House". ABEC F _J r; ??{,--SAMP"LE~
Three lectures were delivered yes- PHY TIAIO TUTI S -i-
ted y rf er .A a s ftepsychology department gave the sixth=
of a series of lectures at Flint on the 'Willard(lBushinan, .'25, and Joseph S.
subject "Applied Psychology" before Ro0tigel, '25, who were to have appear-
the Association of Execumtive clubs o% (ed in circuit court here yesterday to
that city. The third "Cello Lecture a ce, charges of the alleged robbery of -
Recital" of a group of five was given three Ann Arbor clothing stores, will ~
,m In Satin
x or Patent
Your bank should be sound, accurate and ----
efficient. But that is not enough. Banking
service to be of the most use to you should-Apr ritfrSiceadSmirssW r
be alo inellient nd ineresed.l to convenience and comfort of the strap pumps have
I m: do ;-hema continued favorite--but of course there,,
That is what this bank tries to be. - ir st be 'newness a.oEt them for a new season. And so we
-hav'c, aer ca:s h i sof bright and satin fcri la!ogethaer
FARM RS MEC ANIS BA K -the prettiest sippers thnat have ever been broug ht out in strap
10 1-105 So. MAIN 330 So. STATE ST. E The Louis heel mnakes these pumps suitable for all semi-dress
________________________________________________ ~ occa'ions and their graceful style adapts them to wear with.~
-_____________________ _________ ~ _________201e daintiest of Spring attire. Black satin and black patent
Sleathper Ihave be'xr used for this mode of puma~ and the two
prices are very mocr le.
Labokratkory Suppliczes
Ano--1.< 2 e with rhinestones to wear where the strap
You ca lways uy to= buttons a:dds a certain chaum that makes these pumns especially
z attracitve foridess wea r. These ornaments are priced $1 .252
good advantage at - n LU
M'ain 1l-1oor
T eEberacSon Co. ..
_ : + f- .11 lll li111111 11111 I1191 111111911 11 11 1811111{1 11¢19111 1iQ 91t$'*

i Screen-Today

of the Faculty Women's club. The
members -of the University Men's club
have' been invited to be the guests at
'}}the p~erformance.
I The names of the plays and the
members of the casts will be kept a
secret until this evening, in accord-
ance with the club's custom. M rs.
IUlrich- 13. Phillips is chairman of the
dramatic section of the club.
IiWolues 49Group Chooses Cast
IGroup three of Masques will pre-
sent a play entitled "Mrs. Pat and the
Law". The cast have been chosen a-)
follows: Mrs. Pat, Mary Wiley, '24;
y Pat, Rhea Schlack, '24;JmyRt

Arcade - Douglas MacLean in
"Bell Boy 13"; Leather Push-
ers' comedy, and Universal
Majestic-Jack Holt and Wanda
1Hawley in "Nobody's Money";
Sunshine comedy and news.


Orpheum-U~onroe Salisbury in
"The Great Alone." Paul Par-
rott comedy, and news.
Wuerth - "Handle with Care"
with Grace Darmond; Monte
Banks comedy, "Fun from the

. C

- I

Stage-- This WeekL


--I N-

Garrick (Detroit) -- Marjorie
Ramlieau in "The Goldfish."
Shubert - Michigan (Detroit) -
Bonstelle companyr in "The
Charm School."



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