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February 25, 1923 - Image 1

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XXXIII. No. 105



sent Civilization Is Now
Nearing Period Of Decline
In Opinion Of Dean Cooley


Men From National Church iodies
Will Convene Friday For
Three Day Aet

Is our civilization on the decliningC
slope of its existence? Will it share
the fate of the previous ones? Is
there something in the present sys-
tem of educating our future citizens
which if corrected would retard our'
rapid descent? Dean Mortimer', E.
Coley of the Engineering college re-
Gentl~y expounded what he believed to
be the answers to these questions.
"Some people are inclined to be-
lieve," he declared, "that this is the
best civilization that the world has
ever known, that nothing can hinder
our .further progress toward a. kind
of heaven on earth. Such a thought
is ouen to much difference of opinion.'
From 6000 B. C. we have had six or
seven distinct civilizations. The his-
tory of each of these is like the life
of a man-it has been born, has grown
to maturity, and then has died. Even-
tually our civilization must go through
a like course. The fall will not neces-
sarily involve a great calamity, butj
wil bring about a change in our mode
of living."
Shows Conclusions By Diagram
In drawing an analogy which would
depict the course of events more clear-
ly Dean Cooley uses a declining line
to represent each of the'.successive
civilizations, including the present i
one. At a given point the line re-
traces to serve as a foundation for the,
new civilization, represented by the
line below. Vertical lines, drawn
through these paths are employed to
represent the point at which art was
supreme, a little further along a linej
kill-represent education, and still fur-
ther comes- the wealth line.
The diagram shows that the period
of greatest wealth forewarns the fall
of a civilization. Most people believe
that our art has reached its zenith
and that education has come to its
highest point. It follows from this
that we are entering into the stage of
maximum luxury and wealth, and that
decline is inevitable.
"One civilization ceases to exist and
out of its ashes springs another," he
continued. "Previous to our civiliza-'
tion was that of Rome and it died
with Caesar.. Ours has been growing
about 1500 years. History tells us
that none of the other civilizations
have lasted more than 2000 years."
Must Learn Co-operation
The keynote of our present 'situa-
lio denrinr to D7a C nlv liar in

the fact that we must learn not only
to build, but to preserve civilization.;
"The specialist who typifies our pres-
ent civilization, learns only to con-
itruct, not to preserve," he said.
A: a conclusion to his statements
Dean Cooley declared, "Educators now
realize that conditions must be chang-
ed so that education may be a means
of teaching us how to preserve our
civilization. This is the age of spo-
cialization and wherever there is a
spectolist there is a peak. Soon the
plain of our normal life. will become
mountainous-it will be filled with
peaks, and where there are peaks, as
in nature, there are bound to be val-
leys. The specialist stands for indi-
viduality, and what we need is co-
"The curriculum of 'the colleges
must undergo a great change. There
is goingto be a retracing of steps. We
should strive to get the most out of
life and not to earn the most morey
that we can in this life."


Well-stoched coal docks .of hrupp works at Essen.
On the docks of the -that France and the other allies works, may confiscate the hu
} 1-c+C~011 WIY C~dI iiipiiiiii~ j x'L~p n}. PaL rn^ are uum- y iVr i'cit reitn nh dic% Qh11 th

The French have discovered IGermans.

ton, accor ing Lowean Vooiey, ues in
Old Museum Doorr
Dusty 20 Years
New buildings, new things change,
in fact, change seems to be .the gen-'
eral atmosphere on the campus to-
day-whether it, is caused by the ap-
pearance of so many "Alfreds" at
work digging up the ground, or by the
seeming difficulty of students to pass
final bluebooks. One thing has re-
mained permanent and untouched
througl it all, however, and that is the'
front door to the old Museum, which
Tas not been opened for over 20 years.'
When the building was constructed
'way back in history no walk was laidi
to this entrance and there has been
no call for one since then. The door
w~as built in with hingres like any othier'
door but those hinges were nevercall-'t
ed into use except in the case of an
extra, large specimen of some antique
monster arriving, which had -to be
placed inside..
Since theie the door has become oldl
and rusty from lack of use, and now
students and visitors alike use the
rear entrance, finding it a more cn-
venient means of approach.
I -Today In 7
College :-tudents will be particularly
interested in the services held in Ann
Arlror churches today. Each address
deals with a subject about which many
discussion' have been held, and which
is particularly adapted to the stu-
dents' interest.
"The Cosmic Chill" is the subject of
the sermon 'this morning at the Pre-
byterian church. Two student classes
will meet at noon, one under the dir-
ection of Prof. W. D. Henderson who
,peaks on, "Human Nature and the
Bible" and the other class under Dr.
J. E. Kirkpatrick, on "The Social Ap-
plication of Christianity". The Young
peoples Meeting will be held as usual
at 6:30 o'clock this evening. Ruth
Williams, the leader, will conduct the
topic, "Has Modern Civilization Made
the World Happier?"
Dr. Stalker to Talk
Dr. Stalker of the First Methodist
church will speak at 10:30 o'clock this
morning on, "Lent and Self Culture".
Bible classes will meet at noon in
Welev hail Ther will he a Wesley-

rkuj.«nY one reason wily coa shipments lirupp works at Essen are dump-.lever receve. Te rench supplies now vi on an an su inem.
APRIL 23 to France were defaulted by the ed thousands of tons of the coal now in possession of the Essen jto France-
I Final selection' of the cast forr" ns
ofteCrhirnas a en~ FVR iFEjDIORDICUSEj "ITEATREOFDEPAR" Glasgow Brothers
"Bataill~e do lDames", the. 1924 produc- flT*h l pin O
"Btil eIahsfl 94pou 01 OS U IE T IUEO E Rtion of the Cercle Francas ]has been A E Hold Option On
made, and was announced yesterday.
The play which 'was 'written in coelab-bate Team J bs
oration by Scribe and Legouve, two _MUST13E. ACED ashaving contributed in some of their_.___
contemporary French Aran:atts,T TEAK MN SQUARELY work to this literature of dispair in- Three brothers, with three years
gher haa r ha y heSAYS SHOR1S MAKE li clude Lothrop Stoddard, Lebon, Trot-'
lighter character than nxny of the in
presentationsIpreviously staged by the RELY ON POPULAR' Cleveland, 0., Feb. 24. By A. p._ ter, Everett Dean Martin, Lord Bryce, difference in age between each two,
" " 'AT~s al wit varingshades' of red 'hair,
society, and is said to be "eceedingly FAVOR The process of political, social, indus- L. P. Jacks Dean Inge, I-. G. Wells, a11 with varyingst,
well adapted to amateur production. ittrial and iacial disintegration cannot Edward Grant Conklin, Ralph Ames are on the Varsity'debating tm.
The cast as finally chosen is as fol- "As long as a judge must iely upon be stayed by deluding ourselves into Gram, Madison Grant "and ot4es." Julius' B.Glasgow, ', H
lows: La Comtesise d'Antreval, nee popular av fo i elec toe thinking that we can ,shut our eyes "I do not suggest that we disregard otV '2' and. . -lgow, ,
he is not a free being," declared Dean royisegrdteier names.
Vernadio, Helen N. Woodruff S. of M.; Heny M Bates of the Law School re- to the ugliest facts of our times and the literature of despair", said Mr1 y
Leonie de la Villegatiere,.her niece, Henry..te j.dgeaw conted t icblindly chant "Day by day, in every Frank. "These five fears are well Oratry apparently runs in the famnd
Ver KazG2;Hnid lvgel ently "The judge appointed to office ihly. The brthers' grandfather and
Ver atz'24; Henri de Faigneulwith life tenure, on the other hand, y, the world is growing better and grounded. Our job is to conquer them, father were both ministers, and the
D. M. LeDuc,''25; Gustave de Grignom, immediately feels a personal rsn better", Glenn Frank of New 'York not by emotional incantation, but by ldest of the present trio will study
imedatl fulceronlrespon-Eletothprsntiowlsud'
Edward Van.Horne, '24Ed; Le Baron sibility for the dealing of justice, ifI! City, Editor of the Century Magazine removig their causes. ;theology at Harvard, after completing
de Montrichard, L. J. Now 0ki .'25; he has any manly prinipi." I declared recently. ' . his course hre. The .other two plan
Un sous-oflicier de dragons,.J. C. Sat Dean Bates said, however, that we{ Five fears were specified by Mr. KAISER'S FERVOR to becomelawyers.e
Ierthwaite, '23; Un domestique, H. M. had little cause to believe that the Franik as contained'in the books of
Cher ie, '21 EGINS o WANE All three "ent Ao .high ischool in
Chernick, '23. ends of justice were being thwarted' certain authors who have gone to Spencer, Iowa, where they first went
Issue Souvenir Edition at the present time. In this, lie took make up .what Mr. Frank termed the' liii for debating. Last year J. B., the
The souvenir edition of "Bataille de issue with Judge John O. Townes, re- "literature of despair'. The prophesy Doorn, Feb. 24.-(By A. P.)-The ldest brother, won the prize in the
Dames", the eighteenth volume' of a tiring dean of the University of. Texas of the New Dark Ages springs from of William and Hermine extemporaneous speaking contest, re-
series published under the directIon law school, who asserted on his resig- some one or all of these five distincthoneymoonprested Michigan in the Northern
of the French departient, has made 'nation that "greed, love of easy living, fears, he said. le described these as 'has come to an end at last in the opin- Oratorical league, and held down a
it3s appearance, and is on sale at all and a breakdown of moral fiber have" the Biological fear that the best blood ion of the inhabitants of Doorn. The job on the Varsity debating team. This
the State street bodkstores. The price 'made perjury a dominant factor inI of the world was turning to water; pleasant walks arm in arm along the year H. W., the second brother, won
is 80 cents. One of the reasons for the 'American courts." the psychological fear that the crowd- solitary roads of the +ihlage, under the a berth as alternative negative on the
Dean Bates, who is a close friend oft man and crowd-processes' of''tinking yongstea. areu
publication of this souvenir edition is JdgeTBwnes,.takes a dcsiemdrocrse'illtpunk g protection of a captain of the Dutch tam, and the youngest, L. J., a regu-
S studentsinth various French Judge Townes, takes a decidedly more will push to the wall that insuretyseveralar on the Varsity affirmative.
classes are thns enabled to become optimistic view of the situation than individual whom we hitherto regardedgdasngb.
familiar with the .play before it makes the latter. He says that "American as one of the mainstays of progress; The disa earance of the couple Kraus to Address emists
courts are experiencing the same the Economic fear that our industrial
its appearance. change that is found in American life civilization has overreached itself and from the village streets gave rise to Dean E. H. Kaus of the College of
A departure has been made from the generally since the war, but it is an i'is due for a collapse; the Administra- numerous rumors to the effect that Pharmacy will talk before the Ameri-
procedure of previous years, in that exaggeration to say that there is a tive fear that the' bigness and cor- the former emperor was seriously ill, can Chemical Society at 4:15 o'clock
there will be no lecture i English breakdown in the system of dealing p lexity of the modern world has out- or that an attempt had been made Tuesday afternoon in Room 224 of
this year having the purpose of ex- justice." stripped the administrative capacity upon his life, but investigation has the Natural Science building. Dean
plaining the text of the play. This "Evils in the judicial system today," of mankind and the Moral that the failed to show any authority for either Kraus will tell of "RecentAdvances in
change has been made, because it is continued Dean Bates. "are the re- statement. Mineralogy.
felt that the text of this year's play is suits of the work of scoundrels and allegiance to all wholesale standards
so clear and simple that even the stu l poorly prepared lawyers admitted to of conduct and is on the loose.
dent with the mot elementary train- 'the bar, and of judges who depend on .rT
hng may easily become familiar with popular sentiment for their election 'W illiams First College To Adoptl
t.to avoid conflict with the Comedy "Our. larger cities are beco'ming OFFRE Conventional Academic Uniform
club play which is to take place on flooded with lawyers who have liadST
Api14, the original date of the Cercle, their training in night schools or in ;{- _ -- --
Francans presentation has been ad- oticec gizedprofessonalhideals ure As the time comes round for the were to be' of like material and were
vanced to April 24. Theirecief aim in life is the winnin notices in the Daily to order caps and to be lined with silk showing the offi-
nRehearsals for the play are now University extension service to the gowns for the annual Swing-out, one cial colors of the institution confer-
[taking place reggularly under the dir- of casesediregardingtjusice entirely
'tion of Anthon y .uJoiand Phdr Our judicial system cannot approach manufacturing and technical inter- hears seniors beginning to grouse ring the degree.
yperfection until our judges are secur- ests of the state is beig itroduced within themselves, and wonder why I The statute was immediately passed
Rene Talamon, of the French depart- ed in their offices by a life tenure. The to the Michigan manufacturer through and when the custom of wearing the by Yale, Princeton, New York Univer-
ment. most progressive courts in the history the issuing and distribution of a hook- things .started. sity, the University of Pennsylvania,
"of our country have been those whose let explaining the purpose and facil- Williams college was the first Am- and by hundreds of others since. The
.ties of this special department.sytmiinaoa
judges have been appointed for life t erican institution to adopt the use of system is, in a way, a code of signals
while our 'greatest scandals have oc- ; Prof. A. E. White, director of this the gown as an academic uniform. Its whSich shows at a glance t the person
O u-sr.curred in the courts with the shortest department, has been investigating the adoption was made for a number of who knows, the rank of the individual.
election terms." ' problems of the state's industries and reason, but chiefly because of the air Colors Appropriate
;his purpose is to put the facilities of of dignity which it lent to occasions The colors selected for 1the different
the various University laboratories at on which it was'worn. The idea was egrees are approriate and easily-
'The music for the service this morn- Ne.ihx eucs 4he service of all Michigan manufac- clid but wa'n he ids odl ea woas mdemrere.appropriate and ely coe-
}ris as follow's: "Grand 'hrs /=good, but the first models were not all H imbre.Tepurle o a oe
lug iouas - :" nCr"turers. Through this service trained that could be desired from the stand- Ifrom the royal purple of the kings'
(Grion), Mrs. Rhead; "Largo" (From Now On E'.xhsbition pecialists in practically all phases of point of .appearance and practicabil-I cotuts; the green of medicine from the
New World Symphonie) (Dvorak), Mr. f research work, the booklet points out. ity stripe in the army surgeon's uniform
i Clancy and Mrs. Rhead; "May the Early neolithic implements of Dan- will be available to the manufacturer. In 1894 however the colleges decid- and earlier from the color of medicin-
i Words of My Mouth" (Burleigh), the ish origin, considered to be the finest The large and complete technical li- to ' al herbs.
chorus choir; "Blessed Jesus" (From collection of northern European relics I brary of the University will also be at em to adopt some standard form of
Stabat Mater), (Dvorak), the chorus ! of this age in the United States, have the disposal of anyone having special acaeited a ommission ar by blue, the color of truth and wis
choir; "Oh Remember Holy Jesus' recently been placed on exhibition in problems. the Commission offered to the colleges Idom; science is gold yellow which sig-
(From Requiem Mass), (Dvorak), Mr. the Museum. Fills Long Felt Want h ud tnifies the wealth contributed by scien-
and Mrs. Wheeler, Miss Howe, and Mr. The exhibition consists of five It is believed that there is a definite sthe ut ae daftd sugesti otific discoveries. Pink was taken
Dewey; March (Lemmens), Mrs hatchets or axes, four knives and (ag- need for a research service of this tions wishing to carry into effect the from the pink brocade prescribed for
Rhead; "Evening" (Guilmant), "Glo- gers besides many other polished flint kind, and that many Michigan indus- recommendations of the conference, tch Oxford doctors of music; olive, al-
ria" (From the 2nd Mass), (Mozart)imp ents. The axes are of flint, tries will avail themselves of the ser- which were as follows:liedtogreen was selected by Pharma-
the chorus choir; "King Ev-ergloious" long and beautifully polished. Two vice as in many cases the type of re- cy so closely allied to medicine; while
.o.'of them have perforations for han des 'search which is necessary may be con-'Adopted Three Types russet was taken by Forestry as the
(From Crucifixion), (Stainer), Mr. 'showing the comparative skill in ducted only with expensive equipment There were to be three types of symbol of the woods in late autumn.
Wheeler; March (Loret), Mrs. Rhead. workmanship at this early age. The such as is contained in many of the gowns: first the bachelor's gown with The prospect of te coming dress
Bible school will be held at 9:30 flint daggers and knives are also p {- University's laboratories. long pointed sleeves to be worn in parade may not be pleasurable to
o'clock this iorning in the Trinity ished and well modeled, some of them The types of services of this depart- conjunction with the Oxford cap. Gr some. No one can condemn a fat man
Lutheran church. A sermon at 10:30 with curved handles to fit the hand. ment are of three kinds. The library mortarboard of serge or broadcloth, for refusing to appear like a baloon,
o'clock, entitled, "The Power of Sin" The chisels, gouges and other inple- service, in addition to making avail decorated with a colored tassel to des- or a slim girl for objecting to dress
wl 'be given by the Rev. L. F. Gunder- ments of gray flint likewise show able the vast scientific library, is pre- ignate the school the master's gown like a stick of black sealing wax.
man. xgreat skill in workmanship. paerd to make photostat prints, do was to have a long closed sleeve, Those, of course, are individual prob-
To Discuss Mysticism and Religion3 Not inferior to this collection is an translations, and other work of a like square at the end which should come lems. There are many who will sell
Morning service in the Unitarian exhibition of paleolithic implements nature. The second division of the below the knee; the doctor's attire their commencement regalia as soon
church will begin at 10:40 o'clock. recentlSy placed on display in the mu- service is for the study of problems was to be like a pulpit or judge's as the exercises are over, but there
~ "Mysticism and Religion". the last Ise iam .T'nat oevora louz I,.nni,in. n inme thonrr no m, gown with round onen sleeves and was wl h e many more who will tck the.

Ten of the biggest men in the field
of religious work representing prac-
tically all of the larger church denom-
inations in the country will attend the
national conference of religious edu-
cational men to be held for three days
in Lane hall beginning next Friday
The conference is being sponsored by
the Student Christian Association
through its vocational committee.
lDelegilles Arrive Tl'iirsday
This will be the first national con-
vention of its kind to be held at a
stato University. Representative:,
bcth men and women, from all the
national church educational boards
will take part in it, These delegates
will dome from New York, Chicago,
Boston and other parts of the country.
They will arrive in Ann Arbor Thurs-
day night.
lt is the ]plan of the Students Christ-
ian Association to throw these iwork-
ers into direct contact with the stu-
dents during their stay in Ann Arbor
so that the latter may learn of 'the
work the church and other Christian
actvities are doing around the coun-
try. Many of the meetings of the dele-
gates will be open to students and oth-
ers, and fraternity ,nd sorority hous-
es are asking the delegates to come
for dinner and to give talks or lead
discussion groups.
The purpose of the conversation is
to consider the question of general
religious work for students and' to
'furnish definite information on the
work that is being done in specializedl
religious fields throughout'the coon-
try. This includes the social service
work being done in the larger cities
and the missionary work that is 'Al-
ing carried on both at honie and
To Consider Student :Work
Regular meetings of the delegates
will begin Friday morning.gs oth open
and closed conferences will be held,
and also discussion groups and gen-
cral meetings. Three days will be de-
voted to these.
On Sunday night a special Univer-
sity Sunda'y service will be held in
Hill Auditorium for the people present
at the convention. Dr. Lynn Harold
Hough, former president of North-
western University, and present pas-
tor of the Central Methodist Church
of Detroit, will give the address at this
time. Norman B. Johnson, '25; is
chairman of the vocational comlmittee,
which is in-' charge of all arrange-
ments for the convention.


Tentative arrangements are now be-
ing made by the geology department,
for a trip to be taken by geology
students to Put-In-Bay, for the pur-
pose of making a study of glacial
action, as this region offers one of
the beat examples in the country of
that feature of the science.
This will be the first trip to Put-In-
Bay that will have been undertaken
by the department for several years"
Last year it was planned to take 'the
trip, but owing to the fact that the
boat service did not open until late in
the spring the excursion was called
The trip is intended primarily for
students' of geology, but after the ac-
con-mnodations are made for them, the
remaining space is .sold to anyone. on
the campus. In former times the
number of excursionists has gone as
high as 600. The cost to the student
is not excessive, the rate being be-
tween four and five dollars. In addi-
tion to the geological interest attached
to the trip, the spot is noted for its
scenic beauty. In the event that the
boat service does 'not open in time, a
special boat i:ay be chartel;ed by the
department for the trip.
Riverside Drive and the jungles of.
Africa mingle in Mary Miles Minter's
latest Paramount offering, "Drums of
Fate," to be shown here Sunday, Mon-
day, and Tuesday.
In the role of "Carol Delliver," so-
cicty debutante, Miss Minter rejects a
sca~re of admirers and then gives her
heart to young "Larry Teck," an- en-
gineer on leave from his African jun-
gle post. He is unexpectedly ordered
back to duty on the day of their mar-
riage, leaving her behind. Word comes
some months later that he has been
killed by natives. A year later "Teck"
who has been wounded and held pris-
oner, comes back and finds his wife
married to an invalid musician, who

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