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March 01, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-01

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.. . :, .

jD' cay, is a salve which most of the
yl ounger generation might apply free.s
CAL NEWSPAPER OF THlE rosier complexion in life. w l~





E~ditor, The Michigan Daily:




R the~
-01 of

I every morning exCept Monday
University year y the Board in
Student Publicati us.

amber of Western Conference Edltorial
eAssociated Press is exclusively en-
to the use for republication of all
dispatches credited to it or not other-
credited in this paper and the local.
ptiblished therein.
tered. at the postofflce at Ann' Arbor,
ign s second class matter.atirr il$5.

: Anni

bor Press Building, May-
1, 2414 and 176-M; Busi-

Although everyone' thought the
weather man had stolen a mar ch on
the proverb which says "In like a'
lion, .out like a lamb", tradition made3
a strong comeback yesterday after-
noon and the weatherman sought sheel-
ter from a snoWv-storm which usheredj
February to oblivion and March to~
its rightful place on the throne. I
Once again: the sidewalks of Ann
Arbor have taken on their full winter
regalia, and. once again will the elong-
suffering populace wade through tons
of water in going about their busi-
ness ere spring arrives.
Now4 that :one-half of the proverbj
has been fulfilled, may the other half'
not fail! But in any event, the side-
'walks and the residents of Ann Arbor
are a b)ad' combination. The side-
walks hold slush and water better
than those in any other community,
while the residents fee less obligat-
ed to clean them off than those in any
other community. Consequently, for
the good of those individuals who ha-

The changing seasonp alterna
With soft caress and sting.
One dlay the lark sinags to hi
Thenext the snowbirds sin;
The sun beams down, wex
.clothes. .,
With song our cloisters rin;
The next the 'snowbirdis sin
jThe radiators sing.
I feel each ware and balmy
I' strum my lute and sing
Tomorrow I may freeze andl
Tonight 1 sing of Spring.

li 11

Thank you r your editorial, "Ab-
stracts". Biut, pray remove the quo-
I~ G. tation marks., Syncopation is not al-
te ? ways, a virtue.; "Love", yes! But not
merely the way of a man with a
is mate ; mai! What about the devotion of1
19 the mother, the physi(: an, the artist,
shed ourj the patriot, -the soldier, the investiga-
f ~or nay, the acridI partizan? "Reig-
tg. ion," yes! But, not, external1 organi-
g. zatlon- howeer, inevitable. Consider
St Augusti~ne's imimotal affirmiation!
gust "Politics," yes! But recall that, asj
!we must get a living, so we must live
bust I together. "Abstract ideas." yes! But
only as the mythical average man ac-!
SI,3 y. -counts his- interpretation of "aba-4
stretct" and "concrete". This is best
LORI' one o1f the several inversions which,;
,.~t.by a strange -pardox, govern so much.

ti gIAMS'




* w*

CommuicIationls not to exceed _300 words
signed, theo signature not- necessarily to
)pear in -print, but as an evidence of faith,
id notices of events will be published in1
he Daily -at the discretion of the Editor, ifI
t at-or mailed to The Daily office. Un-
gned comunications will receive no con-
deration. No manuscript will ,be retained
less the writer encloses postage. The Daily
nq not necessarily endorse the 'sentiments
zpressed in the communications.
Telephoenes 2414 and 176-H1
ews Editor..... .......Paul Watzel
ty Editor...........James B. Young
ssistant City Editor.......J. A. liacoun
ditorial Board Chairman. .E. R. 'Meiss
ight Editors-_
Ralpht Byers Harry 113ey
1.. T. JHlershdorfer R. C. Moriarty
11. A. Donahue J. E. Mack
forts E;ditor ...........Wallace 1F. E'liott.
omen's Editor........... .Marion Koch,
nday Magaz ince lditor. 11,.f. A. Donahue'
ictorial Editor.. ........Robert Tarr
usic E~ditor............. ...".. K. H. Ailes
Editorial Board
owell IKer-'Maurice Berman
Eugene Carmichael

Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited' and Express Cars.
6 :oo a.m., 7 :oo a.m., 8 :oo a.mn., 9 :o5
a.m. and hourly to 9:05 p.m.
Jackson Express' Cars (local stops
west of Ann Arbor)--9;47 a.m., and
every two hours to 9:47 p.m~.
Local Cars East Bound-7 :oo am
and every two hours to 9 :oo p. m.,,
x r :oo p.m, .To Ypsilanti oly-1Il :40
pxm., I :I5 a. in.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bcund-7 :50 a.mn.,
12:10 p.m.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Tim.
ited cars 8:47, :.1:7 a.m.,,.x.--47, 2:~47:
4.47 P.M.

Schio ofi Music Tuner
PHONE 38062 -
Office at Res., 418 IN. Division St.




1..3 OFF
Invent ory sale
State Street




* a *


Fig Newton discovered of gravity.l
Favorite reark, "Sweet cookie'-
Omar, the cigarette hound.. Owner'

of human life-till we sit down togeth-
er to think it over!.

Schedule in Effect October t, t922
Central Time (Slow Time)
D) X X D
(,.M. A.M. R.M. P.M.
1,45 7:45 .. Adrian-.... i2:45 8:45
1:15 8:15 . .. 'Iecunseh .. ia:tS B:t5
7:15 9:15 .,.Saline * 1.1z:15.7:15
:%5 o:a5Ar*Ann ArborLv. 10:45 6:45
Chamber of Commnerce Bldg.





Thelma Andrews
,stanley If. Armistrong
Atanley M. Ba:er
Dorothy Bennetta
Sidney 1Bielfield
R. A. Billington
Hlelen lFrown
1-I. C. Clark
A, B. Connable
fBernadette Cote
Evelyn 1. Coughlin
T.I; lis1ke
John, Garlinghouse
Walter S .Goodspeed
Portia GOtulde'r

Ronald Ilaigrimr
Franklin D .Hepburn
Win ona A, Hibk~ard
Edward J. I-iggms
lhunrth C. Kelar
Flizabeth Lieberman
Joha McGinnis
Samuel Moore
AL. I. Pryor
W. B3. Rafferty
Robert G Ramsay
Cam pbell Robertson
J. W. Ruwitch
"oil J,, Schnitz
Frederic G. Telmos
Ph}ili 11L:Wasnner

Telephlone 960

bitmalIly take cold or worse when thet of the Ruby Yatch When asked for
snow melts on city walks, it is to be ;a. smoke hie would say, "W4hat do you
hoped that spring when it finally think Khayyam?"l
comes will arrive but once, and not x *
revert to winter. Julius Caesar, the Roman withI
- ~Gaul. "ET tu" was his answer, when
EGYPT-TTLS asked how many cream puffs he, ate.
Widespread popular interest has**
ollowed the recent excavation~s by Willie Shakespeare, who was barredt
Egyptologists in unearthing the tom~b from Avon. Hie wa~s the- man who
of Tutankhamen. Novelists and drva-} said, - "I'd rather be writer, thanI
matists are now turning to ancient President." ;
I+gypt for their subject matter, worn-I
I ens' styles are to be jgoverned by John Euznyan, who wore the first
norms which 'prevailed, centuries be- pair of tight shoes, and handed his
fore Christ, and New York manuf'ac-, last name down as a result.
turers aria competing for the right tot ~
use the name, Tutankhamen as a Alexander, who composed Alexan-
trademark for their products, with dei's Ragtime Band so that he could!
the possibility that numerous litiga-l watch Aristotle.,
tions will' result. Even newspaper POISON IVY.
correspondents who first ignored the *
excavations are now being forced to ;DZear femur:
(elve deeply into Egyptian history to! When I Played on the saw dust pile
give. their constituents new informer- in Toledo I 'heard this version:
tion about the discoveries ,and qt~es-I
tionabe stories about the lives of' Mary hats a little lamb,
the Pharaohs And here's the anecdote:
Were it not 'so easy, in the light of It grewv right up, then disaip--
past experience, to ascribe any curi-- peared.
osity in ancient Egypt on the part ofs Now who's got Mary's goat?
the many a-s ransitory, it would be* *
tempting to hail archaeology as the H -as anybody seen Harry lately? 1-Ic
cpopualrizer of interest in civiliza-, is certainly the moan of mystery. Pin-
;tions of the past. It has done in this kertons men have; been here in town
respect what history never could do, for two weeks since his last escapade
but it lias done it only for the' mo- and the haven't accomp~lished a thing.
menat. The present curiosity concern-i He must have gotten a new set of dis,
ing the tom-b of Tutankhamen on the- guises. And the speed with which he-
part of munst persons arises from so. changes thenm! '-N0o onecan catch thati
dial conditions; the excavations that- bird. !
'are being made .are of such impor- When last seen Tie was sitting alone
tance that ,right now -no one can af- inz a hzighi powered car in front of Cal-
ford to be totally in ignorance of kips' wearing a bathing suit and hold-
them. Manufacturers are wise ill ing a silk umbrella on a zero day.
capitalizing the interest which now , t i.
exists, but their endeavors are not***
" likely mto, maintain it for any length } ONFIENTIALLY SPEA1 ENG
of ie
On the other hand, long after the Lots o' people are
wave of popular curiosity has ceased! cyn cuete r
o exist the lbenefits of the discover- I on probation all week.
ies now, being made to scientists will j: They donL know how-
still be in evidence. It is likely to be lk they are.. I've been

(Purdue Exponent)
We naturally assumne that most stu-
dents study somie cour'se for the goodl
which they can derive from it, and for:
the interest which they have in the,
particular subject. The uctuation in-
the size of the classes in several "lan-'
guages at Ohio State university dlur-
ing and after the wsar, however.
would tend to' di'3prove this assumnp-
tion. Statistics show that tkher enroll-
ment in Gorman classes at that uni1-
versity dropped from 1.240 before the
wvar, to 61t at the time the United
States ibecame actively engaged in Ili(
struggle. Of the latter number, only'
seven were in elementary courses.
Then came the ar-mistice and with it
a marked increase in the size of the
German (.lasses. 0.1 the other hand,
one year of the war shot the enroll--
(ment in French classes from 1,038 to
2,149. After the war the number

_______7 __and___Holidays.____ Friday and Saturday special LU N GI'L
-~__________________ bus for students leaves Adrian 1:45. leaves 40rATJE F R O
1,923 FEBRUARY 1923 Phone 46
1 2 3-
4 5 6 7 S 9 10
11 10 13 1.1 15 16 17? tillItI{1iIIII1111111111il11itl1111llllllll~ llllt'
READY, < 4____________
Our $3.00 and $3.50 Hats ,
We Save You a Dollar or CCR A
More on a Hat
We do all kinds of Cleaning
andl Reblocking of, hats at-
low prices for HIGH CLASS
- WORK. PHONE 1427, 2830.
617 Packard Street Phone 1792 r
Where D. U. It. Stops at State . THIS WEEK-
712 Arbor Street w
Near State and Packard Streets S ONLY 69c A QUART AT. YOUR DEALER'S,
" Day oy day, in every way, I am
at your service", JJI MME, the ad,,tak- -
er. Call95(96 -.-A ..d ":. -- . - ______________________________Iii[_________1111J__11111ii111111Nfi1N,11 ___ -

dvertising..............John J. Hamel, Jr.
dvertising...............Walter K. S hereri
ivcrtiaing............L Iawrence 11. Favrot.
iillic-atii................Edkward F. Conlin
opi'rilg............Pavid 3. M. Part<
rcnlation......... .....Town-send -. Wolfe
ccounts........... .L. leaum ont Parks
enneth Seick Allan S. Morton
eorge Rockwood James A. Dryer
rry M. H-ayden WfnI, IH. Good
ugene j,. Dunne Clyde L. Hagerman
ni. Graulich, Jr. Henry Freud ,
hn C. Haskin Herbert P., Bostick
L. Putnam . L. Pierce-
lerlbert W. Cooper j. B. Sanzenbacher
allace Flower Clifford Mitts
'ill1 it . Rid. Jr. Ralph Lewright.
arol L. Hale Philip Newall


Assuming that those twelve hun-
(Ired students elected to. study Ger-
man because they considered it of
value to thlem in future years. why
should tha fact that Germany was our,
enemy decrease the value of the Ger-'
man language? Its value to the chemn-
ist and to the scientist was not .les-
sened. Or -why should the fact that
France became our ally during the'
warincrese fz^Th r fa of the- French
language? The reaction in clais
sizes following the wvar naturally
points to the fact that, personal and
national prejudice, to a great extent,
influence our thoughts and actions r'e-
gardlless of true value.
(The Clumbia Spectator)


. tiFCC( Y


Nighit Editor-HARRY D. HOIEY
Sir Walter' Raleigh is the hackney-
ed historical example of courtesy, po'

-.A'philosophy of education -which has
been: attempting to pushi its he-ad up
through the mass of educational effi-
ciei es o~ f the nmst f t- c',wr rl

liteness, gallantry. One action, the j a trible easier for ar2chaeologists to
rmoval of a. cloak,' gave his narane its receive financial backing because of,;
what Lord Carnarvon and his cohortsI
mostpoplary ko~v c~necionhave done. Scientists will be able to
with histor..it is evident from, re- make 'a better evaluation of Egyptian
mark whch hve eencurrnt hatculture, and more attention is likely 1
the college studlent is in no danger of to be paid to Egypt by archaeologists'-
bein:; register~ed in history on a simi- from now on, because of the many
lar count. The college student is notI new contributions to science being1
courteous, polite or gallant. aei h ale fteKns
The accusations undeniably have a ImaeithValyofheKns
Ipopular curiosity in this movement is 1
basis in fact, but they cannot be 'al- buzt for the 'moment,'but scienltific ini
plied alone to college students. The1 terest will be more lasting.I
same concerns modern youngsters and I___________
also grown-ups wNho have not attend, CLEMEN1CEAUi - A PILOSOYIhER"
ed college. The maan who yields heis' As a fitting conclusion to a brilliant
seat in a street car to a ;woman or to, career in world's statesnmanshmip and-
anothier mnan much2 his elder is indeed; diplomacy, . Georges Clemenceau,-
the exception whereas he used to be I France's renowned fighting premier,'
the rule. The tip. of the hat has been i has begun the writing of a monucmen-I
redlucedl for the most part to a mere:; tal work of philosophy by which hie-
wave of the hand or nod of the "heaidI hopeis to be judged by posterity. I-ay-
The common courtesy, of dfeference to nr endeared himself to his conteni-
Ig;e or sex in1 ente ring,- a building is, porary compatriots, the Tiger has i
too often honored in the breech, while; made up his mind to leave behind
Wther marks of respect° occasionally I something more than a name, that-
shown in the past seem to have been the future genierations, as well as the:
relegated to the ash-heap. present, may know something of the
In regard to courtesy to women sev- old statesman's speculations upon
er-al reasons suggest .themselves for the "deeper respects of the aims or ;
the change in attitude, foremost aimlessness of life".
among; which is ithe ise of women to Undertaking the tremendous taisk .
j, station of equality inilpolitical and of writing three tremendous volumes
sometimes commercial life. If women ',so late in his life, Clemenceau is de-*
are to compete withi men in these,- termined that lie shall live to complete
strenuous fields, there is something in them and that they shall not be pu-)
th~e idea that they are no longer the lished until after his death. This
weaker sex, and should be granted shows his dominant desire to be judg-j
only the consideration given other ed by thoughts as recorded in a boob
zuen. mrather than the impulsive action-s of
In addition to this, women take un- a fiery statesman or scandalized poli-
dlue alvantage of the deference shown ticiani.

on probation fiye montl
When Coach Fisher starts to
horse-hide covered ball1 out
boys of the diamond anf~wer
and the cr-ack of the ball hit
7o glove you can bet the next
happen is spring.
Sprig Sonig
Oh' ..glad the tidIings-
Oh. . . -eath where is thy
Oh. ... come -'and sumnner
Oh?'..blaa. .tis blaa we
Oh my! For goodness sal
The ca.pus is a lake,
We sprin~g from cake 'to c.
Oh!'..art thou a fake?
C'onti 'hbuos, contiiffuiI
jCher Eddie riPoor:--
Ze colyn, she is on ze wvl
good. But, monsieur, I pray
where is ze noble Joisey
Peut-etre he has allaid frr
4midst, eez it not so? Heez say
were of ze goodly humor, s
intairessawit, and I know zal

JoKr. "vwas championed in what its earlier.
friends might term an unexpected
i dt hequarter, when Ehihu Root addressed
gttethe Alumni of Hamilton college from
and the Which he was gradluatedt fifty-nine
the call I ;as H. -is remarks wri at
ting theyerao.- - wriprt
as follow~s
thing to- "Probrably we all forget the greate'r
lart of what we have learned in col-
lege, but the things we can't lose are
the influences upon character that go
ring! with us to our dying (lay.
Y spring! "Physical force, backedl by the ac-
bring cumrulated wealth of centuries of pro-
Ssing. ductivity, i:24-, failed to bring happi-
ness to 3mankind, Misery, poverty
and distress have followed its utmost
ke! use, and the world now seeks a new
p~ath to happiness through the spir-
;ake itual re-enthronement of those p~ower~s
of civilizati~on that dlependl upon what
Jejiza. ; men really are, and upon the be Art
and soul and -cha racter of -:tmen. All
lolls. he world over . mankindl is longing.
that th~e(daylbe speeded when no-
- 'I{II1) bility of character and spiritual pow-.
er mlay control the va-st and coinmli-
cat'd n achinery of life.
iole~aii "It. is, first' of all, Our colleges that
- o yu,1 ust. teacth Ilie 'qualIities upon which
y B~oid? thle futur-e of ouir beloivedl country do-
pmorlefldl. The gener-al, the statesman,.
yings leyI the mlan of a frairs, all pass away and]
itd m-~yaro forgotte n. ,,But to have buildled
t- mot l-

Movie directors, please, copy

IL t"eu cuz

true zat ze colynin readers miss ze!
Boild. Yours for more like heem.
yelii-ats iesrevi.
I can figur-e out about as mnuchl from1
the above as I can an hours talk
With Doe Lovell. The only thing to:
do in a case like this is to agree.
H-ead in T. 1)?. 'Northwe Ater launch-'
es campaign for $10,800,000.'

hens~ It is- not likely that a man
-ho has once suffered commercially, The 'economics students who saw
r inistance, by alowing a woman to; the caption, "broadly speaking" on
recedle himt in a Conference or to I the front. page of a Daily, must have
Ake his place in a line applying for a ! thought that The Daily had become a
position,-witi llo11w his sense of gal- textbook overnight.
intry to put him in the ,sale, pro-
icamient 'jseconld time., Thus the Obviously the boxing argument now
-nman has sufferea in one ways for I attracting attention in Chicago need

one's. self into the strictur-e of these
undyzi'g nsi itutions to have aided
the development (4 these pric-less
p,)s5sesionfl1 civilization, is to have
lived not in vain a-nd it is to have
lived ini peroetuity."' -
Some of 1us forget, that Ithese rer'-
manent influci~es .ii character may be;
found -outside the classr-oon; othiers of
us forget that the ma terial of the
classroomi hc.s its charac.ter building
fom-ce; but by-- far thle vast: majority
come to college with what little char-
aster they possess sealed up in a bale
of dogma, amnass a few facts , acquire
a. degr-ee, and .leave college, having

Published in an in
the interest of Elec. the a
rincal Development by if
an instil utioi that will feel t
be helped by what- while
ever helps the

No more movies no more funl
Probation week has just begun,


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