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February 25, 1923 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-02-25

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a mUtI E[III-I [ C [ "a" . WWH A. 4 G '"'- and sordidness in "Twenty-fourth"
----XT----T--- - street, New York, Jenny was destined
In the Library of the University ;the statement on the inside also ap- for something better, and it is not
Nhere are now four waxed tablets dat- pears, written in ink. This couldbelong before she and her quick-tem-
ingIfrmIt the period of the Roman Em- exameined without disturbing the s hea tooe tthe parting of
4 ecare nowe wiourt wasuedintabletsls pered s husband somer tothe pr t u in o
MEETING WILL BRING TOETIER pire. These were found in Egypt, of the witnesses. Thus the inner writ- environme o erside Drie
MEN INTEiiESTEI) IN IPUBLIC and three of them were brought from ng was kept from view, and the tablet ous environment of Riverside Drive
SPEAKING WORK London in January by Librarian W. would not be opencd, by breaking the with a new spouse. This does not suffice
W. lishop, along with the recent ad- seals, until its use should be made ne- for long. She again falls in love with
ditions to the University collection of cessary in the legal prledure. a rich man and in the third act we
Final arrangements for~the S. C. A. napy i. They are among the few wood- Contains Work of Forger find Jenny the chateline of a Park
extension service banquet to be held en tablets yet discovered containing Two of the other tablets are of sin-(Avenue dwelling, living in widowed
on Tuesday, March 6, at the Methodist legible writing. i eaves, of approximately the same bliss and pursued by men of all class-
Church were completed yesterday The mc:; intcersting tablet is in the jize as the first, but it is impossible es, including the impetuous inheritor
morning at a nmeet'ng of the commit- form of a diptych. This, as the narhe to tell with how many similar leavesf an Enlish ducal castle.
tee in Lane Hall. Tickets are no i twoleavemeasuring But Jenny longs for the carefree
being sold for the affair under the d ix in n I-o lyave aurine tay were rnl ined. On happiness of her girlhood and decides
recionof allDeees, '5, nd'may ~x and three-fourrthrs by five and one- contains some verses in, Greek from sewl aei aka n ot e
Lalr inches. It is so perfectly jpreserv- the seventh chapter of Proverbs. On st hand wt as ben oing
:e obtained for 6tJ ccnts each at L2A0 de that its authertleity wws at firstI the other, the hardened wax is pre-
The ulan of the commttee is to get icubted. lt genuineness has been es- served, but a moderni forger has scount,socialtclimbingand eny come
In touch with all the students in the tablished by rigorous tests, and its ap- sought to enhance its value by sup- to the conclusion that she and he
pearance of freshness, is, by a paera- 'lying; Greek writing; his effort isol aesul i u oehr
niveity who are infereted in -Caconfirmation of genuineness, easily enough detected becauserthest
ho~~ fpaigadwuh iet o o for kg r- alay.ty t ak almapperance of genuine ancient writing
on speaking trips for various slook ancientalways try:o make fak is aaltogether different. ntwrtgShirtichigan '(l)eelroif)
ions for which calls are received by ,,T" The Charm S;ioo]," acomedyo
the extensici service. Thice men will I Anchut Birth Certificate T, fourth tablet is a diptych butC ry of
all be invited to the banquet where The wax is on the wo inside leaves aomewhat larger than the first. It girlish adolescence, sprinkled with a
Elh be i nvite d : tvon the chang e t whs ren hch w ai fon thea t o i si e eaveh Iwas brought from Egypt by the Uni- sm attering of a like boyish quality nd
there will be ,;il- it the cha;nve to sign. which have a flat rim like a school vest f] cia xeiio ngonuprmne il eteofr
up for this kind of work. Calls are slate. It is hardened and black -with 1920 The diptych contains entries ing of the Bonstelle company here this
received from all over the state for age, but every word of the writing can ,f al.overse'er in charge of .farmrs in week, beginning Monday night.
student speakers to speak at different be read. This is in Latin and certi4es, the Favoum. and datcs from the third it is a story of a,young man who
affairs and these men are sent without in the presence of witnesses, the birth trygA. D. It record under sue- iherits a fashionable boarding school
any charge whatever and with expens- of a daughter named Herennia G[m- cessive dates, the names of laborers for girls and attempts to run it ac-
e paid. ella, having reference to safeguard- and indicates the kind of work in cording to his ideas of how young
Through the. banquet the various s. ing her share of an inheritance. t is which they were engaged. The ac- girls should be reared. He takes with
C. A. and eL irch comittees sen ihimtocthe eltedoonthree1of his friendsi
ssending exactly dated, on the 13th day of April, counts for the most part deal with him to the Achool three of his friends,
out these deputation teams hope to in the '12th year of the 1Emperor Had- harvest operations, both reaping and including two exceedingly youthful
c 1e in contact with many new men rian, that is 128 A. D. The names of threshing. men. Bevans soon realizes that young
who would like to do this work. She- the seven witnesses are Written in ink The tablets, which have been sealed girls are very susceptible to romance
cial invitations will be sent out to on the wood on the outside of the tabl pin n airtight box, will probably be and male influence and his problems
students in the public speaking de- let. f exhibited when they have become ac-t xultiyly at a rapid srate.
partment for the affair. The detailed On the outside a reference copy of chimated h m efindathis greatest problem in El-
wcrk of the extension service will be y sie Benedotti, ward of Hoher Johns,
czuilmed at the banquet.,I
stat linedsatothenbantuet. who does not hesitate in declaring
Prof. William D. Henderson. head state because of an article published sihown here Friday and Saturday. tha shes nov withte n cl
ci the University extension depart- n the da'ily papers and written by an 'Grace Darmond is a popular debu- tahager.Ths in ove ulination come
ment will give the main address of agiarathor, Dogas e wio, a. er two years of neglect when Elsie runs away from school be-
a character they had created. AJdcides that any one of her ex-suitorsr
the cvening Robert E. Adams, Jr., Wanda Hawley heads the strong would1 have made a better husband cause Bevans has been cross with her,
'l, president of the S. C. A., will also nsuportig cast composed of Harry than Davd. He gees to give her d he finds out that one of the teach-
lkcted with extension work will bes t Depp, the burglar-secretary of Web- divorce if she can get any of the old ers also in love with hn, while the
ster, Robert Schable, James Neil, and icvers who had sworn Willingness to titular head of theschoo verMch
on the program. The Wesleyan Guild Julia Fayed '(lie for lier, to elope with ien .{ resents his ideas of "school mana~ge-
fifteen-piece orchestra will furnish __,__hement."
rmusic throughout the performance-- "The Charm Schocl" has been pre-'
and the Midnight Sons quartette will Irpheim s .
sygafwslcin vieusly, offered. by Miss Bonstelle ir
s Georgo Arliss ig seen in an entirely Detroit, but is being repeated because
row role in "The Ruling Passion," a 'jof numerous requests, and Will afford
comedy drama which comes here the' Garrick (Detroit) rnot only ,local talent but specialty
Ta ers first part of the week. Mr. Arliss por- Marjorie Ranbeau, will appear in numbers on the part of the Bonstelle'
trays a lovable; elderly philanthrop- "The Goldfish" which the Messrs. member .
ist who takes a prescribed "rest" cure Shubert are preseting here this
(Cotninued from Page Nine) bydplunging into the hobby of work week. Miss Rambeapu gives infinite THE HOTEL ALLENEL'S new pri-'
tram'Gra sby and Casson Ferguson are and solving the love affair of his 'variety to the character of Jenny vate dining rooms have become quite
oiug the supporting cast. daughter. Jones, a slangy and adaptable shop popular with the students. Give it a
Douglas-MacLean is cast as the J. P. McGowan, director and ,star. girl. We first see Jean; livi-,e ami trial.---Adv.
y o u n g b o n d sa le sm a n w h o d o e s a o f " R e c k le ss C h a n c e s , w h ic h w ill be :ri.tWng q u csthsgerJ emnlo nivo w Wmes atrnaT. - A d v .
lightning quick change from million- shown Wednlesday and Thursday.
aire to bell boy in "Bell Boy 13," a plays the role of Terry Nolan,-a roy-
comedy farce which begins a four-day ing daredevil of fortune. Nolan, al-
showing, Wednesday. The love-Iorn though he wears overalls and works. t
H1 arr Eli ,' "w , k l n. ____ .-



wLondonFcb. 24--(By A P.)-Straw-
Another type of still, one, that is
APPLICANTS )UST HAVE HAD guaranteed to pass inspection any- berry Hill Castle, once the home of
PRACTICAL LABORATORY where, has recently been perfected. the famous 18th century wit and dilet-
EXPERIENCE J. C. Geniesse of the chemical engin- tante, Horace Walpole, has been plac-
______ ecring department, has perfected a ed on the 'market. The castle is situ-
. b working model of an ingenious still ated near Twickenham, made famous
Competitive exanD ations Minll be for the purpose of separating benzene as the residence of Alexander Pope
offered by the Division of Marie In- frem toluene. and David Garrick.
vertebrate Zoology, to fill vacancies "I am going," Walpole wrote, "to
in the National Museum at. Washing-; These two chemicals, both of them I " mgig"Wloewoe t
ton, t on March.Seermal posins, very valuable, are produced from dif- build a little Gothic castle at Straw-
toan, on March 7. Several positions, ferent types of crude oil; and it has berry Hill.' It became the chief oc-
others paying r aseverallariesalways been a problem to separate cupation of his life, and for' twenty
will be eft open and must be filled the two substances without going to years, from 1750 to 1770, he was con
from this enan, mustsuch an expense as to make the pro- tinually adding to it. The castle, as
from this examination. cess unprofitable. In working for his a result, is one of the friest examples
from a college or university of recog- doctor's degree, Geniesse tackled this of Gothic architecture in England.
nized standing with special attention problem and after a little more than ak-
to zoology. They, must be 18 years of year's work in the laboratories of the T1E"TTIf-Y Tm
iandnot over 40..sTheymust sho mcal engineering department,the FRESHME N BROUGHT
age nd ot ver40.The mut sowhas satisfactorily solved the probleni. B F R O MT E
in connection with their specialized s sisctFORECOMMITTEE
work in zoology, that they have had Genlesse encountered many difficul-
actual laboratory experience in mi- ties and had to start his work all over=
croscopic technique and the prepara- more than once, but now certain parts Three freshmen were summoned
tion of histologic slides. The ability of the apparatus are ready, to be pat- before the Underclass Conduct com-
to read scientific French or, German ented. mittee at a recent meeting held at the
is a prerequisite. Union- The men brought before the
Appointees whose services are satis- ALUMNI IN POLITICS body were morne& against violations
factory may be allowed the increase of the traditions of the University.
granted by Congress for the present This body is also handling cases
fiscal year of $20 a month. All citi- Among the 47 aspirants for nomina- of hazing in accordance with the rul-
zens of the United States who tion at the March primaries in Detroit ing of University authoiities ands the
the requirements, both men and wom- 19 are found to be Michigan Alumni. 1 Student council who have prohibited
en, may enter this examination. The men are running for election to all such activity here. Cases of haz'-
sist of systematic zoological and ad- the offices of recorder, municipal ing should be reported to the Under-
ministrative work in the National Mu- judge, and Wayne county circuit judge. class Conduct committee at the Union,
seum with special reference to inver- Those alumni who are up for nom-
tebrates, including the sorting, cata- inations are: Charles L. Bartlett, '97L,
loguing and determination of speci- recorder; William M. Heston, '04L, I SLEEP ANYWHERE, BUT
mens, preservation and care of col- Edward J. Jeffries, '88Ex, J. Stanley EAT AT REX'S
lections and assistance in the prepar- Hurd, '93, David N. Harper, '97L, THE CLUB LUNCH
ation of museum literature for publi- Frank Murphy, '15Ex, judge of mutni-. I 712>Arbor Street
cation. cipal court; Ormond F. Hunt, '82L, Near Stie and Packard Street*
For further information applicants Ira Waite Jayne, '05, Henry A. Man-
should at once apply for form 1312, dell, '83, Henry G. Nicol, '96L, George
stating the title of examination desir- F. Codd, '91, Arthur Webster, '92L,1 C re
ed, to the Civil Service Commission, Cd Webster, We Call For and Deliver
Washington, D. C., or to the Secretary Zile, 's, Edward N. Barnard, '05L. ACE CLAVEAU
of the U. S. Civil' Service Board at
anof hi U.es. The Sexct tite Bof John V. Brennan, Harry J. Lippman, C[I"EANING & PRESSINW
any of hais ofices. The exact title of 'OEx, Col. Walter Barlow, 81L, Will- Fine Custom Tailoring
the examination should be stated in a02 S. STAT.E 385-
1 .am Lucking, '06, circuit' judge.

: c.;....
Registrar Leaves for Florida
Registrar Arthur G. Hall and. Mrs.
Hall have left for Florida where they
expect to remain for six or eight
weeks. They plan to visit friends in
Florida City, Daytona and other points.
Mrs. Charles Harrison, of London, Mrs.
Hall's cousin, will accompany them.

- ___ _ L. oI

W E t

y wor spy persuasion
enily" until his uncle disinherits him
because he wants to marry an actress.
Then he turns bell hop to prove that'
he can earn a living for pretty "Kitty
Clyde," (Margaret Loomis), who is
a regular girl in spite of her profes-

'in the train' yards, ri'ks the chance
of being jailed to vin the daughterE
'of the Division Superintendent and
round up a gang of desperate thieves.
"The Great Alone," featuring Mon-
roe Salisbury, will be the attraction
for Friday and Saturday.


Assorted 75c lb.

Nuts and Fruits $1 lb.

t' '.,K
* . 4 t

What tweeds are in clothes
this plain toe blucher is in
shoes. The toe is wide-qite
full. There's no leather better
-browns or black.

Plai Toe


Majestic Wuerth
"A Front Page Story," a very hii- Harold Lloyd's latest comedy, "Dr.'
man picture of politics and the small Jack," opens here today. Lloyd is
town newspaper, is the opening at- seen in the title role, that of a young
traction here this week. The plot re- doctor who cures ills by the "sunshine
vclves around a conflict between the method."
local editor and the mayor, who are The story concerns a girl's struggle
both trying to work independent of for health, the "girl" being played by
each other for the good of the people. Mildred Davis. The' uproarious,' part:
1 a reC-nit, many complexities, hum- of the offering comes when Lloyd, as
orous situations, and exciting inci- the young: doctor, begins his cam-
d-its develop. paign to oust the eminent but unscru-'
James Corrigan gives an excellent pulous physician from the 'ir'l's'
pc ltrayal of the old and impecunious hcusehold. Lloyd's acrobatic antics
ci;itor and Lloyd Ingraham Is equally in the wierd disguise of a madman;
gr c as the mayor. Edith Roberts is add much to the delightful fun-mak-
cast as the daughter and co-partner ing of the picture.
of the old newspaper editor and Ed- Will Rogers appears as a tramp in'
ward Horton is seen as the ambitious "Fruits of Faith,"-a three-reel comedy
ycuth who comes to town to act as also shown on this week's opening'
cscermaker. W. E. Lawrence, who program. "Larry," (Will Rogers), de-
plays the comedy "heavy" is the orig- clares "one of the world's saddest
inql model for the Arrow collar man. things is a man who works for 'his
" Jack l'[olt is seen in the role of a board and loses ihs appeitte." That
wealthy young man who tries burglar-j is the philosophy ot this pathetic
ing for adventure and pastime in "No- tramp who feels himself well quali-
boys 1 Money,"athe attraction which lfleddto discuss things pertaining to
cuoens W ednesday. Under the name {food.
cf John Webster, a book agent, Jack "Handle With Care," starring Grace
Ilolt finds two young author friends Darmond, is a satirical comedy-drama)
in trouble with the governor of the of hove and marriage which will be

Next to Arcade Theatre

715 No. University Ave.


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Pan Chicken with Dressing
Leg of Lamb with Green Peas
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Something Specially Featured Every Day
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